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Woke misogyny and homophobia: a gay critique of trans ideology

Gender identity ideology (Gender ID) is ripping through western society at full
force, bringing out misogyny and homophobia from big sections of the so-called
left. It�s in plain sight and is ugly as hell.

Women�s and girls� (human females) sex-based rights are being eroded to make way
for the inclusion of males who �identify� as women in their spaces. Whether it�s
women�s refuges, women�s prisons, changing and restrooms, or women�s sports, gender
ID is having a profound effect on legislation that exists for the rights of the
female sex-class to equal opportunity, as well as safeguarding.

Two sexes

Gender-critical women who simply know there are only two sexes are labelled �TERFs�
(Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminists), a slur often accompanied with violent
threats, as well as actual, physical violence. Twitter actively bans women, with
Canadian feminist Meghan Murphy, editor of Canada�s leading feminist website,
banned for �misgendering� a shady trans-identified male who goes by the name
Jessica Yaniv, despite going by the names �Jessica� and �Jonathan� at the time of
the ban.

Countless other women are banned on what now seems to be a daily basis, with
intersex/DSD advocate Claire Graham recently banned too. All of this for simply
saying that women are adult human females, deserve sex-based rights and the right
to female-only spaces, and that being a woman is not a feeling inside a bloke�s

Lesbians, who naturally exclude males from their romantic and sex lives, are
subject to �cotton ceiling� rhetoric from gender ID activists, the cotton ceiling
referring to lesbians� underwear as a barrier to be broken by males who �identify�
as �lesbians�, in pursuit of validating their delusion. This crossing of sexual
boundaries is heinous, and it�s the same thing lesbians have had to deal with from
men long before the mainstream madness of gender identity ideology.

Homosexuals, both lesbians and gay men, are increasingly told that our sexual
orientation refers to �gender�, not sex. �Sex is fluid�, we�re told. This is
outrageous. We are not attracted to someone�s hidden �gender identity� and we are
not bisexual. We�re supposedly �transphobic� and need to �unlearn our biases� if we
don�t validate the delusions of those who push gender ID onto us. This kind of talk
is how I initially learned how backward gender ID is. And I�m still angry about it.

With the aid of the woke left, there is now a concerted effort to turn gay young
people straight
Woke weasels enabling anti-gay eugenics

I have something to say to these woke weasels: Fuck you.

As if the madness seems like it couldn�t get worse, it does.

Gender non-conforming children, many of whom are likely grow up to be same-sex

attracted, are being taught the lie that liking �girly� things means they might be
a girl even though they�re male, and that liking �boyish� things means they might
be a boy even though they�re female. Increasingly, many are going to �gender
clinics�, with girls outnumbering boys, and being given hormones to disrupt natural
puberty, cross sex hormones, double mastectomies, and �sex reassignment� surgeries.

This is terribly regressive, harmful, and homophobic. It teaches children that what
makes one a male or female is what most of us would simply call �sex stereotypes�,
and that medicalisation is necessary if children find navigating our sex
stereotyped society a challenge. This is abhorrent and I agree with those who call
this practice gay eugenics.

Five clinicians of the UK�s Gender Identity Development Service (GIDS), as well as
a governor of The Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust, have resigned over
concerns regarding the treatment of children troubled about their �gender
identity�, or sex.

The Times UK has reported that the clinicians believe �that some gay children
struggling with their sexuality are being wrongly diagnosed as �transgender�� [at
GIDS]. Another piece from the Times reports, �So many potentially gay children were
being sent down the pathway to change gender, two of the clinicians said there was
a dark joke among staff that �there would be no gay people left�.� If this doesn�t
raise the hairs on your neck, I don�t know what will.

Erasing women and homosexuals

The language we use to refer to sex and its related terms has been distorted so
much that women and homosexuals are fighting to hold onto the terms that describe
themselves with coherency. Male, female, boy, girl, man, woman, heterosexual,
bisexual, homosexual, sexual orientation, intersex/DSD. . . all terms related
directly to sex, to biological reality, are being snatched and used in the ideology
that is �gender identity�. Is this not a form of language appropriation? I think it
is and, predictably, it is lesbians and women/girls in general that are
disproportionately affected. I wonder why that is? (I hope you don�t struggle to
think why!)

Sex self-ID has been put on hold in New Zealand thanks to the work of women�s group
Speak Up For Women NZ. This extreme and truly bizarre form of identity politics is
intended to allow anyone (no questions asked) to change their sex marker on their
birth certificate. It has proven to be disastrous legislation, as evidenced by the
case of Jessica Yaniv in Canada. Over a dozen women have been dragged through the
human rights tribunal and settlements made for �discrimination� on the basis of
�gender identity�. What was this supposed discrimination?

Refusal of women to wax male genitalia to be a crime?

Yaniv believes that getting his balls waxed is a �gender-affirming� service. The
man is unhinged. But this is what sex self-ID opens the door to. It is not the
fault of trans people in general that those who abuse systems exist, but this is
the logical outcome of ill-thought-out legislation coupled with the push to
gaslight the public with the notion that when one says they are a man or a woman,
we must comply with their assertions despite our eyes, noses, and ears � and brains
� telling us the complete opposite.

I urge more men to read up and speak up, gay men especially. Quit the �inclusive in
the tweets, exclusive in the sheets�. Women, straight and gay, shouldn�t be forced
to do this alone and it is their sex-based rights that are most at risk, by far.
Use a pseudonym in some online spaces if you have to, but speak the truth with your
close family and friends, at the very least.

Seek out women�s groups who centre female people in their activism and ask what you
can do to help.

Show you support women�s and girls� rights by heading over to Speak Up For Women NZ
and let the New Zealand Olympic Committee, Sport New Zealand, and the Minister for
Sport Hon Grant Robertson know that sport must be categorised by sex, not gender

And please sign The Declaration on Women�s Sex-Based Rights:

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