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01 肇事預防

02 交通法規

03 急救常識、長隧道

04 高、快速公路管制規則

05 駕駛道德、交通安全常識及行車安全檢查與維護

06 鐵路平交道

第 1 頁/共 44 頁
題號 答案 題 目
When traveling through a tunnel, drivers: (1) may not turn on their
001 3 headlights, (2) must turn on their headlights and proceed quickly, (3) are 05
required to turn on their headlights and comply with the speed limit.
Vehicles following other vehicles at night are required to: (1) turn on
002 1 their low-beam headlights (2) turn on their high-beam headlights, (3) 05
not turn on any headlights.
Which of the following should be the priority for drivers: (1) respecting
003 1 human life (2) speeding if they are in a hurry (3) enjoying the scenery 05
all the way to their destination.
When driving in the city at night with good lighting conditions, drivers
004 1 are required to: (1) use their low-beam headlights (2) use their high- 05
beam headlights (3) honk their horn often.
If your high-beam headlights shine in the incoming vehicle driver's
005 1 eyes, you are required to: (1) switch to your low-beam headlights (2) 05
turn off all headlights (3) continue to use your high-beam headlights.
If passengers leave their valuables in your vehicle, you are required to:
(1) keep them as your own property (2) donate them to charity
006 3 05
organizations (3) take them to the nearest police station so the owner
can be notified.
Buses are required to pick up and drop off passengers on: (1) the right
007 1 05
side of the road (2) the left side of the road (3) anywhere is fine.
Can vehicles on inside lanes pass vehicles by using the outside lanes?
008 1 05
(1) No, they can't. (2) Yes, they can. (3) It doesn't matter.
Drivers of commercial vehicles should provide three services -- safety,
comfort, and efficient transportation. If they are unable to provide all
009 3 05
three simultaneously, which of the following should be top priority: (1)
comfort (2) efficiency (3) safety.
Drivers have to abide by the law, because: (1) they don't want to be
010 2 penalized (2) it's their responsibility and duty, as well as being safer for 05
themselves and others (3) they are under surveillance.
Drivers often lose their tempers and become aggressive when they see
reckless pedestrians or vehicles being driven recklessly. In this situation,
011 1 05
you should: (1) be patient and courteous (2) not give an inch (3) respond
the same way.
When driving through a congested or construction area, drivers are
012 3 required to: (1) speed up (2) honk the horn and go through first (3) 05
respect and tolerate one another.

第 2 頁/共 44 頁
題號 答案 題 目
Prior to filling up the fuel tank: (1) you are required to turn off your
013 1 engine (2) you don't have to turn off your engine (3) it doesn't matter 05
whether you turn off your engine or not.
Passengers: (1) may stretch their arms and neck out the window (2) may
not stretch their arms and neck out the window (3) may stretch their
014 2 05
arms and neck out the window on summer days, but not when the
weather turns cold.
If drivers want to maintain an orderly traffic environment for the safety
of society and the happiness of their families, they should: (1) drive
015 1 05
responsibly and courteously (2) improve their driving skills (3) not
smoke or drink.
Drivers should: (1) strive to improve their driving skills (2) make
016 2 driving safely their top priority (3) make reaching their destination their 05
top priority.
I am a good driver and always abide by the traffic rules. To help ensure
traffic safety, when drivers break traffic laws, I hope police officers will:
017 1 (1) use all lawful means to examine drivers and strictly penalize drivers 05
who break the law (2) not examine or penalize anyone (3) examine
drivers, but not penalize them.
Passing through a pedestrian crosswalk at an intersection as the light
018 3 turns yellow, I am required to: (1) stop my car (2) move back behind the 05
crosswalk (3) keep moving ahead.
When driving behind other vehicles and approaching a railroad
crossing, I am required to: (1) slow down and keep a greater distance
019 1 06
between myself and the vehicle in front of me (2) drive as usual (3)
speed up to pass the railroad crossing quickly.
For the purposes of driving safety, which of the following should be
020 2 considered the top priority of drivers? (1) the appearance of their 05
vehicle (2) safety, not time (3) transportation infrastructure.
To ensure safety for themselves and the others, drivers should improve
their conduct in daily life by always: (1) controlling themselves and
021 1 05
helping others (2) discouraging others from driving aggressively (3)
trying to find some way to give others a hard time.
If you are driving in a rural area and encounter people herding animals
across the road, you are required to: (1) honk your horn to make them
022 3 05
hurry up (2) speed up to cross the road before the animals do (3) slow
down and wait until the animals have crossed the road.

第 3 頁/共 44 頁
題號 答案 題 目
If you are driving through a muddy area or flooded area and encounter
pedestrians, you are required to: (1) slow down in order not to splash
023 1 any water on the pedestrians (2) speed up and pass through the water (3) 05
honk your horn constantly to warn the pedestrians to keep away from
your vehicle.
When a vehicle is moving on the road, the driver: (1) can use hand-
held cell phones, computers, or other similar devices to call, talk,
digitally communicate, or do other actions that might hinder driving
safety (2) cannot use hand-held cell phones, computers, or other similar
024 2 devices to call, talk, digitally communicate, or do other actions that 05
might hinder driving safety (3) can use hand-held cell phones,
computers, or other similar devices to call, talk, digitally communicate,
or do other actions that might hinder driving safety if the condition of
the road is good enough.
When you encounter other vehicles on a narrow road, you should: (1)
speed up and force other vehicles to yield (2) pull your vehicle over to
025 2 05
the side and yield to the other vehicles (3) honk your horn constantly to
warn other vehicles to yield to you.
If an elderly person, child, or disabled passenger gets on the bus, the
driver is required to: (1) politely refuse to serve them (2) wait until all
026 2 05
passengers are steadily seated before moving the bus (3) charge them
double fare.
If you witness an accident when you are driving, you are required to: (1)
leave the scene of the accident (2) stay on the scene to provide
027 2 05
assistance and provide a witness statement (3) lie and say you didn't see
If you become tired or feel sleepy when driving, you are required to: (1)
slow down (2) take medication to regain your mental alertness and
028 3 05
continue to drive as usual (3) pull over at the nearest roadside rest stop
and rest a while in order to regain your mental alertness.
You are driving on a two-way road and you want to pass the vehicle in
front of you, but there are other vehicles approaching from the opposite
029 1 direction. You are required to: (1) slow down immediately and not pass 05
(2) speed up and pass the vehicle in front of you immediately (3) honk
your horn and force the approaching vehicles to yield.
If you are driving on a muddy road on a rainy day and you find yourself
skidding, you should: (1) brake immediately to reduce your speed; (2)
030 2 shift into a low gear while grip the steering wheel with both hands, and 05
steer your car in the same direction as you are skidding; (3) step on the
gas and speed through.

第 4 頁/共 44 頁
題號 答案 題 目
If you discover your brakes are not working when driving, you are
required to: (1) shift into the low gear, turn on your right turn signal, and
031 1 pull over to the side of the road (2) pull over to the side of the road 05
immediately (3) turn on your headlights and honk your horn to alert
other vehicles and pedestrians to yield.
In which of the following situations, are drivers allowed to drive in the
oncoming traffic lane: (1) when other vehicles are parked on the right
032 1 side of the road and, at the same time, no vehicles are approaching from 05
the opposite direction (2) when you are driving either uphill or downhill
(3) when you are going to stop your car.
When you are driving on a rural road in the middle of the night and no
other cars are on the road: (1) you can speed (2) you are required to
033 2 05
follow the speed limit no matter what (3) you can drive a bit faster than
the speed limit, but not very fast.
If you are driving through a muddy area or on a flooded road, you are
required to: (1) speed up in order not to get stuck in the mud (2) honk
034 3 05
your horn and force any pedestrians to yield (3) slow down and drive
If you find your brakes or steering are not working, you are required to:
035 3 (1) slow down (2) drive as usual (3) stop driving, and have the vehicle 05
A vehicle closely following behind a speeding fire engine is: (1)
036 2 05
permitted (2) not permitted (3) not regulated by law.
As your speed increases, the distance required to react: (1) remains
037 3 05
unchanged (2) gets shorter (3) gets longer.
Is it all right to drive after drinking alcoholic beverages? (1) No. (2) Yes.
038 1 05
(3) Driving slowly is alright.
If you are driving at night and the driver approaching from the opposite
direction doesn't switch to their low beam headlights, you should: (1)
039 2 05
switch on your high beam headlights to retaliate (2) continue to use your
low beam headlights while slowing down (3) It doesn't matter.
When driving at a high speed, drivers (1) react slower than usual and
040 1 handle the emergencies less efficiently (2) can handle emergencies as 05
well as usual (3) can handle emergencies better than usual.
Are vehicles carrying dangerous cargo permitted to drive through Bagua
041 2 Mountain Tunnel or Snow Mountain Tunnel? (1) Yes, they are. (2) No, 03
they are not. (3) There is no rule regulating this.

第 5 頁/共 44 頁
題號 答案 題 目
When driving on the road, to throw trash, cigarettes, or flammable items
out of the vehicle: (1) is extremely immoral and dangerous. (2) is not a
042 1 03
problem as long as it makes the drivers happy (3) is the best way to
keep vehicles clean.
Long tunnels have parking bays for the purpose of: (1) parking and
043 2 resting (2) pulling a malfunctioning vehicle over to the side (3) passing 03
other vehicles if there is a lot of traffic congestion in the tunnel.
When driving in a long tunnel, drivers: (1) may change lanes at their
044 2 discretion (2) may not change lanes at their discretion (3) may change to 03
the lane with fewer vehicles if there is traffic congestion.
If a fire occurs while driving through a long tunnel, drivers are required
to turn off the engine. The driver and any passengers should then: (1)
045 3 stay in the vehicle, close windows and wait for rescue; (2) evacuate, 03
leaving the car locked; (3) evacuate, leaving windows half-way down,
keys in the vehicle, and doors unlocked.
If vehicles are in a long tunnel and a fire occurs in front of them, drivers
and passengers are required to: (1) stay in their vehicle and wait for
046 2 03
rescue (2) evacuate by going in the opposite direction (3) evacuate by
walking in the same direction that they were driving their vehicle.
Long tunnels have connecting tunnels: (1) for broken down vehicles (2)
047 2 03
for emergency use (3) for vehicles to make a U-turn.
If fire occurs ahead of your vehicle in a long tunnel, how can you
evacuate and, at the same time, avoid heavy smoke and the high
temperature, thereby minimizing any injury: (1) keep your body low
048 1 and evacuate in the opposite direction that your vehicle was moving (2) 03
keep your body low and evacuate in the direction that your vehicle was
moving (3) evacuate in the direction your vehicle was moving as
quickly as possible.
To be classified as a mini bus, the number of seats of the bus must be (1)
049 2 02
less than 10 (2) less than 9 (3) less than 11.
Drivers who are one month or more late in getting their regular vehicle
050 1 inspection: (1) will be penalized and have their car registration 02
suspended (2) will have their car registration cancelled (3) will be fined.
051 1 A student driver's license is valid for: (1) 1 year (2) 2 years (3) 3 years. 02
The legal age requirement for a regular automobile driver's license is:
052 2 02
(1) 17 years (2) 18 years (3) 19 years.
The minimum age for obtaining a professional driver's license is (1) 18
053 3 02
years. (2) 19 years. (3) 20 years.

第 6 頁/共 44 頁
題號 答案 題 目
A small truck may not carry more than (1) 2 persons (2) 1 person (3) 3
054 1 02
If a driver allows a person to drive their car who does not have a driver's
license, they will be subject to: (1) having their driver's license
055 1 02
suspended (2) having their driver's license revoked (3) having their
vehicle registration cancelled and license plates confiscated.
If a driver causes a serious accident, the driver is required to take any
and all possible action to deal appropriately with any injuries or death.
056 1 If the driver flees the accident: (1) their driver's license will be revoked 02
and they will be prohibited from getting another license permanently (2)
they will be fined (3) their driver's license will be suspended for 1 year.
Which of the following is the legal requirement regarding the annual
inspection of vehicles for business use (not including buses): (1)
vehicles less than 5 years old must be inspected at least once a year;
057 1 00
vehicles more than 5 years old must be inspected at least twice a year
(2) vehicles more than 3 years old must be inspected at least once a year
(3) vehicles less than 5 years old must be inspected at least twice a year.
Which of the following scores are required to pass the professional
driver's license test: (1) Traffic rules: 70 points; Car repair/maintenance:
058 2 60 points; Road test: 70 points (2) Traffic rules: 85 points; Car repair/ 02
maintenance: 60 points; Road test: 70 points (3) Traffic rules: 85 points;
Car repair/maintenance: 70 points; Road test 70 points.
What are the three occasion a motor vehicle inspection is required? (1)
Suspension of vehicle license; periodic inspection; temporary or ad hoc
059 2 inspection (2) Application for license plates; periodic inspection; 02
temporary or ad hoc inspection (3) Scrapping your vehicle; exhaust
emission; periodic inspection.
How often must a professional driver's license be renewed: (1) every 1
060 3 02
year (2) every 2 years (3) every 3 years.
Which of following vehicles is a student driver allowed to drive: (1) a
061 1 02
car (2) a large truck (3) a bus
Those who have a regular driver's license for cars are permitted to drive:
062 1 (1) cars and light motorcycles (2) small buses and heavy motorcycles 02
(3) small buses and large trucks.
What is the maximum number of authorized engineering or public
063 2 works personnel allowed to ride in a small truck: (1) 5 persons (2) 8 02
persons (3) 4 persons.

第 7 頁/共 44 頁
題號 答案 題 目
Who is required to wear a safety belt when in a moving vehicle: (1) the
064 3 driver (2) front-seat passengers (3) the driver, front-seat, and back seat 02
Driving lanes may be used by: (1) pedestrians, (2) vehicles, (3)
065 2 02
pedestrians and vehicles.
Traffic signals are designed to indicate when to: (1) proceed forward (2)
066 3 drive cautiously and stop (3) drive cautiously, proceed forward, and 02
Which of the following places are student drivers permitted to drive: (1)
067 1 driving schools and roads designated by the local police authority at a 02
specific time (2) expressways (3) freeways.
For those who have a regular driver's license, driving a business vehicle:
068 1 02
(1) is illegal (2) is lawful (3) is not regulated by law.
At what distance from the intersection are drivers who intend to turn
069 3 required to flash their turn signal: (1) 10 meters (2) 20 meters (3) 30 02
If your driver's license is damaged, you are required to: (1) request a
070 1 new license (2) take the driver's license test again (3) wait for another 6 02
years before getting a new license.
Drivers who lend their driver's license to another person will be subject
to: (1) having their driver's license suspended (2) having their driver's
071 1 02
license revoked (3) having their vehicle registration cancelled and
license plates confiscated.
If a driver is discovered to be using a counterfeit, forged, or illegally
obtained license, the driver will: (1) be fined; (2) have their driver's
072 3 02
license revoked; (3) be fined and have their driver's license
If you lose your driver's license, you are required to: (1) take the driver's
license test again (2) apply to the Motor Vehicle Registration
073 2 02
Department for a new license (3) place an ad in the newspaper to
declare that the license has been cancelled.
Those who drive a vehicle as part of their job are: (1) regular drivers (2)
074 3 02
either regular drivers or professional drivers (3) professional drivers.
If a vehicle's color or engine are modified, the vehicle owner is required
to: (1) register the changes at the Motor Vehicle Registration
075 1 02
Department (2) register the changes with the police (3) register the
changes at the Ministry of Transportation and Communications.

第 8 頁/共 44 頁
題號 答案 題 目
Taxis windows: (1) may be covered with opaque reflective material (2)
076 2 are not permitted to be covered with either opaque reflective or 02
heatproof material (3) must have curtains.
Self-use cars are exempt from inspection if they are less than (1) 4 (2) 5
077 2 02
(3) 6 years old.
Those who are unable to have their professional driver's license renewed
due to illness or travel abroad may present their original license together
with the relevant required documents to the Motor Vehicle Registration
078 3 02
Department and apply for renewal within (1) 1 month (2) 3 months (3) 6
months after they have recovered from their illness or returned from
Those who are (1) 16 years old (2) 18 years old (3) 20 years old are
079 2 02
eligible to apply for a student's driver license.
Is it true that those who possess a student driver's license must be
accompanied by a driver who possesses a regular driver's license for the
080 1 02
same type of vehicle at all times when driving? (1) Yes. (2) No. (3) This
is not regulated by law.
What is the maximum age for those eligible for a professional driver's
081 3 02
license? (1) 45 (2) 55 (3) 65.
What is the maximum age for those eligible for regular driver's license?
082 1 02
(1) No age limit. (2) 65 (3) 60.
To be eligible to take the regular small vehicle driver's license test,
083 2 student drivers are required to have been driving for how long? (1) 02
longer than 6 months (2) longer than 3 months (3) longer than 2 months.
To be eligible to take the small vehicle professional driver's license test,
student drivers are required to have been driving for: (1) either longer
084 1 02
than six months or, with a small vehicle driver's license, for longer than
three months; (2) longer than nine months; (3) longer than ten months.
If a driver's name and birth date is amended or their address changes,
the driver required to: (1) there is no applicable rule; (2) they are
085 2 required to register the changes at the Motor Vehicle Registration 00
Department; (3) they are required to register the changes at the
Department of Health.
If your driver's license is suspended or cancelled, what are you required
to do? (1) There's no applicable rule. (2) I am required to surrender my
086 2 02
driver's license to the local Motor Vehicle Registration Department. (3) I
am required to turn in my driver's license to the police.

第 9 頁/共 44 頁
題號 答案 題 目
If a person has someone else take the driver's license test for them, what
is the penalty? (1) Their driver's license will be revoked and they will be
disqualified from reapplying for a new license for 5 years from the date
087 1 02
they were caught cheating. (2) They will not be allowed to apply for a
new driver's license for the next 3 months. (3) They will not be allowed
to apply for a new driver's license for the next 6 months.
Those who are addicted to alcohol, narcotics or amphetamines: (1) may
088 2 apply for a driver's license. (2) are not allowed to apply for a driver's 02
license. (3) There is no applicable regulation.
The mentally disabled, the blind, and those with epilepsy: (1) may not
089 1 apply for a driver's license (2) may apply for a regular driver's license 02
(3) There is no applicable regulation.
Those whose drivers' license is still under suspension or revoked: (1)
090 2 may apply for a driver's license (2) may not apply for a driver's license 02
(3) There is no applicable regulation.
If someone's driver's license is lost or stolen, they are required to: (1)
know the license number so they can report it to the police (2) take the
091 3 02
driver's license test again (3) apply to have their driver's license re-
In order to pass the Road test applicants are required to score at least:
092 2 02
(1) 60 points (2) 70 points (3) 80 points
In order to pass the Traffic Rules test, applicants need to score at least:
093 3 02
(1) 60 points (2) 75 points (3) 85 points
Those who drive a small vehicle without a driver's license will be fined:
094 3 02
(1) 300 ~ 600 NTD (2) 3,600~7,200 NTD (3) 6,000~12,000 NTD.
Temporary parking means you are allowed to park for: (1) less than 3
095 1 02
minutes (2) less than 5 minutes (3) less than 10 minutes.
If your vehicle breaks down on a 40km/hr road, you are required to: (1)
place a vehicle breakdown sign on the road 5-30 meters behind your
096 1 02
vehicle (2) turn on all your lights and honk your horn repeatedly (3) turn
on your front and rear lights.
On the outside of the vehicle, you: (1) may not carry any passengers (2)
097 1 02
may carry passengers (3) there is no restriction.
The number of passengers carried by a moving vehicle: (1) may not
098 1 exceed the legally allowed maximum number of passengers (2) depends 02
on the driver and passengers (3) is not subject to any rule or restriction.
Can taxis refuse to take a passenger? (1) Yes, (2) No, (3) There is no
099 2 02
applicable regulation.

第 10 頁/共 44 頁
題號 答案 題 目
The width of goods loaded on a truck: (1) may extend outside the
100 3 vehicle by half a meter (2) may extend outside the vehicle by a meter 02
(3) may not extend past the width of the vehicle.
Vehicles loaded with dangerous cargo are required to park in: (1) an
101 2 underground parking lot (2) an open and cool area (3) any place with 02
lots of vehicles but few people.
If vehicles are loaded with dangerous materials that are leaking or
spilling, drivers are required to: (1) speed up and rush to their
102 2 02
destination (2) park the vehicle and handle the situation properly (3)
There is no applicable regulation.
Drivers who violate traffic rules thus causing an accident or death are
subject to having: (1) their vehicle registration suspended and license
103 3 02
plates temporarily confiscated (2) their driver's license suspended (3)
their driver's license revoked.
Drivers who cause an accident not resulting in injury or death and who
flee the scene of the accident are subject to penalties and: (1) suspension
104 2 02
of their vehicle registration (2) suspension of their driver's license (3)
cancellation of their driver's license.
When vehicles are approaching an intersection where there is an island
105 1 separating the slow and fast lanes, vehicles moving in the slow lane: (1) 02
may not turn left (2) may turn left (3) There is no applicable regulation.
When vehicles traveling in the opposite direction enter the same lane to
turn left or right, who has right of way? (1) The vehicle turning right has
106 2 02
the right of way. (2) The vehicle turning left has the right of way. (3)
Both vehicles can proceed simultaneously.
What happens to drivers who drive on the wrong side of the road on
107 2 roads with no median line? (1) Their driver's license will be suspended. 02
(2) They will be fined. (3) Their vehicle registration will be suspended.
When approaching oncoming vehicles at night, you are required to: (1)
108 2 turn on your high-beam headlights (2) turn on your low-beam headlights 02
(3) turn off your lights and yield.
At an intersection with no traffic signals or with traffic signals that are
broken and which does not have any traffic control personnel present,
109 1 what are drivers required to do? (1) Vehicles on secondary roads should 02
yield to the vehicles on main roads. (2) Vehicles on main roads should
yield to the vehicles on secondary roads. (3) Yielding is not required.

第 11 頁/共 44 頁
題號 答案 題 目
At intersections with both traffic control personnel and traffic signals (1)
110 1 drivers are required to obey the traffic control personnel. (2) drivers are 02
required to obey the traffic signals. (3) There is no applicable regulation.
Within how many meters of a fire hydrant or a fire station exit or
111 2 entrance are drivers prohibited from temporarily parking their vehicle? 02
(1) 10 meters (2) 5 meters (3) 15 meters.
When vehicles are carrying dangerous materials: (1) Drivers are
required to display red triangle-shaped flags in front of and behind
112 1 02
their vehicles (2) Drivers should treat the dangerous materials in the
same way as they treat other items (3) There is no applicable regulation.
If trucks are loaded with goods longer than the body of the vehicle, the
113 3 goods may not extend beyond the length of the vehicle by more than: 02
(1) 20% (2) 25% (3) 30%.
Drivers are required to comply with the speed limit shown on the signs.
On roads without signs, drivers may not exceed 50 km per hour. If
114 1 drivers are driving on a road without median separating the oncoming 02
lanes or driving in a designated slow lane, their speed may not exceed:
(1) 40 km (2) 50 km (3) 60 km per hour.
When passing through a railroad crossing, a driver is required to leave
how many meters between their vehicle and the vehicle crossing the
115 2 06
railroad tracks in front them? (1) 5 meters (2) a suitable distance so that
the vehicle behind them can pass over the tracks safely (3) 15 meters.
Which of the following vehicles are required to have their license plate
116 3 number painted on the rear end of their vehicle? (1) buses (2) cars (3) 02
large and small trucks.
When approaching a railroad crossing sign, drivers are required to
117 1 reduce the speed of the vehicle to (1) less than 15 km per hour (2) less 06
than 20 km per hour (3) less than 30 km per hour.
When vehicles are moving on a road with two or more lanes, slower and
118 2 smaller vehicles should use: (1) the inside lane (2) the outside lane (3) 02
the slow lane.
When turning right at an intersection, drivers are required to: (1) either
119 1 turn on their right turn signal or use their arm to signal (2) change lanes 02
(3) go ahead and make the turn.
When vehicles are moving on a road with two or more lanes, the slower
and smaller vehicles have to use: (1) the inside lane (2) the outside lane
120 3 02
(3) either the inside or outside lane, but they cannot randomly change

第 12 頁/共 44 頁
題號 答案 題 目
If various goods are loaded onto a vehicle, the heavier goods are
121 3 required to be placed: (1) in the rear area of vehicle (2) in the front of 02
the vehicle (3) distributed evenly on the vehicle.
When transporting goods that are extra long, extra wide, extra tall, or
extra heavy, drivers: (1) are required to transport such goods during
122 2 daylight hours (2) have to acquire a temporary permit and hang warning 02
flags in front of and behind their vehicle (3) have to appoint someone to
monitor both ends of the cargo.
Unless otherwise approved by the Motor Vehicle Registration
123 2 Department, drivers: (1) may hitch a trailer to their vehicle (2) may not 02
hitch a trailer to their vehicle (3) may hitch just one trailer.
Prior to driving, areas of the vehicle, such as the steering wheel and
124 1 brakes: (1) should be thoroughly checked (2) do not have to be checked 02
(3) doesn't matter
Vehicle repair tools: (1) must be kept in the vehicle (2) must not be kept
125 1 02
in the vehicle (3) must be kept in the garage.
Prior to pulling out, drivers are required to: (1) not turn on their turn
126 3 02
signal (2) tap their horn 3 times lightly (3) turn on their turn signal.
Drivers: (1) may drive 10 hours at one time (2) may drive no longer
127 2 02
than 8 hours at one time (3) may drive as long as they feel OK.
To turn right, drivers are required to: (1) use their right turn signal (2)
128 1 use their left turn signal (3) extend their right arm straight out the 02
window to indicate a right turn.
When passing schools or hospitals, drivers are required to: (1) honk
129 2 their horn constantly to alert students or patients (2) may not honk their 02
horn unless there is an emergency (3) lightly tap their horn once.
Which of the following is correct regarding the use of horns? (1)
Drivers may not honk their horn more than 3 times (2) Drivers may not
130 1 02
honk their horn more than 4 times (3) Drivers may not honk their horn
more than 5 times.
Which of the following is correct regarding the use of horns? (1) Each
tap on the horn may not be longer than 2 seconds. (2) Each tap on the
131 3 02
horn may not be longer than 1 second. (3) Each tap on the horn may not
be longer than half a second.
When driving on winding, sloping, or narrow roads, drivers are required
to: (1) speed up in order to avoid creating a traffic jam (2) honk their
132 3 02
horn to force vehicles in front to hurry up (3) slow down and get ready
to stop anytime.

第 13 頁/共 44 頁
題號 答案 題 目
When driving on roads marked with a school sign or hospital sign,
drivers are required to: (1) slow down and get ready to stop anytime (2)
133 1 02
honk their horn often in order to alert nearby pedestrians (3) speed up in
order to avoid creating a traffic jam.
For vehicles traveling in the same lane, the rear vehicle is required to
maintain a distance of: (1) more than 1 meter from the vehicle directly
134 3 02
in front (2) more than 5 meters from the vehicle directly in front (3) a
distance that allows the rear vehicle to stop safely at anytime.
With the exception of one-way roads and roads on which you are
required to drive in the left-hand lane, drivers should: (1) drive on the
135 1 02
right side of the road (2) drive on the left side of the road (3) drive in the
middle of road.
When driving on the left side of the road due to special circumstances,
drivers are required to: (1) speed up (2) slow down and watch for
136 2 pedestrians and vehicles coming from the opposite direction (3) honk 02
their horn as often as possible to let vehicles coming from the opposite
direction know they are there.
On steep narrow roads: (1) vehicles moving downhill must yield to
137 1 vehicles moving uphill (2) vehicles moving uphill must yield to vehicles 02
moving downhill (3) Neither must yield.
When vehicles are moving on a road with no median line, a railroad
138 2 crossing, or a road with poor surface conditions, drivers are required to: 02
(1) speed up (2) slow down (3) drive as usual.
On a busy urban road: (1) drivers should give their horn two long taps
before passing another vehicle (2) drivers should give their horn two
139 3 02
short taps before passing another vehicle (3) drivers may not tap their
horn or pass other vehicles.
Vehicles with temporary registration: (1) may not be used as
140 1 commercial or passenger vehicles (2) may be used as commercial or 02
passenger vehicles (3) There is no applicable regulation.
When a driver hears the horn of a vehicle attempting to pass them, if
there is nothing blocking the road in front: (1) they are required to slow
141 1 02
down and move to the side of the road to yield (2) it is not necessary to
yield (3) speed up.
Upon hearing the siren of a fire engine, ambulance, security vehicle or
142 1 other rescue vehicles, drivers are: (1) required to yield immediately (2) 02
not required to yield (3) required to stay in the same lane, but not yield.

第 14 頁/共 44 頁
題號 答案 題 目
If driving in the inside lane, before turning left at an intersection the
driver should: (1) use their turn signal 30 meters before the intersection
143 1 02
and proceed to the center of the intersection to turn left (2) go ahead and
turn left (3) use their right turn signal and turn left.
When approaching a pedestrian crosswalk, drivers are required to: (1)
slow down and yield to pedestrians (2) either follow traffic signals or
144 1 02
comply with the instructions of traffic control personnel (3) honk their
horn and speed up.
If a railroad crossing gate has not been lowered or the crossing guard is
not telling drivers to stop, drivers are required to: (1) watch and listen
145 1 carefully to make certain there is no train coming from either direction 06
before they cross the tracks (2) speed up and cross the tracks quickly (3)
wait for the guard's instructions before crossing the tracks.
When going downhill, drivers are required to: (1) turn off the engine in
146 2 order to save fuel (2) not turn off their engine for safety reasons (3) not 02
change gears.
On two-way roads with double lanes in both directions and a double
yellow meridian line, drivers: (1) may not drive in the oncoming traffic
147 1 02
lane (2) may drive in the oncoming traffic lane (3) may drive in the
oncoming traffic lane if there is no oncoming traffic.
When vehicles merge into the same lane, they must keep a distance of at
148 3 02
least: (1) 2 meters (2) 1 meter (3) half a meter.
Prior to changing lanes, drivers are required to: (1) honk their horn (2)
149 3 use their turn signal (3) either use their turn signal or use their arm to 02
signal other drivers.
When driving on roads marked as winding or sloping, having a narrow
bridge, tunnel, or a railroad crossing, drivers: (1) may make a U-turn (2)
150 3 02
must slow down to 5 km per hour before making a U-turn (3) may not
make a U-turn under any circumstances.
When driving through heavy fog, drivers are required to: (1) turn on
151 3 their turn signal lights (2) use their brake lights (3) turn on their 02
Prior to making a U-turn, drivers are required to: (1) stop temporarily,
turn on their left turn signal or use their arm to signal and check for
152 1 02
other vehicles or pedestrians (2) not turn on any lights or give any arm
signal, just honk their horn twice (3) honk their horn 3 times.

第 15 頁/共 44 頁
題號 答案 題 目
When parking, drivers are required to: (1) park the vehicle on the right
hand side of the road, facing the same direction as the flow of traffic; (2)
153 1 00
park the vehicle on the left hand side of the road; (3) park the vehicle
nearby and not worry about others as long as it is convenient.
Regarding retired/scrap vehicles: (1) The owner may not reapply for
inspection and license plates. (2) The owner must make any necessary
154 1 02
repairs to the vehicle first, and then get the vehicle inspected before
reapplying for registration. (3) There is no applicable regulation.
If a vehicle is damaged to the point that it is no longer drivable, the
owner is required to: (1) report it to the Motor Vehicle Registration
155 1 Department and turn in the license plates (2) abandon the vehicle 02
anywhere they like (3) sell the vehicle to a used car dealer with the
license plates.
If a driver is sentenced to prison for using their vehicle when
committing a criminal act: (1) their driver's license will be suspended
for 3-6 months (2) their driver's license will be revoked and they will be
156 2 02
prohibited from ever holding a driving license again (3) their driver's
license will be revoked and they will be prohibited from applying for a
new driver's license for 1 year.
If an accident has caused severe damage to a vehicle, what is the owner
legally required to do after the vehicle has been repaired? (1) have the
157 2 02
vehicle inspected at regular intervals (2) have a contingent inspection of
the vehicle (3) apply for vehicle registration and license plates .
If taxi drivers are charging for their services without registering as a
158 3 business: (1) their driver's license will be suspended (2) their driver's 02
license will be cancelled (3) they will be fined.
Which of the following is a prerequisite for being a trailer truck driver?
(1) possessing a regular automobile driver's license for more than 1 year
159 3 (2) possessing a large truck driver's license for more than 1 year (3) 02
either possessing a bus driver's license for more than 1 year or
possessing a large truck driver's license for more than 2 years.
Those who possess a large truck driver's licenses may drive: (1) a small
160 1 02
vehicle and light motorcycle, (2) a bus, (3) a trailer truck.
When children ride in a car, where are they required to be seated? (1)
161 2 02
the front seat (2) the back seat (3) either the front or back seat.
What is the maximum amount of time a vehicle owner can have their
162 1 02
vehicle registration suspended for? (1) 1 year (2) 1.5 years (3) 2 years.

第 16 頁/共 44 頁
題號 答案 題 目
A vehicle loaded with dangerous materials is prohibited from parking
163 1 within how many meters of a bridge, tunnel, or fire site? (1) 100 meters 02
(2) 200 meters (3) 300 meters.
Temporary parking is prohibited within how many meters of an
164 1 02
intersection or bus stop? (1) 10 meters (2) 20 meters (3) 30 meters.
What happens to those who use counterfeit, forged, or illegally obtained
license plates: (1) they will be fined and their license will be revoked (2)
their vehicle registration will be suspended and their license plates will
165 3 02
be confiscated (3) they will be fined, their license will be revoked, their
vehicle registration will be suspended, and their license plates will be
A driver is required to attend traffic safety class when which of the
following occurs? (1) the driver crosses a railroad crossing when a train
166 1 is approaching (2) the driver temporarily parks their vehicle within 10 02
meters of an intersection (3) the driver changes lanes without
maintaining a safe distance between other vehicles.
If a vehicle owner fails to install their license plates in the designated
location: (1) the owner will be fined and their vehicle registration will
be suspended (2) the owner will be fined, their vehicle registration will
167 3 02
be cancelled, and their license plates will be confiscated (3) the owner
will be fined, their license will be revoked, their vehicle registration will
be cancelled, and their license plates will be confiscated.
Those who possess vehicle driver's license, but drive a heavy
168 3 motorcycle will: (1) not be fined (2) be fined (3) be fined and prohibited 02
from driving.
If either the driver, the front seat passengers, or the rear seat passengers
of a small vehicle do not wear safety belts, they will be fined if the
169 3 02
vehicle is traveling on which of the following roads: (1) a provincial
road; (2) an expressway or freeway; (3) any road.
If a drunk driver's blood alcohol exceeds the stated limit, but is not
punishable by criminal law, they will be: (1) sentenced according to the
170 2 law; (2) fined, the vehicle impounded and their driver's license 02
suspended for one year; (3) their driver's license will be revoked
Prior to charging for their services, taxi drivers are required to: (1)
acquire a professional driver's license and register their business (2)
171 1 02
acquire a regular driver's license and register their business (3) acquire a
professional drivers' license only.

第 17 頁/共 44 頁
題號 答案 題 目
If a driver exceeds the maximum speed limit of 60km per hour, they will
172 3 be fined: (1) 1,200 to 2,400 NTD (2) 2,400 to 6,000 NTD (3) 6,000 to~ 02
24,000 NTD.
Those drivers who accumulate more than 6 points for traffic violations
within 6 months are required to attend traffic safety class and are subject
173 3 02
to: (1) cancellation of their driver's license (2) fines (3) suspension of
their driver's license.
Any driver who violates traffic laws more than 3 times within 3 months
will subject to: (1) fines (2) suspension of their vehicle registration (3)
174 2 02
cancellation of their vehicle registration and confiscation of their license
If driver causes the death of person when drunk driving or because they
hit a pedestrian on a crosswalk, what will happen to the driver? (1) any
175 1 02
criminal penalty will be increased 50% (2) they will not be punished (3)
their criminal penalty will be the same.
A traffic rule violator contesting a citation: (1) May raise any objections
to the Administrative Litigation Panels of the Dist.Courts (2) May
176 1 02
protest to the Ministry of Transportation and Communications (3) May
send a petition to the Executive Yuan.
Which of the following vehicles are required by law to be equipped with
177 3 a fire extinguisher? (1) cars (2) motorcycles (3) buses, large trucks, 02
trailer tractors, and trailers hitched to cars.
Which of the following vehicles is required to have a safety guard to
178 3 protect the underside of the carriage: (1) small trucks (2) buses (3) 02
trailers and large trucks.
How often are registered cars, with the exception of cars fueled by
liquefied petroleum gas or compressed natural gas, required to be
inspected for safety? (1) No inspection is needed for the cars less than 5
years old. Cars between 5 years and 10 years old are required to be
179 1 02
inspected at least 1 time per year. Cars more than 10 years old are
required to be inspected at least twice per year. (2) Cars more than 10
years old are required to be inspected at least 3 times per year. (3) Cars
less than 5 years old are required to be inspected at least twice per year.
If either the driver, the front-seat passengers, or the rear seat passengers
of a small vehicle do not wear safety belts while traveling on roads
180 2 02
other than freeways or expressways, drivers will be fined: (1) NT$500;
(2) NT$1,500; (3) NT$3,000.

第 18 頁/共 44 頁
題號 答案 題 目
Drivers that use hand-held cell phones, computers, and other similar
devices to call, talk, digitally communicate, or do other actions that
181 1 02
might hinder driving safety while operating a moving vehicle will be
fined: (1) 3,000 NTD (2) 2,000 NTD (3) 1,000 NTD.
If a driver's blood alcohol level exceeds the legal limit, the automobile
will be impounded, their driver's license will be suspended for one year,
182 1 02
and they will be fined between: (1) NT$50,000 ~90,000; (2) NT$10,000
~ 30,000; (3) NT$6,000 ~ 12,000.
If a driver's driving license is suspended for drunk driving and the driver
is again caught driving drunk more than twice within the next five
years, the driver will be fined NT$90,000, the automobile will be
183 2 02
impounded and: (1) the vehicle registration will be suspended; (2) their
driver's license will be revoked; (3) their driver's license will be
If a driver is caught drag racing, they will be fined NTD 30,000~90,000
and: (1) their driver's license will be suspended immediately (2) their
184 3 vehicle registration will be cancelled and their license plates will be 02
confiscated immediately (3) their driver's license will be revoked
Any driver who refuses to take an alcohol sobriety test will be fined
NT$90,000 and: (1) their driver's license will be revoked; (2) their
185 1 02
driver's license will be suspended; (3) their vehicle registration will be
If a vehicle heavier than 8 tons is not equipped with a data recording
system, the automobile owner will be subject to: (1) a fine (2)
186 1 02
suspension of their vehicle registration (3) cancellation of their driver's
Any small-vehicle drivers caught driving with a suspended license will
be fined NTD 6,000~12,000 in addition to having their: (1) vehicle
187 3 02
registration suspended (2) driver's license suspended for an additional
period (3) driver's license cancelled immediately.
Those drivers who fail to slow down or yield to any vehicle carrying
children or school buses will be officially cited for a traffic violation and
188 1 02
are subject to: (1) a fine (2) cancellation of their driver's license (3)
suspension of their driver's license.
Drivers who park their vehicle in a parking space reserved for the
disabled are subject to: (1) a fine (2) suspension of their vehicle
189 1 02
registration and temporary confiscation of their license plates (3) a
verbal warning.

第 19 頁/共 44 頁
題號 答案 題 目
Automobile owners who knowingly fail to prohibit another person from
drunk driving will be fined and subject to: (1) cancellation of their
190 3 vehicle registration and confiscation of their license plates (2) 02
suspension of their driver's license (3) suspension of their vehicle
registration and temporary confiscation of their license plates.
Anyone who lends their license plates to others or uses another vehicle's
license plates is subject to having: (1) their vehicle registration
191 2 suspended and license plates temporarily confiscated (2) their vehicle 02
registration cancelled and license plates confiscated (3) their automobile
Drivers who fail to follow the traffic regulations when they are driving
on freeways or expressways: (1) will be officially cited and receive
192 2 02
traffic violation points, but will not be fined (2) will be fined and
receive traffic violation points (3) will be fined.
Drivers found speeding are subject to: (1) being fined (2) officially
193 3 being cited for a traffic violation and receiving traffic violation points 02
(3) being fined and receiving traffic violation points.
What happens to people who drive through an intersection on a red
light? (1) They will be fined NTD 3,600~5,400. (2) Their driver's
194 3 02
license will be suspended for 1 month. (3) They will be fined NTD
1,800~5,400 and officially cited for a traffic violation.
Drivers who pass other vehicles, make a U-turn, back up across, or park
their automobile on a railroad crossing are subject to being: (1) fined (2)
195 2 02
fined and officially cited for a traffic violation (3) fined and having their
driver's license suspended.
If the goods loaded on a truck exceed the weight limit of a bridge, even
if the truck is not over-loaded the truck owner will be fined and a 2-
196 3 02
point traffic violation will be given to the: (1) the truck owner (2) the
consignor (3) the driver.
Drivers who speed over a railroad crossing when the train warning
signals are flashing are subject to: (1) being fined and receiving traffic
197 1 06
violation points (2) having their driver's license revoked (3) being fined
If a driver receives traffic violation points and their driver's license has
already been suspended twice within one year: (1) their driver's license
198 2 02
will be suspended. (2) their driver's license will be cancelled. (3) they
will be fined if they receive violation points again.

第 20 頁/共 44 頁
題號 答案 題 目
Drivers who violate the regulations regarding the transportation of
dangerous materials are subject to a fine and: (1) traffic violation points
199 1 02
(2) having their vehicle registration suspended and license plates
temporarily confiscated (3) having their driver's license suspended.
If a driver receives traffic violation points and a fine for breaking a
200 2 traffic regulation, in the future they are required to: (1) drive as usual (2) 02
drive carefully and not to break any more rules, (3) never drive again.
The driver of any vehicles loaded with dangerous materials is required
to possess: (1) the driver's license required for the type of vehicle they
are driving and any related certificates to demonstrate that they have
201 1 02
passed the required professional training (2) nothing other than a
professional driver's license (3) nothing other than a driver's license for
a trailer truck.
What happens if a vehicle owner refuses to remove their abandoned
vehicle from a roadside by the deadline specified by the relevant
202 1 authorities? (1) The Environmental Protection Authority may impound 02
the vehicle and charge the owner a fee. (2) Nothing. (3) The abandoned
vehicle will be disposed of as waste.
The Environmental Protection Authority either removes abandoned
vehicles themselves or contracts a private company to do it. Following
203 1 (1) 1 month (2) 2 months (3) 3 months after a public announcement 02
concerning the abandoned vehicle, the vehicle will be junked if no one
claims it within this period.
If drivers speed illegally on two different stretches of road separated by:
(1) 14 km or more (2) 8 km or more (3) 6 km or more, they may be
204 3 cited and fined multiple times. If they speed more than once in a tunnel, 02
however, they will be cited multiple times without any consideration to
the distance.
Vehicle owners or drivers are required to pay any tickets or penalties for
205 2 traffic violations within (1) 10 days (2) 15 days (3) 20 days to the 02
designated authority.
If a car or a truck cab has more than the permitted number of people in
the front seat, the driver will be subject to: (1) suspension of their
206 2 02
driver's license (2) a fine (3) a fine and suspension of their driver's

第 21 頁/共 44 頁
題號 答案 題 目
If a driver causes an accident in which no one was injured or killed and
their vehicle is still drivable, but they don't remove it from the scene,
207 2 thus obstructing traffic, the driver is subject to: (1) having their vehicle 02
impounded (2) being fined (3) having their vehicle registration
suspended and license plates temporarily confiscated.
What happens if a driver causes an accident and flees the scene of the
accident without making a report or submitting the required information
after notification by the authorities? (1) Their license vehicle
208 2 02
registration will be cancelled and license plates confiscated. (2) Their
vehicle registration will be suspended and license plates temporarily
confiscated. (3) The vehicle owner's driver's license will be suspended.
Causing injury or death to another person while driving drunk or
209 2 without a license will be subject to additional criminal penalties of: (1) 02
30% (2) 50% (3) a double term of imprisonment.
Drivers who cause either injury or death as the result of pedestrians
jaywalking or slower vehicles cutting into the fast lane will: (1) be liable
210 2 for the same criminal consequences as other drivers (2) be eligible for a 02
reduced prison term (3) be subject to a regular imprisonment term plus
additional time.
If violators want to contest a traffic citation, they should file a lawsuit
with the Administrative Litigation Panels of District Courts, and the
agency which made the administrative action will be the defendant.
211 3 02
However, if they want to drop this lawsuit, the duration will be: (1)
within 10 days after receiving the citation; (2) within 20 days after
receiving the citation; (3) within 30 days after receiving the citation.
Drivers who run a red light will be fined and given how many traffic
212 3 02
violation points? (1) 1 point (2) 2 points (3) 3 points.
Vehicle owners can be cited for which of the following? (1) driving
213 3 without a driver's license (2) driving drunk (3) illegally parking their car 02
and leaving it unattended.
Self-assembled vehicles operating without permitted registration and
license plates, or vehicles reported to be retired/scrapped but still in
214 1 operation: (1) will be confiscated and the owner fined (2) will be 02
confiscated and auctioned off (3) can be picked up by the owner after
the fine is paid.
Those who drive a large truck, bus, or trailer truck without a driver's
license will be cited, fined and: (1) their vehicle registration will be
215 2 02
cancelled and license plates confiscated (2) immediately prohibited
from driving (3) their vehicle will be confiscated.

第 22 頁/共 44 頁
題號 答案 題 目
If a driver's blood alcohol level is found to exceed the legal limit, they
will be fined, their vehicle will be immediately impounded, and their
216 3 02
driver's license will be suspended for: (1) 3 months (2) 6 months (3) 1
If either the driver, the front-seat passengers, or the rear seat passengers
of a small vehicle do not wear safety belts while operating a motor
217 3 02
vehicle traveling on the freeway or expressway, the driver will be fined:
(1) NT$1,000~2,000; (2) NT$1,500~3,000; (3) NT$3,000 to 6,000.
If vehicle owners install equipment which increase the amount of noise
their vehicle makes, they will be fined and: (1) their vehicle will be
218 2 02
confiscated (2) the equipment will be confiscated (3) their vehicle
registration will be cancelled and license plates confiscated.
Drivers who recklessly change lanes will: (1) be fined (2) be required to
attend traffic safety class (3) be fined, their vehicle registration
219 3 02
suspended for 3 months, license plates temporarily confiscated, and
required to attend traffic safety class.
If a driver ticketed for parking illegally fails to move their vehicle, they
220 2 02
will be ticketed again every: (1) hour (2) 2 hours (3) half an hour.
If a vehicle is traveling over the speed limit, the driver will be ticketed
in accordance with which of the following regulations: (1) fined for
every four minutes they speed, or for every intersection they speed
221 3 through; (2) fined for every five minutes they speed, or for every 02
intersection they speed through; (3) fined for every 6 km they speed, or
for every six minutes they speed, or for every intersection they speed
through. Penalties for speeding in a tunnel will not apply to the above.
Those who double-park their vehicle in the street will be fined: (1) 600
222 1 02
to 1,200 NTD, (2) 900 to 1,800 NTD, (3) 1,200 to 2,400 NTD.
Drivers who fail to attend a required traffic safety class without an
acceptable reason will be fined NTD 1,800. If they are notified once
again to attend the class and still fail to attend for more than 6 months,
223 3 02
they are subject to: (1) suspension of their vehicle registration (2)
cancellation of their driver's license (3) suspension of their driver's
If a driver's blood alcohol level is found to exceed the legal limit, their
vehicle will be impounded on the spot and they: (1) will not have to pay
224 2 a fine if they agree to have their license suspended (2) are not eligible 02
for any exemption from paying a fine (3) There is no applicable

第 23 頁/共 44 頁
題號 答案 題 目
Are vehicle owners required to pay any outstanding fines before they
either register their motor vehicle, or change their motor vehicle
225 1 02
registration? (1) Yes, they are. (2) No, they are not. (3) There is no
applicable regulation.
Under which of the following circumstances are drivers required to
226 3 attend traffic safety class? (1) For a parking violation (2) They forget to 02
carry their driver's license with them (3) Reckless driving.
In a tunnel, are drivers allowed to park their vehicle temporarily, pass
227 2 other vehicles, or drive in reverse? (1) Yes (2) No (3) There is no 02
applicable regulation.
When drivers are traveling on either a freeway or expressway
interchange, they: (1) may park their vehicle anywhere they wish (2) are
228 2 required to comply with the traffic signals and police instructions (3) 04
may park their vehicle temporarily if traffic conditions allow them to do
Drivers: (1) may make a U-turn (2) may not make a U-turn (3) may
229 2 make a U-turn in any available area when they are driving on either a 04
freeway or expressway.
What is the speed limit on freeway and expressway ramps? (1) 20 km/hr
230 3 04
(2) 30 km/hr (3) whatever is written on the speed limit signs.
Cars moving at a speed less than: (1) 60 km/hr (2) 70 km/hr (3) 80
231 3 km/hr are required to drive in the outside lane when they are traveling 04
on a freeway with a maximum speed limit of 90 km/hr.
Cars traveling in the same lane on a freeway or expressway at a speed of
232 3 70 km/hr must maintain a distance of at least: (1) 15 meters (2) 25 04
meters (3) 35 meters from the vehicle in front of them.
Vehicles traveling on freeways or expressways: (1) may stop anytime to
pick up and drop passengers or to load and unload goods (2) may drop
233 3 off passengers and unload goods, but may not pick up passengers nor 04
load goods (3) may not stop to pick up or drop off passengers, nor load
or unload goods, except in designated areas.
Vehicles loaded with dangerous goods may drive in: (1) the inside lane
(2) the outside lane (3) either the inside or outside lane, but are
234 2 02
prohibited from changing lanes when they are driving on either the
freeway or expressway.
Large vehicles may use: (1) the inside lane (2) the outside lane (3)
235 2 whatever lane they like when they are traveling on either the freeway or 04

第 24 頁/共 44 頁
題號 答案 題 目
Which of the following agencies handle accidents that take place on
freeways or expressways? (1) The National Highway Police Bureau,
236 1 Ministry of the Interior (2) city and county police authorities (3) The 04
Traffic Division of the National Police Administration, Ministry of the
If a vehicle suddenly ceases to function normally on a freeway or
expressway and is unable to maintain a speed of at least 60 km per hour:
(1) the driver is required to exit the freeway or expressway via the
237 1 04
nearest interchange (2) the driver is required to stop and repair their
vehicle immediately (3) the driver is required to continue driving their
When driving on either a freeway or an expressway, the driver: (1) may
238 1 not pass on the shoulder of the road (2) may pass on the shoulder of the 04
road (3) may use merge lane to pass other cars.
Which of the following is the maximum speed limit on freeways or
239 3 expressways under normal weather conditions? (1) 120km per hour (2) 04
110km per hour (3) Depends on the speed limit indicated.
If poor visibility occurs on freeways or expressways due to heavy fog,
heavy smoke, heavy rain, or gusty winds, drivers are required to: (1)
maintain a speed of 60km per hour or faster (2) reduce their speed to
240 2 04
less than 40km per hour, or temporarily stop on the side of the road with
their emergency warning lights on until visibility improves (3) continue
to drive at normal speed.
When driving on a one-way acceleration/deceleration lane of an access
241 2 ramp, drivers: (1) may pass other vehicles (2) may not pass other 04
vehicles (3) may stop their vehicles temporarily
When encountering a mechanical problem with their vehicle while on a
freeway or expressway, drivers must: (1) pull their vehicle over to the
242 1 side of the road to wait for emergency assistance. (2) stop immediately 04
and ask their passengers to get out and seek help. (3) call and ask a
friend to tow their vehicle.
On freeways or expressways, drivers: (1) may not drag race side by side
and may not drive side by side in low speed (2) may drag race side by
243 1 04
side, but may not drive side by side in low speed (3) may not drag race
side by side, but may drive side by side in low speed.
Opposing traffic lanes on freeways and expressways are: (1) divided by
244 2 04
road markings (2) by barriers (3) by traffic signals.

第 25 頁/共 44 頁
題號 答案 題 目
If the driver in the next lane signals that they are going to change lanes,
a driver is required to: (1) speed up to prevent the other car from
245 2 04
passing; (2) reduce speed accordingly and yield; (3) drive side by side
with the vehicle and compete for the lane.
When vehicles are moving at high speeds, which of the following is true
regarding a driver's vision: (1) It cannot be perfectly adjusted to the
246 2 04
situation. (2) Visual ability will decrease as speed increases. (3) Visual
ability will increase as speed increases.
When driving in heavy fog, heavy smoke, heavy rain, or gusty winds,
drivers are required to reduce their speed and: (1) shorten the distance
247 2 between themselves and the car in front of them (2) increase the 04
distance between themselves and the car in front of them (3) no
applicable regulations.
Drivers: (1) may not pass other vehicles under any circumstances. (2)
may change lanes and pass other vehicles as long as they drive within
248 2 04
the designated speed limits. (3) may not pass other vehicles except in
designated areas of the freeway or expressway.
If a driver misses the off ramp on a freeway or expressway, they: (1)
may make a U-turn to go back to the ramp (2) must keep going until
249 2 04
they reach the next off ramp (3) may drive in reverse back to the off
ramp they just passed.
The plum-blossom sign is: (1) a roadside decoration (2) the marker of
250 3 02
an important highway (3) the symbol for a national freeway.
The inside lane of a freeway or expressway is provided for vehicle
passing. Nevertheless, small vehicles: (1) may drive slowly in the lane
251 3 04
(2) may not drive in the lane (3) may drive in the lane at the declared
maximum speed limit.
Except when passing on freeways or expressways, large vehicles are
252 1 required to use: (1) the outside lane (2) the inside lane (3) any lane that 04
is convenient for them.
When changing lanes, in addition to using the turn signal, which of the
following is the most important for drivers to do? (1) Quickly cut into
whatever lane is available. (2) Maintain a safe driving distance between
253 3 04
their vehicle and the vehicle in front of them. (3) Maintain a safe driving
distance between their vehicle and the vehicles both in front and in back
of them.
Drivers (1) may speed if they are late. (2) may ignore traffic rules if they
254 3 are in a hurry. (3) are required to abide by the traffic rules even if they 01
are in a hurry.

第 26 頁/共 44 頁
題號 答案 題 目
What is defensive driving? (1) Taking precautionary action to prevent
255 1 accidents. (2) Having outstanding driving skills. (3) Having good habits 01
in your daily life.
Prior to merging into the main traffic lane of a freeway or expressway,
drivers: (1) are required to decelerate on the acceleration ramp and
verify it is safe before they merge into the main lane of traffic. (2) Turn
256 3 01
on their left turn signal and go ahead and merge into the main lane of
traffic. (3) accelerate on the acceleration ramp and verify it's safe before
merging into the main lane of traffic.
When pulling off the main traffic lane of a freeway or expressway,
drivers: (1) may do so whenever. (2) must slowly edge over to the right
257 2 01
as they reduce speed. (3) can immediately pull over after turning on
their right turn signal.
When driving through an urban area at night and there is oncoming
traffic or cars within 100 meters in front of you, you are required to: (1)
258 3 01
wear colored glasses. (2) switch to your high-beam headlights. (3) use
your low-beam headlights for safety.
When driving in a flooded area, drivers are required to: (1) reduce their
259 1 01
speed (2) pass through quickly. (3) use their brakes as much as possible.
If vehicles approaching from the opposite direction have bright
headlights or high beams on, the driver should: (1) retaliate by using
260 3 01
high-beam headlights; (2) drive on the center line; (3) stay on the right
side, reduce speed, and be aware of the surroundings.
If your vehicle is skidding, you should: (1) steer in the opposite
261 3 direction of the skid. (2) hit your brakes immediately. (3) steer slowly in 01
the direction of the skid.
If a vehicle causes an accident, the drivers of both vehicles are required
to: (1) stay at the site of the accident and call the police immediately. (2)
262 1 leave the site of the accident if they don't think they are at fault. (3) 01
argue with the other driver in order to avoid any responsibility for the
Drivers who disagree with the decision of the regional assessment
committee regarding accident liability: (1) have to obey to the decision
263 2 01
without objection (2) may request a review by authorities. (3) may file a
complaint with the judicial authority.
As driving speed increase, the driver's field of vision: (1) remains
264 2 01
unchanged. (2) becomes narrower. (3) becomes wider.

第 27 頁/共 44 頁
題號 答案 題 目
Speeding is one of the main causes of road accidents. Road accidents
can be prevented by: (1) managing one’s time, and starting travel at the
265 1 appropriate time, so the driver does not have to rush and go over the 01
speed limit; (2) decreasing the engine's fuel intake speed; (3) installing
bigger, better brakes on the vehicle.
Which of the following is incorrect for vehicles that are turning left at
the intersection? (1) Turn left after the left turn arrow turns green. (2)
266 3 01
Turn left only after all vehicles proceeding straight have passed through
the intersection. (3) Turn left as soon as the light turns green.
Which of the following is the main cause of traffic congestion and
accidents? (1) Neither drivers nor pedestrians abide by the traffic rules.
267 1 01
(2) There are too many vehicles on the road. (3) Roads are not wide
enough to accommodate all traffic.
Accidents happen when people either disobey or ignore traffic rules.
Which of the following is the most important task in connection with
upgrading traffic safety? (1) Helping drivers learn to drive better
268 1 01
through traffic rule training programs. (2) Helping drivers improve their
driving skills. (3) Helping drivers learn how to better maintain their
At an intersection with multiple lanes, drivers: (1) may not change lanes
if there are marked by double solid white lines. (2) may change lanes
269 1 even if they are demarked by double solid white lines, if it makes 01
turning right or left easier. (3) may either pick up or drop off passengers
in areas demarked by double solid white lines.
If the distance illuminated by the headlights suddenly grows longer, it's
probably because the vehicle is moving downhill. Therefore, the driver
270 1 01
is required to: (1) slow down. (2) speed up. (3) turn off their headlights
for safety reasons.
If the light from headlights suddenly disappears at night, it's probably
because there is a big gap in the road or bridge, or the road surface has
collapsed. Therefore, drivers are required to: (1) get out of their vehicle
271 1 01
and check out the situation before they drive onward. (2) disregard it
and continue to drive as usual. (3) turn off their headlights to reduce any
reflection and improve visibility of the surrounding terrain.
When driving through areas of high winds, if the driver feels the vehicle
is shaking, the driver should: (1) keep their hands on the steering wheel,
272 1 slow down, increase the distance between themselves and the vehicle in 01
front, and stay in the same lane. (2) speed up to pass through the area
more quickly. (3) disregard the wind because it won't affect safety.

第 28 頁/共 44 頁
題號 答案 題 目
Accidents often happen while making a turn because drivers: (1) ignore
their blind spots. (2) ignore the difference in the location of the front
273 3 01
and back of their vehicle. (3) ignore both their blind spots and the
difference in the location of the front and back of their vehicle.
Pre-driving maintenance and regular checkups are particularly
important for vehicles driven on freeways or expressways. Therefore,
(1) just making sure you have enough gas or petrol is sufficient. (2) just
274 3 01
making sure you have enough gas or petrol and battery power is
sufficient. (3) you must be sure that your car has enough fuel, water, and
battery power.
Drunk-driving causes drivers to have tunnel vision which gives drivers
the impression that they are driving in a tunnel in which the area
275 3 directly in front of them is brightly lit, but the areas on the periphery are 01
dark. Therefore, a drunk driver's field of vision: (1) does not change at
all. (2) becomes wider. (3) becomes narrower.
When a larger vehicle passes a smaller vehicle, a powerful vacuum
effect will cause the smaller vehicle to be sucked towards the larger
276 1 vehicle. Therefore, drivers are required to: (1) keep both hands on their 01
steering wheel. (2) relax their grip on their steering wheel. (3) not worry
if their vehicle is driving side-by-side with a larger vehicle.
Prior to driving on freeways and expressways, drivers should listen to
277 3 the radio and find out traffic conditions by dialing: (1) 104. (2) 117. (3) 01
When driving on an expressway or freeway, (1) only large vehicles may
NOT use the inner lane. (2) only slow vehicles may NOT use the inner
278 3 01
lane. (3) both large vehicles and slow vehicles may NOT use the inner
You are driving on a road with two lanes. A motorcycle is driving in the
same lane in front of you. You should: (1) honk your horn to force the
279 3 motorcycle to return to the slow lane. (2) drive side by side with the 01
motorcycle and then pass it. (3) either follow the motorcycle or pass it
using the inside fast lane.
When drivers are about to merge onto either a freeway or expressway or
into the fast lane, they are required to: (1) accelerate in the right lane,
280 1 turn on their left turn signal, and check to see if there is any vehicle 01
approaching from rear left before they merge. (2) turn on their turn
signal and go ahead and merge. (3) go ahead merge.

第 29 頁/共 44 頁
題號 答案 題 目
To pass the blood alcohol level test, the breathalyzer test must show that
281 1 a driver'sblood alcohol level does not exceed: (1) 0.15 milligrams. (2) 03
0.25 milligrams. (3) 0.55 milligrams.
If an accident victim is in shock, their face will become: (1) pale. (2)
282 1 03
light gray. (3) flushed.
If an accident victim is bleeding and the blood is scarlet red and
283 3 spurting out, it means the bleeding is: (1) venous bleeding. (2) from a 03
superficial surface wound. (3) arterial bleeding.
If a car crash causes fire and consequently reduces the amount of
oxygen in the air, or if there is something blocking the airway passage
284 2 03
of a victim, which of the following will occur? (1) shock (2) suffocation
(3) vomiting
If a broken bone pierces a victim's skin and is causing massive bleeding,
what should you to do? (1) Attempt to push the bone back into position.
285 2 03
(2) Apply pressure to stop the bleeding. (3) Send the victim to a hospital
for treatment.
Which of the following speeds is the most fuel efficient speed for cars
286 1 traveling on an expressway or freeway? (1) 80 to 90 km per hour. (2) 50 05
to 60 km per hour. (3) 110 to 120 km per hour.
Which of the following gases discharged by vehicles and motorcycles
287 2 causes global warming? (1) carbon monoxide. (2) carbon dioxide. (3) 05
If a car carries an infant without property strapping them in an infant car
288 3 seat, the driver is subject to: (1) suspension of their driver's license. (2) 02
cancellation of their driver's license. (3) a fine.
If driver leaves a child younger than 6 years old, or a child that requires
special care alone in a vehicle, the driver is subject to: (1) a fine (2) a
289 2 02
fine and 4-hour traffic safety lecture (3) a fine and traffic violation
A driver will be cited if they are caught by electronic monitoring
equipment doing which of the following? (1) Driving on the shoulder of
290 3 02
a road. (2) Failing to maintain a safe driving distance. (3) Both
statements are true.
What is the penalty for driving a vehicle without license plates after
already having been cited at least once? (1) There's no penalty, but the
291 2 02
driver's license will be suspended. (2) The vehicle owner will be fined
and their driver's license will be revoked. (3) The driver will be fined.

第 30 頁/共 44 頁
題號 答案 題 目
If a child younger than (1) 4 years old (2) 5 years old (3) 6 years old, or
292 3 a child requiring special care is left alone in a vehicle, the driver will be 02
fined NTD 3,000 and be required to attend a 4-hour traffic safety class.
If a driver exceeds the maximum posted speed by (1) 40 km per hour (2)
293 3 50 km per hour (3) 60 km per hour, the driver will be fined NTD6,000 02
to 24,000 and have their license confiscated on the spot.
Which of the following is true when driving on road with a safety island
294 2 that separates the fast and slow lanes? (1) Right turns are allowed. (2) 02
Right turns are not allowed. (3) There is no applicable rule.
If a bus driver is found to be driving on a suspended license while
295 3 intoxicated, their driver's license will be cancelled for at least (1) 2 02
years. (2) 3 years. (3) 4 years.
If a driver has had his license cancelled because he caused an accident
296 3 that resulted in death, he won't eligible for a driver's license for: (1) 02
eight years; (2) 10 years; (3) 12 years from the date of the cancellation.
Large vehicles traveling on a road with more than three lanes, unless
297 1 they intend to turn left, are prohibited from using: (1) the inner lane; (2) 02
the middle lane; (3) the outside lane.
If a motorcycle over 550 cc displacement breaks down on an
expressway, the driver is required to turn off the driving lane, turn on
298 2 the emergency lights, move the motorcycle off the road, and place a 04
warning sign: (1) 50 meters behind the vehicle; (2) 100 meters behind
the vehicle; (3) 200 meters behind the vehicle.
Why does a safe driving distance help prevent accidents? (1) Because it
increases friction on the tires. (2) Because it increases the time and
299 2 01
distance available to react to road conditions. (3) Because it increases
the amount of traction tires have.
The minimum safe driving distance should be: (1) larger than (2)
300 1 01
smaller than (3) equal to the space required to stop the vehicle.
If vehicles carrying cargo and traveling at a high speed have placed the
301 1 heaviest cargo on the bottom, (1) stability improves. (2) stability 01
decreases. (3) stability remains unchanged.
The longer the wheelbase, the larger the distance between the inside and
302 2 outside wheels. When turning, vehicles with a larger wheelbase thus 01
require the road width to be (1) narrower (2) wider (3) the same.
After driving on a flooded road, the driver should: (1) turn on the lights;
303 3 01
(2) keep their foot on the clutch; (3) test the brakes.

第 31 頁/共 44 頁
題號 答案 題 目
Which of the following is correct? (1) If dashboard warning light comes
on when driving, the driver should disregard it. (2) If the engine starts
304 3 emitting smoke, the driver should continue driving. (3) If the brakes 01
aren't working properly, the driver should calmly pullover and stop in
the first available spot.
If a driver causes an accident, but no one is killed or injured, and the
vehicle is still drivable, which of the following are they required to do?
305 2 (1) Wait for the police to arrive; (2) Mark the position of the vehicle on 01
the road and then pull off to the roadside; (3) Notify their insurance
After marking the position of any relevant evidence on the ground in an
accident, the vehicles involved must be pulled over to the roadside
306 1 immediately if: (1) it is a minor accident and no one has been killed or 01
injured; (2) someone has been severely injured; (3) someone has been
If an accident takes place on a road with a speed limit over 50 km per
hour, how many meters behind the vehicle are the drivers required to
307 2 01
place a vehicle breakdown warning sign? (1) 50~100 meters. (2)
30~100 meters. (3)5~30 meters.
Which of the following is correct concerning who has the right of way?
(1) Vehicles going straight are required to yield to the vehicles making
308 3 turns. (2) The vehicle that enters an intersection first has the right of 01
way. (3) Vehicles making turns are required to yield to vehicles going
The persons or parties involved in an accident are required to find: (1)
309 2 relatives and friends to vouch for them; (2) eyewitnesses to support 01
them; (3) legal council to determine the facts of the case.
Within what period of time may a person involved in an accident
310 3 request an official report verifying liability for the accident? (1) 1 month 01
(2) 3 months (3) 6 months
In a gas station: (1) drivers are required to turn off the engine before
refueling; (2) it does not matter whether the engine is turned off or not
311 1 05
before refueling; (3) a driver does not have to turn off the engine during
refueling if they want to keep the air conditioner on.
When refueling a vehicle in a gasoline station: (1) drivers may make
calls and answer their cell phone; (2) drivers may answer their cell
312 3 05
phone, but may not make calls; (3) drivers are strictly prohibited from
either making calls or answering their cell phone.

第 32 頁/共 44 頁
題號 答案 題 目
Drivers with a green light at an intersection: (1) have the right of way,
so they should speed up and pass through the intersection quickly; (2)
313 3 are required to come to a complete stop before proceeding through the 05
intersection; (3) are required to slow down and pass through the
intersection cautiously.
If there are yellow flashing lights at an intersection, drivers should (1)
come to a complete stop and look both ways before proceeding
314 3 cautiously through the intersection. (2) proceed through the intersection 05
quickly without first coming to a complete stop. (3) look both ways and
then proceed through the intersection cautiously.
At an intersection with no traffic sign, what should drivers do to ensure
safety? (1) Look first right and then left before proceeding through the
315 2 05
intersection. (2) Look first left and then right before proceeding through
the intersection. (3) It doesn't matter which direction they look first.
When driving on a road, drivers should: (1) keep their eyes forward
316 1 while watching for traffic on both the left and the right; (2) look around 05
and eat; (3) chat and have fun with any passengers in the vehicle.
Drivers should always pay attention to (1) the stores along the road. (2)
317 2 05
traffic signals, traffic signs, and other vehicles ahead. (3) the scenery.
When driving at night which is the most difficult to see? (1) Moving
318 2 pedestrians. (2) Pedestrians and objects that are motionless. (3) Moving 05
What are vehicles approaching from the opposite direction but turning
either left or right onto the same road required to do if the road has more
than two lanes? (1) The vehicle turning left is required to turn into the
319 2 outside lane. The vehicle turning right is required to turn into the inside 05
lane. (2) The vehicle turning left is required to turn into the inside lane.
The vehicle turning right is required to turn into the outside lane. (3)
The drivers can turn into whichever lane they like.
Centrifugal force is produced as a vehicle turns. Therefore: (1) drivers
are required to slow down before they turn to maintain control of the
320 1 05
vehicle; (2) drivers are required to slow down as they turn to maintain
control of the vehicle; (3) both statements are true.
The faster a vehicle moves along a curve: (1) the greater the centrifugal
321 1 force; (2) the lesser the centrifugal force; (3) the centrifugal force 05
produced by the vehicle remains unchanged.

第 33 頁/共 44 頁
題號 答案 題 目
Two-stage opening means: (1) opening the door in two stages without
first verifying that there are any vehicles or pedestrians approaching
from either the front or rear; (2) first opening the door slightly, and then
322 2 05
completely opening the door after it has been determined that no
vehicles or pedestrians are approaching from either the front or rear; (3)
both statements are true.
When driving uphill, drivers should shift into second gear. When
323 3 driving downhill, which gear should drivers use? (1) Fourth. (2) Third. 05
(3) Second.
When driving down a long slope, what is the best way to control speed?
324 3 (1) Use the foot brake; (2) Use the hand brake; (3) Shift into to a lower 05
gear and using the engine to slow the vehicle down.
Drivers should shift into low gear when driving downhill. What is the
best time to shift into a lower gear? (1) Before the vehicle starts moving
325 1 05
downhill. (2) As the vehicle is picking up speed moving downhill. (3)
Both statements are true.
If a driver slams on their brakes and the brakes lock, the braking
326 2 05
distance will (1) decrease. (2) increase. (3) remain unchanged.
If a driver slams on the brakes during an emergency and the brakes lock,
327 3 and the driver turns the steering wheel to the right, the vehicle will: (1) 05
move to the right; (2) move to the left; (3) go out of control.
Which of the following should be the top priority when driving? (1)
Driving as slow as possible. (2) Keeping a safe distance from the
328 2 05
vehicle in front of you. (3) Closely following the vehicle in front to
ensure that nothing goes wrong.
If drivers encounter an accident on the road and the police have already
329 3 arrived, they must: (1) shout out; (2) stop the vehicle and watch; (3) 05
leave the scene of the accident immediately.
Which of the following statements is correct? (1) The driver, the front-
seat passengers, and the rear seat passengers of a small vehicle are
330 1 05
required to wear safety belts; (2) The driver must use the turn signal
after starting the car; (3) By law, children must be seated in the front.
Which of the following is incorrect regarding pre-driving safety? (1)
The driver, the front-seat passengers, and the rear seat passengers of a
331 2 small vehicle are required to wear safety belts; (2) By law, children must 05
be seated in the front; (3) The driver must use the turn signal before
starting the car.

第 34 頁/共 44 頁
題號 答案 題 目
Drivers are required to look both right and left before making a turn or
changing lanes because: (1) they have to check for vehicles coming
332 2 05
from the front; (2) they have to check areas of the road not visible in the
rear view mirror; (3) they have to look past any glare on the windshield.
Drivers should do a normal maintenance check to ensure the car is
functioning properly: (1) every time before they drive; (2) once a week;
333 1 00
(3) since the vehicle is checked regularly at a garage, other maintenance
checks are not necessary.
Vehicles have to be checked before being driven every time, (1) as well
334 1 as undergoing regular maintenance. (2) so no other maintenance is 05
required. (3) Neither statement is true.
Which of the following doesn't have to be checked before driving? (1)
335 2 05
The fuel level. (2) The mileage. (3) The tire pressure.
Engine oil should be checked regularly (1) and replaced regularly. (2)
336 1 but does not need to be replaced regularly. (3) and replaced depending 05
on the brand of oil.
When checking the oil, drivers are required to (1) have their vehicle
337 3 parked on a flat area. (2) have their engine turned off. (3) Both 05
statements are true.
Where is oil poured into the engine? (1) Where the dip stick is located.
338 2 05
(2) The oil hole on the engine. (3) The radiator.
What is true about changing the oil filter? (1) The type of oil filter
depends on the brand of oil being used. (2) It's not necessary to change
339 3 05
the filter. (3) Drivers are required to change the oil filter in accordance
with the requirements stated in the user's manual.
To add more fluid to the brakes, (1) drivers have to use the exact same
brake fluid that was previously used. (2) drivers may use whatever
340 1 05
brake fluid they prefer. (3) drivers may use engine oil as a brake fluid if
there is no brake fluid available.
If the battery is getting low on water, drivers should pour (1) sulfuric
341 2 acid into the battery. (2) distilled water into the battery. (3) regular tap 05
water into the battery.
When drivers are checking the fluid level in the battery, they must
342 3 check: (1) just one place; (2) two places; (3) check all the places where 05
fluids are added.
Which of the following should not be used if checking the battery fluid
343 2 at night? (1) A flashlight. (2) A lighter. (3) A light powered by the 05

第 35 頁/共 44 頁
題號 答案 題 目
Which of the following prevents corrosion of the battery terminal and
344 2 05
enhances electricity conduction? (1) Paint. (2) Grease. (3) Asphalt.
When using one vehicle's battery to jump start the battery of another
vehicle, what is true about the jumper cables? (1) The thinner the cables,
345 2 05
the better. (2) The thicker the cables, the better. (3) A normal copper
wire with good electrical conductivity is adequate to do the job safely.
The engine starter is powered by (1) the alternator. (2) the battery. (3)
346 2 05
both the alternator and battery.
Vehicles with a lot of electrical devices installed (1) have the potential
347 2 to generate more horse power. (2) can potentially catch fire easier. (3) 05
has no effect on engine performance.
The anti-rust agent in the radiator water (1) has to be changed regularly.
348 1 (2) has to be changed when the radiator water is changed. (3) never 05
needs to be changed.
Residue that builds up over time in the cooling system (1) causes poor
349 1 cooling water circulation. (2) lowers the engine temperature. (3) 05
prevents water from leaking out of the engine.
If the engine overheats, the driver should (1) continue to drive their
350 2 vehicle at the same speed. (2) pull over and stop as soon as they can do 05
so safely. (3) slow down and continue to drive their vehicle.
A dirty air filter will cause a vehicle to (1) consume excessive fuel. (2)
351 3 05
lose power. (3) Both statements are true.
If spark plugs are malfunctioning, which of the following is likely to
happen? (1) Acceleration will be more difficult and fuel consumption
352 3 05
higher. (2) Starting the vehicle will be difficult, if not impossible. (3)
Both statements are true.
If an engine temperature indicator points to H, it means that the
353 2 05
temperature is (1) normal. (2) too high. (3) too low.
If the steering wheel is loose, (1) the driver will have difficulty turning
the vehicle. (2) the driver will have difficulty controlling the vehicle. (3)
354 2 05
it will not affect the driver's ability to either make turns or control the
Which of the following is the most important advantage of power
steering? (1) Power steering allows drivers to change their speed more
355 3 05
easily. (2) Power steering allows drivers to make wider turns. (3) Power
steering helps drivers turn their vehicle more easily.

第 36 頁/共 44 頁
題號 答案 題 目
Many vehicles have a cigarette lighter installed in the dashboard which
requires a simple touch of a button to operate. Drivers (1) are required
to concentrate on driving and may not use the cigarette lighter when
356 1 05
operating the vehicle. (2) may use the cigarette lighter if they feel they
can do so safely. (3) should use the cigarette lighter because smoking
while driving will keep them awake and more alert.
Which of the following is the most appropriate time to adjust the seat?
357 1 05
(1) Before driving. (2) During driving. (3) After driving.
Which of the following is the ideal height for the driver's seat headrest?
358 3 (1) Above the driver's head. (2) Below the driver's shoulders (3) The 05
same height as the driver's ears.
Back doors have a safety lock to protect children from injuries caused
by carelessly opening the doors. Therefore, if the safety lock is engaged,
359 2 (1) the back doors can be opened only from inside the vehicle. (2) the 05
back doors can be opened only from outside the vehicle. (3) the back
doors cannot be opened from either inside or outside the vehicle.
Which of the following is the best time to press the trunk release button
in a vehicle? (1) After the vehicle is parked. (2) After the vehicle is
360 3 parked and the vehicle's transmission is put into park. (3) After the 05
vehicle is parked, the vehicle's transmission is put into park, and the
manual brake has been engaged.
Vehicles have both a rearview mirror and an interior mirror (1) to help
drivers expand their range of vision and keep abreast of the traffic
361 1 05
behind their vehicle. (2) to make it easier for the driver to put on
cosmetics. (3) for decorative purposes.
Which of the following is the normal color of the exhaust discharged by
362 3 a petrol or gasoline engine? (1) Black. (2) Blue and white. (3) It's 05
If a petrol engine discharges black exhaust, it means (1) the petrol is
363 2 being completely combusted. (2) the petrol is not being completely 05
combusted. (3) The oil is being combusted.
Before starting an automatic shift vehicle, the driver must first shift the
364 3 05
transmission into (1) D. (2) R. (3) P.
Prior to shifting from park into reverse or drive, the driver should (1)
365 2 push the accelerator pedal. (2) push the brake pedal. (3) just go ahead 05
and shift.

第 37 頁/共 44 頁
題號 答案 題 目
When parking an automatic shift vehicle, to prevent the vehicle from
366 3 rolling, the driver should engage the hand brake and shift the vehicle 05
into (1) drive. (2) reverse. (3) park.
In addition to disengaging the hand brake and putting the transmission
in neutral, what else must be done when towing an automatic front-
wheel drive vehicle to avoid damaging the transmission? (1) Lift the
front wheels, keeping the rear wheels on the ground, and tow the vehicle
367 1 05
by pulling from the front. (2) Lift the rear wheels, keeping the front
wheels on the ground, and tow the vehicles by pulling from the rear. (3)
All 4 wheels should remain on the ground and the vehicle should be
pulled from the rear.
When switching gears from drive to reverse or from reverse to drive, (1)
it is not necessary for the driver to wait for the vehicle to come to a
368 2 complete stop first. (2) the driver must wait for the vehicle to come to a 05
complete stop first. (3) it doesn't matter if the vehicle has come to a
complete stop or not before the driver switches gears.
When should tire pressure be checked? (1) Anytime. (2) When the
369 3 temperature of the tires is higher after driving the vehicle. (3) Before 05
driving, when the tires are still at room temperature.
Insufficient tire pressure is likely to cause (1) both the inner and outer
370 1 side of the tire to wear down more quickly. (2) the middle of the tire to 05
wear down more quickly. (3) the steering to become lose.
Insufficient tire pressure is likely to cause (1) better fuel efficiency. (2)
371 3 steering to become easier. (3) the steering wheel to become stiff 05
requiring more effort to steer and a loss of fuel efficiency.
Unequal tire pressure is likely to cause (1) the engine to knock. (2) the
372 2 05
car to automatically pull in one direction. (3) nothing.
Which of the following is the most fragile part of the tire? (1) The
373 2 treads. (2) The outer side. (3) The lip around the opening in the center of 05
the tire.
The treads down the center of a tire may wear down quickly if (1) the
374 1 tire pressure is too high. (2) the tire pressure is too low. (3) the vehicle 05
load is too heavy.
If tire treads are worn down flat, (1) it's not dangerous to drive. (2)
375 2 steering and braking distances are likely to be affected. (3) the ride will 05
feel more comfortable to passengers.
If brakes are used repeatedly, the brake temperature rises and braking
376 2 05
performance: (1) improves. (2) decreases. (3) remains unchanged.

第 38 頁/共 44 頁
題號 答案 題 目
If a vehicle travels downhill for a long period and the brakes are
377 1 continuously applied, the brake fluid temperature usually (1) rises. (2) 05
remains unchanged. (3) drops.
If drivers smell a burning odor when a vehicle is traveling down a long
378 3 slope, it's probably because (1) the car is overheating. (2) the clutch is 05
slipping. (3) the brake is being used excessively.
If the front of the vehicle pulls to the left or the right when the brakes
are applied, it's probably because (1) there is too much brake fluid. (2)
379 2 05
one of the two front brakes is not working normally. (3) there is air in
the brake lines.
If the brakes are soft and not fully functioning when step on, it is
380 3 possibly because (1) the brake fluid lines are blocked. (2) the brake pads 05
have been contaminated with oil. (3) there is air in the brake lines.
If your foot is on the brake while starting the car and you find the
381 1 position of the brake pedal falls by about 1 inch, (1) this is normal. (2) 05
the brake fluid is leaking. (3) the brakes need to be replaced.
The roads on which student drivers are allowed to drive are approved by
382 2 (1) the Motor Vehicle Registration Department. (2) the local police 05
authority. (3) the Ministry of Education.
Which of the following is the most appropriate driving route for student
383 1 drivers? (1) Any road approved by the police authority. (2) Any road 02
that has a flat surface. (3) Freeways or expressways.
If a student driver is not accompanied by a person with a driver's license
when they are practicing driving, (1) they will be fined. (2) Their
384 1 02
vehicle will be impounded. (3) Their student driver's license will be
Student drivers are required to carry both their vehicle registration and
385 2 02
(1) their student ID. (2) their student driver's license. (3) their ID card.
What happens if a student driver practices driving on an unapproved
road or after the time permitted on an approved road, but they are
386 1 carrying their student driver's license with them? (1) It's a violation and 02
the student driver will be fined. (2) It's all right as long as the student
driver is accompanied by their instructor. (3) There is no applicable rule.
If parking is prohibited on a road, what hours are vehicles prohibited
387 1 from parking? (1) From 7 a.m. until 8 p.m. (2) from 7 p.m. until 8 a.m. 02
the following day. (3) 24 hours a day.

第 39 頁/共 44 頁
題號 答案 題 目
If temporary parking is prohibited on a road, what hours are vehicles
388 3 prohibited from temporarily parking? (1) From 7 a.m. until 8 p.m. (2) 02
From 7 p.m. until 8 a.m. the following day. (3) 24 hours a day.
If temporary parking is prohibited on a road, (1) drivers may not park
temporarily, but can park there long-term anytime. (2) drivers may not
389 3 02
park long-term, but can park temporarily. (3) Neither temporary parking
nor long-term parking are allowed.
If parking is prohibited on a road: (1) drivers may not park temporarily,
but can park there long-term anytime. (2) drivers may not park long-
390 2 02
term, but can park temporarily. (3) Neither temporary parking nor long-
term parking are allowed.
When parking on a one-way road, the outside edge of the front and rear
391 1 02
tires cannot be more than (1) 40 cm. (2) 50 cm. (3) 60 cm from the curb.
When parking temporarily on the right side of a road, the outside edge
392 1 of the front and rear tires cannot be farther than (1) 60 cm (2) 70 cm (3) 02
80cm from the curb.
If temporary parking is not prohibited on a road, drivers may park their
393 1 vehicle temporarily (1) on the right side of road. (2) at their discretion. 02
(3) after they turn on their emergency warning lights.
If there are no parking spaces available on a road that allows parking,
394 3 (1) drivers may double park the vehicle. (2) may park their vehicles at 02
their discretion. (3) may not double park their vehicle.
When traveling through a tunnel longer than 4km, or a tunnel under an
administrative institution's supervision, small vehicles are required to
395 2 02
maintain the safe driving distance from the vehicle in front of them of
(1) 40 meters. (2) 50 meters. (3) 60 meters.
When traveling through a tunnel longer than 4 km, or a tunnel under an
administrative institution's supervision, and drivers have to reduce their
speed to less than 20km per hour due to traffic congestion or an
396 1 02
accident, they are required to maintain a safe driving distance between
them and the vehicle in front of (1) 20 meters. (2) 30 meters. (3) 50
Which of the following has to be carried by drivers when they are
operating a vehicle? (1) Their vehicle registration, driver's license, and
397 1 02
compulsory insurance card. (2) Emergency warning flag. (3) Emergency
repair tool kit.

第 40 頁/共 44 頁
題號 答案 題 目
On a road with signs indicating no U-turns, no left turns, no passing in
the oncoming traffic lanes, and no changing lanes, drivers (1) may not
398 1 02
make a U-turn. (2) may back up their vehicle. (3) may make a U-turn if
no vehicle is approaching from the opposite direction.
When traveling on a winding road, a steep slope, over a narrow bridge,
in a tunnel, or over a railroad crossing, a driver (1) may back up at their
399 3 02
convenience. (2) may pass other vehicles. (3) may not pass other
Children from 1~4 years old with a weight of 10~18kg (1) must be
seated in the back seat with their safety belt fastened. (2) must be
400 1 02
accompanied by an adult passenger when seated in the front seat and
have their safety belt fastened at all times. (3) Both statements are true.
The speed of off-duty fire engines, ambulances, and security vehicles
(1) is not restricted. (2) cannot exceed 50 km per hour. (3) is determined
401 3 02
in accordance with the speed limit of the road on which they are
If drivers are traveling on a rural road without any speed limit sign, (1)
402 3 their speed is not an issue (2) they can speed. (3) their speed may not 02
exceed 50 km per hour.
Which of the following regulations concerning vehicles carrying goods
or passengers is correct? (1) Passengers may be seated outside of the
403 3 vehicle. (2) A trailer attached to a car may carry any kind of goods. (3) 02
Only the maximum number of people permitted by law can sit in the
cab of a truck or the front seat of a car.
Cars more than 10 years old are required to be inspected annually at
404 1 02
least: (1) twice. (2) 3 times. (3) 4 times.
The height of a car may not exceed 1.5 times its width. The maximum
405 2 02
height may not exceed (1) 2.75 meters. (2) 2.85 meters. (3) 2.5 meters.
When cars are traveling on a freeway or expressway, the safe driving
distance between them and other vehicles in front or back under normal
406 1 04
weather conditions is equal to the number of kilometers per hour the car
is traveling (1) divided by 2 (2) divided by 3 (3) divided by 4.
Those who drive their vehicle illegally on road shoulder will (1) be
fined (2) have traffic violation points put on their official driving record,
407 3 04
but not be fined (3) be fined and have traffic violation points put on
their official driving record.
Tires deemed safe for driving on a freeway or expressway must have a
408 1 04
tread depth of at least (1) 1.6 mm. (2) 1.5 mm. (3) 1.7 mm.

第 41 頁/共 44 頁
題號 答案 題 目
Drivers who cause an accident or death because they failed to maintain
a safe driving distance (1) will have their drivers' license suspended (2)
409 2 04
will have their drivers' license revoked (3) will have their vehicle
registration canceled.
If an accident victim has a broken bone and/or is unconscious, (1) it is
not necessary to move the victim unless they are in critical condition.
410 3 03
(2) serious breathing problems, bleeding and any broken bones have to
be treated before a victim is moved. (3) Both statements are true.
If a driver sees cones, a barrier, or a fence on the road, but no
construction worker, (1) it means the construction has not yet begun, so
the driver may move the cones, barrier, or fence from the road and drive
411 3 through carefully. (2) it means the construction has already been 05
completed and the driver may move the cones, barrier, or fence from the
road and pass through carefully. (3) drivers may neither enter the
construction area, nor touch any barriers at the site.
What is the speed limit in a construction zone? (1)The driver's usual
speed. (2) The same as the maximum speed limit designated for that
412 3 05
road under normal conditions. (3) Drivers must drive in accordance with
the speed limit shown on the signs erected in the construction zone.
If any of the lanes of a road are closed for road construction, can drivers
drive on road shoulder? (1) Only if there is a sign indicating that drivers
413 1 are allowed to drive on road shoulder. (2) If a road is under 05
construction, driving is allowed on road shoulder. (3) Only if there are
no police or traffic officers present.
If a taxi driver has already informed the passenger of the seatbelt law,
414 2 but the passenger still refuses to wear the seat belt, who should be 02
fined? (1) The taxi driver; (2) the passenger; (3) Neither of the two.
Which of the following is mandatory for motorists who drive large,
heavy motorcycles more than 550 cc on highways or expressways? (1)
They must drive in the designated sections as required by the Ministry
415 3 02
of Transportation and Communications (2) They must drive during the
designated hours as required by the Ministry of Transportation and
Communications (3) All of the above
Which of the following is required for motorists who drive large, heavy
motorcycles more than 550 cc on highways? (1) Motorists must have a
416 3 license for large, heavy motorcycles more than 550 cc for more than a 02
year (2) Motorists must have at least a small vehicle license (3) All of
the above

第 42 頁/共 44 頁
題號 答案 題 目
How much are motorists who drive large and heavy motorcycles more
than 550 cc on highways fined if they drive side by side in the same
417 2 02
lane or overtake another car? (1) 3,000 NTD (2) 6,000 NTD (3) 12,000
What is the safe distance for large vehicles to drive through a tunnel that
418 3 is 4 km long or more, or announced by the competent authority? (1) 40 02
meters (2) 50 meters (3) 100 meters
Which of the following are extremely dangerous areas, and lingering at
these areas should be avoided? (1) Roads which have small rocks
419 3 02
falling; (2) Rockfall catchment fences or disfigured and twisted road
railings; (3) All of the above.
Which of the following weather conditions is known to cause road
420 2 accidents, and so drivers should be aware of them? (1) Tidal waves; (2) 02
Precipitation; (3) Temperature variations.
Which of the following driving behaviors is wrong? (1) Listening to the
Police Broadcasting Service and being informed of the latest traffic
reports (2) If lost on the road, find the kilometer sign to locate the
421 3 02
present site and ask for help. (3) when trapped by falling rocks, it is ok
to park vehicles at the roadside without checking if the nearby area is
safe or not
What should one do when lost in mountain roads? (1) Take a look at
kilometer signs to locate the present site and ask for help; (2) Head for
422 3 02
the nearest safe parking space or temporary parking space for
emergency and wait for a relief team; (3) All of the above.
Which of the following is NOT the purpose of traffic control for closing
down roads and bridges? (1) Roads and bridges are prone to accidents,
and motorists who go through these sections are putting themselves
under great danger; therefore, roads or bridges should be closed in
423 3 advance to prevent motorists from entering dangerous areas which may 02
lead to death or loss of property; (2) Roads under construction or that
have already been damaged should be closed down to speed up the
repairs and ensure safety for drivers; (3) Closing down roads and
bridges causes inconvenience for drivers and interrupts their trips.
When the driver of an automobile is signaled to stop by means of
speech, gesture, command stick, honking horn or alarm horn, etc. in
case of police or personnel performing traffic inspection tasks according
424 3 to law, the driver shall not (1) Slow down immediately. (2) After turning 02
on the direction light, stop at the right place by the road. (3) Pretend not
to see and speed up to escape.

第 43 頁/共 44 頁
題號 答案 題 目
When the driver of an automobile is signaled to stop by means of
speech, gesture, command stick, honking horn or alarm horn, etc. in
case of police or personnel performing traffic inspection tasks according
to law, the driver shall not (1) After the vehicle is stopped, the driver
may ask the police about the reasons for stopping the vehicle, such as
the road traffic regulation that is violated. (2) Currently, there is no
425 2 penalty for not taking a driving license or vehicle registration with you. 02
If the police ask for personal information such as name, date of birth
and ID card number, the driver may ignore those questions. (3) Slow
down immediately, turn on the direction light, and slowly stop at the
right place by the road.

第 44 頁/共 44 頁

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