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Nama : Aalya Sholikhatul Choerunnisa

NPM : 3335170054

Tugas : NME Himmelblau example dan problem 8.6


1. Pada proses absorbsi CO2 dibutuhkan air sebanyak 7,5 kali dari aliran Feed. Jika

ditargetkkan 78% gas CO2 dapat diserap pada proses ini beserta setengah dari uap

air yang ada pada aliran feed. Diketahui komposisi aliran masuk sebanyak CO2

60%, CO 10%, NO2 10%, SO2 5% dan sisanya uap air. Berapakah komposisi

aliran keluar pada kolom absorbsi ini.

Dik :

Komposisi = CO2 60%

CO 10%

NO2 10%

SO2 5%

H2O 15%

Air pada absorber : 7,5 kali dari total aliran Feed.

CO2 yang diserap : 78 % CO2 dari Feed.

H2O yang diserap : 50 % Uap air.

Dit :
Aliran keluar absorber?



Absorber NO2

Basis Perhitungan = 100 kg aliran keluar

100 kg feed absorber :

CO2 = 65% x 100 kg = 65 kg

CO = 10 % x 100 kg = 10 kg

NO2 = 10 % x 100 kg = 10 kg

SO2 = 5 % x 100 kg = 5 kg

H2O = 10 % x 100 kg = 10 kg

-Jadi H2O untuk menangkap CO2 pada absorber

= 7,5 x gas keluar

= 7,5 x feed absorber

= 7,5 x 100 kg

= 750 kg

-CO2 yang diserap 78% dalam feed

= 78 % x 65 kg

= 50,7 kg

-CO2 yang tidak diserap

= (6,5 – 50,7) kg

= 14,3 kg

- H2O yang diserap 50 % dalam Feed

= 50 % x 10 kg

= 5 kg

- H2O yang tidak diserap

= (10-5) kg

= 5 kg


CO2 = 65% x 100 kg = 65 kg

CO = 10 % x 100 kg = 10 kg

NO2 = 10 % x 100 kg = 10 kg B H2O = 750 kg

SO2 = 5 % x 100 kg = 5 kg

H2O = 10 % x 100 kg = 10 kg CO2 = 14, 3

C kg
Total : 100 kg A Absorber + Stripper
CO = 10 kg

NO2 = 10 kg

SO2 = 5 kg

H2O = 5 kg

Total : 44,3
H2O = 750 Kgkg
H2Os = 5 Kg
CO2 = 50,7 Kg
Total = 855,7 Kg
Cek :

Aliran masuk = Aliran keluar

A+B =C+D

(100 + 750 ) kg = ( 805,7 + 44,5 ) kg

850 kg = 850 kg

EXAMPLE 8.6 Crystallization

A tank holds 10,000 kg of a saturated solution of Na,CO, at 30°C. You want to

crystallize from this solution 3000 kg of Na, CO, H2 without any accompanying

water. To what temperature must the solution be cooled?


This problem is a Little more complicated to analyze than the previous problems

because it not only requires a decision as to what the compounds are in the problem,

but also it implies without specifically stating so that the final solution is saturated ar

the final emperarure. No reaction occurs. Although the problem could be set up as a

steady-state problem with lows in and out of the system (the tank), it is equally

justified to treat the process as an unsteady-state process. The major difficulty posed

in this problem is to get all the necessary information about the compo- sitions of the

solutions and solid precipitate. If you can calculate the final concentration of the

Na2CO, in the tank, you can look up the corresponding temperature in a handbook

containing solubility data. The components mentioned in the problem statement are

Na2CO. H2O, and Na CO 10H20. Although these components can exist as separate

compounds, only two chemical species actually exist in the tank: Na2CO, and H20.
Let's select these species as the components for which to make material balances,

because it takes fewer steps to make the required calculations.

Step 1,2, and 3

Figure E8,6 is a diagram of process

Next, you need to get the compositions of the streams oinsofar as pssible for each

solution and the solid crystals of Na2SO4.10H2O .

Step 2,3,and 4.

You definitely need solubility data for Na2CO3 as a function of the temprature :
Because the initial solution is saturated at 30 C, you can calculate the compotition of

the initial solution :

38,8 g Na2CO3
= 0,280 mass fraction Na2CO3
38,8 g Na2CO3+100 g H2O

Next you should calculate the composition of the crystals.

Step 5

Select a basis. The following is convenient: others can be used, such as 3000 gram of

Na2CO3 . H2O

Basis : 10.000 kg of saturated solution at 30 C.

Steps 2 and 3 (Repeated)

From the known data we have calculated the compositions the compounds and

solutions, and put them on Figure E8.6b. The problem now appears to be quite similar

to the previous examples, particularly Example 8.4

Because we are treating this problem as an unsteady-state problem, the mass balance

reduce to (the flow in = 0)

Accumulation = in – out

Step 6 dan 7

The analysis of the degrees of freedom yields a value of zero ( l stands for the initial,

F the final state, and C the crystals).

Step 8 and 9

After substitusing the specifications and basis into the material balances, (only two

are independent) you get ( in kg)

The solution for the composition and amount of the final solutions is

Check using the total balance

7000 + 3000 = 10.000

To find the temperature of the final solution, calculate the composition final solution

in terms of grams of Na2CO3 /100 grams of H2O so that you can use the tabulated

solubility data listed in Steps 2-4 above.

1,687 kg Na2CO3 3,18 g Na2CO3

5,313 kg H2O 100 g H2O

Thus the temperature to which the solution must be cooled lies between 20 C and 30

C by linear interpolation.

30 C – ( 10,0 C) = 26 C

A liquid adhesive consists of a polymer dissolved in a solvent. The amount of poly-

mer in the solution is important to the application. An adhesive dealer receives an

order for 3000 pounds of an adhesive solution containing 13 % polymer by weight on

hand is 500 pounds of 10 % solution and very large quantities of 20 % solution and

pure solvent. Calculate the weight of each that must be blended together to fill this

order . Use all of the 10 % solution .

Solution :

Basis : 3000 lb of final Product

Unknowns : A and S, Balance, Total and Polymer.

Total Weight = A + S + 500 = 3000

A + S = 2500

Polymer = 0,2A + 50 = 390

A = 5(340) = 1700

S = 2500 – 1700 = 800

Translate :
Suatu perekat cair terdiri dari polimer yang dilarutkan dalam suatu pelarut. Jumlah

poli dalam solusi penting untuk aplikasi. Sebuah agen perekat menerima pesanan

untuk 3000 pon larutan perekat yang mengandung 13% polimer berat di tangan adalah

500 pon larutan 10% dan jumlah yang sangat besar dari larutan 20% dan pelarut

murni. Hitung berat masing-masing yang harus dicampur bersama untuk mengisi

pesanan ini. Gunakan semua solusi 10%.

Solusi :

Basis Perhitungan : 3000 lb dari berat total

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