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Wicca Crystal Magic

Fundamentals of Wiccan Crystal

Magic for Beginners. Use the Power
of Gems and Stones to Heal, Protect
or Attract Love and Health.Simple
Spells Included.

Crystal Marie Moonshine

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Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Incorporating Crystal Magic into Wicca
A Brief Overview of the God and the Goddess
Preparing to Work With Magic
Lunar Magic and Crystals
Crystal Correspondences and the Sabbats
Humanity's Affinity for Crystals
Chapter 2: Essential Crystals Every Wiccan Should Own
Chapter 3: Crystals and Their Healing Energy
Chapter 4: Magical Correspondences of Crystals, Gemstones and Metals
Chapter 5: Crystal Spells, Crystal Grids, Amulets and Talismans

Congratulations for downloading WICCA CRYSTAL MAGIC, Fundamentals

of Wiccan Crystal Magic for Beginners. Use the Power of Gems and Stones
to Heal, Protect or Attract Love and Health, and thank you for doing so.
The magical power of crystals has been used throughout humanity’s history
for medicine, success, overcoming misfortune and attaining heights of power,
success and happiness. Today, we can still tap into this divine energy and
enhance each and every aspect of our lives from the mundane to the magical.
The following chapters will discuss the history of humanity’s use of crystals,
an overview of the Wiccan year, its sabbats, esbats and beliefs, a guide to
color magic and the power of the chakras, the ways we can use crystals to
heal our bodies, minds and spiritual energies, the metaphysical and magical
properties of crystals and spells, grids, amulets, baths and sachets to use with
crystal magic, that you can get started on today.
There are plenty of books on this subject on the market, thanks again for
choosing this one! Every effort was made to ensure it is full of as much
useful information as possible, please enjoy!
Chapter 1: Incorporating Crystal Magic into

When one hears the word ‟ crystals” in the context of neo-pagan and new
age healing, magic and meditative practices, it can refer to a variety of things
such as metals, minerals and gemstones. While using crystal magic may seem
like a new practice, it is as ancient as the concept of the Goddess and magic
For Wiccans, using these gifts of the Earth in ritual and spellcasting is only
natural. In addition, learning about the magical correspondences of metals,
gems and minerals becomes a passionate hobby, adding to one’s collection
and book of shadows with new and interesting ways to incorporate the
natural world into one’s spellcraft.
When we look at the chemical composition and origin of crystals, we begin
to see how these factors affect their energy and how such energy can
influence our environment, our magical work and even our bodies and minds.
Using crystals in Wiccan bridges the gap between science and magic; the
latter being a subject that many believe is simply another area of science, to
date unexplored by traditional researchers, but a matter of great interest to the
scientists, chemists and philosopher of ancient times.
A Brief Overview of the God and the Goddess
In Wicca, as in many other neo-pagan faiths, worship revolves around the
idea that the universe is divided into two forms of energy, the divine feminine
and the divine masculine. Within each life form, these two forms exist, but
for the majority of life one area is more prominent than the other (though not
the case with all life, or even with all deities—the agender deity Inari Okami
of agriculture being a good example).
The Goddess is our planet itself, Mother Earth. She creates all life and
watches over it, feeding it with Her nourishment and constant energy. The
Goddess is worshipped in Her three life phases and these phases mirror our
own lives as human men and women.
She is at first the Maiden: new, bold, adventurous and unafraid of new
experiences and challenges. She breathes life into the frozen ground in
Winter, giving courage to the sleeping seeds to push through the soil and
awaken under the attention of the Sun. The Maiden is present during Imbolc,
the first sabbat of the mundane year and the third sabbat of the pagan year, as
well as Ostara when we celebrate the end of winter and the renewal of life.
The Maiden is whom we turn to, to help us with new choices and when we
need to be bold, brash and courageous. She is a warrior spirit and a pioneer,
as well as a confidante and best friend.
The Goddess is next to the Mother and in this role, She fulfills Her purpose
as the creator. She reunites with the God and restores life to the world after
Winter’s sleep. The Mother brings us gifts in the form of the beasts of the
land and the sea, of the crops of the field and wild forage of the forests. She
feeds us with Her lifeforce and so we celebrate Her at least eight times a year,
at each sabbat.
There is never an inappropriate time to reach out to the Goddess as Mother.
Whether it be Isis, Freya, Selene, Yemaya, Corn Mother, Hathor or Hecate,
we can connect with the Mother Goddess for guidance, spiritual nourishment,
centering and grounding, healing, or just to feel the love of the divine
feminine encircling us, keeping us happy and safe.
The Goddess as Mother is revered all year long, but especially at Beltane and
Litha, when fertility and abundance are at their most high and the land
overflows with beauty and bounty.
Finally, the Goddess is worshipped as the Crone and in this role, She is the
village elder, the matriarch, the beloved grandmother and the wise, old witch.
She is the mysterious woman living in the wood, who—if we’re brave
enough—will enlighten us with wisdom and arcane knowledge while filling
our bellies with tea and cakes.
Crone Goddess energy is, frankly, glorious. The Crone has been both a
Maiden as well as a Mother, so She understands those milestones and can
give us guidance about them. She has also been a Warrior, a Trickster, a
Medicine Woman and a Mage. The Crone has built civilizations and possibly
burned them down as well. She’s been placed and is happy to share her
wisdom with the curious and respectful.
The Goddess as Crone is worshipped particularly at Mabon, Samhain and
Yule, though She is available all year for guidance and insight. Reach out to
Her for strength and encouragement and to give thanks for lessons
unexpectedly learned.
Regardless of gender, anyone can identify with the Goddess in Her Triple
forms. She is life itself and so we walk in Her beautiful ways and footsteps.
The God is the consort of the Goddess. He walks the Earth in magic and
might, a divine shepherd, expert hunter, powerful healer and creator of
inventions, art and tools. He teaches us language, how to start a fire, how to
rock a baby to sleep and how to cure an illness through the powers of herbs.
The God, too, is revered as we follow the sabbats and esbats of the Wheel of
the Year. His life cycles are attuned to the seasons as well as the journey of
the Earth around the Sun.
The Horned God of Wicca is often mistaken for the Christian ideas of Satan
and ‟ the devil”, but Wiccans and pagans don’t recognize this concept and
instead worship the Horned God as a god of nature and of wild beasts. He is
both the protector of the natural world as well as a hunter—an apex predator
who teaches us to take when necessary but to give as often as we can to
restore the balance.
The Horned God is worshipped at many different sabbats, such as Samhain,
Beltane, Litha and Lammas. Some deities are thought to be variations of
Him, such as Cernunnos, Bacchus and Pan.
The Green Man of Wicca can be found inscribed into the stone of countless
churches across Britain, Ireland and Scotland. He is the shepherd of trees,
guardian of plants and Wild Man of the wood and the bush. His beard and
hair are wreathed in ivy and His ebullient, feral eyes stare at us, daring us to
journey into the natural world in perfect love and perfect trust.
The Green Man is at the height of His power during Midsummer, also known
as Litha, but He stalks the forests and fields all year long. The Green Man is
also known as Herne the Hunter, Robin Hood and Lugh.
The Sun God of Wicca is joined by countless solar deities, worshipped since
the dawn of humanity. The sun gives us life; without it, Earth would be void,
or at the very least, devoid of plants and animals—including humans. The
Wheel of the Year follows not only the seasons but the reason behind those
seasons—the Earth’s journey around the sun. Metaphorically and honoring
our ancestral traditions, we regard the Sun God as going on a spiritual
journey, succumbing to the darkness of Winter but being reborn at Yule, to
journey back to us as He grows in maturity.
The Holly King of Wicca rules the ‟ dark” half of the year when the Sun is
farthest from us and the nights are longest. He is born at Lammas, only to be
usurped by the Oak King at Midsummer.
The Oak King of Wicca rules the ‟ light” half of the year when the Sun is
closest and the days are longer. He is born at Yule and is in the height of His
reign at Midsummer.
Preparing to Work With Magic
Before you cast your first (or one hundredth) spell, it is important to cleanse
oneself of any residual spiritual energies. When we leave our home and
sacred spaces, we spend time in places where many other people and energies
have crossed, lingered and left behind traces of their own power. This is why
many cultures have guests remove their shoes before entering the home: we
can track in spiritual ‟ dirt” that must be smudged away, or asperged, or
swept clean by the thorough use of a besom and salt.

Before you spiritually cleanse, you should wash in the mundane method:
always seek to smudge a physically clean body. Although our ancestors may
have joined the Mabon circle fresh from working in the fields, we have the
privilege of taking a shower before we partake in ritual or spellwork.

To cleanse ourselves spiritually, using sage, Palo Santo, or rosemary smoke

works well, moving in counterclockwise circles up and down the body. We
may also asperge with saltwater, rosewater, or Florida water. Whatever
method you use, don’t forget to also clear your mind of clutter and negative
thought. You should be calm and ready to open yourself spiritually to
whatever ritual or magical work you’re about to partake in before you cast
your circle.

Magical Tools
Wiccan altar tools include the athame—a dual-edged ritual knife, the wand—
made of a variety of sacred woods, the pentagram, the cauldron, the boline—
a sharp-bladed knife for cutting herbs and other materials, the bell, the
asperger—a bundle of sacred herbs blessed with water or cleansing potions
and the besom. A Wiccan may have all of these, or none at their altar—the
choice is up to the witch.

Casting a Spell
When a spell is nearly complete, it’s important to recite ‟ words of casting”,
in order to send the magic out into the universe for manifestation. When the
steps of the spell have been taken, recite:

‟ By the power of three times three, to bring no one harm nor to bring harm
to me, I cast this spell, so mote it be.”

Casting a Circle
When we cast a circle, we first face the Northern compass point of our sacred
space and prepare to do what is called ‟ Calling the Quarters”. As we turn,
we turn clockwise (also known as deosil, or sunwise).
Holding your wand, athame, or simply pointing with your index finger, say:

‟ I call upon the power of the North, of the mountains, the Earth, the soil and
the seed—protect this humble circle with your strength and wisdom.”

Turn to the right to face the East and say:

‟ I call upon the power of the East, of the zephyr, the storm, the wind’s song
and the eagle—protect this humble circle with your insight and your grace.”

Turn to the right to face the South and say:

‟ I call upon the power of the South, of the phoenix and the cauldron, the Sun
and the flame—protect this humble circle with your passion and
Turn to the right to face the West and say:

‟ I call upon the power of the West, of the ocean’s mysteries and the river’s
gifts, of the heart and of memory—protect this humble circle with your
healing and your treasures.”

Now say:

‟ The circle is cast.” You may begin your work.

Opening a Circle
When you have completed your work, meditation, consecration, or spells, it
is time to open the circle. Facing the North, say:

‟ Hail guardians of the North, go in peace.”

Turn to the right and face the East and say:

‟ Hail guardians of the East, go in peace.”

Turn to the right and face the South and say:

‟ Hail guardians of the South, go in peace.”

Turn to the right and face the West and say:

‟ Hail guardians of the West, go in peace.”

Say, finally:

‟ Go in peace, return in love and trust. The circle is open but unbroken.”

After the magic is cast, a ritual conducted, or after you raise any spiritual
energy, it’s important to ground this energy so that it doesn’t remain in your
body, running rampant. The easiest way to do this is simply to kneel on the
floor or ground, palms down. Imagine the energy as water and you are a
faucet. The water is running from your body into the Earth, where the
Goddess will collect it and repurpose it to promote and continue life’s cycles.
Lunar Magic and Crystals
In addition to the sabbats of the Wheel of the Year, Wiccans follow the lunar
cycles. Gatherings or ritual magic during one point of these cycles is called
an esbat. While an esbat is most traditionally observed during a full moon, it
can be observed at any significant point of a lunar cycle and certainly by the
solitary practitioner as they choose.
The New Moon is a time when many of us may feel uneasy because the New
Moon begins to unfurl changes in the natural world and within us. It’s
important to remember that change is a necessary part of life: without change,
the Harvest would not grow from seed to maturity and without change, the
soil would not receive the nutrition it needs from plants dying and completing
their life cycle by decaying into the ground. Rebirth is a very important part
of the Wheel of the Year and the cycles of the natural world. In our own
lives, it can feel frightening to let go of things that no longer serve us and
move on to more challenging ideas and goals, rather than keeping to habits
and actions that are easy and familiar.
We may learn, however, through working with magic during the New Moon,
that if we take a bold step in the direction of the future, it often pays off: new
business ventures, job searches, opening our eyes and hearts to new love and
romance and new journeys of the spirit are all the sort of thing we can
explore through ritual, meditation and spellwork during the New Moon. The
New Moon is ruled by the Maiden and as such favors adventure,
rejuvenation, career change, new romance and learning.
Stones to work with during the New Moon include: Aquamarine,
Labradorite, Iolite, Clear Quartz, and Garnet
The Waxing phase of the Moon is all about growth and building up to
something bigger than ourselves. Perhaps we are slowly changing our
spending habits or saving money for a long-awaited vacation or new home.
Other worthy goals to assist with witchcraft include health, weight loss (think
of it as gaining muscle and physical strength, rather than merely losing fat or
immobility), acquiring knowledge, reaching new heights of success with
one’s career and gaining personal insight and understanding.
During the Waxing Moon, we honor both (or either) the Maiden and the
Mother aspects of the Goddess. We can also reach out and connect with the
Horned God or Hunter aspect of the God if we are seeking things with which
we need some assistance.
Stones to work with during the Waxing phase of the Moon include: Sunstone,
Tiger’s Eye, Amber, Petrified Wood, Carnelian and Rose Quartz
The Full Moon is when the lunar body is at its most powerful and potent.
The Mother Goddess is worshipped at this time and may reveal Her mysteries
to us. There is no ‟ wrong” magic to practice at this time. It is a time of
transformation, fruition, revelation and standing in our power as children of
the universe.
The Full Moon is also a time of making sure our magical tools, implements
and crystals are refreshed, cleansed and recharged by the powerfully divine
lunar light. It’s a time of magical housekeeping and even if we merely care
for our items and take a little time for self-reflection, rather than work a
magical spell, just the mere acknowledgment of the Full Moon is a worthy
practice that helps us keep aligned with the natural world and the cycles of
the universe.
Stones to work with during the Full Moon include: Moonstone, Selenite,
Black Tourmaline, Pyrite, Diamond, Pearl and Clear Quartz.
The Waning phase of the Moon is a time of release, of letting go, of
cleansing, banishing and exorcising. We may let go of old ways of thinking,
bad habits, choices that are negatively affecting us, even people who have
done us harm but with whom we were still somehow attached. Perhaps we do
not want to make any bold move but experience the spiritual tides of the
world slowly pulling away, we can meditate now and feel our own physical
cycles move with the push and pull of the Moon itself and revel in the
miracle of life, death and rebirth.
The Waning phase of the Moon is governed by the Crone aspect of the
Goddess. She is there to guide us in our search for connection and for
wisdom. If we have any questions, She is there to answer them, but we will
need patience, respect and quiet. The saying ‟ We were given two ears and
one mouth, so that we should listen more than we speak” comes to mind at
this time. Be mindful in your actions and see what areas of your life contain
things that should be swept out, as we sweep the dust of Winter’s hours out
the door during Spring cleansing.
Stones to work with during the Waning phase of the Moon include: Onyx,
Obsidian, Hematite, Smoky Quartz and Garnet
The Dark Moon is the time when we cannot see the Moon at all. At this time,
the Crone reigns supreme and while there is no light coming from the night
sky, much can be revealed in terms of truth and wisdom. We may perform
magic to make sense of a liar’s words, or even reveal areas within ourselves
where we have been untruthful, such as denying that something is harmful to
us, or that a relationship we thought was beneficial is actually quite the
Stones to work with during the Dark Moon include: Bloodstone, Moss Agate,
Garnet, Obsidian, Iron and Howlite
Crystal Correspondences and the Sabbats
The most important sabbat of the Wiccan Wheel of the Year, Samhain is the
second time during the year that the veil between the mortal world and spirit
world is thin—meaning it becomes easier for us to communicate with our
ancestors, spirit guides and the God and the Goddess.
This is both a somber and sweet time when we’re aware of the coming
Winter but we still take delight and comfort in the recent Harvest. We bedeck
the altar and table in warm colors, light magnificent bonfires, hollow out
pumpkins in the traditions of farmers of old, who carved turnips to use as
spirit-lights to guide the wayward dead through the fields and to a mute
supper at their table.
The Crone Goddess holds sway during Samhain. It is a good sabbat for
divination, transformative magic, gathering with friends and family and
communing with the spirit world. Looking inward and uncovering secrets and
mysteries about one’s self is also a good practice on this night, also known as
All Hallow’s Eve, Halloween and All Saints.

Crystals for Samhain Magic

Hematite: Good for grounding, providing insight and sharpening one’s

focus, instilling courage and protecting one from negative spirits
during invocation and ritual.

Fluorite: This stone is beloved of Neptune, the ocean god and as such
can help bridge the gap between deep, arcane knowledge and
mysteries. It strengthens psychic energies and can help with divination.
Smoky Quartz: This darker type of quartz is well-suited to this somber
night and aids in focusing during meditation.

Obsidian: This ‟ crystal” is formed by volcanoes and is actually a

form of glass. It can absorb negative energy and protect the user just
like hematite, as well as serve as a ‟ mirror” to the spirit, imparting
great insights about ourselves on this night of reflection.

Howlite: Reminding us of bones, this stone is soothing to the touch and

can help us connect with the spirit world and our ancestors. It can
assist us during meditation and tarot reading to help us recall aspects of
our past selves, as well as help us communicate with our ancestors.

Labradorite: This beautiful stone is filled with lunar magic and

enhances our psychic ability to help us with divination.

During this time of year, we gather together for comfort and cheer, in the
midst of the longest night and the shortest day. This is the Winter Solstice
and the night when the Sun King is born again. We give thanks for His
rebirth, but know that His journey will be long and Spring is still far off.
Bedecking one’s home and altar with light is a key factor in celebrating Yule,
as well as lighting fires to honor the Sun God. The Mother Goddess is
revered as well, for giving birth to the God so that we might have the healing
and nourishing rays of the Sun once more, come Spring and Summer.

Crystals for Yule Magic

Blue Calcite: Enlivens the spirit, encourages good cheer and optimism.
Wear in jewelry when caroling (traditionally known as ‟ wassailing”),
as blue calcite is connected both with the element of Air and the throat
chakra. Blue calcite soothes, lending us energy but keeping us
balanced and kind.

Garnet: Many of us feel stressed during this time of year; regardless of

how we celebrate, we are often caught up in the commercialism of the
season, as well as our community’s and neighbor’s energies. We may
take on too many responsibilities when instead; we should be focused
on nurturing ourselves and our loved ones in simple, peaceful ways.
Garnet grounds us and helps us soothe ragged emotions. It is a good
stone for de-stressing and can help us make sense out of a chaotic

Fuchsite: Imparts comfort to the user and wearer and encourages self-
love and acceptance. Can help you feel the cheer of the Yuletide
season if you’re instead feeling blue, or lonely.

Moss Agate: This stone is connected with the element of Earth, as well
as the root and heart chakras. Looking at its various colors, one is
reminded of a coniferous wood on a Winter’s night—magical and
mysterious. Use Moss Agate to connect to the natural world during

Clear Quartz: This beautiful stone reminds us of the purpose of Yule

—to celebrate Light in all its forms and to surround ourselves of the
beauty of Light and the Sun God during the darkest night of the year.

This is the time of year when hope returns to the frozen ground and the first
shoots of plants push their way through the soil, reminding us that the
Goddess is returning, like Persephone, from the Underworld to grace the
Earth with life and growth.
This is the time of the year of the Maiden Goddess and She reminds us that
life is a cycle, constantly renewing itself. This sabbat is also sacred to two fire
goddesses: Brigid, a Celtic goddess and Oya, a Nigerian goddess. Brigid
holds sway over the forge, as well as the creative muse and the bonfire; Oya
rules the marketplace and the cemetery and holds twin swords of lightning
and rainbows.
When we need rejuvenation and inspiration, Imbolc is the perfect sabbat to
reach out and receive a power boost from the indomitable Maiden Goddess
and fire deities.

Crystals for Imbolc Magic

Garnet: This stone is excellent for regeneration. It also purifies the

chakras and is connected to the element of Fire.

Sunstone: This stone’s ‟ star” exists on the surface, unlike the star
sapphire which holds its symbol on its interior. The significance of this
is that Sunstone is bold and overt, lending us strength and courage in
our magical work. It inspires optimism and fiery healing.

This sabbat is what the modern, Christian Easter is based upon; even the
name Easter/Ostara comes from a Proto-Germanic goddess named Eostre,
from which the word estrus comes from.
We celebrate the fertility of the maturing Goddess and the rejuvenation of the
land after Winter. Decorating the altar and home with fresh flowers, painted
eggs, images of hares—another fertility symbol—are all appropriate at this
time of year.
This time of year, we worship both the Mother and the Maiden Goddess. We
can gather together and share meals of dairy and eggs, as well as fresh

Crystals for Ostara Magic

Ocean Jasper: the rarest of Jaspers, this stone teaches us to appreciate

what we have and what gives us joy in life. It lifts the spirit and infuses
us with happiness.

Azurite: A good stone for poets, writers, researchers and teachers—this

stone helps us retain knowledge and relay it back to others in a
compelling way. A stone of storytellers and lore-keepers, Azurite can
strengthen one’s powers of clairvoyance.

Citrine: a powerful money-attractant, Citrine will bring prosperity and

good fortune to the home. It heightens the vibration of the home,
bringing luck and liveliness, as well as calming energy for the mind.

Dendric Agate: Attracts wealth and imparts abundance on a family or

home. Also helps plants grow and connects us with the awakening

Chrysoprase: This beautiful greenstone reminds us of the promise of

coming life and lifts our hopes and dreams so that we can better
manifest them in the coming days.
At this time of year, we celebrate the fertility of the newly-mature and
reunited God and Goddess, with bonfires, maypoles and dancing in the fields,
streets and forests.

Beltane is the first time of the year when the veil between the worlds is thin;
additionally, it is a time when the faerie world celebrates in the woods and
fields and we may encounter them and their circles if we aren’t careful.

Beltane is another fire festival. The word Beltane comes to us from the Celtic
god ‟ Bal”.

Crystals for Beltane Magic

Malachite: This stone is wonderful to protect children and family. It is

said that a child conceived during Beltane will be especially magical.
Malachite encourages social engagement and good cheer, which are
wonderful aspects to help one celebrate Beltane.

Magnetite: Helps one remain grounded during revelry, as well as achieve

one’s desires.

Carnelian: Helps your mind stay present and uncluttered during

meditation and gives you stamina, direction and the courage to make
goals and strive to reach them. Carnelian enhances feminine fertility as
Obsidian: This ‟ crystal” is formed by volcanoes and is actually a
form of glass. It can absorb negative energy and protect the user just
like hematite, as well as serve as a ‟ mirror” to the spirit, imparting
great insights about ourselves on this night of reflection.

Tiger’s Eye: A sunstone, Tiger’s Eye helps us make better choices in

life and attracts wealth.

Also known as Midsummer, Litha is the Summer Solstice and the longest
day and shortest night of the year. During Litha, the Oak King and the Sun
God are revered and at their highest moment of power. Life is full of
abundance, the Harvest is near and we celebrate everything that makes life
worth living. Litha is another fire festival and as such things that remind us of
the fire and sun make sense for altar decorations and activities.
Bonfires are lit to honor the Sun God at His peak and herbs may be cut at
midnight for their fullest potency to be used throughout the following year.
Divination magic concerning true love, one’s potential, creativity and life
path are good things to practice on Litha eve. On Litha, instead of charging
our crystals under the light of the moon, set them out during the day to be
infused with powerful, solar energy.

Crystals for Litha Magic

Amber: During Litha, one of the most powerful things we can do with
magic is to discover (or re-discover, if this was a goal from childhood)
what we truly want to do in our lives. Amber, with its powerful
connection to both the Earth and the Sun, can help us clear away doubt,
confusion and the influence of other people in order to discover what
our soul’s best path is in this lifetime.

Jade: Symbolic of abundance, joy and wealthy, this lucky stone is

perfect for Litha magic. Blue jade will impart peace and ease stress,
taking burdens from your shoulders so that you can think clearly and
without anxiety. White jade can be used to manifest one’s dreams and
desires and yellow jade helps us see the synchronicity around us and
gives us warmth and energy.

Onyx: Good for use on Litha eve, Onyx pushes us to complete tasks,
make goals we can achieve and act with purpose and strength.

Topaz: Connected to the element of Fire and the Sun, Yellow Topaz
aids in healing, meditation and attracting wealth through money magic.

This sabbat is bittersweet, but it is also the first of the three Harvests (Mabon
and Samhain being the other two) and so we can celebrate with our friends
and families and give thanks for the abundance in our lives. During Lammas,
also called Lughnasadh, the god of light, Lugh, throws a legendary feast for
His mother, the goddess of magic. Other legends say that Lugh himself
sacrifices His own life to ensure a bountiful harvest for humanity.
Lammas means ‟ loaf mass” and wheat is its most iconic symbol. Woven
decorations of wheat and corn are common for the altar, table and home.
Lammas’ colors are that of the Harvest and of end of Summer: gold, green,
brown, white. The best magic to perform on this sabbat is that to attract
abundance and also to give thanks for the abundance you already have. One
of the best ways to attract wealth, good fortune and money is to focus on
being grateful every single day. Gratitude begets reasons to have more

Crystals for Lammas Magic

Tiger’s Eye: Helps with attracting abundance, gathering wealth and

raising one’s energy.

White Quartz: Specially formed in what is called an ‟ Abundance

Crystal”, where there is one long point of quartz ending in a cluster of
smaller points.

Yellow Sapphire: Yellow is highly regarded as indicative of wealth

and luxury and Yellow Sapphire will draw these things to you.

Citrine: Placed in the Prosperity spots of your home (look at a Feng

Shui map to discover where that is) will bring money luck to your life
for the rest of the year.

Peridot: This gem speeds up money’s entrance into your life and your

Carnelian: This stone gives you energy and the power to get out of a
rut—financially and ambition-wise.

The second to last sabbat of the year is the high Harvest. We give thanks,
gather with loved ones, look back at the year that has passed and make plans,
goals and steps we want to achieve in the coming new year.
The Holly King is beginning to come to power and the days begin to shorten,
the nights grow cooler and all around us, the world is fading from its height
at Midsummer to something bright but flickering, with darkness lapping at
the edges of our golden days and hours.

Crystals for Mabon Magic

Topaz: Soothes any frayed nerves that may come from approaching
Winter and Seasonal Affective Disorder. It imparts joy in the wearer.

Lapis Lazuli: Balances body, mind and emotions and reminds you of
your purpose.

Hematite: Stores and keeps negative energy from you, while

strengthening self-esteem.

Aventurine: Raises energy and positivity and helps with friendly,

constructive communication.

Coprolite: Allows the mind to adjust from old ways of thinking to new,
strengthen acceptance of others and helps discard thought patterns and
habits that no longer serve us.

Cassiterite: Helps with divination, looking back and reflecting and

building self-worth.
Humanity's Affinity for Crystals
Humans have been obsessed with beautiful stones, gems, metals and other
natural materials since they first began to walk upon the Earth. In Ireland, an
ancient solar temple named Newgrange once had a roof tiled with white
quartz to honor the Goddess. In Guatemala, extraordinarily powerful skulls
carved from the purest clear crystal are dated to be approximately 20,000
years old. The spiritual power emanating from these artifacts is described as
The ancient Egyptians utilized gems and crystals in their architecture as well
as their medicine. Papyruses describing cures for illness using crystals still
exist. Powdered Malachite was given to those suffering from vision disorders
and pharaohs wore crowns set with Malachite stones to impart great wisdom
during their reign.
Ancient peoples of Mexico crafted pyrite mirrors and Native Americans
believed turquoise enabled one to cross to the spirit world easily. The
obsidian glass was used by the Mayans as ritual blades.
In China, spheres carved from clear quartz became treasures, as well as the
much-beloved stone, jade. In India, the connection between stones and the
chakras was studied with great interest, as were the emotional essences of
crystals and gems.
Chapter 2: Essential Crystals Every Wiccan Should

While in modern times, a diamond might be the most highly-prized of gems,
throughout history the amethyst was the most sought after of crystals,
referred to as the ‟ prism of fire”. Amethyst is a variety of quartz and a
powerful crystal to use when working with a variety of areas, such as love,
passion, the divine spirit and creative inspiration. The etymology of the word
‟ amethyst” comes from the Greek for ‟ sober” and so this stone is also
wonderful for working with healing, recovery from addictions and making
sound decisions based on logic, rather than emotion. A fun fact: the ancient
Romans would encrust drinking cups with amethysts in the hope that the
wine they drank would make them less groggy in the morning.
Amethyst is highly versatile, perfect for the beginning witch as well as the
seasoned practitioner of magic. It helps expand one’s perception, both in
artistic areas as well as in debate and matters of academia.

Because Wicca and other pagan faiths love and follow the lunar patterns and
phases so, moonstone is a must to add to any witch’s crystal collection. At
first glance, the moonstone might not seem particularly remarkable: one must
shine the light directly at it, or allow it to catch light from the sun, moon, or a
candle, in order to see its interior magic glow. Herein lies a clue about
moonstone’s power: using moonstone, we can help direct our attention within
ourselves and uncover the knowledge and mysteries there that might have
gone unnoticed otherwise.
Using moonstone can help you get in tune with the Goddess and Her natural

This crystal is a powerhouse of protective energy that is necessary when one
is both a) casting magic and b) heightening one’s awareness of the energies
of both the mundane and the spiritual world. Carrying hematite in some form,
be it a small stone or a ring, can siphon away negative energy from you and
store it safely away. Coming home to meditate or ground with a chunk or
sphere of hematite is as healing as a good back massage; consider this a daily
habit and you’ll always leave any harmful or residual spiritual intentions at
the door.
Hematite can also help you gain the good luck you seek, however—it’s not
just a vessel for malcontent. It’s beautiful, dark and varied surface reminds us
of the potential in all things and that we should strive to achieve our desires.

Clear Quartz
This is by far the most widely-recognized and popular of the crystals used by
modern pagans, witches and Wiccans. When one sees a cluster of clear quartz
catch the light, it is like directly observing magic in action.
Quartz is the Earth’s gift to us: easily found, beautiful even in its rough form,
quartz heals, soothes, nourishes, refreshes and inspires us to tap into our
natural magical abilities. Called ‟ windows of light”, quartz can help us
instantly get into the proper headspace for meditation, ritual and spellcasting.

Bloodstone’s name can be misleading. While many varieties of this crystal
do, in fact, remind us of our blood, other versions look like the Earth seen
from orbit: we can imagine landmasses, deserts, drifting clouds and sapphire
seas. Bloodstone is a living metaphor between the Earthly body and the
symbolic nourishment of the blood of the divine: through yearly sacrifice, the
God gives His body to nourish the world for a better Harvest and the Goddess
gives birth to the God each year during the darkest day and the longest night.
Bloodstone’s other name, Heliotrope, reminds us of its power to inspire and
heal, like the Sun from which it’s named. This powerful wealth-attractant
also brings longevity, good luck and fortitude.

Tiger’s Eye
It’s hard not to sit and stare at this beautiful crystal, with its glowing, golden
bands and dusky ribbons of light. A symbol of courage, might and success,
the tiger’s eye also helps us achieve balance. The tiger’s eye is a sharp eye,
bringing clarity and focus of mind in times of indecision. Wonderful for
attracting the good things in life as well as during meditation for clear inner
journeys, tiger’s eye is a must-have crystal for novices and elders alike.
Because the tiger’s eye gets its coloration in part from iron, it is also a
protective and highly grounding stone. Spellcasting and meditating with
tiger’s eye can help us more easily see our dreams manifest into reality.
Nothing delights nearly as much as a naturally-formed wand of selenite.
Though delicate and softer than many other crystals, selenite asks to be
touched and held, a miracle of the Moon’s light set in the palm of our mortal
hand. It is revered for vibrating at a level of new awakening on Earth: the
coming spiritual changes of the New Age are said to be easily tapped into by
meditating and working with selenite. Many Wiccans prefer a long piece of
selenite to use in place of a traditional, wooden wand when conducting their
magical work.

A geode is not a different crystal itself, but rather the rock-encased shell that
contains a crystal such as amethyst or citrine, or even quartz. What geodes
are excellent for is to help expand our view of a situation: we look beyond the
immediate ideas (the crystal itself) and see the larger ramifications (the rock
beyond the beauty and the foundation to those ideas). Geodes are wonderful
grounding stones—holding one can instantly re-plant us firmly on the Earth
so that we may receive Her healing energy.

The Inuit people believe that labradorite is a heavenly gift, where the colors
and rays of the aurora borealis are captured for humanity to hold and observe.
Merely looking at a piece of labradorite inspires us and fills us with wonder:
it seems as if we somehow acquired the power to hold the manifestation of
magic in the palm of our hands. While inspiring us and delighting us,
labradorite also protects us with its powerful shield against negativity and ill-

This beautiful crystal aids us in manifestation and helps us create positive
change through the force of our will. Connected to the divine energy of the
Sun, citrine does not connect with or hold any negative energy it comes
across, instead, it repels negativity, infusing our hearts with warmth and

This crystal can be found throughout the world and in a variety of colors
other than its most recognizable crimson red. Garnet is symbolic of strength,
passion, life-blood and vitality. There is no subtlety with garnet—it is direct
and strong in communication.
Garnet is reputed to be helpful in bolstering physical health and energy,
purifying and strengthening the blood and boosting the immune system. It
can help us in all matters of regeneration: wherever our energy has been
depleted, garnet can help us get it back, triple-fold.

Obsidian is an interesting crystal because it is formed within volcanoes;
because of this, it has the power to transform. Its reflective surface also
allows us to divine and to look within: all time and space are for inspection
within the black prisms of obsidian: the past, the future, as well as the
When you are in need of personal change, or changes throughout any areas of
your life, work with obsidian to give you the courage and strength to make
that change happen. Obsidian is also useful when tapping into the powers of
the spirit world as well as the underworld. It is a proper crystal to work with
during Samhain and Beltane.

This crystal comes in so many varieties; it seems as if its sole purpose was to
remind us of the variation and diversity of the natural world and of the planet
Earth. Some Jasper reminds us of rolling woodlands, others of ice-capped
mountain ranges, others of burning deserts and still others of sunset-hued
Jasper is a crystal very much imbued with the Mother Goddess’s healing,
stabilizing and grounding energy. It has the power to defend the weak and
heal the strong after life’s many battles. Carried in one’s pocket, jasper can
keep you grounded no matter what situation life tosses your way.

One of the oldest crystals known to humanity, turquoise has adorned the
crowns and scepters of pharaohs, kings and queens. Its name comes from the
fact that it was heavily traded by the Turkish Empire. Turquoise beads have
been found dating as far back as five thousand B.C. Native Americans revere
turquoise for use in funeral rites.
This crystal allows us to connect with fellow humans in a communal, friendly
way. It helps us become the best we can be, as leaders, artisans, thinkers,
speakers and creative beings inheriting the divine spark of creation.

Many of us are aware of the fact that throughout history, pyrite has been
called “fool’s gold”. It is a treasure in its own right, however. It feels heavy
and valuable in the hand and to look at its gleaming quadrants is to view
natural magic on display. Pyrite stimulates the root and sacral chakra, stirring
up primal energies that can help us fuel our dreams and desires.
Pyrite is also highly grounding and protective, thanks to its origins in iron. It
is connected to the divine Fire of the universe and can help us with our
creative spark when meditated with.

One of the most important writers and contributors to Wicca, Cunningham,
said that lapis lazuli was an essential stone for every witch to have. It, too,
has adorned the crowns of pharaohs and monarchs, prized as a treasure. Its
deep blue was considered a rarity in ancient times and still amazes us with its
similarity to the ocean deep and twilight sky complete with gold flecks
reminiscent of countless stars.
Lapis helps us see the truth in any situation. It encourages us to speak our
own truths and stand in our power. Lapis also helps us gain the aid of our
ancestors, standing behind us to guide, guard and protect with their blessings.
Chapter 3: Crystals and Their Healing Energy

Crystals are already used in technology to harness their energy, in modern-

day Western medicines and have been used for thousands of years to heal,
cleanse, rejuvenate and align the energies and systems of the body.

Crystals and the Chakras

To understand exactly what a chakra is, we need to first look at the
etymology of the word. Chakra is a Sanskrit word that means simply
‟ wheel”. This can help us get a better understanding of why chakras can be
blocked, why they often need to be cleared and why they also need an
alignment. Think of the tires of your car, or moving parts in your car’s
engine. If those moving parts don’t work in tandem with each other, the
engine will run poorly or not at all. If your tires aren’t aligned, everything
from gas mileage to the performance of your car and the comfort of its ride
will be affected. Throughout the core of your body, there are seven centers of
energy: moving vortices that effect that section of the body and its systems.
The energy of these vortices, or chakras, is called by another Sanskrit word:
prana, or ‟ life-force”.
More often than not, one chakra is working improperly while the others are
spinning on down the road as they should. That one chakra may be moving
too fast (too much stimulation or stress), moving too slow (a blockage,
creating lethargy) or completely blocked (trauma or illness).
There is a simple meditation that we can do to get in touch with our chakras.
Take time to sit comfortably with perfect posture and breathe deeply,
preferably through your nose and allowing your stomach—not your shoulders
or chest—to expand and contract.
First, imagine your root chakra. This is located at the base of your spine.
Feel the energy there and picture a red, spinning wheel, moving smoothly and
effortlessly, sending energy throughout your lower body and also up through
your spine.
Next, imagine your sacral chakra. This exists just below your navel and its
color is orange. Many of us who deal with stress find it centered here, for
some reason—although poor diet and lack of time for a nutritious meal can
be one of the reasons. Right now, imagine a comfortable, orange glowing ball
of energy, not too hot, just soothing, spinning in that area.
Then, picture solar plexus chakra, which is your sternum and is a few
inches above your navel, give or take. Imagine a yellow wheel of energy,
dutifully turning, sending warmth and vitality to your center and your
Next, feel the glow of your heart chakra and imagine a green ball of energy,
spinning with each pulse of your heart.
Now we have the throat chakra. Imagine a spinning wheel of blue energy,
activating your powers of communication and expression.
Then, move your attention to your forehead and the spot between and
above your eyes. This is your third eye chakra; imagine a glowing ball of
indigo, soothing your mind and your senses, aware of the subtle ripple of
energies around you.
Finally, feel the intensity of your crown chakra, which is on top of your
head. This is where you connect energetically with the universe and with
divine power.

The Root Chakra (aka Muladhara)

This chakra is what supports you and your body, mind and spirit. It acts as an
anchor, or a tether, between you and the Mother Earth. Additionally, the root
chakra contains and controls our basic instincts. It is what we utilize when the
going gets tough and it can cause us to act, quickly, if a situation is beyond
our control.
At the same time, a more modern function of the root chakra is to impress
upon us the need for money to pay the bills, love so that we don’t feel so
alone, camaraderie so that we have people to confide in and laugh with and a
purpose so that we don’t feel useless. The root chakra contains that ineffable
sense of drive and connection with society and the world beyond our door.
The root chakra’s color is red and so, it can be helped by red crystals, such as
garnet, red jasper, ruby and red tiger’s eye.
When the root chakra is in good shape (i.e. not moving too fast, too slow, or
blocked completely), you often feel as if you’ve got your house in order and
your ducks in a row. You are able to feel satisfied with your
accomplishments both major and small. You don’t spend the evenings
questioning your worth or efficacy. You also don’t being alone, because you
feel connected to the world. You feel a sense of security when you think of
your home and a sense of pride when you think of your vocation.
When the root chakra is spinning too quickly, however, these things will
often suffer the result. You’ll wake up feeling unexplained anxiety. Even if
you were to list all the things that are right with your life, your root chakra
would be ringing the warning bells, telling you that everything is wrong.
Your survival instincts have been triggered though there is no image of
danger on the horizon.
So what does one do when the root chakra is shouting fire and foes? Focus on
the spirit in your life. Perhaps you’ve been paying too much attention to the
mundane aspects and not leaving time for meditation or prayer. You’ve been
on auto-pilot and have been successful in caring for house and home, but
your connection to the universe is wanting.
See how often you partake in acts of random kindness to strangers—if you
can’t remember the last time you did, it’s time to step up to the plate and your
root chakra will thank you.
When the root chakra is spinning too slowly, the opposite will occur: the
bills will pile up, you’ll receive late notices, but all you really want to do is
get to that novel you’ve been wanting to write or go outside and soak up the
sun at the beach. Wanting to dream and enjoy the fun moments of life is good
and it makes life worth living, but we cannot do so at the expense of taking
care of the mundane (unless we win the lottery, but even that will require
attention to mundane matters).
In fact, people who have not had to work particularly hard for their survival
often have very weak root chakras. As in all things, balance is vital to a
successful, happy life.
How to help balance your root chakra: for starters, get out into nature.
Connect with the Earth and restore your spiritual tether. Do something fun
that’s physical, not just daydreaming.
Work with red stones to energize the root chakra. You can take one with
you to work and sit with it between the base of your spine and your desk
chair, or simply lay down belly-first on your bed and place a red crystal there
while breathing comfortably.

The Sacral Chakra (aka Svadhishana)

This chakra is what provides energy to your identity and your personality,
including how you express yourself through choices and actions. Your
creativity is seated here, as well as how you choose to enjoy your free time
and have fun. Your sexuality is found here as well and how you express
yourself to those with whom you share intimacy, romantic or otherwise.
When the sacral chakra is in good shape you thoroughly enjoy your
pastimes and pleasures. You do not overindulge, nor do you feel guilty about
them and thus deprive yourself of them. You find time to release your
creative energy healthily and do not get obsessed with projects to the
exclusion of other work.
When the sacral chakra is spinning too quickly, however, we run the risk of
becoming addicted to our pleasures. We may eat for emotional reasons, or
have sex without really feeling connected to the person we’re being intimate
with (even it’s just a fling). You keep trying to enjoy things but everything
tastes bland, metaphorically or literally.
When the sacral chakra is spinning too slowly, the opposite will occur: you
will have zero appetite for life. You may succumb to depression, have zero
inspiration and leave creative projects collecting dust. You may notice a lack
of sex drive or impotency and physical touch may be disturbing to you or
even uncomfortable.
How to help balance your sacral chakra: Similarly to the root chakra, you
must try to have fun, in some small way. Sometimes we have to trick
ourselves into enjoying things again. However, if depression, grief, or
sadness has taken hold, crystals can help free us from these debilitating
Work with orange or amber stones to energize the sacral chakra. Lay down
and place a piece of orange calcite, amber, a sunstone, or a piece of carnelian
on the seat of your sacral chakra. Breathe deeply and do not judge yourself
for feeling ‟ stuck”. Allow the ancient, undeniable energy of the crystal to
slowly work its magic and get your sacral chakra moving properly again.

The Solar Plexus Chakra (aka Manipura)

This chakra means ‟ sparkling jewel” and from it ushers forth our vitality,
our dynamism and our personal power. When you enter into a place or
situation that instantly ‟ feels wrong”, you can thank your solar plexus
chakra for warning you to get out of there, asap.
When the solar plexus chakra is in good shape you feel as if you may not be
perfect, but you’re pretty damn good. You are aware of your own wisdom, of
good decisions you have made and that you’re a strong person when you
need to be. You are confident in a healthy way, especially in situations that
you’re familiar with and that are well-suited to you.
When the solar plexus chakra is spinning too quickly, however, you’re
pretty much a hot mess. You snap at people, have a hair-trigger temper and
you feel a need to control everything, which of course is a red flag that you
are out of control, yourself. Your stomach may be upset often, or you may
realize you have flank pain—tenderness or discomfort in your kidneys and
When the solar plexus chakra is spinning too slowly, you might be
controlled by another person, or have found your energy sucked dry by them.
This can, ironically, come from another person whose solar plexus chakra is
out of sorts, but it can also come from an abusive or toxic person or
overbearing boss or partner.
How to help balance your solar plexus chakra: make a list of things you
know you’re good at. If your reality’s been set askew by a toxic or
overbearing person, ask for backup from a trusted friend or family member.
Remind yourself of who you are. Working with crystals that are good for our
memory and confidence can help heal a wounded solar plexus chakra, as well
as yellow stones, such as citrine and yellow jade.

The Heart Chakra (aka Anahata)

This chakra is exactly what it seems to be: the source and center of our
concept and feelings of love, both for ourselves and for other people. The
Sanskrit name for this chakra means ‟ unhurt”, interestingly and it is
certainly in our best interests to see that it remains so.
When the heart chakra is in good shape you may easily feel love: love for
the world around you, sympathy for strangers, love of a beautiful moment,
self-love when you internally give yourself a pep talk during a difficult
When the heart chakra is spinning too quickly, however, we may begin to
fool ourselves and mistakenly believe we’re falling in love when we’re
merely becoming obsessed. Similar to addictive tendencies due to an off-
kilter sacral chakra, a hyperactive heart chakra has us entering into
relationships, even friendships, too quickly, convinced we’re both a sucker
for love as well a love magnet, when in truth, we’re vulnerable and can easily
be taken advantage of.
When the heart chakra is spinning too slowly, you feel distant, cold,
unwilling to reach out for help or to connect with anyone. Your heart may
feel like a lump of coal in your chest and your life may suddenly be a series
of towers and walls—unreachable by even the most earnest, enthusiastic
The heart chakra can be a stubborn one to activate and also heal. It takes time
and patience. Remember, its natural state is ‟ unhurt”, so if you have to fix
it, treat it like a wound or injury and prepare for a dedicated period of time
for recovery. You may not feel as if you’re capable of loving yourself but
start with respect. We respect to show that we love, so do that and continue
with crystal therapy.
The heart chakra’s color, interestingly, is green. Getting out into nature,
gardening and immersing yourself in the natural world are a great ways to get
started healing this finicky chakra. There is nothing like the verdant shadows
of a forest trail, or a beautiful sunrise, to give us hope and make us feel,
again. Work with green crystals such as peridot, malachite, moss agate and
jade to slowly get the heart chakra back up to par.

The Throat Chakra (aka Vishuddha)

This chakra is a champion of truth and how you communicate and let others
know who you are. The throat chakra is also what provides you with
compassion for other people.
When the throat chakra is in good shape you can express yourself well and
also inspire others with your words. You get your point across in such a way
as not to be subjective, overbearing, or offensive—on the contrary, people
enjoy listening to what you have to say. You frequently defend others on the
matters of respect and empathy and you are balanced in your explanations of
When the throat chakra is spinning too quickly, however, the only person
who may be enjoying your words is you. In situations where you feel
frustrated because no one is listening to you, you may be trying to even the
odds by becoming louder and more over the top. Physically, you may be
suffering from frequent colds and sore throats, or cavities and cold sores.
When the throat chakra is spinning too slowly, we shut down. Instead of
trying harder, we give up trying at all, sullen and sad, convinced that no one
in the world is interested in what we have to say. Physically this may result in
heartburn or other stomach issues because we are literally ‟ swallowing” our
How to help balance your throat chakra: you have to speak what you
believe to be true, it’s human nature. Even if you’re not yet confident to tell
another person, write it down. Perhaps you can heal by living vicariously
through a courageous character in a story. Find groups of people who’ve
experienced similar defeats and are looking for healing: online in message
boards, or at support groups.
Additionally, practice thinking before you speak. Buddha encouraged his
followers to listen more and speak less and while we don’t want to remain
mute, we can achieve balance by thoroughly understanding a situation before
contributing vocally to it. Work with blue crystals to heal the throat chakra
and get it back on track, such as sapphire, lapis lazuli, sodalite and blue lace
The Third Eye Chakra (aka Ajna)
This chakra is where your intuition is rooted and which gives you insight and
clairvoyance, as well as the ability to use divination.
When the third eye chakra is in good shape you will feel perfectly in place
within the natural world, as well as in the material plane of humanity. You’ll
feel psychic frequencies from other people and things around you, but you
won’t feel knocked over the head by them or overwhelmed.
When the third eye chakra is spinning too quickly, you may jump when
receiving too much energy, or energy that is too intense, from others. Very
few people ever experience an overactive third eye chakra, but that doesn’t
mean it’s impossible for it to happen.
Physical evidence of third eye imbalance are migraines, eye trouble and sleep
disturbances or nightmares.
When the third eye chakra is spinning too slowly, you may not feel anything
out of the ordinary at all. The truth is, most of us have a sluggish or
unremarkable third eye chakra. It’s not yet standard human practice to hone
these skills or build that particularly psychic muscle. That doesn’t mean that
you need to accept a sub-par third eye chakra, however.
How to help balance your third eye chakra: Commit yourself to regular
practice. Meditate frequently and practice divination to get a sense of where
your own life is headed. Do spellcraft to encourage psychic abilities and
prophetic dreams. Work with crystals that are purple or indigo in color, lying
still while meditating with one balanced on your third eye as you breathe
deeply. Appropriate crystals are: amethyst, sugilite and carnelian.

The Crown Chakra (aka Sahasrara)

This chakra is metaphorically akin to the lotus flower and so its name in
Sanskrit means ‟ thousand-petaled”. This mysterious chakra connects us to
the power of the universe and of the divine. Think of this chakra as a seed
planted within the possibility and potency of our souls-as-soil: we can
flourish and exceed our own mortality’s expectations if given the right
nutrients and care.
When the crown chakra is in good shape, well, to be truthful—you can’t yet
know. Those who have attained a hardy, robust crown chakra at its fully-
realized are legendary folks like Buddha and some theorists say, Jesus Christ.
You ascend mere humanity at such a point and join the divine.
Can my crown chakra is spin too quickly? No, not likely. Just like we know
that humans are only using approximately 15% of their brain’s power, so do
we know that the crown chakra is mostly dormant within ourselves. That
does not mean, however, that we shouldn’t try to activate it, even if that
activation becomes part of our life’s work.
When the crown chakra is spinning too slowly, it simply means that you’re a
human being. No need for embarrassment; just the fact that you’re reading
this means you might be capable of greater things.
How to help activate your crown chakra: focus on the other chakras. By
doing this, you’ll get closer to the possibility of energizing your crown
chakra. This will require training of the spiritual kind and it is absolutely
worthy of being a part of your life’s work, both as a Wiccan and as a spiritual
human being.

Activating Crystals
Crystals should not only be cleansed, spiritually, when you bring them home,
but they also need to be what’s called ‟ activated”. Each crystal is a storage
container of universal and Earthly energy; in order to tap into that, think of
the crystal as a battery. It needs to be used from time to time or else it might
become dormant.
Magical intent by using an athame, wand, your index finger, or a bell. You
may choose to say magical words such as ‟ open flower, share your power”
or a simple sound such as ‟ om”.
Smudging with sage, rosemary, incense, or Palo Santo wood.
Using water. Place your crystals in water to unlock their energetic potential.
Sunlight. Fiery crystals and those with red, yellow, gold, or orange hues are
best activated beneath the light of the noon-day sun.
Moonlight. A full moon will activate any crystal, as well as consecrate it for
your personal use.

The Meaning of Colors

Blue: Spirituality, cleansing, angelic messages, honesty, being faithful, using
one’s personal power to forgive, mental focus, the element of Water, astral
projection and prophetic dreams.
Purple: spiritual wisdom and guidance, the spirit world, psychic abilities, the
Crone goddess
Violet: the divine feminine, clairvoyance, divination
Red: courage, feminine power and the womb, bravery, passion, lust, love,
matters having to do with fertility, the element of Fire, war, combat, blood
Orange: Success, creativity, healing from addictive tendencies, joy in life,
successful marketplace dealings, profit
Yellow: Love and sensuality, money luck, solar energy, the divine spark of
White: purity, spiritual cleansing, innocence, new energy
Black: safety, the womb, soil, fertility, protection, banishing, divination,
Gray: lunar magic, neutrality, mysteries, healing

How Crystals Can Heal Us

We can use the energy in magical crystals to solve many health problems in
our bodies. Crystals can both absorb as well as release energy—additionally,
they can dispel negative energy from us if it’s causing physical harm. Just as
a vacuum can suck up dust from the carpet, so can crystals remove residual,
dingy energy from our bodies and auras.
Crystals can also give us their energy, much like a car’s battery allows us to
get the engine started. Crystals, through magic, can send their energy into our
own energy field and get us going when we feel low or depressed.

Crystals can also help us balance our energy, which is often sent spinning in
different directions because of the chaos of the world around us. When we
are balanced, we operate efficiently and joyfully and we are less prone to
addiction, injury and disease.
Keeping crystals where we sleep and work, where we prepare our food, in
our home and in our workplace can be beneficial in leading a happier,
healthier life.
Chapter 4: Magical Correspondences of Crystals,
Gemstones and Metals

Agate: Agates take an extremely long time to form naturally. This stone
helps one achieve grace and a healthy body. Brings happiness and increases
mental acuity. Helps one lead a long life, as well as remain grounded and
have a gentle spirit. Excellent stone for protection magic. Helps the keeper
Agates take an extremely long time to form naturally. This stone helps one
achieve grace and a healthy body. Brings happiness and increases mental
acuity. Helps one lead a long life, as well as remain grounded and have a
gentle spirit. Excellent stone for protection magic. Helps the keeper
Banded: Protection, strength, healing. Shields sensitive persons from
harm. Bolsters courage and calm in stressful times.
Black and White: Protects the keeper from physical harm.
Botswana: Protects easily-stressed folk from noise, confusion and
harm. Good when spending time in heavily-crowded areas. Builds up
the immune system.
Lace: Helps relieve depression, even deep depression. Not good for
protection, but an excellent stone to inspire and encourage. This stone
can help with confidence and appearance-related self-esteem.
Blue Lace: Use in magic for peace and for calming the heart and the
mind. Settles the nervous mind. Beneficial to the thyroid. Enhances the
Pink, White Lace: Helps achieve happiness and increase positive
Moss: Opens third eye chakra. Protects one’s aura. Helps with
meditation and relaxation. Will help the keeper communicate with their
spirit guides.
Plume: Helps with creativity as well as manifestation and with
achieving your dreams.
Dendritic: Powerful protection for travelers; keeps the driver from
becoming tired and shields them from accidents. Helps sharpen focus.
Protects air travelers also.
Alexandrite: Helps the body regenerate from wounds and illnesses and is
particularly beneficial to the nervous system. Strengthens both the pancreas
and the spleen. Helps the emotions work with the mind beautifully, rather
than contradict each other. Use in transformative magic. Imparts happiness
into one’s life, as well as purpose.
Alexandrite is known as ‟ the emperor’s stone”. If it changes color, your fate
has changed or is about to change in some way. It has also, throughout
history, been called the stone of widows. Wives whose husbands went to war
during World War II believed that if they stayed nearby, the stone protected
them from harm. In India, it is believed that only strong-willed people can
wield Alexandrite.
Amazonite: This stone restores hope to the keeper or wearer. It organizes the
emotions in such a way as to not overwhelm the mind or logic. Aids in
keeping the solar plexus chakra, as well as the heart chakra, aligned.
Amazonite will also help a person find the right words to express themselves
and share their thoughts. Just as rose quartz helps with emotions, so does
amazonite, but more in the context of sharing one’s feelings with others, or
having empathy.
Amazonite strengthens courage and has been called ‟ the stone of courage”
as well as ‟ the stone of might”. It also aligns the chakras with divine energy,
as well as with the spirit world. It is a good stone to help one reconnect with
one’s ancestors. Amazonite can be instrumental in helping you discover
powerful personal truths about yourself.
Amber: Although Amber is not a stone, it is still classified as a gem. It is
formed when coniferous trees from the Oligocene epoch of the Earth harden
and fossilized, often trapping small insects or animals within its golden
chambers. Amber is incredibly soft, making it easy to carve. Amber is
incredibly healing when held; in ancient times, it was burned to add healing
scent to the air and aid in easing a woman’s pain during childbirth. In modern
times, burning amber is discouraged because it is, in fact, a fossil fuel.
Amber is warm to the touch and can help soothe the heart chakras, as well as
heal a person from heartache. It is considered a money-drawing gem,
bringing the right moments to one’s life so that they receive luck and
abundance. Wearing amber jewelry is a luck-bringer. Amber can help you
develop your wisdom, as well as increase your patience. It is an overall
excellent healing gem.
Amethyst: This gem is actually a form of quartz. It is February and
Aquarius’ birthstone. Amethyst will help the wearer increase their psychic
powers and intuition. Therefore, keeping an amethyst on hand for use during
divination such as tarot cards or runes is an excellent practice, as well as
meditating with a piece of amethyst or amethyst jewelry.
Amethyst will align the crown chakra and also aid against bad dreams and
restless sleep. It is another overall healing stone, helping the body to heal
faster and the immune system to fight harder. Maladies of the nervous system
can be lessened in severity with the help of the amethyst stone.
Ammolite: This stone enables the wearer to convert received energy into
positivity and beneficial emotions, therefore, it is an excellent stone to be
meditated with or carried by artists, public speakers, social workers, writers
and lawyers. Ammolite helps to develop greater wisdom and understanding.
Ammolite also balances the energy in a space and can help to achieve
harmony both within oneself as well as in a group. It is a good stone to keep
in the workplace or place of business. It is a luck-bringing stone and Native
Americans have referred to it as ‟ The Buffalo Stone”. This stone is rather
delicate; cleanse with water or some dish soap only and protect from
perfumes or harsh cleansers.
Andalusite: This stone will ward away the evil eye. What is the evil eye? In
the modern context, it occurs when another person covets, studies, watches,
or analyzes another person in some way. Ancient peoples would guard their
children and babies against non-family members adoring or praising them too
much, for fear of the child falling ill because of the effects of the evil eye. It
is said that merely by observing something, the observer has the power to
change the thing that was observed and so across the world, cultures have
developed magical protections against the evil eye.
Andalusite also connects all chakras in the body, so that there is a flowing
stream of energy between them. This stone will also break down any
blockages among the chakras. Use Andalusite to help treat sources of anxiety,
as well as phobias.
Aquamarine: This stone is connected to the divine feminine, particularly
goddesses of the ocean and rivers. It is the birthstone of March and of Pisces.
Its color is as varied as bodies of water, ranging from a deep blue (the most
commercially-prized of its shades) to seafoam green. Aquamarine is an
important stone for those who struggle with anxiety and fear: it calms the
mind so that one can make clear, logical choices in the face of a stressful
In addition, Aquamarine helps the wearer or keeper with their self-expression
and creativity. It is an excellent healing stone, particularly with the endocrine
system, thyroid, throat chakra and with strengthening one’s immunity.
Aventurine: Gambling luck. Use to attract money. A good all-purpose lucky
stone; linked to the heart chakra.
Green: Healing, divine energy, prosperity. Heals a broken heart. An
adventurer’s stone.
Blue: Good for the third eye chakra and removing blocks to it.
Blue-green: Heals mental, emotional and physical injuries. Helps the
throat chakra and the heart chakra to work in tandem, so that one
speaks with empathy and love.
Orange: Invites joy into one’s world. Helps remove blocks to
creativity; heals trauma from sexual assault or abuse.
Azurite: Great for use in crystal grids having to do with divination and
strengthening the third eye chakra. Helps sort out complicated emotions.
When polished and cut into a spherical shape, azurite looks very much like a
tiny Earth. Azurite can help one connect to the divine feminine and Earth and
Mother goddesses, as well as to the Horned God and Green Man.
Handle azurite frequently to unlock its effects. Earth energy is tactile energy
and needs physical touch for the user to make the most of its magical
potential. Azurite can clear the internal air of confusion and bring the mental
focus back into the picture.

Beryl: This stone helps to detoxify the liver and balance frayed nerves. It can
help a person tune out negative or harsh environments and focus on inner
calm and peace. It strengthens the internal organs, including the liver, heart,
stomach and kidneys. It helps the spine achieve optimum health and guards
against injury. Infusing water with beryl can magic-craft a remedy for sore
If you find your energy waning, beryl can help you get fired up again. It can
rekindle cooling love between two lovers and cleanse us of overwork and
overstimulation so that we appreciate life again. Beryl increases a sense of
safety and strengthens confidence.
Bloodstone: A beautiful stone that represents the power of Winter,
Bloodstone is also a second stone of March and of Pisces. It is a type of
chalcedony and found in mines in Germany as well as India. The ancient
Greeks called this stone ‟ heliotrope” and believed that a bloodstone could
dye clear waters red.
Bloodstone is a money-drawing stone and also increases luck, courage,
bravery and physical strength and constitution. It can help you go the distance
during a challenge or difficult time. Bloodstone aids in cardiovascular health.
Bornite: Also known as ‟ peacock ore”, Bornite is prismatically-hued and
classified as a type of metal. Take care when purchasing bornite, as some
merchants will tarnish it with acid or other treatments in order to enhance its
naturally beautiful coloration. Bornite aids the solar plexus chakra, which is
where our powers of manifestation originate.
Bornite aids the user in self-awareness and empowerment. It changes our
perceptions in a way that we’re better able to look on the positive side of a
situation. When placed on any chakra, Bornite becomes a powerful healer of
that chakra.

Calcite: Helps the memory remain sharp and strong. Assists the wearer or
keeper in their own powers of healing, therefore Calcite is a good stone to be
kept by those in the medical professions. Helps us avoid rigid thinking and
boost ingenuity and creativity.
Pink: Use in magic for drawing love. Balances emotions and calms
stressed nerves. Helps us stay grounded.
Orange: A good protection stone, orange calcite gives us energy and
instills joy to our heart.
Green: When we are in need of letting go of old, outdated and
possibly harmful ways of thinking, green calcite can be an excellent
help, particularly when used during meditation or healing spells. As a
green-hued stone, calcite also helps with money-drawing magic and
prosperity charms.
Carnelian: This stone is a secondary birthstone for May. Brings courage to
the wearer or keeper, as well as adding enthusiasm, a positive outlook and
banishing fears and anxiety. Use Carnelian to look back and analyze past
situations, as well as recover memory and tap into ancestral memories.
Can aid in matters of infertility. Helps heal blood disorders. Stimulates
passion and desire and heals the lower chakras. Can help men become more
comfortable with their bodies and help with arthritis.
Cassiterite: Aids in divination magic. Also assists with grounding, to
promote restful sleep and to enhance one’s ability to have prophetic dreams.
A good overall aid to psychic abilities. Cassiterite can help the mind soothe
itself so that it can unravel mysteries and solve complex problems. Helps the
math student and the student of logic and philosophy.
Helps balance the chakras and stimulates the root chakra.
Celestite: Stimulates the thyroid for greater health. A wonderful stress-
reducer and overall relaxation promoter. Brings peace of mind to the user or
wearer. Initiates personal growth and can help plants grow healthier and more
abundantly. Assists with creativity and personal expression; a wonderful
stone for the writer and artist.
Promotes clarity and presence of mind, as well as facilitates clear speech.
Brings to light truth that has been hidden. Helps develop and strengthen
psychic powers.
Chrysoberyl: A powerfully protective stone, Chrysoberyl fosters
forgiveness, generosity and self-esteem. Increases one’s power and connects
to divine power. Enhances mental sharpness.
Chrysoberyl fosters compassion and empathy. It builds you up so that you
can be a better person to yourself and to others. Strengthens the immune
system and guards against illness, as well as malice or cruelty from others.
Chrysoprase: Brings hope and optimism, as well as good cheer and positive
thinking. A major money-attracter, as well as fertility-enhancer. Draws
abundance, desire fulfilled and happy life, while reducing greed and envy—
Chrysoprase helps you become happier with yourself, so that lusting after
other things becomes unimportant. By becoming grounded in thoughts and
feelings of abundance, you automatically attract more abundance.
Guards against diseases and conditions of the eyes and help soothe gout, as
well as depression and anxiety. Heals a broken heart and lifts hopes.
Citrine: Strengthens psychic abilities and the power to process magical
realizations and divine messages. Clears one’s thoughts, boosts confidence
and raises feelings of security and safety. Helps the user or wearer deal with
change in a healthy way.
Cleanses the kidneys as well as the colon, digestive tract, heart and liver. A
good gem for detoxification of the body. Strengthens the immune system.
Promotes abundance and draws prosperity by teaching important lessons of
enjoyment and guilt-free use of wealth and happiness. Creates a cycle of
everlasting abundance.
Copper: Connected to the element of Water and the astrological sign of
Taurus, as well as the planet Venus and the sabbat of Litha. Sacred to Venus
and Aphrodite, as well as Oya. Can attract money when placed in the kitchen
of a home. Wearing copper on your receiving side (think where you keep
your wallet or purse, or which hand you reach out to take money given to
Heals arthritis and bone issues when worn. When copper is used in magical
wands, can help direct energy. Setting a stone in copper wire contributes to
its power.
Coprolite: Connected to the astrological sign of Capricorn, the number eight,
the solar plexus and the element of Earth. Coprolite can be used for personal
change, letting go of habits, routines and thinking that no longer serves you.
Coprolites make excellent talismans of protection.
A coprolite is a piece of fossilized animal dung and named from the Greek
words for offal and stone. They have a spiral structure and can be found
across the world, dating back as far as the Cambrian period.

Diamond: This famously prized gemstone aids in ferocity and fortitude
during times of challenge, trouble and stress. Protects from plague and other
Diamonds represent perfection, strength and protect the owner from
negativity and misfortune. Ancient thinking believed that a diamond carried
would protect the user from getting lost, as well as a myriad of illnesses.
Dioptase: Helps to heal and strengthen the nervous system and the heart.
Helps with stomach issues relating to anxiety and stress. Sharpens the mind
and balances the emotions. Promotes internal peace and clarity. Draws
abundance to the wearer or keeper, as well as steady progress in life goals
and personal growth.
Fosters spiritual growth and helps to connect to the divine. Helps adjust one’s
mind from a scarcity mentality to one of abundance, as well as helping to
foster gratitude and seeing the resources one already possesses.

Electrum: This metal is considered to be an alloy, as it is found in nature in
tandem with gold, silver and other metals. In modern use, Electrum made into
jewelry is an excellent way for a Wiccan to symbolize the union of the God
and the Goddess.
Electrum is produced now, rather than sought after in a naturally-occurring
form. This does nothing to lessen its magical attributes, however. It is a good
metal to help the wearer achieve balance, understanding and to connect to the
Emerald: A type of Beryl, Emerald is the original stone for romantic love,
long before the Diamond became its modern equivalent (thanks to marketing
strategies by diamond jewelry manufacturers). Use in magic to attract new
love, as well as to strengthen love and acceptance for one’s self.
A phenomenally good money-attracting stone, Emerald’s deep green hue
connects with abundance, money luck and fortunate news regarding finances
and wealth.

Fairy Stone: These stones look magically-formed and are actually a type of
calcium carbonate. It naturally occurs when fine, powdery sand mixes with
limestone and forms a cement-like substance between the layers of a geologic
basin beneath a glacier. The pressure then assists the material into forming
whimsical, beautiful shapes.
Fairy stones aid in magic that helps us connect with the spirit world, with our
spirit and animal guides and to navigate walks through the veil on Samhain
and Beltane. It is an excellent grounding stone and connects us to the
elemental power of Earth.
Flourite: Teaches us to walk between the dimensions and understand that
reality is subjective. Excellent for artists, writers, therapists and those
working in government and law, as it helps the keeper to stand in someone
else’s shoes in matters of negotiation, healing and expression.
Fluorite assists the bones and strengthens them, as well as helps the
cardiovascular system. A good grounding crystal, Fluorite also heals and
aligns the chakras, depending on the hue of the Fluorite in question.
Garnet: This gem is beloved worldwide and is a powerhouse of help to
rejuvenate one’s energy, increase one’s appetite for life and ignite the spark
for a desire for living. Garnet attracts the things that make life worth living:
happiness, personal power, treasures, peace, keen perception, physical
strength and health, as well as the endurance to see projects and goals
through to a happy culmination and completion.
Garnet is linked to the womb, to fertility and to both the divine feminine as
well as the masculine. It is connected to Persephone and sacred to Samhain.
Given as a gift, it symbolizes loyalty.
Gold: This metal has been an obsession of the Earth’s inhabitants since it
was first discovered. Magically, it symbolizes a connection to the divine and
to the afterlife. When one uses gold in magical or spiritual work—and avoids
the temptation to ‟ gather” or ‟ hoard” it as a valuable resource—one can
better achieve a connection to the divine and spiritual world, as well as
maintain a healthy sense of self, spiritually.
Meditation with gold can also help make sense of the chaos that comes from
having too much on one’s shoulders at a time, or taking on too much work
and responsibility. Gold can soothe extreme emotions, making them easier to
manage and understand.

Hawk’s Eye (also known as Blue Tiger’s Eye) One of the most soothing
gemstones to work with. Utilizing Hawk’s Eye can help one find the calm
within the emotional storm and help one work through matters that may have
been too frightening, uncomfortable, or stressful to confront.
Hawk’s Eye allows us to flow with life’s ups and downs calmly and with
both courage and patience. It is a useful stone to have when working on the
throat and third eye chakras. When balancing masculine and feminine
energies and doing magic pertaining to duality and balance, Hawk’s Eye is an
excellent choice.
Fluorite: This stone comes in a variety of beautiful colors, including pink,
red, purple, blue, green, yellow, brown, white, clear and combinations of
many of these individual shades. It is connected with the astrological signs of
both Capricorn and Pisces. It has the ability to calm and unstable aura and
relieves it of any negative or dull energy clinging to it.
Fluorite helps us with mental focus and sharpness of mind. Persons with
attention-deficit disorders can benefit from having Fluorite around. Fluorite
also boosts our confidence, giving us an edge when it comes to making
decisions. Additionally, Fluorite balances our energy so we stand tall and
firm in our power, beautifully grounded. Used to treat illness, Fluorite can
boost the immune system and repair damaged DNA.
When working with Fluorite and chakra magic, use this color guide:
Blue: Connected to the throat chakra and helps to soothe troubled
emotions and promote clear speech and expression.
Green: Helps and rights any hormonal balance. Connected to the heart
chakra but can recharge any of the chakras.
Purple: Connected to the third eye chakra, purple Fluorite enhances
psychic powers and helps us connect to divine energy and messengers.
Yellow: Connected to the solar plexus chakra, this color Fluorite
boosts creative energy, imagination and inspiration. A powerfully
healing stone for the mind, as well as for the liver. Said to be able to
lower cholesterol in the body.
Heliodor: This stone is connected to the Sun as well as solar gods. It emits
an energetic, psychic warmth and brings insight, wisdom and mental
breakthroughs to the wearer or keeper. At the same time, Heliodor is very
grounding and centering and helps the body balance itself.
Heliodor is masculine and nature and assists one in making decisions that
benefit all, selflessly. It encourages benevolence and generosity, as well as
logical thinking rather than emotional.
Hematite: This stone is linked to the astrological signs of both Aquarius and
Aries and is connected to the planet Mars. It is a stone of both the elements of
Fire as well as Earth. It is a powerfully grounding stone, as well as protective.
Hematite jewelry will absorb any negative energy headed our way, accidental
or intentional and when the piece is full, it will break. Though temporary,
hematite rings are a good bit of spiritual armor to wear when outside one’s
home. (Fortunately, they are inexpensive).
Hematite gives quiet strength and power to the humble, quiet and meek. It
gifts the wearer with confidence, but not boastfulness, so that they may walk
beneath the radar of those who prey on anyone trying to ‟ steal” their shine.
Hematite is a wonderful stone to work with in order to aid healing from
addictions. Additionally, Hematite can help regulate and manage blood
issues, such as anemia.
Hiddenite: This clear stone can help heal emotional trauma and neglect so
that issues with depression and anxiety lessen and allow self-acceptance and
self-value to return. Hiddenite helps us see our place in the universe and how
important we are to the divine.
Hiddenite is mined in only one place in the world, Hiddenite North Carolina.
Its rarity and ability to fill the user with love and hope makes it special.
Himalayan Salt (Pink Halite): This edible crystal is similar to Rose Quartz
in properties, in that it instills or rejuvenates self-love in an active, positive
and healing way. For those suffering from lack of drive or lack of purpose,
apathy, or depression, having a chunk of Himalayan Salt or even a salt lamp
can help increase drive and energy.
Himalayan Salt is also an effective protection stone, as well as good for
ritually cleansing a space. Unhealthy attachments and addictions can be
resolved by use of Himalayan Salt.
Howlite: This stone can be helpful when dealing with stressful situations,
aggression and stressful, hot-tempered people. It instills patience in the
wearer or keeper, as well as grounded, calming energy. It can look similar to
bone in some examples and as such provides us support, balance and
Howlite helps with both crown and third eye chakra meditation, as well as
connecting us to our past lives. Additionally, Howlite can help us speak with
grace and tact, avoiding social traps and missteps.
Iolite: This stone’s fascinating history includes assisting Vikings in
navigation, by acting as a polarizing lens. Because of this, Iolite is nicknamed
‟ The Vikings’ Compass”. It is also referred to as ‟ The Water Sapphire”.
When you stray from your metaphorical path in life, meditating with Iolite
can get you back on track. Additionally, it can restore waning energy in a
person and help with money-management, debt elimination and using one’s
wealth responsibly. Finally, Iolite can help artists and writers recapture their
lost muse.
Iron: We find iron on our planet because meteors fallen from space have
implanted iron in our Earth’s soil. Therefore, iron is a great balancer. It links
us with the celestial and the divine.
Iron is a very protective metal and if worn, will act as a shield against harm
and malice.
Jade: This long-treasured, renowned gemstone is thought to be one of the
most powerful symbols of a serene, peaceful mind and purity of spirit. Jade is
a luck-bringer as well as a token of true love. In ancient times, merchants
would hold a piece of Jade in their hands or pockets while conducting
business, in order to make the best decisions for their money and products.
As a protection stone, Jade works hard to protect the magic-user from
intrusive, negative energy or spirits.
If one wears Jade while working on the garden, the plants will grow in size
and health. Jade helps improve the health of the eyes, spleen, kidneys and
Jasper: This stone is another type of Chalcedony, along with Bloodstone and
Chrysoprase. It helps stabilize an off-balance person or situation. Jasper is
named in the Bible and is an excellent stone of protection no matter which
color you choose.
Brown: Good to use for grounding purposes and to achieve balance.
Wear a piece of Brown Jasper in an arrow tip shape for good luck.
Montana Picture: Use when searching for enlightenment or for
spiritual travels of discovery.
Red: A stone of warriors, imbuing the wearer or keeper with great
strength and bravery.
Green: Legend tells that Green Jasper can bring the rain. A healing
stone aids the digestive system and troubles with sleep, as well as helps
one find relief from asthma and other respiratory problems.
Yellow: Connected to the Sun and solar deities. Instills confidence and
good self-esteem. Sharpens intuition and can be carried during travels
for protection. Helps lessen anxiety and promotes a healthy endocrine
Ocean: This form of Jasper can only be found along the beaches of
Madagascar, hence its rarity. Helps regulate emotions, making them
more manageable. Dispels negativity and evil. Heals by cleansing
toxins from the body.
Fancy: This type of Jasper occurs in a variety of hues. Help reduce
mental stress and balance the mind. Sharpens powers of concentration
and shields the user or wearer from psychic attack.
Leopard: Heals the solar plexus and heart chakras. Soothes a
frustrated mind. Instills peace. Use Green Leopard Jasper for
healing, Yellow Leopard Jasper for focus and clarity of the mind,
Black Leopard Jasper as a stone of protection, Grey Leopard Jasper
for peace and calm, Red Leopard Jasper for energy and physical
well-being and Pink Leopard Jasper for spells involving love and
Jet: This stone is unique, in that it bonds to a single owner and will not work
for others once bonded to that person. It is powerfully protective, having the
ability to keep evil and negativity at bay. It works well in shielding its owner
from magical assault and hexes, as well as preventing possession by negative
spiritual entities.
Also protects its owner from physical ailments, infection and disease.
Kunzite: A beautiful gemstone suitable to use for grounding and centering,
as well as for spells to attract new romance. Good for working with the heart
chakra. When one has built barriers to one’s heart, Kunzite can help to
remove them, in order to be open to new love.
Kyanite: Heals the throat chakra and makes it stronger so that one can be a
better communicator and speaker. Improves reliability and loyalty. Helpful
when used during astral projection. Helps the artist express themselves
Use Kyanite during meditation to clear the mind of negative thoughts. Use
Kyanite to align the chakras in a short time and to balance the energy of the
mind and body.
Labradorite: This stone combines the qualities of the Earth and Water
elements. It is connected to the planet Uranus, as well as the astrological
signs of Scorpio and Taurus. This stone helps with transition and
transformation. It will remove insecurities and unwarranted fears in the
keeper or wearer, as well as balance the energies of the brain.
Labradorite is a truth-revealing stone and good for students, researches,
writers, or anyone wanting to uncover the real story behind a mystery. Also
good to detect a liar.
Lapis Lazuli: One of the most essential stones a witch should own, Lapis
Lazuli is good when working magic to attract love. Stimulates the pituitary
gland and the third eye chakra.
Promotes an objective way of thought, strengthens confidence and sparks
Larimar: Softens a hardened heart while also healing it. Larimar is an
excellent all-purpose healing stone, particularly well-suited for healing
mental issues related to stress and anxiety. Work with Larimar to sever ties or
bonds with toxic people.
Magnetite: An attractant for romantic love, one that will be based on loyalty,
respect and commitment. Helps relieve inflammation in the body. Reduces
and removes negative emotions such as resentment and anger.
Malachite: Activates the chakras and clears them of any blockages. A good
choice for directing magic: instead of a wand, use a malachite point or wrap a
piece of malachite onto an existing wand with copper wire for great strength
in directing magical energy.
Wear for good luck in areas of business, or if you’re a merchant seeking
better sales. Helps heal torn muscles, ligaments and broken bones.
Meteorite: Sparks memory of past lives. Connects one to the universe and to
the divine. Helps build greater awareness within oneself.
Mica: Agates take an extremely long time to form naturally. This stone helps
one achieve grace and a healthy body. Brings happiness and increases mental
acuity. Helps one lead a long life, as well as remain grounded and have a
gentle spirit. Excellent stone for protection magic. Helps the keeper
Agates take an extremely long time to form naturally. This stone helps one
achieve grace and a healthy body. Brings happiness and increases mental
acuity. Helps one lead a long life, as well as remain grounded and have a
gentle spirit. Excellent stone for protection magic. Helps the keeper
Moldavite: This stone is a type of meteor, though it arrived on Earth
approximately 15 million years ago. Helps one align the crown chakra and
connect to universal energy.
Moonstone: One of the most healing stones you can obtain, Moonstone is
sacred to the Moon, moon goddesses and is linked to the divine feminine.
Meditating with Moonstones helps one gain acceptance of self, relieves stress
instantly, calms the body and the mind and strengthens the immune system.
Moonstones help soothe menstrual pain and pregnancy-related fatigue,
muscle aches and stress.
Feminine energies have long been linked to intuition, which everyone
possesses to a degree. Use Moonstone to strengthen your psychic powers.
Moonstone forms a light cocoon of protection and healing around its keeper
and encourages self-acceptance and exploration.
The more clear a Moonstone is, the greater its healing properties. Moonstone
jewelry creates a constant source of energy and protection against illness.
Morganite: This stone is linked to the angels and is one of the most gentle
healing energies one can find. It doesn’t blast open blockages, it gently
coaxes them away. Use Morganite to better hear and understand messages
from angels, guardians and guides.
Morganite aligns and heals the heart chakra and can be used to attract new
love that will last. It attracts abundance, miracles and small gifts that make us
happy. Meditate with Morganite for greater spiritual growth and
Obsidian: An excellent stone for protection, Obsidian is linked to the Crone
aspect of the Goddess, as well as the underworld. It is a weapon against
psychic assault. Obsidian knives in legends were able to defeat monsters and
kill the undead.
Meditate with Obsidian in order to unlock secrets about yourself, perhaps
from past lives or ancestors. Cleanses, clears and aligns the base chakra and
helps with grounding. Obsidian, like Hematite, absorbs and removes all of
the negative energy near the keeper or wearer. It is a good stone for a gentle
spirit to carry, in order to protect them from malicious or toxic people.
Snowflake Obsidian: Makes psychic and intuitive powers sharper. Aligns
the heart and mind, making sense of emotions. Helps with patience and with
enjoying silence.
Onyx: Connected to both the masculine and feminine and therefore, an
excellent stone for balance and grounding. Use Onyx to improve self-control
and responsibility. Gives support to the overburdened during stressful or
traumatic times. Helps grieving people to heal well. Builds stamina and
improves physical strength, as well as mental fortitude.
Onyx can help someone who’s been the victim of others take their lives back
and become masters of their own destiny. For grounding purposes, use with
another type of grounding stone for extra stability and healing.
Opal: There are many strange superstitions and legends surrounding this
stone. It is said to only be lucky to those born in the unluckiest month:
October. However, other lore states that an Opal will keep a person
‟ invisible” to others if carried wrapped in a bay leaf.
Legend has it that wearing an opal will improve one’s foresight and a wearer
of Opal will be able to exert a degree of telepathic influence on others. If you
intend to use Opal as a talisman, it should be set in a golden ring and worn on
the index finger of the right hand.
Opal is representative of three elements: Fire, Air and Water. This makes it a
powerfully healing stone. Look to the particular color of the stone to
determine in which area it’s strongest: if orange, pink, or red, it affects the
areas ruled by Fire, if blue or green, Water, if silver or grey, Air. Fire:
strength, passion, vitality, creativity; Water: intuition and emotions; Air:
speech, communication, self-expression.
Opalite: Increases personal strength, self-confidence and happiness. Helps
work with buried emotions to uncover them as well as heal them and utilize
them for a better future. Use and meditate with Opalite during periods in your
life where you are undergoing great change and Opalite will soothe the stress
you experience during those changes.
Opalite will stimulate a flagging libido as well as relax the body.
Pearl: This formed gemstone is an incredible source of patience, wisdom and
foresight. Legend speaks of Pearls as many different things: some tell a story
of the Pearl as created by the God as a gift to the Goddess, others say Pearls
formed when the Goddess cried tears of love.
Pearl has many useful qualities: it can help with business deals in the
marketplace, draw abundance and wealth and stabilize and ground success so
that it doesn’t veer off course and lose its momentum. Pearl boost sexual
vigor and appetite. It helps both the cardiovascular system as well as the
respiratory system.
Peridot: Also known as Olivine, this stone is found within the cores of
meteorites. It connects us to divine and universal energy. Ironically, Peridot
helps the wearer be free of jealousy and envy, despite the color green being
classically connected to these negative emotions.
Enhances spiritual power and strengthens psychic abilities as well as
intuition. Helps the wearer manifest dreams and desires. Sparks creativity and
mental sharpness and is beneficial to the cardiovascular system, spleen,
adrenal system, liver and pancreas. Purifies one’s chakras from sluggish
Petrified Wood: Not technically a stone, but classified as a gem, Petrified
Wood is beautifully aligned with the element of Earth and can help with
personal growth, grounding and balance. Used during meditation and
exercise, it restores strength and vitality to the body. Imparts the wisdom of
ancestors, guides and ancients, as well as nature spirits.
If you feel as if you’re stuck in a rut, Petrified Wood can help you move
forward and enjoy life again by creating a fertile, strong and stable
foundation for change and improvement.
Prehnite: A dynamically helpful stone to develop psychic abilities and
intuition, so that the wearer is never caught unprepared for the energies or
actions of other people. Helps one develop and receive unconditional love
and affection. Instills peace and a calm, happy heart. Good for those in
healing professions who themselves need healing; Prehnite will enable that.
Pyrite: Helps improve mental function and sharpens the mind. Improves the
health of blood and the cardiovascular system. Bolsters will so that the
wearer does not succumb to temptation, over-indulgence, or addiction. A
superior stone of protection.
Pyrite is also excellent at attracting wealth and abundance. It is connected to
the element of Fire and sparks inspiration, ‟ ah-ha” moments, ingenuity and
miracles. It is associated with the fire astrological sign of Leo.
Quartz: This is another of the most essential stones a witch should possess.
Its wide range of uses and powerfully healing energy can make life easier and
magic more successful. Across the world, from Africa to Asia, to the ancient
Egyptians and Native Americans, as well as throughout the Roman Empire
and pagan Scots, Quartz has been prized as treasure both material and
Clear: The ultimate healing stone, Clear Quartz heals the emotions,
the spiritual center and connects one with the eternal energies of the
Rose: A gentle stone connected to love, both of others and of self. Use
it to receive and be more receptive to the love of the Goddess.
Promotes forgiveness and emotional release. Also, use to improve
physical beauty.
Smokey: Heals and aligns the crown chakra as well as the base chakra.
Increases the ability to manifest desires, goals and dreams.
Rutilated: A golden-hued Quartz, this stone merges our life force with
our physical body, improving strength and health. Heals depression.
Tourmalated: Because it combines dark and light, black and white,
this Quartz is excellent when one needs balance.
Blue: Imparts tranquility in the user and helpful for artists and other
Green: Lends inspiration and creativity. Heals and soothes stressed
energy and nerves. Attracts wealth and money.
Rhodonite: Helps heal the nervous system and keep it regulated. Improves
the power of memory, as well as instills confidence in the wearer. Raises the
level of energy in the body and mind.
A good stone to be worn by healers and light-workers who work or live in
areas of high population.
Rhyolite: Adds to loyalty and commitment of a romantic relationship.
Restores one’s appearance and enhances beauty. Balances the emotions and
the body.
Ruby: Removes barriers and limits. Connected to the cardiovascular system
and the heart, improves circulation, personal strength, force of will, passion
and determination. Sparks creativity and imparts joy and delight in one’s
Ruby is also protective of its wearer, changing its hue to warn of a threat or
dangerous energy. Protects against ill will and the evil eye and drives away
sadness, instead of filling the heart with an appetite for life and gratitude.
Sapphire: Sacred to Apollo and good for using during divination and to
strengthen both the third eye chakra as well as psychic abilities. Helps heal
illness of the eyes or metaphorical problems with sight and vision. Boosts
immunity and shields one from illness.
Green Sapphire: Connected to the heart chakra. Improves fidelity and
attracts abundance and wealth.
Blue Sapphire: Connected to the throat chakra. Improves expression,
foresight, wisdom and balance.
Black Sapphire: Connected to the base chakra, protects the wearer
and helps with grounding.
Improves emotional balance and instills peace in the wearer’s heart.
White Sapphire: Connected to the crown chakra. Improves success in
life by removing obstacles, while strengthening morality and fairness.
Yellow Sapphire: Connected to the solar plexus chakra. Improves
mental focus and memory. Attracts prosperity and wealth. Fulfills
desires and helps realize ambitions.
Selenite: This mineral forms natural wands that can be used for healing,
divination and connecting with the spirit world. It is sacred to the goddess
Selene as well as the Moon. Strengthens bones, heals vision-related issues
and calms and imparts clarity to a troubled, chaotic mind.
Selenite is soft and should be handled carefully. It contains a large amount of
water and so is susceptible to temperature, including our own body heat as
we hold it. It is a crystal form of Gypsum. Use it in magic for luck, spiritual
healing and to protect the home, person, or pets and children. Think of
Selenite as personifying a mother’s protective, healing love.
Silver: Sacred to water deities and to the Moon. Helps balance and heal
emotions and improve spoken communication. Use for dream magic,
divination and connecting to the divine feminine.
Seraphinite: Balances and cleanses all chakras. Helps with healing, spiritual
awakening and raising one’s energy to a higher level. Heals the nervous
system and the brain.
Sodalite: Clears a chaotic, cluttered mind to make room for restorative and
meditative thought. Helps during meditation, divination and when one seeks
answers from the universe. Imparts wisdom. A good stone to be used by
those who want to break free of the habit of reacting with strong emotions.
Can be helpful to diabetics.
Connected to the third eye, as well as the throat chakra. Heals and strengthens
the pancreas and endocrine system. Grounds and calms, helps one relax as
well as fall asleep. Can calm a child and help them rest.
Spinel: For centuries, Spinels were mistaken for Rubies. In the 1700’s it was
discovered that the Spinel is a separate gemstone. Spinels are amazing stones
to use for matters of love and devotion; they help balance the ego with
genuine happiness, warmth, affection and gratitude.
As a red-hued stone, the Spinel inspires passion, ignites lost libido and
restores an appetite for life and love. It increases stamina and physical health
and boost one’s intellect and mental focus.
Staurolite: Staurolites are also called ‟ fairy crosses” as they form in cross-
sections of the stone, similar to an ‟ x”.
Staurolite can help the keeper quit smoking or banish other addictions. It is a
wonderful grounding stone and is connected to the element of Earth, as well
as the Horned God and Green Man. Staurolite helps with expression and
communication. The stone not only benefits the keeper but those in proximity
to that person.
Staurolite is helpful to work with when you want to connect with Earth and
animal spirits.
Sunstone: Use Sunstone to restore a tired libido and to instill an appetite for
life. It is connected to both the sacral chakra as well as the solar plexus
chakra and is connected to the elements of Fire and Air.
Use to attract good luck and good fortune. It clears all chakras and helps to
align them. It boosts confidence and self-assurance, particularly useful for
gentle people who have trouble setting personal boundaries and telling others
‟ No” when it’s necessary. Sunstone strengthens one’s natural originality and
Tanzanite: This deep blue gemstone is powerfully metaphysical and aids in
magic involving transformation and personal growth. Helps the wearer or
keeper reach deeper levels of wisdom and understanding when used during
meditation sessions. Because of its protective qualities as well as its high
energy vibration, Tanzanite can help the wearer safely explore spiritual
Tanzanite is only found in one place in the world, so its price tag can be high,
but it is a gem one should make a goal to acquire at some point in their
magical path. It is a good stone for healers, particularly psychologists and
social workers, to work with. It strengthens inner resolve as well as empathy
and also heals the healer.
Tanzanite boosts the immune system and reduces stress in the body and
mind. It helps ease anxiety and depression. It frees the user from worry and
restores hope and imparts compassion and self-acceptance. This gem can also
help the wearer speak truths without damaging repercussions and speak those
truths in an objective, caring way.
Tanzanite is connected to the third eye chakra, the throat chakra and the
crown chakra. It improves expression and communication and helps carry
one’s message to the world, as well as to the individual.

Tanzanite allows us to communicate more effectively and with a reduced

expense of vital psychic energy. It aligns the chakras and helps us in healing,
as well as preventing illness. This gemstone can help us connect with sky
energy as well as Air elementals. Augury—divination using the songs of
birds—can be utilized and encouraged when carrying a piece of Tanzanite.
This stone is also sacred to Yule and the Winter months, especially Violet
Tanzanite. Indigo is a powerfully vibrating color, connecting us to ancestral
memory and the spirit world. Indigo Tanzanite promotes longevity, wisdom
of the elders, appreciation and protection of the natural world and connection
to nature spirits.
Tiger’s Eye: This gemstone is an incredibly powerful attractant for wealth.
Surround a green or gold candle with seven Tiger’s Eye stones, burn for one
hour each day for seven days and receive the money you desire.
Tiger’s Eye is also helpful for healing emotions, pessimism and depression. It
can help manifest dreams and desires, especially when they have to do with
money or happiness. Keeping a Tiger’s Eye stone as a talisman will
strengthen foresight and psychic powers.
Topaz: This gemstone is connected to both the sacral chakra as well as the
solar plexus chakra. It is connected to the Air element but also syncretized
with the astrological signs of Sagittarius, Leo and Scorpio. Topaz is an all-
around excellent stone for improving communication and attracting good
luck and fortune.
Topaz soothes chaotic nerves and nervous energy, restores strength and
health and inspires optimism.
Blue Topaz imparts the wisdom of the divine to one’s thoughts and
feelings and connects the wearer to the elementals of Air and airy
nature spirits.
Yellow Topaz banishes negativity, doubt and inspires optimism.
Tourmaline: This gemstone sparks creativity, inspiration, recharges one’s
muse and instills happiness and hope.
It balances one’s energies and restores a healthy alignment of one’s chakras.
It will cleanse a dingy aura and inspire gratitude in whatever one possesses,
regardless of financial status.
Tourmaline can be used with the chakras depending on its hue.
Violet Tourmaline: heals the root chakra and restores physical
Orange Tourmaline: good for the artist, this gemstone enhances
creativity while enlivening the sacral chakra.
Yellow Tourmaline: Connected to the solar chakra, inspires optimism
and personal strength.
Pink Tourmaline: fosters joy and attracts love.
Blue Tourmaline: Charges the third eye and throat chakras for
insightful communication, learning and knowledge.
Green Tourmaline: Works with the heart chakra, attracts abundance
and wealth and an excellent stone for anyone working with plants or
gardens. Helps one connect with nature spirits.
Violet Tourmaline: Powerfully protective against negativity and
malevolent spirits.
Brown Tourmaline: Washes the aura clean of residual or negative
energy. Protects the heart against despair, thus inspiring hope.
Black Tourmaline: Forms a shield-like barrier against negative
energy. Grounds the root chakra and connects it to Earth magic.
Inspires optimism.
Watermelon Tourmaline: Fosters respect and unconditional love in
relationships. Unmatched in healing the heart chakra. Helps one
‟ lighten up” and focus on humor rather than the negative side of life.
Clear Tourmaline: Works with the crown chakra, divine energy and
universal beings.
Turquoise: This stone connects one to the ancestors and their wisdom. Use
Turquoise during the Moon’s waxing phase to attract money and to manifest
Turquoise is an excellent healing stone and soothes a broken heart. Use with
silver to connect with Lunar energy and the Moon Goddess. Healers should
wear Turquoise jewelry to strengthen their healing abilities.
Turquoise is connected to the element of Water and can help us get in touch
with animal spirit guides of water either in the natural world, during
meditation, or during dreams.
Zircon: This stone’s intense energy will help move the energy from your
highest chakra all the way down to your lowest, soothing the spirit, mind and
body. It restores mental focus, sharpness and raises self-esteem and
confidence levels.
It is a healing stone and clarifies and cleans away residual, spiritual ‟ dirt”
and negativity, much as the Diamond and Clear Quartz do. When you feel
run down, slow, or fatigued, working with Zircon can speed up your step and
give you a much-needed boost of energy and light-heartedness.
Chapter 5: Crystal Spells, Crystal Grids, Amulets
and Talismans

Crystal grids have been used for thousands of years and they are a powerful
type of magic that gains energy from different crystals working together to
achieve a specific result. To make your own crystal grid, all you need is a
hard, portable surface, some crystals and your imagination.
Spherical grid shapes are used for spells concerning love, transformation,
inner journeys and peace; triangles represent the elements of Earth and Water
and are used to achieve specific change or attraction; spirals create a constant
energy movement and can reveal truth and inner power and stars radiate the
spell’s energy outward, casting desire and manifestation requests out into the
universe. A mandala—a balanced, crystal-like formation—is used for
protection or to promote peace within the heart or home.
Talismans are combinations of materials you can carry with you or place
somewhere for magical results, amulets can be worn and potions may be used
to consecrate a space or person.
When creating grids, using a piece of chalk to draw your shape upon the
hard, portable surface can be helpful (although it’s purely optional).
Rain-Charged Spell For Abundance

You will need:

1 piece of turquoise
1 piece of amber
4 pieces green quartz
1 piece green calcite
a grid surface

Perform this spell during a waxing moon phase or full moon when the rain is
falling. Trace or imagine a square on your grid surface. Place each of the
pieces of green quartz on a corner of the square: North, East, South and West.
Place the turquoise, amber and calcite in the very center of the square and
magically draw (using your athame, wand, index finger, or incense stick) a
small circle around these three crystals. Next, magically draw lines coming in
from each outer piece to touch the three center stones: first from the North,
then the East, then the South, then the West. If using incense, leave the stick
to burn at your altar and take your grid outside to receive the rain and Moon’s
blessings. Say:

‟ For every drop of rain that falls from the sky,

money comes into my life that will be mine,
derived from only luck and beautiful life,
as the rain falls, so do my riches rise.”

Leave the crystal grid to soak up the rain, then place on your altar for seven
additional days.
Sunday Wealth Mandala

You will need:

6 pieces of iolite
5 pieces of green tourmaline
4 pieces of tiger’s eye
3 freshwater pearls
one emerald
a grid surface

Perform this spell on a Sunday during a waxing moon phase or during a Full
Moon. Arrange the pieces so that the emerald is in the center, representing
your accumulating wealth, the pearls surround the emerald equally, then the
tiger’s eye, then the tourmaline and finally, the iolite. Prepare yourself for
meditation and instead of closing your eyes, gaze at the mandala and imagine
wealth flowing to you easily, with joy, delight, a calm spirit and a calm mind.
Imagine you are on a beautiful, green rowboat, in the middle of a tranquil
blue-green lake and the water is lapping against the boat. Each ripple moving
into the center and touching the boat is another wave of abundance, infinitely
energized, never stopping.
Quietly chant this, either out loud or in your mind:

‟ By the river, by the sea

wealthy comes easily to me.”

Leave the crystal grid as long as you like, so that you can gaze upon it and be
reminded that abundance flows easily to you.
Energetic Spiral For Positivity

You will need:

7 pieces of rutilated quartz
7 pieces rhodonite
7 pieces tanzanite
7 pieces turquoise
a grid surface

You should create this grid in a place it can be left undisturbed for a week to
a month’s time. If aiming for a month – begin on a full moon and commence
on the next full moon. Otherwise, perform this spell during a New or Full
Moon phase, on a day with partial or full sun. Begin by placing each of one
type of stone in the center, making a small square. The stones should almost
touch each other. Next, place the next stone of each type an inch or so away
from the first, moving it slightly over (diagonally, as opposed to straight up
or across). Keeping doing this with the remaining stones so that the finished
result looks similar to a sun’s rays, or spiral pattern. Adjust as you see fit.
Remember that the arms of the spiral should be going clockwise, or sunwise
and not counterclockwise. You are manifesting energy, not banishing it. Say:

‟ Like the ever-present sun,

I rise and rise and rise.
My energy increases,
with each consecutive sunrise.”
New Love Ritual Bath

You will need:

1 piece blue-green aventurine
1 piece rose quartz
1 piece clear quartz
1 piece pink calcite
pink rose petals
jasmine oil
a pink or white candle

Perform this spell on a New Moon. Draw the bathwater while you gather the
ingredients. When you are ready, cast your circle in the bathroom. Anoint the
candle with the jasmine oil and light the candle, then place one of the stones
on each corner of the bathtub. Add three drops of jasmine oil to the
Get into the bath and imagine letting go of anything you feel did not serve
you in past relationships. Perhaps you did not have enough patience, or
perhaps you felt as if your former lovers did not listen to you when you spoke
about your feelings.
Be utterly truthful in your self-examination. Remember that it takes two to
form a union, as well as break one.
Taking deep breaths, imagine a healing, rose-hued energy coming from the
crystals, soothing your heart and giving you the courage to be yourself and to
love someone else for who they truly are. Say:
‟ A warrior chooses not to fight,
but will fight for the one he or she loves.
I will be courageous enough to love unconditionally,
and invite the one who does the same into my life.”

Remain in the bath for at least 15 minutes. Allow the candle to burn down
and place the stones on your altar until the next Full Moon.
Past Lives Revealing Grid

You will need:

8 pieces howlite
4 pieces clear quartz
4 pieces tanzanite
1 piece labradorite
a grid surface

This spell can be performed at any time during the lunar phases or during any
sabbat, but for even extra power, perform it on a dark moon, Beltane, or
Place four pieces of the howlite in a diamond pattern, marking the four
elements and directions: North, East, South and West. Next, place the
remaining four pieces of howlite between each of the first four: North-East,
South-East, South-West, North-West.
Then, place the four pieces of clear quartz inside the outer boundary, at the
North, East, South and West points. Next, place the four pieces of tanzanite
within the secondary boundary made by the clear quartz and also at the
North, East, South and West points.
Finally, place the piece of labradorite—representing you—in the center of all
the other crystals and the grid itself.
For this spell, prepare your mind and spirit for patient, quiet, searching. You
will get wonderful results if you dedicate several nights to meditation with
this grid—even if you can only spare 15 minutes, that may be enough to yield
Keep your book of shadows and a pen close at hand to write down any
images, scenes, or fragments of memory you discovered while in meditation.
If you have only one night to devote to this, do not despair: take your time
and get comfortable and call upon the Crone goddess and your ancestors for
help guiding you through the memories. Write down everything you
This can be an ongoing project, performed once per month or during each
sabbat over the course of a year. The most important thing is to not give up:
the memories are there, it simply may take time to unearth them.
Money Tree

You will need:

5 pieces of tiger’s eye
4 pieces of citrine
3 pieces of garnet
6 pieces of rough diamond or Herkimer diamond
6 pieces of green calcite
4 pieces of brown fluorite
1 piece petrified wood
an asperger made from a bundle of these herbs: basil, lavender,
dandelion and rosemary (if out of season, the dandelion may be
omitted, or substituted with thyme)
holy water or gathered rainwater
a grid surface

This is a fun spell-grid to create and your creativity plays a role. The words
you chant will come before you build the grid and they serve to set the mood
of this spell. Remember that a happy mind that is filled with gratitude attracts
abundance, so before you begin the spell, make a pact with yourself to not
allow negative thoughts such as: ‟ I never have enough money” or ‟ I can’t
pay my bills” to enter your head. If they do, simply banish them with a snap
of your finger or a reply of ‟ YES I CAN”, or ‟ I am grateful for what I
When you are ready to begin, say:

‟ I have much, I have plenty,

Every day I receive more money,
In many ways and every day,
Money is mine for work and for play.”

When you have recited this, (and you may do so more than once, similar to a
mantra, to get your mind on board with the magical work that’s about to
occur), begin your magical crystal grid with the base of the tree: the piece of
petrified wood. Next, build the trunk with the pieces of brown fluorite—you
may make the trunk tall and thin, or short and thick, the choice is yours. Next,
use the pieces of tiger’s eye and rough or Herkimer diamond to build the
branches. Imagine yourself happy, satisfied with life and excited for each
new day as you build the branches. Next, dot the branches with ‟ leaves” of
the green calcite.
Finally, add the pieces of garnet and citrine among the branches and leaves;
consider these ‟ fruits” of wealth, above and beyond your daily cash flow.
Once your grid is complete, bless it with the herbs and water and recite the
words of casting. You may choose to leave this intricate grid in place for as
long as a week or a month, refreshing it with herbs and water and letting it
remind you that the magic is at work.
Joy Rejuvenation Grid

You will need:

4 pieces petrified wood
4 pieces rough ruby
4 pieces of pink tourmaline
4 pieces of orange tourmaline
a grid surface

It is vitally important that each of us experience some bit of joy on a regular

basis. This is often overlooked: we are pushed to perform, to succeed, to
measure up, to be ‟ enough”, to not be ‟ too much”, to be rich, thin, young,
tall—you name it and someone is telling us we need to be it. The truth of the
matter is, if you have joy in your heart and thoroughly enjoy a few moments
every day, you’re richer than most billionaires, in spirit. Longevity comes
from savoring life, not rushing through it chasing other people’s dreams.

This spell can be performed whenever you feel your enthusiasm and
happiness waning. It will work best if you cast it during a favorite time of
day: some of us enjoy waking with the sun and sipping coffee during a
beautiful sunrise, others feel the most energetic as the sun is setting and still
others come alive at night and adore casting their magic during midnight, also
known as the witching hour.

Using a piece of chalk, draw a circle, a heart, or five-pointed star on your

grid’s surface. Place the crystals in equal portions on both halves of the grid;
use your creativity and intuition to decide which crystals go where—there are
no wrong choices here.

When you are ready, take three cleansing breaths and say:

‟ Heart of mine, beat in kind,

with the universe and time,
delight in me, infinitely,
raise my spirits happily.”
Wise Grandmother Crystal Water

You will need:

1 piece of onyx
1 piece of moss agate
1 piece of smoky quartz
a cauldron or bowl
collected rain or river water
a stoppered bottle (glass, not plastic)

This water can be used when you need greater insight or wisdom about a
situation, another person, or yourself. Keep it in the refrigerator and dab a bit
of its cool essence on your forehead to activate your third eye chakra when
needed. Perform this spell on a dark or waning moon; it is especially
powerful when cast on Samhain. When it comes to choosing a Crone goddess
to speak to, you may simply say ‟ Grandmother”, or choose a specific Crone
goddess you feel drawn to. Some Crone goddesses include: Baba Yaga,
Hecate, Grandmother Spider (you may see more beneficial spiders in your
home, so be prepared if this is your choice), Hel and Oya.
With your wand, athame, or fingertip, tap each bit of stone before you drop it
into the water-filled bowl or cauldron and say:
‟ (name of goddess) share with me your thoughts. I am in need of your
wisdom, great Goddess.”
Hold the cauldron or bowl in your hands and take three cleansing breaths,
blowing your breath into the water to activate the spell. When you are ready,
set the bowl in view of the dark moon or night sky. The next morning, drain
the water into the bottle for storage, keeping the stones in the bottle to add
their energy to the potion.
Midnight Wealth Charm

You will need:

a buckeye or acorn
a lodestone
1 piece of tiger’s eye
a bay leaf and three basil leaves
a small, dark green cloth bag (pocket-sized)
Crown of Success oil

This spell can also be performed at noon, during the day. It seeks to bridge
the gap between the morning and the evening, so that wealth continuously
flows to you, around the clock. It should be during the Moon’s waxing phase,
or during the Full Moon for best results.
A buckeye is a North American tree similar to the horse chestnut. Some
people live in areas where the tree proliferates and can easily find buckeyes
on the ground, but others will have to purchase one online.
Place inside a green, cloth, drawstring bag—small enough to be able to hold
in your hand and carry in your pocket—a buckeye or acorn, a small
lodestone, a small piece of tiger’s eye, one bay leaf, three fresh basil leaves,
then anoint the ingredients by dropping three drops of Crown of Success oil
into the bag (also easily purchased online or at pagan supply shops). Light a
Money-Drawing incense stick and say, as you circle the smoke clockwise
around the bag:
‟ Wealth by night,
wealth by day,
wealth and health and
abundance to stay,
so do I create and so do I say.”
Gossip No More

You will need:

a handful of whole cloves
1 piece of yellow jasper
2 pieces of hawk’s eye
6 pieces of clear quartz
a grid surface

Perform this spell on a waning phase of the Moon. Because the cloves might
roll off a completely flat surface, using a large plate or platter will work
better as a surface for the grid.
Place the piece of yellow jasper in the center of your grid, then place the two
pieces of hawk’s eye on either side, but slightly lower than the yellow jasper
—this mimics your two eyes and the third eye. Then place one piece of clear
quartz at each of the elemental points: above (North), to the right (East),
below (South) and the left (West). Finally, add one piece of clear quartz
directly above the yellow jasper and one piece of clear quartz below the
pieces of hawk’s eye and centered between them. Carefully add a circle of
cloves surrounding the entire grid.

Light the sage and circle the grid counterclockwise and say:

‟ Negative voices speak of me not,

no ill news do I occupy, nor rumor, or thought.”
You may leave this grid in place until the New Moon arrives to thoroughly
cleanse away any rumors of you.
Strong Body Pyramid

You will need:

1 piece of citrine
2 pieces of bloodstone
3 pieces of chrysoberyl
4 pieces of beryl
5 pieces of hematite
6 pieces of fluorite
3 red candles
a grid surface

Perform this spell at any time other than the Dark Moon. If performed during
the waning phase of the Moon, realize that in order to attain greater physical
strength, you may have to ‟ let go” of something, such as a habit of late-
night snacking, procrastination when it comes to exercise, or in extreme cases
—a job that is asking you to work long hours, thus taking up time you may
need to devote to good health. Understand that if such changes are good, they
are for the best and are occurring with your best interests at heart. Preparation
will help ease fear or anxiety surrounding such changes.
Begin to build the pyramid from the bottom, using the 6 pieces of fluorite.
Add the hematite above this, then the beryl, then the chrysoberyl, bloodstone
and finally the citrine. Place one red candle at the top of the pyramid and the
other two red candles on either side of the base. Light the candles clockwise
(left, top, right) and say:
‟ Crystals bright and crystals strong,
imbue my body with strength, ever-long,
good health by day and good rest by night,
vitality and physical might,
grace and stamina,
speech and sight,
all my senses
alive and bright.”

Take time to meditate as the candles burn; feel the energy from the crystals
filling your body with good health and a strong immune system. When you
are ready, leave the candles to burn down. Return to meditate on the grid as
often as you need and make note of any improvements in your book of
Protection Talisman

You will need:

a small piece of Himalayan salt
a piece of iron (a railway tie works very well)
one black leopard jasper stone
dried nettles, thistles and rosemary
a small black cloth bag
black peppercorns
red thread
Holy altar incense (benzoin, myrrh, or frankincense will work also)

Perform this spell on a Tuesday or Saturday and during the waning, Full, or
Dark moon.
Light the incense. Place each item except the iron into the cloth bag, taking
care when handling the thistle and dried nettles. As you place each item into
the bag, say:

‟ No harm will come to this home.”

Once the bag is full, tie it nine times with the red thread. Then hold it in the
stream of incense and say:

‟ No harm will come to this place or those who dwell here.”

Next, tie the piece of iron or railroad tie to the bag using the red string.
Again, let the amulet pass through the smoke and say:
‟ By fire and smoke,
wing and cloak,
tooth and nail,
wind and sail,
no harm shall enter
this place and home,
by fire and smoke,
string and stone.”

Say the words of casting, then hang the amulet near the front door of the
house or apartment.
Fertility Circle

You will need:

three pieces of carnelian
three pieces of chrysoprase
five pieces of garnet
1 piece of electrum
1 piece of gold
1 piece of silver
a grid surface
three deep red or purple candles

Perform this spell on a Full Moon. There are 14 crystals used in this spell, as
14 is the number associated with fertility and the womb’s cycle.

The carnelian and chrysoprase represent the fertility of the God and the
divine masculine; the garnet represents the fertility of the Goddess, the womb
and the divine feminine, the gold represents the Sun, the silver represents the
Moon and the electrum represents the union necessary to create new life.
Regardless of the gender of the couple or individual in mind, this spell
recreates through crystal magic the elements necessary to create new life:
symbolically, as species in nature are capable of remarkable feats of
procreation, not all of which adhere to standard humanity-centric binaries or
biology. The miracle of life occurs where there is desire, will and energy—
this grid simulates that.

Breathe deeply and get yourself into a meditative space. Begin the grid by
placing the electrum between the gold on the right and the silver on the left.
Add the five pieces of garnet in a lower semi-circle beneath and surrounding
the gold, silver and electrum (akin to an upside-down bridge). On the right-
hand side of these stones, place the three pieces of carnelian at these points:
North-East, East and South-East. Then place the three pieces of chrysoprase
at these points: North-West, West and South-West.

Light the candles around the crystal grid at North, South-East and South-
West. Say:

‟ Gentle Goddess, good and kind,

bless the womb I have in mind,
their heart is true and parent new,
they wish to be, please let them find.”

You may leave the grid in place as long as you like. Return to it to meditate
on thoughts of you or the person in mind hearing news of their new baby.
Healing Sachet

You will need:

a piece of yellow fluorite
a piece of hematite
a moonstone
dried chamomile
dried yarrow
a small white cloth bag with a drawstring
a white candle
lavender oil

This spell may be performed at any time. Anoint the candle, hematite,
moonstone and fluorite with the lavender oil. Place the crystals in the bag,
adding the chamomile and the yarrow, then tie shut. Light the candle and
hold the bag above the flame’s light. Say:

‟ By the moon and by the sun,

ease of spirit and body won,
illness gone, light and strong,
good health to you stays ever-long.”

If the spell is for you, say ‟ good health to me”, instead. Keep the sachet on
you, beneath your pillow, or in your home where you spend a lot of time. It
may be recharged beneath the Full Moon every few months or so.
Truth Spiral

You will need:

three pieces of tanzanite
three pieces of celestite
three pieces of labradorite
three pieces of blue topaz
three pieces of clear quartz
three pieces of banded agate
a grid surface

Perform this spell on a waning or Full moon. Begin with the tanzanite: place
the three in the center of the grid, like a small pyramid. Add to each tanzanite,
a piece of celestite, so that the crystals begin to form a path heading outward.
Add to each celestite a piece of labradorite and begin to curve the paths
slightly so that they suggest a counterclockwise spiral. Add to the labradorite
the pieces of blue topaz, then the clear quartz, then the banded agate.
The grid’s result should be that you:

1) learn about a truth or truths that have been hidden from you
2) remain calm and unstressed by these truths when they come to light
3) maintain the wisdom and patience to deal with the truths accordingly, or
simply let them go

Meditate on this grid by imagining an ocean’s tide, covering a beach

completely, then receding as it ebbs away at low tide to reveal rocks, shells
and detritus left behind. Imagine picking these things up to gather them in a
basket, then leaving them at the forest’s edge, unimpressed by them and
Alternately, if this is a truth you have wanted to hear—such as in the matter
of secret love or feelings of admiration—imagine taking the basket home and
setting the found objects on your altar, then lighting a pink candle to
spiritually invite the truth-holder to share their feelings with you.
Chakra Alignment Tree

You will need:

one piece of moldavite
one piece of moss agate
one piece of aquamarine
one piece of green fluorite
one piece of leopard jasper
one piece of sunstone
one piece of either violet or black tourmaline
a grid surface

You can either make a grid of these crystals or place them on your body
directly. If doing the latter, then lay prone and place the moldavite near the
top of your head, place the moss agate on your forehead, place the
aquamarine on your throat, place the green fluorite in the center of your
chest, place the leopard jasper in the center of your abdomen below the chest,
place the sunstone on your lower abdomen just below your belly button and
place the tourmaline near the base of your spine (you can either lay on it, or
place it by your hip where your spine culminates if laying on it is too

Take deep, cleansing breaths, allowing your stomach to gently rise and fall. If
a stone falls off, let it and keep going. Imagine a fiery energy of divine light
enter your feet and travel up your legs, soothing muscle and bone as they go,
cooling every cell with healing energy. Imagine the chakra at the base of your
spine being cleansed of negative energy and recharging effortlessly. Then
imagine the divine light reaching your belly button and the chakra located
there. Cleanse and charge that chakra as well.
Imagine the divine light reaching your solar plexus, your heart, your throat
and your forehead. Finally, after healing, cleansing and charging your
chakras and your body, the light reaches the crown of your head, radiating
outward, filling the room with divine light and blessed energy.
Do this exercise once per month for best results, or more often if you’re
going through a stressful time of life.
Heart Chakra Full Moon Spell

You will need:

two pieces of green tourmaline
two pieces of watermelon tourmaline
two pieces of amazonite
1 piece of amber
a grid surface

During the Full moon, quietly chant this, either out loud or in your mind:

‟ By the river, by the sea

wealthy comes easily to me.”

Leave the crystal grid as long as you like, so that you can gaze upon it and be
reminded that abundance flows easily to you.
House Blessing Grid

You will need:

four pieces of andalusite
four pieces of orange calcite
four pieces of Himalayan salt
four pieces of jade
four pieces of black tourmaline
four pieces of hematite
four pieces of brown jasper
four pieces of prehnite
a grid surface

Perform this spell on a Full moon to bless a new home. Create a crossroads
grid with the stones, starting with the prehnite at the North, East, South and
West points and adding the brown jasper, hematite, black tourmaline, orange
calcite, Himalayan salt andalusite and finally the jade. Say:
‟ God and Goddess,
bless this place,
with a happy heart and smiling face,
with love, luck and happiness,
and days and nights where spirits can rest,
rejuvenate and laugh and sing,
sweet sights be seen, sweet bells will ring,
and gentleness, good luck and love,
will it be here, as so above.”
Calming Mandala
You will need:

six pieces of selenite

five pieces of clear quartz
three pieces of white sapphire
1 piece of sodalite
rose or sandalwood incense
a grid surface

This spell is especially helpful for those with trouble falling asleep.
Place the piece of sodalite in the grid’s center. Next, surround it with the
white sapphire, placing a single sapphire on top of the sodalite at the North
position, then the remaining two at the South-East and South-West positions.
Place the pieces of white quartz at the following positions encircling the
sodalite and sapphire: North, East, South-East, South-West and West. Then
place the seven pieces of selenite encircling the other stones at the following
positions: North, North-East, East, South, West and North-West.
When you are ready, light the incense and imagine you are using it to activate
each piece of crystal in the grid, working your way from the top, clockwise
and from the outermost circle until you reach the single piece of sodalite, at
which point say:

‟ Peace comes to thee.”

An alternate way to activate the crystals if you prefer a smoke-free

environment is to use a bell and a wand (or your index finger of your
dominant hand). Point to each crystal in turn and ring the bell once for each
to awaken that crystal.
Dream Talisman

You will need:

five pieces of tanzanite
five pieces of turquoise
five pieces of plume agate
five pieces of amethyst
a blue or purple candle
a bowl of water
a grid surface

Perform this spell on a Monday evening before bed. It enhances one’s ability
to have lucid, prophetic dreams.

Anoint each crystal by first submerging it in the bowl of water. As you do so,

‟ Guardians of the West, of memory, of the ancestors and the sages, share
your oceans and your seas, fill my dreams with prophecy.”

Then, working from the tanzanite down the list, place each stone in a
pentagram pattern, using these elemental points for reference: North, East,
South-East, South, South-West and West. Light the candle in the center of the
crystals. Meditate for a while, gazing at the grid. Prepare your mind for lucid
dreaming. While breathing deeply, tell yourself that you are going to be
speaking to yourself—your subconscious mind to your conscious—through
clearly defined symbols and visions while you sleep.

Keep a dream journal near your bed and be prepared to record what you’ve
seen. Often when we lucid dream, we wake up in the middle of the night,
feeling refreshed and ready to start the day. Instead, record anything you
remember from your dreams, get a glass of water and perhaps a light, healthy
snack, then return to bed. Before electricity was invented, people would have
what they called ‟ First Sleep” and ‟ Second Sleep”, dividing the night
between two shifts of sleep, with a brief break for refreshment in between.
Mandala For a Child’s Room

You will need:

seven pieces of rutilated quartz
four pieces of blue lace agate
four pieces of moonstone
one piece of prehnite
a grid surface

Begin by spiritually cleansing the child’s room, then place the grid where it
can be left undisturbed. Add the single piece of prehnite to the center. Around
this, add the moonstone, to the North, East, South and West positions. Then
add the blue lace agate to the North, North-East, South-East, South-West
positions. Finally, add the rutilated quartz to the outer band, at the North,
North-East, East, South-East, South, South-West and West positions.

Quietly say this, either out loud or in your mind:

‟ Beloved child (or children) of mine

bless your days, your moments, your time,
fill each with hope and joy and love,
blessed by the Sun and Moon above.”
Guardian Angel Miracle Request

You will need:

nine pieces of morganite
five pieces of electrum
one pink or white pearl
one diamond and one moonstone
a selenite wand
a grid surface
a piece of white, unlined paper and a pen or pencil
a white candle

Perform this spell whenever needed. Make sure you spiritually cleanse
yourself and your ritual workspace well before casting this spell.
Write your wish for a miracle on the paper, never lifting the pen or pencil
from the paper as you do so, regardless of how messy the results may be.
Fold the paper towards you once, then turn it clockwise and folded it once
Place this beneath the grid surface before you begin assembling the crystal
Arrange the grid as such: at the bottom of the grid place the nine pieces of
morganite evenly-spaced across. Above these, place three pieces of electrum.
Above those three, place the two pieces of electrum, one above the other
towards the top of the grid.
Above the topmost piece of electrum, place the selenite wand and atop that,
the diamond. Atop the diamond, place the pearl. If you find that the pearl
rolls, place a tiny piece of double-sided tape beneath it to keep it in place.
After you’ve assembled the grid, light the candle and meditate, feeling your
heart reach its energy up to the divine and connect with it.
Stay as long as you need to in that meditative state. Allow the candle to burn
down and in three days’ time or less, your wish will be answered.
Plant Growth Potion

You will need:

a piece of green tourmaline
a piece of jade
a piece of white quartz
a piece of celestite
a green or clear glass bottle with a cap or stopper
a grid surface

Perform this spell on a New, Waxing phase, or Full Moon. Place the bottle
half-filled with water in the center of the grid. Arrange the tourmaline, jade,
white quartz and celestite around the bottle. Say:

‟ Water of Earth and of the fields

blessings from my plants please yield
Full of life, bright and strong,
when nights are short and days are long.”

Allow the crystal grid to remain in place for three days, then place each gem
inside the bottle and refrigerate. Add a few drops to the soil when beginning
your garden or bringing a new houseplant home.
Cupid’s Dream Sachet

You will need:

an emerald
a garnet
dried lavender
dried honeysuckle
dried red rose petals
a pink, red, or indigo cloth bag or material to sew into a pillow

Best cast on Imbolc, Beltane, or Litha, but can be cast on any New or Full
moon, this spell draws possible true love closer to you. Place each item in the
sachet or material to be sewn and say over the pillow:

‟ Bless this charm and bring true love,

that warms the heart like the singing dove,
that cheers the spirit and enlivens the soul,
true love with whom I may grow old.”

Keep the sachet on your altar, or beneath your pillow for prophetic dreams
pertaining to your true love.
Love Attracting Amulet

You will need:

an emerald charm
a red candle
Venus oil

On a New moon, waxing phase or Full moon, anoint the candle with the oil
and hold the charm above it, preferably on a gold or silver chain. Allow the
amulet to swing back and forth like a pendulum and say:

‟ Like the ticking of the time,

I do seek true love of mine,
To come when ready, steady and true,
As the sun shines bright when the sky is blue.”

Charge the amulet beneath the moon’s light and wear it daily to attract true
Amulet of Protection

You will need:

a black tourmaline set as a charm for a necklace
a brown candle

On a Saturday, Tuesday, or Thursday, light the candle and hold the amulet in
your hand. Say:

‟ My feet on the ground,

blessings all around,
my heart light as heaven,
seven times seven.”

Wear this amulet to help you overcome difficulties with ease and always
remain grounded, grateful and standing firmly and happily in your power.

Thank for making it through to the end of WICCA CRYSTAL MAGIC,

Fundamentals of Wiccan Crystal Magic for Beginners. Use the Power of
Gems and Stones to Heal, Protect or Attract Love and Health, let’s hope it
was informative and able to provide you with all of the tools you need to
achieve your goals whatever they may be.
The next step is to make a list of the crystals you’d like to get started working
with first. If you want to focus on one crystal at a time, that is perfectly
acceptable. Make a list of what areas of your magic and your life you want to
work with: which areas need some attention? What are your goals and your
dreams when it comes to career, love, romance, health and magic? Then
research, using this book, which crystals can help you in these areas. Don’t
forget to record your experiences and insights into your book of shadows
along the way.
Finally, if you found this book useful in any way, a review on Amazon is
always appreciated!

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