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Sometime in our professional life, we experienced the feeling of being

burdened, under pressure with the nearing of deadlines and overwhelmed

with the piling of tasks and duties that you may want to scream,

How to avoid burning out due from work stress? Check this out.

1. Set boundaries and know your limitations

Learn to separate your personal and professional life. Issues at home should
not be brought and carried in the workplace. At the same time, tasks in the office
should not be brought at home. Separating these two can create balance between work
and family.

2. Schedule a time to rest

Productive people maintain a regular and consistent schedule for rest. Study
shows that a person is more productive, both on the personal and professional aspect,
if not stressed. Taking a power nap during noon breaks and setting a time schedule for
sleeping at night can regenerate energy.

3. Keep a planner and a journal

Planning ahead of time can lead to an organize personal and professional life.
Keep a planner intended for personal use wherein you can place schedule for doctor's
visits, personal appointments, errands, to-do's at home and another planner intended
solely to monitor schedules for office meetings, deadlines, office errands and more.

Be systematic and organize by writing everything in a planner. This is one way

to declutter your mind and provide focus at the task on hand.

A journal, on the other hand, records events that happened, either in your
personal life or at the workplace.

4. Ask for help

If tasks and duties seemed to be overwhelming, don't hesitate to seek for

assistance. Asking for help never equates to weakness and ineffectiveness. The "I can
do it all" mindset may eventually lead you to being overwhelmed with all the tasks
and might swallow you to a burden of responsibility. Delegating tasks and seeking for
help will foster strong relationship and develop teamwork.

5. Reward your self

In every success or victory, small or big it may be, don't forget to reward
yourself. Rewarding ourselves for a successful business presentation, approved
proposal or simply hitting the monthly target is a way to remind us that we are doing
well in our professional life.

Have you already practiced all these five, simple yet effective tips to avoid burnout
from work stress? If not, which among the tips could be easy or challenging?

Let me know your thoughts.

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