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YEAR 801

1. Define the term adaptive features? Anything that allows and help organism to successfully survive and
reproduce in an ecosystem.

2. Define the term adaptation? Adaptation is the characteristic of n organism that allows an organism to adjust in
certain environment or a particular way of life.

3. What is physical or structural adaptations and give some examples of physical adaptations? Is a adaptation
when some type of structural modification is made to the part of the body of an organism. Examples: webbed
feet, sharp claws and large beak.

4. Explain the term behavioral adaptations with relevant examples. Behavioral adaptation is when an animal or
organism reacts to some type of external stimuli. Examples: what animal is able to eat? How it protect itself etc.

5. What is physiological or functional adaptation? Adaptation which relates to the general functioning of the
body and chemical process of the organism. Examples: The ways an animals digest food, producing defensive
mechanism such as producing venom

6. What effect does it place on an organism when there is lack of adaptations in its natural habitat? The
organism may migrate to another habitat or may become extinct.

7. Define the term defense mechanism? Is an example of behavioral adaptation which an organism utilizes to
protect itself from its natural predators?

8. Discuss and explain the functions of digestive organs in human and in toad? Digestive organs simply help
in digestion of food.

9. What is the function of stomach in human digestive system? It stores food.

10. Name some internal organs that is regarded as disgestive organs? Stomach, liver, small intestine, large
intestine, colon, liver and pancreas

11. Differentiate between herbivore and carnivore? Herbivores are organisms that directly feed on plants also
known as primary consumers. Carnivores are organisms that feeds on other organisms ( animals) also known as
secondary consumer.

12. Define the term top carnivore or tertiary consumer? The carnivore at the end of the food chain is known as
top carnivore or tertiary consumer.

13. Define the term food chain? The process of eating and being eaten is known as food chain.

14. Define the term photosynthesis? Plants ability to trap energy from the sun and use it to convert carbon dioxide and
water into food.

15 Why plants are regarded as producers? Because plants make their own food.

16. What is the role of decomposer in the food chain? Breaking down dead material and returning the minerals back to
17. Give at least two examples of decomposers? Maggots and cockroaches

18. Explain what is food web? Linking of various food chains to one another is known as food web.

19. What is the ultimate source of energy for most ecosystems? Sun

20. Discuss reason due to which organism depend on each other In the ecosystem? For food, for shelter and for

21. Explain what do you understand about intra specific competition? When resources are limited and food are limited in
the habitat thus competition for food becomes intense for members of same species.

22. Define the term mutualism? Relationship between two different of species working together, each benefiting from the
relationship - example bees – flowers

23. Define the term commensalisms? Is a relationship between two organisms, where one organisms benefit from the
other without affecting it. Example: Remora fish and shark

24. Define the term predation? Where one organism hunts and eats the other organism. Example: cat and a rat

25. Define the term Parasitism? Is a non mutual relationship between two species where one ( parasite) benefits at the
expense of other.

26. What are some human induced activities that are posing a threat to environment? Land reclamation, deforestation,
burning of fossil fuel, illegal fishing methods, misuse and over harvesting of resources in the environment.

27. Define the term land reclamation? Gaining of land from the sea, wetlands and other water bodies.

28. What is deforestation and what are some negative impacts of deforestation on the environment? Deforestation is
cutting down of trees in large quantities without replanting. Soil erosion, release of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere,
coastal erosion, land slide, loss of habitat for living organism.

29. What are some reasons of land pollution? Urban sprawl, poor agricultural practices, personal consumptions, industrial
activities and over production of synthetic materials.

30. Discuss and explain as how urban sprawl contributes to land degradation and [pollution? Natural habitats are
removed to make room for communities with inefficient or irresponsible planning. Its results in waste of land area for
unused development.

31. Define the term climate change? Is a adverse change in climatic patterns due to increased level of carbon dioxide
produced by the use of fossil fuel and air pollution.

32. Discuss some of the negative impact of climate change on the Pacific Island countries? Extreme weather conditions
such as hurricanes, flood, droughts, coastal erosion, shortage of food, sea water intrusion and rising sea level.

33. Define the term endemic species? Are species that is only found in given location or region and no where else in the

34. Differentiate between extinct and endangered species? Extinct species refers to those plant and animals that no longer
exists or has completely died out. Endangered species refers to those plants and animal species that are seriously at the
risk of extinction.

35. List down the names of some endemic species of Fiji? Orange dove, Golden fruit dove, Tagimoucia , Balaka Palm
species, Fiji petrol or Kacau.

36. Why it is important to protect and safeguard coral reefs? Because it harbors life as it provides shelter and protection
to many marine organisms in the ocean.

37. Explain why conservation of natural resources is important? to protect habitats and sustain it for future generations. It
also protects animal and plant species from becoming endangered or extinct.

38. Explain the term preservation? Is a process which involves attempts to maintain and preserve areas in their natural
conditions without any human interaction or activities?

39. List the names of some natural reserves that has been established for conservation and preservation of natural
resources in Fiji.

 Bouma Nationa Heritage Park

 Colo I Suva Forest Park
 The Namena Marine Reserve

40. Define the term matter? Matter refers to things that occupies mass and space.

41. What are three states of matter? Solid . liquid and gas

42. What do you understand by the term mixture? When two or more substances are mixed together it is known as

43. Discuss and explain how evaporation separates solute from the solvent? The solution must be heated to remove the
solvent thus leaving behind the solute.

44. List down some basic general work procedure and conduct that needs to be followed while working in the lab?

 Do not engage in practical jokes or boisterous conduct in laboratory

 Never run in the laboratory
 Do not sit on the laboratory benches
 Know emergency procedures
 Never leave experiments while in progress
 Never attempt to catch a falling object
 Do not remove any equipment or chemicals from the laboratory
 Be careful while handling hot glassware and apparatus in the laboratory

45. What are some safety rules that students need to follow while in the science laboratory?

 Don not directly touch nay chemical with your hands

 Always use spatula to remove a solid reagent from container
 Never touch, taste or smell any reagents
 Never mix or use chemicals not called for in the laboratory exercise

46. What is the difference between sublimation and deposition? Sublimation when solid turns into a vapor (gas) without
going through liquid phase while deposition is when gas becomes a solid going through the liquid state.

47. Explain the difference between mixture and compound? Mixture is made up of two or more different substances
which are mixed and not combined chemically while compound is a substance made up of two or more elements
chemically combined together.

48. List down the properties of mixture?

 Composition of mixture is variable

 Each components retains its characteristic properties
 Components are easily separated

49. List down the properties of Compound?

 Relative properties of elements are fixed

 Do not retain individual properties
 Take a lot of energy to separate components of compound.

50. Define the term filtration? Separating mixtures by sieving or filtering is known as filtration.

51. Give some examples of filters at our homes? Tea Strainer, flour sieve etc.

52. What is centrifuge and give some examples? is a process of separating mixture through spinning. E.g. washing
machine at home

53. Explain the difference between reactants and product? Substances present at the beginning of the reaction is called
reactants while materials made after the reactions are called products

54. List down some changes that can be observed during chemical reactions?

 Color changes
 Production of gas
 Production of heat
 Loss of heat
 Production of light
 Production of solid ( precipitate)

55. List down some forms of energy?

 Heat
 Electrical
 Sound
 Solar

56. List down three different ways of heat transfer?

 Conduction
 Convection
 Radiation

57. Discuss how heat transfer through conduction process? In conduction heat transfers within a body or two bodies that
are touching. It is point by point process of heat transfer. Example metal spoon placed in cup of hot drinks makes spoon hot .

58. Explain the difference between conductor and insulator?

 Material which allows heat to travel through is called conductor example metal, copper and iron
 Material that does conduct heat easily is called insulator example wood

59. Discuss and explain what Convection is? Convection is the transfer of heat from one fluid to another by the movement
of fluid itself. Example boiling water

60. Discuss and explain what radiation is? Is the process where heat is transferred through form of heat waves? Example
warming yourself in front of campfire. (heat in this process travels to your body through heat waves)
61. Define the term blackbody? An object good at radiating heat is regarded as blackbody example sun and earth.

62. Explain how sound energy is produced? Sound energy is produced as in form of vibration on the air .these vibrations
in the air travel as sound waves which moves sound energy from one place to another.

63. What is solar energy? Energy that is derived from the sun.

64. Discuss how solar energy has been utilized by people? It has been utilized by people to heat water in homes, buildings
and swimming pools.

65. What are solar cells? It is the device that converts the light energy directly into electrical energy.

66. How can we conserve energy? By switching off all the electrical appliances when not in use.

67. Explain what is non renewable energy? Is the energy that takes millions of years to form and are regarded as non
renewable because once they are used up they can not be replaced.

67. List down some examples of non renewable energy. Fossil fuels which included coal, gas and oil (crude)

68. List down some examples of renewable energy?

 Solar energy
 Hydropower
 Wind energy
 Biomass
 Geothermal

69. Explain what is biomass? Biomass is an example of renewable energy that can be utilized for direct combustion for
conversion to energy example wood for cooking . other examples include forest residue, agricultural crops and aquatic
plants etc.

70. Explain what is geothermal? Geothermal energy is the heat generated by the natural process beneath the earth’s
surface. Geothermal energy is recovered as steam and hot water.

71. Explain what is electric current? The flow of electrons or electricity through the wire is called electric current.

72. Explain the difference fluorescent and incandescent lights? Fluorescent lights are energy saving lights and are more
efficient than incandescent lights. Examples of fluorescent lights are tube lights, energy savers etc while examples of
incandescent lights are bulbs and flood lights.

73. Define the term force? Pull, push and twist can be described as force.

74. What is a force meter and what is it used for? Force meter is an instrument that is used to measure force.

75. Which unit is used to measure force? Newton

76. Discuss and explain the difference between weight, mass and gravity?

 Mass – is amount of matter an object contains. It measured in kilograms or grams.

 Gravity – is the force that attracts objects towards each other. Gravitational force increases when the masses are
bigger and when the objects are closer.
 Weight - is force caused by gravity. Since it’s a force so its measured in Newton

77. What is friction? Forces that act in opposite direction to the movement are known as friction.

78. Explain how frictional forces or friction can be useful.

 Friction between our shoes and floor surfaces stop us from slipping
 Friction between tyres and road stops cars from skidding
 Friction between the brakes and wheel help bikes and cars slow down
 Friction between parachute and the air resistance slows down parachute for safe landing

79. Explain what is air resistance? Air resistance is the frictional forces of the air against the vehicle .Faster the vehicle
travels, the bigger the air resistance becomes. It can also be regarded as air resistance acting against gravity.

80. Explain how does streamlining helps cyclists and vehicles? Streamlining contributes to reduce air resistance on
cyclists and vehicles thus enabling to go faster.

81. What does up thrust force in liquids determine? It determines the density of liquids.

82. What is hydrometer and what is the function of hydrometer? It is an instrument that is used to measure the pushing
up power or up thrust of liquids. It is made up of glass and is usually heavier at bottom to keep them floating up right in

83. Explain how does air resistance helps skydivers and parachutes? It exerts against the moving thus slowing it down
and allows the parachutes for and skydivers for safe landing.

85. How many planets are there in the solar system? 8 planets

86. What makes the planets orbit them around the sun? the gravitational force and pull allows the planets to orbit
around the sun.

87. Discuss and explain the day and night cycle on earth? The day and night cycle are caused by earths rotation on its
axis. Earth is orbiting planet which orbits around the sun so when the North pole of the earth faces the sun its daytime for
all those countries in the Northern hemisphere and night time for all those countries in southern hemisphere similarly
when its day time southern hemisphere then its night time Northern hemisphere

88. Discuss and explain the seasonal cycle on earth. Just like formation of day and night cycle seasons are caused by 23.5
tilt of earth’s axis rotation, a yearly revolution around the sun which leads to one part of the earth being more directly
exposed to rays from the sun then the other regions. The part of the earth which is exposed to the sun gets warmer thus
experience summer while the other part / region of earth experience winter.

89. Explain how does positioning of sun, moon and earth cause ocean tides to change? Tides are basically caused by the
gravitational pull of sun and moon. The tides are greatest during new moon ( full moon) when sun and moon are aligned
together in the same direction. The side of the earth that faces sun usually has high tide while the side away from the sun
has the low tide.

90. How often does the tides changes? Tides changes at every six hours.

91. Explain how does eclipse occurs? Eclipse occurs when a huge shadow travels across the surface of the earth. The darker
part of thus shadow is called umbra and lighter part of the shadow is called penumbra.

92 When does total eclipse and partial eclipse occur? When the earth’s surface is shadowed by umbra ( darker shadow)
then total eclipse occurs and when it is shadowed by light shadow ( penumbra) then partial eclipse occurs.

93. Discuss and explain how does solar eclipse occurs? Solar eclipse occurs when moon passes between the sun at new
moon. The shadow of the moon falls on earth that shadows the sun. This shadow is called solar eclipse.
94. Discuss and explain how does lunar eclipse occurs? Lunar eclipse occurs when the moon travels on the opposite
direction of earth from the sun at full moon. The moon passes in the earth’s shadow. It is very dull and can be just only
little visible.

95. Why sun is regarded as important source of energy on earth? Because the sun is regarded as source of life for all
living organism on earth and without sun there will be no life on earth. It is also a major contributing factor of solar
energy on earth.

96. What is photosynthesis? Photosynthesis is a process used by plants and other organisms to convert light energy
into chemical energy that can later be released to fuel the organisms' activities

97. Name four layers that makes up the earth? Crust, mantle, outer core and inner core.

98. Discuss features of different layers of earth?

 Crust - is the first layer of earth where we live on and which holds the oceans together. Its is very thin as its thickness
is 70km thick and 10km thick under the oceans.
 Mantle - is the second layer of earth is thicker then crust and made up of heavy rocks. It is 3000km thick. The
temperature at this layer is extremely hot.
 Outer core – it is made up hot melted rocks. It is the third layer of earth
 Inner core - is the fourth layer of earth - it is located deep in the earths centre.

99. Differentiate between primary and secondary structures of rocks.

 Primary structure – are structures of rocks formed before or as at the same time as material is in the process of
becoming rocks. Example – rocks formed from magma as it crystallizes
 Secondary structure – is the structure imposed on rocks after it has already formed. This is when the rocks change due
to compression of existing rocks. Example initial shapes of rocks changed by man or by natural process.

100. List down the names of three different types of rocks. Igneous rocks, sedimentary rocks and metamorphic rocks.

101 Explain what is igneous rocks and discuss how it is formed? Igneous rocks are basically formed by magma of
volcano. When the larva of volcano cools it forms into a rock called basalt. It is also called extrusive rocks since it is
formed outside the volcano on the other hand magma that erupts within the volcano forms rocks called granite also
known as granite rocks

102. Explain the difference intrusive and extrusive rocks? Extrusive rocks ( basalt) are rocks that are formed outside of
the volcano from cooling down of larva. Intrusive rocks( granite) are rocks that formed within the volcano through the
eruption of magma within the volcano.

103. Explain what is sedimentary rocks, also give example of sedimentary rocks? Sedimentary rocks are those rocks
that are formed from the sediments that are collected at the bottom of sea, rivers and lakes. These sediments include
parts of rocks, dead animals and plants. Examples of sedimentary rocks are sandstone, conglomerate and limestone

104. Discuss the features of sandstone, conglomerate and limestone rocks.

 Sandstone - made up form sediments of sand. In Fiji it is also known as soapstone

 Conglomerate rocks - made from large gravel and large brown particles cemented together. Mainly found along the
coastal inline of islands.
 Limestone – are formed from sediments of shellfish, snails, dead plants that drops to the bottom of the ocean. It
takes thousands of years to form through compression of wind and water.

105. Explain what is metamorphic rock? These rocks are changed forms of igneous and sedimentary rocks through the
process of heat and pressure caused by molten magma at the bottom of the earth.

106 Name two types of metamorphic rocks and discuss their features?

 Marble rocks - are rocks that change from limestone sedimentary rocks through the pressure from above.
 Slate – are clay that change from heat and pressure.

107. List down some natural occurrence that affects the structure or rocks?

 Weathering
 Soil erosion
 Natural disasters

108 Explain what is weathering and list down the different categories of weathering? Weathering is breakdown of
rocks, soil, minerals and other artificial materials by the different atmospheric conditions. Three different categories of
weathering are physical, chemical and biological weathering.

109. Identify and discuss different physical components the contributes to physical weathering?

 Heat – the heat temperature cracks the rock, during day the rocks expand due temperature and in the night the rock
cracks due to cold temperature,
 Water – overflowing of water over rocks washes rocks away. Falling water and rain on rocks also wears out mineral
and causes rocks to break. This is also known as fluvial erosion.
 Ice - in colder region water beside the rocks freezes, causing expansion and causing the rocks to break.
 Wind - wind blow the sands into rocks surface, smooth them down and smaller particles are removed. The wind
wears the rocks away. This is also known as Aeolian erosion,

110. Explain what is chemical weathering? Is also known as decomposition or decay is breakdown of rocks by chemical
mechanism such as through carbonation, hydration, hydrolysis, oxidation and ion exchange. Example – rainwater and
oxygen join together causing the rocks to break and also change them to red soils.

111. Explain what is biological weathering? it is a sub process of physical and chemical weathering process. Plays
important role in soil formation

112. Discuss how does biological weathering takes place?

 Plants and tree roots crash their way to find mineral and water thus they force the rocks to break. plants give off
organic acid that chemically breaks down rock minerals
 Animals, worms termites and gophers physically breaks down rocks during physical activities such as boring into the
 Decay – when plants and animals decay they release carbon dioxide into the air which mixes with water and becomes
acidic and breaks minerals in rocks.

113. Explain what oils erosion is and list down three different types of soil erosion. Soil erosion is washing away of soil,
rocks and minerals caused by water, wind and mankind. Three different types of soil erosions are :

 Erosion caused by water: This occurs due to heavy rainfall which washes away the soil from the hills due to heavy
 Erosion caused by wind – natural disasters such as hurricanes, cyclone, tornadoes and strong winds blows small rock
particle and sand away.
 Erosion caused by mankind – removal of forests due to deforestation causes landslide on idle lands during extreme
weather conditions.

114. List down natural disasters which significantly contributes changes in physical structure of earth? Volcano
eruption. Earthquake and Tsunami

115. Identify different layers of atmosphere and discuss their characteristics and features?

 Troposphere - this is first layer which is around us and is also known as home layer. It is suitable and conducive for
survival of living organism on earth. The air at level is compromised of 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen and 1 % of other
gases such as carbon dioxide etc. Changes in weather patterns also take place in this layer.
 Stratosphere - this is the second layer of atmosphere. This layer contains ozone layer and its temperature rises with
increasing altitude. This is the layer where airplanes fly because of the minimum air turbulence
 Mesosphere – this is the third layer where the air is thin and cold. In this layer the temperature drops as the altitude
increases. This is the layer where most meteors that fall outer space burns upon atmospheric entrance.
 Thermosphere - is the fourth layer where ultra violet radiation is very high. Temperature in layer is highly
dependent on solar activity and can be very high at times.
 Exosphere - is the fifth and uppermost layer where atmosphere thins out and merges with solar system. Only high
powered satellites and space shuttle can access this layer.

116. Discuss and explain how do human activities affect the layers of atmosphere?

Because of industrialization technologies, fossil fuel burning the troposphere is getting toxic and is getting disturbed. Due
to disturbance in troposphere the second layer stratosphere where the ozone layer is also greatly affected leading to global
warming and climate change. The natural occurrence at other layers have also began to change as emissions from
troposphere is getting huge and forcefully affect them.

117. Define the term weather? Weather is the day to day state of atmosphere as changes daily.

118. Define the term climate? Is the general weather pattern of particular region or place over a long period of time.

119. List down the important components of weather? Temperature, humidity, wind, and cloud clover.

120. Discuss and explain the characteristics of these various weather components?

 Temperature – is the amount of heat present in the atmosphere. The temperature is dependent on the heating of earth
by the sun. The sunlight warms the earth, ocean and lakes and reflects warmth back into the air.
 Humidity - is the amount of water vapor present In the air. The water particles changes into vapor and rises into
atmosphere through evaporation.
 Wind – wind is the moving air that moves from high pressure areas to very low pressure areas. The distance between
high pressure area and low pressure area determines how strong winds will blow. Wind is responsible for moving
clouds to cool area for condensation.
 Cloud cover - the amount of clouds in the atmosphere. – a large collection of very tiny droplets of water or ice

121. Explain how clouds are formed? When warm air rises it expands and cools. The vapor in the atmosphere condenses
into tiny pieces of dust which floats into the air until it turns into water droplet. When billions of these droplets come
together they become a visible cloud.

122. Explain how do clouds move? Winds help the clouds to move.

123. Explain why do clouds form at different heights in the atmosphere? The characteristics of clouds are dictated by the
elements available, including the amount of water vapor, the temperature at the height, the wind and the air masses.

124. Define the term condensation? The process of water vapor changing into rain is called condensation.

125. Discuss the difference between high pressure and low pressure?

 High pressure – is associated with sinking air. During high pressure weather is generally good , warm and sunny
 Low pressure – low pressure id associated with rising air due to typical air flow around high and low pressure. Low
pressure is generally associated with cloudy and rainy weather conditions.

126. Explain what is air pressure? The pressing down of the atmosphere due to earth’s gravity is called atmospheric or air
pressure. When there is warmer air the air pressure is lower while cooler air weighs more so when the air is cooler the
air pressure is more.

127. Explain how does hot air balloon stay in the air? Hot air balloon stay in the air due to hot / warm air which weighs
less cool air.






1) In a form of paragraph explain what is eclipse and discuss how does solar and lunar eclipse occur ?

2) With relevant examples discuss physical , behavioral and functional adaptive features of living organisms and explain
how these features enables the organisms to survive in their natural habitat?

3) Imagine you are working as conservationist in the environment. You have been asked to create awareness in you
community on conservation of natural resources in the community for future generations

4 Select a particular food chain and draw a food web showing other food chain s related to the primary food chain.

Title: ______________________________________________________

5) Given below is the representation of models of different states of matter changing phases. Identify relevant processes
taking place.

6) Study the diagram given below and answer the questions that follow?

a) Which of the diagram shows pure substance? ____________________________________________

b) Which of the diagram shows a solution? ________________________________________________

c) Which shows an insoluble solid? _________________________________________________

d) Which could be separated by sieving? ____________________________________________

e) Which could be separated by separating funnel? ______________________________________

f) Which could be separated by decanting? __________________________________________.

7) In form of a paragraph discuss and explain how human induced activities have led to the destruction of natural habitat of
living organisms?

Experiments and drawing

1 During one of the science lesson, you have carried out an experiment on decanting. In the space given below draw the
decanting experiment that was carried out in the class and explain what is decanting and what was the purpose of
carrying out this experiment?



2) In the space given below draw and label different layers of earth and explain the characteristics / features of each layer of


3) The diagram below shows one of the experiment that was carried out during one of the science lesson, study the diagram
given below and answer the questions that follow.

a) The above diagram is related to use of instrument called hydrometer. Explain what is hydrometer and what is it used

b) How does hydrometer show the difference between pure milk and dilutes milk?

c) In the activity there are liquids, water, oil, and acid. Put them in order of their pushing-up power or up-thrust from
lowest to the highest.

4) Study the diagram given below and answer the question that follows.

a) In form of a paragraph explain how does positioning of sun, moon earth causes the ocean tides to change?

5) In your own words explain what is air resistance and how does it helps gliders and skydivers.?

6) In the space given below draw and label five layers of atmosphere?

Short Answer Questions

1. Explain the difference between mixture and compound with relevant examples?

2. What is photosynthesis?

3. Discuss and explain how does chemical weathering contribute to change the structure of rocks and minerals? Give

4. What is food chain?


5. What is the difference between reactant and product?


6. Define the term mutualism?


7. Explain what is fluvial erosion?


8 Explain what is Aeolian erosion?


9. Define the term force?


10. What is the difference between intrusive and extrusive rocks?


11. Explain how frictional forces can be helpful?


12. Explain what is geothermal energy?


13. Explain how does centrifuge separates solute form solvent?


14. What is sublimation? Give examples?


15. What is weather and what are some components of weather?


16. What is total eclipse and partial eclipse?


17. Explain why sun is regarded as the important source of energy on earth?

18. Explain how does defense mechanism helps living organism to survive in their environment? Give examples.

19. Explain the difference between endangered and endemic species?


20. List down the names of some endemic species in Fiji?


21. Explain the difference between reversible and irreversible change?


22. Discuss what is physical weathering and how does it contributes to changing of structure of rocks and minerals. Give

23. Explain the difference between prey and predator?


24. What is food web?


25. Explain how clouds are formed?


26. Explain how sedimentary rocks are formed?


27. What is metamorphic rock and how does it form?


28. Explain how igneous rocks are formed?


29. What is gravity?


30. What instrument is used to measure force?


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