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ssalamualaikum, wr. wb.

Dear principals of SMA N 01 Tanjung, all teachers and administrative staffs of

SMA N 01 Tanjung, and all my dearest friends from class X to XII

Take a brief moment to thank to Allah Almighty who has given us the grace
and guidance so that we can meet face to face together in this place. We
would like to convey sholawat and salam to our prophet Muhammad SAW
who guides us to the right path.

Everyone knows exactly how dangerous HIV-AIDS is. HIV-AIDS, a dangerous

disease that have been killed millions of people is well-known as incurable. A
disease that had been existed since the ancient Egypt have been the most
feared disease for us. My friends, I am standing here right in front of you all, I
would like to deliver a speech about HIV AIDS.

Ladies and Gentlemen

HIV-AIDS is dangerous and it hasn't got any cure yet. But what is actually
HIV-AIDS? We often confuse to differentiate between HIV and AIDS. HIV and
AIDS actually refer to different things. Human Immunodeficiency Virus or HIV
is one type of virus that weakens the immune system of human body. People
who affected by HIV will be vulnerable to disease because their immune
system is weak. While AIDS or Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome is the
symptoms and infections caused by damaged immune system as a result of
HIV. HIV refers to the name of an virus and AIDS refers to the name of the
symptoms caused by HIV.

HIV-AIDS have been already existed long time ago before it was recognized
by WHO in July 5 1981. HIV-AIDS also was claimed as the deadly disease in
history of human life. It was proven in 2005, between 2.4 - 3.3 million people
were died caused by HIV-AIDS, and 570.000 of them were children. HIV-AIDS,
like I said before, is terrible disease that attack human immune system. It
opens other diseases easily attack people because their immune system is
week and it will make some serious complication such as lung disease,
cancer, nerve and psychological disease, diarrhea and other infection.S.
Even mild disease symptoms such as cough or flu can be fatal for HIV-AIDS

Ladies and gentlemen

Again, HIV-AIDS is dangerous and it hasn't got any cure yet. So, what should
we do? The only thing we should do is to avoid HIV-AIDS. It is not avoiding
the patients of HIV-AIDS but the bad behaviors that lead us to HIV-AIDS such
as free sex and drugs.
Actually by doing good behavior as it has been taught by our religion, will
help us to avoid HIV-AIDS. Free sex and drugs are considered as heavy sin in
our religion. By avoiding those behaviors, it will automatically spare us from
HIV-AIDS. In other words, the closer we are to our religion, the further we are
from getting HIV-AIDS.

Not much I can say today, thank you very much for your attention. Hopefully,
this speech will re-open our perspective towards HIV-AIDS and make us more
aware of the dangers of HIV-AIDS. Thank you.

Walaikumsalam, wr. wb.

Assalamualaikum, wr. wb.

Yang terhormat kepala sekolah SMA Negeri 01 Tanjung, semua bapak ibu
guru beserta jajaran staf administrasi SMA Negeri 01 Tanjung, dan teman-
teman ku dari kelas X sampai XII.

Marilah berdiam diri sejenak untuk mensyukuri kehadirat Allah yang maha
kuasa yang telah memberi kita rahmat dan hidayah, sehingga kita bisa
bertatap muka bersama di tempat ini. Tidak lupa juga kita sampaikan
sholawat serta salam kepada nabi kita Muhammad SAW yang telah
menuntun kita ke jalan yang benar.

Semua orang pastinya sudah mengetahui betapa berbahanya HIV-AIDS. HIV-

AIDS, suatu penyakit berbahaya yang telah membunuh jutaan manusia
terkenal sebagai penaykit yang belum ada penyembuhnya. Penyakit yang
telah ada sejak zaman Mesir Kuno tersebut telah menjadi momok bagi kita
semua. Teman-teman ku, Saya berdiri tepat di depan kalian semua, saya
akan membawakan sebuah pidato tentang HIV-AIDS.

Hadirin sekalian

HIV-AIDS merupakan penyakit yang mematikan dan merupakan penyakit

yang belum ada penawarnya. Tetapi apa sih sebenarnya HIV-AIDS itu? Kita
sering bingung membedakan apa itu HIV dan apa itu AIDS. Sebenarnya HIV
dan AIDS merujuk pada hal yang berbeda. HIV atau Humman
Immunodeficiency Virus adalah salah satu jenis virus yang melemahkan
system kekebalah tubuh manusia. Orang yang terkena HIV akan rentan
terkena penyakit karena sistem kekebalan mereka lemah. Sedangkan AIDS
atau Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome adalah gejala dan infeksi yang
disebabkan rusakny sistem kekebalan tubuh manusia hasil dari HIV. HIV
merujuk pada nama sebuah virus sedangkan AIDS merujuk nama gejala
yang disebabkan oleh HIV.
HIV AIDS sudah sejak lama ada sebelum pertamakali dikemukakan oleh WHO
pada tanggal 5 Juli 1981. HIV AIDS juga diklaim sebagai penyakit paling
mematikan dalam sejarah kehidupan manusia. Dibuktikan pada tahun 2005,
antara 2,4 sampai 3,3 juta orang meninggal karena HIV AIDS, dan 570,000
diantaranya adalah anak-anak. HIV AIDS melumpuhkan kekebalan tubuh
penderitanya, itu lah sisi mengerikannya HIV-AIDS. Hal itu membuka
penyakit lain mudah menyerang orang kerena sistem kekebalan merak
lemah dan itu akan membuat beberapa komplikasi serius seperti penyakit
paru-paru, kanker, penyakit syaraf dan psycologis, serta infeksi yang lain.
Penderita HIV AIDS dengan gejala penyakit ringan seperti batuk atau flu
dapat berakibat fatal.

Hadirin sekalian

Lagi, HIV-AIDS merupakan penyakit yang mematikan dan merupakan

penyakit yang belum ada penawarnya. Jadi, apa yang harus kita lakukan?
Satu-satunya hal yang harus kita lakukan adalah dengan menghindari
penyakit HIV-AIDS. Bukan menghindari penderitanya, melainkan menghindari
perbuatan buruk yang dapat menyebabkan HIV-AIDS seperti sex bebas dan

Sebenarnya dengan berkelakuan baik sesuai apa yang telah diajarkan agama
kita akan menjauhkan kita dari HIV AIDS. Sex bebas dan narkoba termasuk
ke dalam dosa yang berat dalam agama kita. Dengan menghindari
perbuatan-perbuatan tersebut, dengan secara otomatis akan menjauhkan
kita dari HIV-AIDS. Dengan kata lain, semakin dekat kita dengan agama,
semakin jauh kita dari HIV-AIDS.

Tidak banyak yang saya bisa katakan hari ini, terima kasih banyak atas
perhatiannya. Semoga dari pidato ini akan membuka kembali pandangan
kita terhadapat HIV-AIDS dan membuat kita lebih waspada akan bahaya HIV
AIDS. Terima kasih.

Walaikumsalam, wr. wb.

Semoga contoh Pidato Bahasa Inggris HIV-AIDS di atas bisa memberikan

sobat wawasan bagimana membuat pidato bertemakan HIV-AIDS dan
tentunya bisa bermanfaat. Apabila ada kesalahan baik dari segi tata bahasa,
terjemahan, ataupun penulisan, mohon kiranya kritik dan saran yang
membangun untuk kemajuan bersama. Jangan lupa like dan share juga ya
sobat. Terima kasih... ^^ English is Fun ^^

ontoh Naskah Pidato Tentang HIV/AIDS (English Version)

Download Contoh PidatoTentang HIV/AIDS
HIV / AIDS who have been with us for about two decades, remains a problem that continues to
be avoided from all of us. We are and have made some progress in understanding these
challenges, but the long road we have yet to encounter.

Although people from all walks of life who have contracted AIDS, but the most vulnerable in our
society is part of the poor, the illiterate, women and children who bear most of the burden of the
HIV epidemic.

Against HIV / AIDS in South Africa has become more complex over 10 years. We are no longer
only dealing with information and awareness, but with people who are faced with the reality of
living with the disease. They do not know their HIV status. Some of them had been sick but they
did not know that their illnesses associated with HIV / AIDS. And even if they know or suspect,
they are reluctant to come and talk about their condition.

I stand before you today to further strengthen our partnership in responding to this major
challenge, especially the stigma that continues attributed to him. We ask that you partner because
we know that every South African citizen, every leader, the priest of the special and unique to
play a role in combating HIV infection and treating people with HIV / AIDS.

Religion has always played the role of caring for people who are weak and need support. Care
was given not limited to a message of hope and spiritual welfare. But you have been able to do
these programs really make a difference in the lives of those who need care, especially in
children. I believe that our religion can play a major role in combating the stigma associated with
HIV / AIDS and encourage a positive attitude and live among those infected and affected.

To ensure the general direction of the call for partnership, we did a development of Five Year
Strategic Plan for South Africa, in 2000 in collaboration with all key stakeholders, including
faith-based sectors. This is a broad national strategic plan designed to guide the country from the
response to HIV / AIDS. The plan outlines four priorities, namely: (1) Prevention, (2) Care and
Support, (3) Research, and and (4) Human Rights.

There should be no doubt that the faith-based communities have a central role to play in the
implementation of this plan. There are many examples of how faith is the sector responding or
may respond to these challenges. I want to raise the discussion at least four key roles that faith-
based organizations and individual members of organizations that can play in responding to

With regard to education, we can:

Identify resources for prevention and education models

Strengthen HIV / AIDS through family enrichment

Increase HIV / AIDS through youth programs – to build a strong foundation on s*xuality, adult
and responsible for the marriage, the appreciation of youth.
In advocacy, we can:

Campaign against discrimination

Work with government in achieving cost-effective level of health care, especially home-based

Looking for ways to protect the interests of especially women and children

In worship, we can
* Create an annual National Day of Prayer and Healing for all people affected by the epidemic
* Create inter Day of Prayer and Healing
* Providing care that involves encouraging and supporting those infected and affected
* Promoting ‘Family helpers’ for people who lost a parent or guardian
* Take part in providing hospital care that may include:

o Visit the house to remind each other

o Meeting the physical needs of food, clothing, medical attention

o Assistance in planning for the future of families, especially children

o Support for children orphaned

o Assist with basic household activities such as shopping, cleaning the house or wash clothes

All consultations and AIDS in Africa held in Kampala in April 1994 that "Call to Action" was
developed and signed. Similarly, "A commitment on HIV / AIDS by those who believe", was
signed in Washington in the same year. I will like to quote at least one part of our commitment to
this statement, and I:

"We are called by God to affirm a life of hope and healing in the midst of HIV / AIDS. Our
tradition calls us to realize and express hope, and to celebrate life and healing in the midst of

For that, we must send a positive message about HIV / AIDS.Kita need to tell the people that just
because you are HIV positive today, does not mean you will get AIDS and die tomorrow. The
main factors such as poverty, high rates of child malnutrition, particularly vitamin A and iodine
deficiencies and other shortcomings have a major impact on the way to full development of

We must tell those who are infected and affected by HIV to eat nutritious foods, they manage the
stress, there was soon treating s*xual infections including infection and use condoms, they can
live longer and lead a healthy and productive lives for years.
We need to use this opportunity to express our response to AIDS:

* We are called to love

* We are called to be compassionate and care
* We must commit ourselves to public speaking and promoting the prevention of HIV / AIDS
* We must encourage and provide care for those infected and affected
* We must fight discrimination and stigma of sin
* We must work together with other sectors of society to seek ways to eliminate poverty

I believe that if we could leave this conference with a strong re-affirmation as a faith-based
leaders of this country, we will be able to provide hope for the faith community and to society as
a whole: It’s in the spirit of love, compassion and care, through collective efforts to confront and
discrimination and challenge each of us to empower those who believe we can overcome many
challenges to HIV / AIDS.

Pidato Bahasa Inggris : HIV AIDS

Assalamualaikum, wr. wb.
The honorable ones the principle of SMA Negeri 01 Tanjung, all teachers and
administration staff of SMA Negeri 01 Tanjung and all my friends from grade X till Xii.
Before I begin to give a speech, I would like to invite you to thank to Allah the Almighty,
Who has given us Mercy and Blessing, so we can meet together in this blessing place.
And also I don't forget to deliver sholawat and salam to our prophet Muhammad SAW,
Who has brought us from the darkness to the brightness, so we are always in the right
Ladies and gentlemen
HIV AIDS, all people here definitely know about that term. HIV AIDS, all people here
know how terrible that disease. HIV AIDS, all people here agree that we have to stay
away from it. But to day, here and after, I will remind you, I will re-inform you about
what HIV AIDS is, what a dangerous disease HIV AIDS is, and how to avoid HIV AIDS.
In this gold opportunity, I will give a speech about HIV AIDS.
Ladies and gentlemen
HIV or Human Immunodeficiency Virus is a kind of virus that weaken the immune
system in people's body. People who get HIV will be susceptible of illness because their
immune system is week. And AIDS or Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome is all
symptom and infection which are caused by the broken of immune system of human as
result of HIV. So to make it clear between HIV and AIDS is different. HIV refers to the
name of a virus while AIDS refers to the name of a symptom cause by HIV.
HIV AIDS have been already existed long time before it was recognized by WHO in July
5 1981. HIV AIDS also was claimed as the most deadly disease in history of human life.
It was proven in 2005, between 2.4 - 3.3 million people were died caused by HIV AIDS,
and 570.000 of them were children. HIV AIDS, like I said before, is terrible disease that
attack human immune system. It opens other diseases easily attack people because their
immune system is week and it will make some serious complication such as lung
disease, cancer, nerve and psychological disease, and other infection.
Since the HIV AIDS declared as one of the most deadly disease, the cure to heal HIV
AIDS is never be found yet. The only thing that we can do is just to avoid that virus get
inside to our body. There are three major gate that HIV can get inside to our body;
injected drugs, free sex, and mother to child transmission. If we can say no to injected
drugs or doing free sex, we can reduce the chance to get HIV AIDS. keep healthy and
keep doing right things will help us to step away form HIV AIDS.
Ladies and gentlemen
Not much that I can say to day, just a few of words above that I can deliver to you at this
moment, thank a lot for your attention and I also ask forgiveness for my mistakes. May
from this speech will re-open our perspective to HIV AIDS. And may form this worthless
information will re-aware you to step away from HIV AIDS. Thank you.
Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb

Terjemahan Pidato Bahasa Inggris : HIV AIDS

Assalamualaikum, wr. wb.
Yang terhormat kepala sekolah SMA Negeri 01 Tanjung, semua guru dan staf
administrasi SMA Negeri 01 Tanjung dan semua teman-teman ku dari kelas X sampai
Sebelum saya menyampaikan sebuah pidato, saya ingin mengjaka kalian untuk
bersyukur kehadiarat Allah yang maha kuasa, yang telah memberi kita rahmat dan
hidayah, sehingga kita bisa bertemu bersama di tempat yang di berkati ini. Dan juga
saya tidak lupa untuk menyampaikan sholawat dan salam kepada nabi kita Muhammad
SAW, yang telah membawa kita dari kegelapan ke ke jaman terang benerang, sehingga
kita selalu berada di jalan yang benar.
Hadirin yang terhormat
HIV-AIDS, semua orang disini pastinya sudah tau tentang hal itu. HIV-AIDS, semua
orang di sini tahu bagaimana merikannya penyakit tersebut. HIV-AIDS, semua orang
pasti setuju bahwa kita harus menjauh darinya. Tetapi hari ini, lagi dan lagi, saya akan
mengingatkan anda kembali, saya akan kembali menginformasi anda tentang apa itu
HIV AIDS, apa bahanya HIV AIDS, dan bagaimana cara mencegah HIV AIDS. Di
kesempatan emas ini, saya akan menyampaikan pidato tentang HIV AIDS.
Hadirin yang terhormat
HIV atau Humman Immunodeficiency Virus adalah salah satu jenis virus yang
melemahkan system kekebalah tubuh manusia. Orang yang terkena HIV akan rentan
terkena penyakit karena sistem kekebalan mereka lemah. Dan AIDS atau Acquired
Immune Deficiency Syndrome adalah gejala dan infeksi yang disebabkan rusakny
sistem kekebalan tubuh manusia hasil dari HIV. Jadi untuk membuatnya jelas antara
HIV dan AIDS sebenarnya berbeda. HIV merujuk pada nama sebuah virus sedangkan
AIDS merujuk nama gejala yang disebabkan oleh HIV.
HIV AIDS sudah sejak lama ada sebelum dikemukakan oleh WHO pada tanggal 5 Juli
1981. HIV AIDS juga diklaim sebagai penyakit paling mematikan dalam sejarah
kehidupan manusia. Dibuktikan pada tahun 2005, antara 2,4-3,3 juta orang meninggal
karena HIV AIDS, dan 570,000 diantaranya adalah anak-anak. HIV AIDS, seperti yang
saya bilang sebelumnya, merupakan penyakit yang mengerikan yang menyerang sistem
kekebalan manusia. Hal itu membuka penyakit lain mudah menyerang orang kerena
sistem kekebalan merak lemah dan itu akan membuat beberapa komplikasi serius
seperti penyakit paru-paru, kanker, penyakit syaraf dan psycologis, serta infeksi yang
Sejak HIV AIDS dideklarasikan sebagai salah satu penyakit paling mematikan, obat
untuk menyembuhkan HIV AIDS belum pernah ditemukan. Hal yang hanya kita bisa
lakukan hanyalah mencegah virus tersebut masuk ke dalam tubuh kita. Ada tiga
gerbang utama HIV dapat masuk ke dalam tubuh kita; narkoba jarum suntik, sex bebas
dan penularan HIV ibu ke anak. Jika kita bisa berkata tidak pada narkoba jarum suntik
atau melakukan sex bebas, kita bisa mengurangi peluang terkena HIV-AIDS. Tetap
mejaga kesehatan dan melakuakn hal yang benar akan menolong kita menjauh dari HIV
Hadirin sekalian
Tidak banyak yang saya bisa katakan hari ini, hanya beberapa kata saya yang bisa saya
sampaikan pada kesempatan kali ini, terima kasih banyak atas perhatiannya dan saya
juga mohon maaf jika terdapat kesalahan. Semoga dari pidato saya ini akan membuka
kemabali pandangan kita mengenai HIV AIDS. Dan semoga dari informasi yang tidak
berharga ini akan menyadarkan kembali untuk menjauhi HIV AIDS. Terima kasih.
Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb

Terima kasih sudah berkenan membaca artikel tersebut di atas, semoga bermanfaat
bagi teman-teman sekalian. Penulis juga mohon kiranya teman-teman berkenan
memberikan kritik dan saran yang membangun karena penulis rasa artike tersebut di
atas jauh dari kata sempuran. Mohon maaf jika terdapat kesalahan dari segi penulisan
maupun bahasa. To err is human, to apologize, divine.

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