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Sony Bravia

25-44 SEC A M/F

What drives a consumer to buy an LCD?

I. Consumer Research
II. Market Information

Sample size – 100 (Both; owners and intended buyers)

1. Buying behavior
2. Role of women
3. Purchasing pattern
4. Influencers
5. Needs/ Expectations
6. Big event influence
7. Role of advetising

• Which products drive category growth?

• Which categories drive store growth?
• Which categories drive department growth?
• Where are the retail opportunities for my category?
• How does my category perform by retail banner?

• What are my market shares and trends?
• How are my brands performing compared with my competitors?
• How important is private label to my buyers?
• How successful are my competitors at building volume and loyalty?

• What other categories interact with mine, and which are important?
• What cross category opportunities are there?
• How loyal are category buyers?

• How does my price compare with competitors’ prices?
• What is my share of space compared with my competition?
• What is the relevance of private label to my competitive position?
• N
• How are my stores performing compared with the marketplace?
• Which consumers are choosing my stores?
• Which consumers are choosing my competitors’ stores?
• Do all my stores have the right set of products for their markets?
• B
• Are consumers loyal to a size/form/flavor?
• What line extension should be considered?
• Are consumers loyal to a manufacturer?
• How loyal are frequent category buyers?
• C
• What else do consumers buy – categories and brands?
• What is mix of basket per purchase?
• What other brands are important alternatives?
• C
• What categories attract consumers to a store?
• How does pricing and promotion affect store loyalty?
• What is the impact of frequent shopper programs?
• How is consumer loyalty influenced by private label products?
• C
• How are different promotion mechanics driving incremental brand volume and profit?
• What is the optimum level of discount to achieve volume/profitability objectives?
• To what extent does display enhance promotion effectiveness?
• Are there key times of the year when promotions are more effective?
• How does the length of promotion influence its effectiveness?
• How much cannibalisation across the portfolio occurs when items are promoted?
• What is the worth of historical promotional activity?
• C
• What are the unconscious category drivers?
• How do consumers experience your brand versus the competitors?
• What personality traits does your brand exhibit?

1. Lifestyle – Tick against the activities you relate to

 Holidays abroad

 Gyms and Spas

 3 Most watched TV Channels

 Most read newspaper

 Most visited website

 Most used electronic appliance at home

 Movie watching habits?

 Friends or relatives gather over TV Programs?

 TV is placed in which part/s of the house?

2. Do you own an LCD? – Yes

3. Why did you buy it?

4. Was it a firm decision or just a thought?

5. Do you own other television sets too?

6. What do you see as the difference it brings to you?

7. Which brand do you own?

8. Why did you choose this brand?

9. How did you decide?

10.What other brands are you aware of?

11.Why not those brands?

12.Does price play an important role?

13.Do you remember any advertisement of LCDs?

14.Are you looking at buying another one?

15.If yes then which one will you buy this time?

16.If no then why not?

17.Where did you buy it from?

18.Did you buy it keeping in mind some fore coming television event or

19.Who took the final decision?

20.Was there a conflict of choice?

21.What were you looking for?

22.What do you now feel the need for in your television and why?

23.Do you go for popularity of brand or features?

24.Does the brand name make a difference?


26.What do your friends own?

27.Did that matter when you took the decision of buying?

28.Which source do you use to seek information?

29.Are you looking at buying the 3D TVs?

1. Lifestyle – Tick against the activities you relate to

 Holidays abroad

 Gyms and Spas

 Heavy internet

 Heavy TV

 3 Most watched TV Channels

 Most read newspaper

 Most visited website

 Most used electronic appliance at home

 Movie watching habits?

 Friends or relatives gather over TV Programs?

 TV is placed in which part/s of the house?

2. Do you own an LCD? – No, I am considering buying it?

3. Why will you buy it?

4. Why will you not buy it?

5. Do you own other television sets too?

6. What do you see as the difference it shall bring to you?

7. Which brand would you like to own?

8. Why would you choose this brand?

9. How would you decide?

10.What other brands are you aware of?

11.Why not those brands?

12.Does price play an important role?

13.Do you remember any advertisement of LCDs?

14.Where will you buy it from?

15.Will you buy it keeping in mind some fore coming television event or

16.Who will take the final decision?

17.Do you expect a conflict of choice?

18.What are you looking for?

19.What do you now feel the need for in your television and why?

20.Will you go for popularity of brand or features?

21.Does the brand name make a difference?


23.What do your friends own?

24.Will that matter when you take the decision of buying?

25.Which source do you use to seek information?

26.Are you looking at buying the 3D TVs?

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