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Satuan Pendidikan : SMKS Kes. Bhakti Kencana Garut

Kompetensi Keahlian : SEMUA KOMPETENSI
Kode : -
Alokasi Waktu : 90 Menit
Bentuk Soal : Pilihan Ganda

1. Isikan identitas anda ke dalam lembar jawaban Penilaian Tengah Semester yang tersedia.
2. Jumlah soal sebanyak 35 butir soal pilihan ganda dengan 5 pilihan jawaban
3. Periksa dan bacalah soal-soal sebelum Anda menjawabnya.
4. Laporkan kepada pengawas apabila terdapat lembar soal yang kurang jelas, rusak, atau tidak lengkap.
5. Tidak diizinkan menggunakan kalkulator, HP, tabel matematika atau alat bantu hitung lainnya.
6. Periksalah pekerjaan

A. Choose the correct answer by crossing A, B, C, D, or E!

1. …. The weather in my country is warm and comfortable all year, so many tourists visit it
in the winter.
A. Because C. As E. So that
B. Unless D. Because of
2. Clara love to stay here …. The weather.
A. Because of C. Because E. As
B. For D. Since
3. I think you shouldn’t go out …. It’s raining heavily outside.
A. For C. Already E. Because
B. But D. Besides
4. …. My mother was sleeping, I prepared tea on my own.
A. Unless C. But E. Besides
B. Despite D. As
5. …. The weather is very hot there, we have delayed our visit.
A. Since C. Yet E. Due to
B. Because of D. Otherwise
6. The tree fell in the middle of the road because of the high wind. The cause in the sentence
above is….
A. Tree fell D. the high wind
B. in the middle of the road E. because
C. The tree
7. Farhan joined the book club because he loved to read. The cause in the sentence above
A. Because C. read E. he loved to
B. joined the D. Farhan read
book club
8. Although I like chocolate, but I can’t eat it… I’m allergic to it.
A. Because C. Yet E. Due to
B. Because of D. Otherwise
9. We could not reach on time … the traffic was terrible.
A. Because of C. So that E. Because
B. Due to D. As
10. …. The language problem, I couldn’t win the argument.
A. Because C. For E. Because of
B. Since D. Although
11. Most formal reports are written in the …..
A. First person C. third person E. First and third person
B. Second person D. First and second person
12. The following is one of the expressions used in delivering a presentation….
A. Good morning, Dear. D. Good morning, everybody
B. Hello, everybody E. Good morning, how are you?
C. Good morning, my beloved friends.
13. The expression to open presentation is that we should say ….. first to audiences.
A. Hoping C. Greeting E. Thanking
B. Shympaty D. Apologizing
14. In a report, the most beginning should be written is …
A. Table of contents C. Presentation E. Preface
B. Introduction D. Title page
15. The statements “ I would like to conclude that ….” Is commonly found in …..
A. Beginning C. Opening E. Closing
B. Introduction D. Content
16. The speaker shouldn’t …. In handling questions from the audience.
A. Answer objectively D. Explain the answer as long as we can
B. Try to give statisfying answer E. Avoid the complicated answer
C. Avoid prejudice and emotion
17. The following the media that commonly used in a presentation, except ….
A. OHP C. Laptop E. Books
B. Screen projector D. Whiteboard
18. The part of report that talks about where the writer got some information related to the
subject, like books is called ….
A. Preface C. Title E. Conclusion
B. Bibiliography D. Content
19. The following are function of introduction in a report, except ….
A. Explain about implemention of report making
B. Explain the problem detail
C. Explanation about duty
D. Information about guidance
E. To get the common impression about its presentation
20. Read the following steps!
1. Analyzing various reasons of problem solving.
2. Testing alternative of problem solving.
3. Introduction
4. Presentation of problem.
5. Presentation of alternatives or problem solving.
The best arrangement steps of problem in writing a report is…
A. 4-1-2-3-5 C. 5-4-1-3-2 E. 3-1-5-2-4
B. 3-1-2-5-4 D. 4-5-1-3-2
Questions 21 to 23 refer to the following text.
Arjmin pane was an Indonesian author of the “new generation” poets. Born in tapanuli,
he attended school at the Hollandsch- inlandsche school (HIS) and continue to Europeesche
Lagere school (ELS) in North Sumatra. Graduating from ELS , armijin pane moved to
Jakarta to join medical training in STOVIA in Jakarta and NIAS in Surabaya. Then he
continued to AMS in Surakarta , where he graduated with a degree in western Classical
Armijin pane began his career as a journalist in Surabaya. Then he taught at taman
siswa in Kediri and Jakarta, in 1933, Armijin pane and sutan takdir Alisjahbana started
poedjangga Baroe (new poet) magazine, in 1936. He also joined balai pustaka asan editor.
Creating a lot of literary works, of which the greatest was belenggu , Armijin pane
made important contributions to Indonesian literature, Armijin pane was honoredfor his
work in literature by the government of republic of Indonesia in 1969.
21. the first paragraph mainly talks about ….
A. Arjmin pane’s childhood experience
B. Arjmin pane as an Indonesian author
C. Arjmin pane’s educational background
D. Arjmin pane’s as “a new generation poet”
E. Arjmin pane as an Indonesian author and childhood experience
22. “Arjmin pane was honored for his work ….” (paragraph 3)
The synonym of the word “honored” Is ….
A. Credited C. Believed E. Following
B. Followed D. Expected
Questions 23 to 24 refer to the following dialogue.
Renata : do you always come home this late?
Sonia : yes, I work night shift at the hospital
Renata : are you a doctor?
Sonia : no, I help the doctors to take care of the patients.
23. From the dialogue above, we may infer that Sonia ….
A. Work as a nurse at the hospital D. Is a patient treated at the hospital
B. Work as a doctor at the hospital E. Work as a teacher at school
C. Is a security guard at the hospital
24. What is the topic of the dialogue?
A. Hospital C. Profession E. Teacher
B. Friendship D. Dedication
Questions 25 to 26 refer to the following dialogue.
Stephen : hi, jane. What are you doing? You look stressed.
Jane : I have write ten articles about lifestyle. They’re due on Thursday
Stephen : shall do half of them ?
Jane : are you serious? How about your own duties?
Stephen : don’t worry. I’ve finished.
Jane : thanks. I really appreciate it.
Stephen : most welcome
25. From the dialogue, we can conclude that jane is … stephen’s help.
A. Giving C. Declining E. Invite
B. Offering D. Accepting
26. The word “ duties” in the dialogue has a similar meaning to ….
A. Taxes C. Burdens E. Home work
B. Tasks D. Problems
27. Jimmy : what you think we should give nina for her birthday?
Chintya : how about of pair of sports shoes? She can wear them for playing basketball .
Jimmy : …. She already has a lot. I think a new backpack will be usefull for her.
A. I disagree with you D. You’re absolutely right
B. I couldn’t agree with you more E. I agree with you
C. I think the same way
28. Jessica : how do you feel about the interior design of my office?
William : …. It makes the room feel cozy and modern . did you do it yourself?
Jessica : no, I had a professional designer do it.
A. It looks terrible to me D. Sure, I really agree with you
B. I think it’s very pleasant E. I agree with you
C. I will very a nice design for you
29. Melanie : is a new jacket? It looks terrific with your blue T-shirt.
Jason : really? A friend of mine bought it from Australia.
Melanie : of course …..
A. Australia has a lot of fashion store
B. The leather material is very expensive
C. The ties at the waist make it look sporty
D. All the jackets in the store are sold out
E. All the ties in the store are very expensive
30. Michael : when was the last time you washed your car? It’s so dirty.
Revina : I can’t remember. My schedule is very tight.
Michael : ….. I’m not doing anything right now.
A. Let me help you wash the car D. How about the washing your car?
B. Would you take it to the salon? E. How about the washing my car?
C. You should wash the car soon
31. Mita : this holiday is very longand boring. What should I do?
Doni : if you a lot of spare time ….
Mita : oh, that’s a good idea . thanks.
A. You would help your parents D. You could have cleaned your room
B. You should have stayed at home E. You couldn’t have cleaned your room
C. You can try to get a freelance job
32. Lia : congratulations on your graduation . what will you do after this?
Mia : thanks …. I have been admitted to an apprenticeshipprogram there.
Lia : that will be good for your portofolio.
A. I was going to Singapore D. I think I want to go to Singapore
B. Perhaps I will go to Singapore E. I were going to Singapore
C. I’m going to go to Singapore
33. Robin : … I held my breath during the show.
Nicole : thank you. We have been preparing for months.
Robin : no wonder it was so flawless.
A. I barely admired your performance last night
B. What an astonishing performance last night
C. Did you just perform a beautiful show?
D. How was your performance last night?
E. How is performance last night?
34. Roy : mr. smith asked where you were yesterday.
Kate : ….
Roy : at least you could have sent a message.
A. I was present yesterday D. Mr. smith called me yesterday.
B. I got terribly ill yesterday E. I gotten terribly ill yesterday
C. I wanted to meet mr. smith.
35. Bambang : hi, yani , shall we go to the movies this evening?
Yani : I really want to but I’m afraid I can’t …..
Bambang : it’s okay. Good luck with your test.
A. I was going to take my test
B. I had to study for my mid-semester test
C. I’m studying for the final test tomorrow
D. I will read a lot of book for the test tomorrow
E. I were going to take my test

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