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Liturgical Leaflet for an Active Participation in the Celebration of the Eucharist

1 September 2019 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C


Long Live the Humble and the Generous

T his Sunday, the Word of God invites us to reflect on the disastrous

consequences of pride and the preciousness of humility. Pride was
what cast Lucifer into hell. Ambition was what brought Adam and
Eve to disobey God.
Pride has caused so much suffering to millions of human beings.
Its opposite – HUMILITY – brings joy, peace and encouragement to all.
Humble people readily acknowledge that all the good qualities they have
are gifts from God and that every success has its origin and support in Him.
In this Eucharistic celebration let us ask for the grace to be truly
HUMBLE. This will enable us to be GENEROUS and thereby become a
source of blessings and happiness for so many of our brothers and sisters.
As we begin observing the month devoted to honor our catechists
and teachers, let us include them in our prayers, together with the
beneficiaries of their teaching efforts and good example.

arrogant. Lord, have mercy! God, Son of the Father, you take
All – Lord, have mercy! away the sins of the world, have
P –You accepted the humili- mercy on us; you take away the
ation of the cross for our sins of the world, receive our
Entrance Antiphon prayer; you are seated at the right
(To be recited only when no Entrance sake. Christ, have mercy!
All – Christ, have mercy! hand of the Father, have mercy
Hymn is sung.) on us. For you alone are the Holy
Have mercy on me, O Lord, P –You are exalted at the right One, you alone are the Lord, you
for I cry to you all the day long. hand of the Father. Lord, alone are the Most High, Jesus
O Lord, you are good and for- have mercy! Christ, with the Holy Spirit, in the
giving, full of mercy to all who All–Lord, have mercy! glory of God the Father. Amen!
call to you. P – May almighty God have
mercy on us, forgive us our sins, Collect (Opening Prayer)
Greeting and bring us to everlasting life. P –God of might, giver of every
P – Blessed be God who exalts All – Amen! good gift, put into our hearts the
the lowly and rejects the proud. love of your name, so that, by
May His love and peace be with Gloria deepening our sense of rever-
you all! All – Glory to God in the high- ence, you may nurture in us what
All – And with your spirit! est, and on earth peace to people is good and, by your watchful
of good will. We praise you, care, keep safe what you have
Penitential Act we bless you, we adore you, we nurtured.
P –As we are about to celebrate glorify you, we give you thanks Through our Lord Jesus
the Sacred Mysteries, let us hum- for your great glory, Lord God, Christ, your Son, who lives and
bly acknowledge our unworthi- heavenly King, O God, almighty reigns with you in the unity of
ness, and ask the Lord for pardon Father. the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever
and strength. (Pause) Lord Jesus Christ, Only Be- and ever.
P – You reject the proud and the gotten Son, Lord God, Lamb of All – Amen!
inheritance; you restored the P – A proclamation from the
land when it languished. Your holy Gospel according to
flock settled in it; in your good- Luke
ness, O God, you provided it All – Glory to you, O Lord!
1st Reading Sir 3:17-18.20. for the needy. R. On a Sabbath Jesus went
28-29 to dine at the home of one of
Humility, eagerness to 2nd Reading Heb 12:18-19. the leading Pharisees, and the
learn real wisdom, and generos- 22-24 people there were observing
ity people virtues exalted by the Jesus is the mediator of the him carefully. He told a par-
wise people of old like Sirach. New Covenant, the new rela- able to those who had been in-
His advice is most appropriate tionship with God which is char- vited, noticing how they were
even in our days, for the virtues acterized not by fear, but by trust choosing the places of honor at
he inculcates are timeless val- and communion with angels and the table.
ues. saints. “When you are invited by
R –A proclamation from the R –A proclamation from the someone to a wedding banquet,
Book of Sirach Letter to the Hebrews do not recline at table in the
place of honor. A more distin-
My child, conduct your Brothers and sisters:
guished guest than you may
affairs with humility and You have not approached
have been invited by him, and
you will be loved more than a that which could be touched
the host who invited both of
giver of gifts. Humble yourself and a blazing fire and gloomy
you may approach you and say,
the more, the greater you are, darkness and storm and
‘Give your place to this man,’
and you will find favor with a trumpet blast and a voice
and then you would proceed
God. What is too sublime for speaking words such that those
with embarrassment to take
you, seek not, into things be- who heard begged that no mes-
the lowest place. Rather, when
yond your strength search not. sage be further addressed to
you are invited, go and take the
The mind of a sage appre- them.
lowest place so that when the
ciates proverbs, and an atten- No, you have approached
host comes to you, he may say,
tive ear is the joy of the wise. Mount Zion and the city of
‘My friend, move up to a higher
Water quenches a flaming the living God, the heavenly
position.’ Then you will enjoy
fire, and alms atone for sins. Jerusalem, and countless an-
the esteem of your companions
gels in festal gathering, and
The Word of the Lord! at the table. For everyone who
the assembly of the firstborn
All – Thanks be to God! exalts himself will be humbled,
enrolled in heaven, and God
but the one who humbles him-
the judge of all, and the spirits
Responsorial Psalm Ps 68 self will be exalted.”
of the just made perfect, and
Then he said to the host
R –God, in your goodness, you Jesus, the mediator of a new
who invited him, “When you
have made a home for the covenant, and the sprinkled
hold a lunch or a dinner, do
poor! blood that speaks more elo-
not invite your friends or your
quently than that of Abel.
brothers or your relatives or
The Word of the Lord! your wealthy neighbors, in case
All – Thanks be to God! they may invite you back and
you have repayment. Rather,
Gospel Acclamation Mt 11:29 when you hold a banquet, in-
vite the poor, the crippled, the
All – Alleluia! Alleluia! lame, the blind. Blessed indeed
“Take my yoke upon you,” will you be because of their
says the Lord, “and learn inability to repay you, for you
from me, for I am meek will be repaid at the resurrec-
and humble of heart.” tion of the righteous.”
* The just rejoice and ex- Alleluia! Alleluia!
ult before God; they are glad The Gospel of the Lord!
and rejoice. Sing to God, chant Gospel Lk 14:1.7-14 All – Praise to you, Lord Jesus
praise to his name; whose name Jesus is the perfect model Christ!
is the Lord. R. of humility and generosity, and
* The father of orphans and wants all his followers to prac- Homily
the defender of widows is God tise these virtues. The sight of
in his holy dwelling. God gives people scrambling for places of Profession of Faith
a home to the forsaken; he honor gives him the opportunity (Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed)
leads forth prisoners to pros- to inculcate these virtues in the
All –I believe in one God, the Fa-
perity. R. guests and in us.
ther almighty, maker of heaven
* A bountiful rain you show- P –The Lord be with you! and earth, of all things visible
ered down, O God, upon your All –And with your spirit! and invisible.
1 September 2019
I believe in one Lord Jesus C –Lord, you established civil P –Lift up your hearts!
Christ, the Only Begotten Son authorities to promote the com- All – We lift them up to the Lord!
of God, born of the Father be- mon good. May our leaders pro- P –Let us give thanks to the
fore all ages. God from God, mote justice, peace and the wel- Lord our God!
Light from Light, true God from fare of all citizens. Let us pray! R. All –It is right and just!
true God, begotten, not made, C –Lord, you enabled a number P – It is truly right and just,
consubstantial with the Father; of countries to reach outstand- our duty and our salvation, al-
through him all things were ing economic and technologi- ways and everywhere to give
made. For us men and for our cal progress. May their leaders you thanks, Lord, holy Father, al-
salvation he came down from extend generous help to the de- mighty and eternal God, through
heaven, (bow)* and by the Holy veloping nations in a spirit of Christ our Lord.
Spirit was incarnate of the Vir- human solidarity. Let us pray! R. For out of compassion for
gin Mary, and became man.* the waywardness that is ours,
For our sake he was crucified C –Lord, You are our first
Catechist and Teacher. May he humbled himself and was
under Pontius Pilate, he suf- born of the Virgin; by the pas-
fered death and was buried, and all catechists and teachers
throughout the Philippines be sion of the Cross, he freed us
rose again on the third day in from unending death, and by
accordance with the Scriptures. an inspiration to their students
in their words, attitudes and rising from the dead, he gave us
He ascended into heaven and is life eternal.
seated at the right hand of the actions. Let us pray! R.
C –Lord, you want that all of us And so, with Angels and
Father. He will come again in Archangels, with Thrones and
glory to judge the living and the form a community of brothers
and sisters bound together by Dominions, and with all the
dead and his kingdom will have hosts and Powers of heaven, we
no end. mutual respect and love. May
we avoid any act of pride which sing the hymn of your glory, as
I believe in the Holy Spirit, without end we acclaim:
the Lord, the giver of life, who destroys such a communion. Let
All –Holy, holy, holy Lord, God
proceeds from the Father and us pray! R. of hosts. Heaven and earth are
the Son, who with the Father C –Let us pray in silence for our full of your glory. Hosanna in
and the Son is adored and glori- personal intentions. (Pause) the highest!
fied, who has spoken through Let us pray! R. Blessed is he who comes in
the prophets. P –Lord Jesus, you showed the name of the Lord. Hosanna
I believe in one, holy, cath- your disciples how to be humble in the highest!
olic and apostolic Church. I and generous by being the ser-
confess one Baptism for the vant of all and by giving your Memorial Acclamation
forgiveness of sins and I look life for the salvation of mankind.
forward to the resurrection of P –The mystery of faith!
Grant that we may follow your All –We proclaim your Death,
the dead and the life of the world example and thus come to share
to come. Amen! O Lord, and profess your
your eternal life for ever and Resurrection until you
come again!
Prayer of the Faithful All – Amen!
P –Today God’s Word teaches
us the virtues of humility and
generosity. Aware of the gen-
eral inclination to be proud and Preparation of the Gifts All – Our Father . . .
stingy, let us ask for the grace of P –Deliver us, Lord . . .
these virtues for ourselves and P – Pray, brethren . . .
All – May the Lord accept the All –For the kingdom, the
all our brothers and sisters. Let power, and the glory are
us pray together: sacrifice at your hands, for the
praise and glory of his name, yours, now and for ever.
All – Lord, graciously hear us! for our good and the good of all
his holy Church.
Sign of Peace
C –Lord, you established the
Church to be the instrument of Breaking of the Bread
Prayer over the Offerings
salvation for all. May she fulfill All – Lamb of God, you take
her mission with humility, faith- P –May this sacred offering,
away the sins of the world: have
fulness, and dedication. Let us O Lord, confer on us always the
mercy on us. (2×)
pray! blessing of salvation, that what
R. Lamb of God, you take
it celebrates in mystery it may
C –Lord, you gave the Pope and away the sins of the world:
accomplish in power.
all our religious leaders the task grant us peace.
Through Christ our Lord.
to teach the Gospel in words and All – Amen!
deeds. May they persevere in Communion
the good work of building your Preface II P –Behold the Lamb of God, be-
Kingdom in the hearts of all P –The Lord be with you! hold him who takes away the sins
people. Let us pray! R. All –And with your spirit! of the world. Blessed are those
22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time (C)
called to the Supper of the Lamb. Through Christ our Lord. and not in view of earthly
All –Lord, I am not worthy All – Amen! reward.
that you should enter under All – Amen!
my roof, but only say the word
and my soul shall be healed. P –May the peace of God which
is beyond all understanding
Communion Antiphon keep your hearts and minds
(To be recited only when no P –The Lord be with you. in the love that opens the
Communion Hymn is sung.) All – And with your spirit! door of eternal life.
How great is the goodness, P –Bow your heads and pray for All – Amen!
Lord, that you keep for those God’s blessing. (Pause)
P – And may the blessing of al-
who fear you. – May the Lord make you
grow in sincere humil- mighty God: the Father, and
ity and thereby enjoy the the Son, and the Holy Spir-
Prayer after Communion
blessings He bestows on the it, come down on you and
P –Renewed by this bread from remain with you for ever.
the heavenly table, we beseech humble of heart.
All – Amen! All – Amen!
you, Lord, that, being the food
of charity, it may confirm our P –May He give you a generous P –Go in peace, glorifying the
hearts and stir us to serve you in heart that you may do good Lord by your life!
our neighbor. to all only for love of Him All – Thanks be to God!


by Jess P. Balon

A literal and superficial interpretation of the conclu-

sion of the first part of today’s Gospel passage
can be misleading. It sounds as if one should choose
intentions or dealings . . . . Proud people feel a de-
vouring need to display their trophies and achieve-
ments. They absolutely refuse even to contemplate
the lowest place in order to be invited to move higher, the possibility of failing, but all the while they keep
right in front of everybody. (See Lk 14:10.) Such an “nose-diving” into their final, irreparable failure – hell!
intention/attitude could hardly be called humility. Nor Diametrically opposite to such spiritual misery
can this form of subtle hypocrisy be what Jesus is and self-destructive attitude towers humility, the
trying to teach his fellow guests and us. sign and fruit of a wonderful spiritual richness. Hum-
This section states a fact – how God (the Host) ble persons see themselves and others as gifts. They
will treat those who in this life have treasured and readily acknowledge this truth, and joyfully thank the
practised humility, and how he will humiliate those Donor. Mary is the most stupendous example of such
who have proudly exalted themselves. (See v. 11. spiritual richness. (See the “Magnificat,” especially
See also Mary’s Canticle, Lk 1:52.) All this amounts Lk 1:46-49.)
to an exaltation of God’s justice and fairness. Happy in receiving with gratitude, and happier
He promises a reward to all those who deserve still in giving without expecting thanks or reward,
it (see Mt 10:42), even as He threatens punishment humble people readily rejoice in the good qualities or
to the unworthy. And rightly so, for there is nothing successes of their neighbor. They see no place, no
more pleasing than genuine humility, and nothing occupation as being too low for them, while consider-
more revolting than pride. While pride is the ultimate ing all others worthier than themselves.
root of all sins and vices, humility is the mother of all Humble people see themselves as having the
virtues. Quite simply, these are the two fundamental mission to be helpful to others, and continuously try
their best to accomplish such mission. They can be
opposite attitudes which will determine our eternal defined as “people for others.” When they fail, they
destiny. never feel humiliated, for even the most bitter failure
Contrary to all appearances, pride is the mani- is for them a stepping stone toward the final success
festation of a terrible spiritual poverty and blindness. – heaven!
In their moral blindness, proud people refuse to rec- Jesus Christ, the greatest of all, was also the
ognize that all the good qualities and assets they most humble of all. He is the champion and model of
possess are gifts from the Lord. all the humble. (See Jn 13:3-5.12-15.) All his life (in-
Deeply envious of the qualities or success of cluding his death) was the clearest example of what
others, they deny them or attribute them to wrong a humble person should be and do.

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