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Assignment # 2

Subject: Technical writting

Topic: 200 dictionary words

Submitted to: Mam Hina Rana

Submitted by: Rana Mubasher


Section: B

Department: Chemical Engineering

Date of submission: 10-06-2019


I would like to express my special thanks of gratitude to my teacher Mam Hina Rana who gave
me the golden opportunity to do this wonderful Assignment on the topic of dictionary words (200
words) which also helped me in doing a lot of Research and I came to know about so many new
things I am really thankful to them. Secondly I would also like to thank my parents and friends
who helped me a lot in finalizing this term report within the limited time frame.
1. Ad hoc

Meaning : (adverb) for the purpose or end immediately at hand or under consideration

Example sentences:

The decision to appoint a new CEO was made ad hoc.

2. Agnostic

Meaning : (noun) someone who believes that it is impossible to know whether there is a God or

Example sentences:

He refuses to go to church as he is an agnostic.

3. Alchemist

Meaning: (noun) someone who practices alchemy (medieval chemistry related with turning base
metals into gold)

Example sentences:

The alchemists kept trying to find the right formula to turn lead into gold.

4. Ambigious

Meaning : (adjective) something that can be interpreted in two or more ways

Example sentences
This is a theory full of ambiguous statements with no actual conclusion.

5. Arbitrary

Meaning: (adjective) something decided by impulse or chance

Example sentences:
The shop was an arbitrary choice; it was the first one we crossed.
6. Captalism

Meaning : (noun) A system of economy where private individuals or corporations control the
production and distribution of capital goods and the price of the goods are determined by
competition in a free market.

Example sentences:

Most countries in Eastern Europe are moving towards free-market capitalism.

7. Cognitive

Meaning: (adjective) related to or being or of conscious activity of the mind like thinking,
reasoning etc

Example sentences:

After the accident his cognitive ability was greatly reduced.

8. Contraband

Meaning : (noun) goods that are prohibited or illegal

Example sentences:

The mafia is heavily involved in contraband of all kinds.

9. Despicable

Meaning : (adjective) deserving of contempt

Example sentences:

It was despicable of her to steal from the company’s funds.


Meaning : (noun) a person’s general temperament or mood

Example sentences:

He is a person with a cheerful disposition.

11. Elusive

Meaning : (adjective) something that is difficult to define or comprehend

Example sentences:

The answers to the questions of life remain elusive.

12. Epic

Meaning : (noun) a lengthy narrative poem in an elevated style celebrating the deeds of a
mythical hero

Example sentences:

The medieval writer has written a number of classic epics.

13. Esoteric

Meaning : (adjective) something that is to be understood only by a small group of people

Example sentences:

The Higgs Bosom theory related to the God particle is such an esoteric concept to understand for
the common man.

14. Facetious

Meaning : (adjective) to joke in an inappropriate manner

Example sentences:

He was suspended from school for being facetious with the principal.

15. Holistic

Meaning: (adjective) concerned with the whole, rather than with the individual parts

Example sentences:

They were taking a holistic approach to improve the canteen.

16. Inevitable

Meaning: (adjective) unavoidable and unpreventable

Example sentences :
Death is inevitable, but that is all the more reason to live life to the fullest.

17. Logistic

Meaning: (noun) the detailed planning, organisation and management of any operation
Example sentences:

Ram is taking care of the logistics for the picnic this weekend.

18. Misogynist

Meaning : (noun) a person who intensely dislikes or hates women

Example sentences:

He was a misogynist and refused to employ women at his firm.

19. Nostalgic

Meaning: (adjective) experiencing or exhibiting a sentimental longing for some former time or

Example sentences:

The sight of the old house made him nostalgic as he recalled his childhood days spent there.

20. Ominous

Meaning: (adjective) showing or being a sign of menace or evil

Example sentences:

There was an ominous thunder in the clouds signaling the coming of the storm.

21. Paradigm

Meaning : (noun) something that is a clear example or serves as a model

Example sentences:

Possibly, it was Mahatma Gandhi who had introduced the paradigm of non-violent protests in

22. Paradox

Meaning : (noun) a statement that may sound contradictory but can be true

Example sentences:

It seems to be a paradox that drinking something hot can actually cool your body.

23. Perception

Meaning : (noun) the act or process of becoming aware using the senses
Example sentences:

His perception of the weather increased as they climbed the mountain.

24. Poke

Meaning : (verb) to prod, generally with something pointed and narrow, as a finger

Example sentences:

Will you stop poking me when I am already listening to you?

25. Procrastination

Meaning : (noun) the act of putting something off till a future time

Example sentences:

My repeated procrastinations left me with a mountain of work to complete on the last day.

26. Procurement

Meaning : (noun) the act of obtaining or acquiring through effort

Example sentences:

The raw materials are being procured from the farmers.

27. Prudent

Meaning : (adjective) being wise and careful

Example sentences:

That was a prudent decision on her part to study abroad.

28. Rhetoric

Meaning : (noun) the study of speech and writing in terms of communication and persuasion

Example sentences:

This theory is based on a detailed study on rhetoric.

29. Semantic

Meaning : (adjective) related to or of meaning in languages

Example sentences:

There was a debate in class regarding the semantics of Latin languages.

30. Superflous

Meaning: (adjective) being or having more than what is needed, unnecessarily excessive

Example sentences:

The project was full of superfluous detail.

31. Trauma

Meaning : (noun) serious injury or shock, emotional or physical, resulting generally in lasting

Example sentences:
The trauma to the head that I sustained during the accident has left me impaired of hearing in
one ear.

32. Ubiquitous

Meaning: (adjective) seeming to be present everywhere at once or at the same time

Example sentences:

Try as she might, she could not escape the ubiquitous fashion of loud colors.

33. Vague

Meaning : (adjective) not precisely or clearly expressed or stated

Example sentences:

The map they were given for the campus was extremely vague.

34. Veteran

Meaning: (noun) a person who has had long service in the armed forces

Example sentences:

He had some interesting stories to tell as he was a World War II veteran.

35. Zeal

Meaning: (noun) enthusiastic and tireless devotion or interest in the pursuit or achievement of
a goal

Example sentences:

Her zeal for making animal-testing illegal was making an impact the world over.

36. Accessible

Meaning: easy to reach or approach

Example sentences:

The introduction to the complex novel was, thankfully, written in clear accessible language.

37. Advantageous

Meaning: Giving an advantage

Example sentences:

The house's location in the best school district was advantageous to the seller.

38. Adversary

Meaning: One who opposes or resists

Example sentences:
Franklin hoped to defeat his adversary in the afternoon's tennis match.

39. Antidote

Meaning: Something that relieves or counteracts

Example sentences:

Veronique found that listening to French music was an antidote for her homesickness.

40. Apathetic

Meaning: Showing little or no emotion

Example sentences:

Ram was concerned about his usually cheerful brother's apathetic attitude.
41. Wreck

Meaning: to ruin or damage

Example sentences:

John's cousin wrecked the car. The wreck was towed to the garage

42. Wage

Meaning: (noun) a payment usually of money for labor or services, v. - to engage in or carry on

Example sentences:

The farm job pays very low wages. Napoleon waged war against England.

43. Fertile

Meaning: (adjective) agriculturally productive

Example sentences:

The fertile valley provided all the food they needed.

44. Strength

Meaning (noun) the quality of being physically or mentally strong; the power to resist force

Example sentences:

Our country is in need of greater economic strength.

45. Scared

Meaning (adjective) afraid

Example sentences:

She looked scared during the movie.

46. Community

Meaning (noun): A group of people who live in the same area and share common characteristics
or goals

Example sentences:

We encourage our children to do community service.

46. Freedom

Meaning (noun): the ability to do or say anything you want without restriction

Example sentences:

They are working to preserve freedom of religion.

47. Improve

Meaning (verb) to make something better

Example sentences:

The weather should continue to improve tonight.

48. Instance

Meaning (noun): an example or single occurrence of something

Example sentences:

There were many documented instances of domestic violence in her family.

49. Significant

Meaning (adjective): veining important; having special meaning

Example sentences:

His actions were significant.

50. Approach

Meaning (noun): the way of handling a situation; the act of coming closer

Example sentences:

He was praised for taking such a fresh approach to the problem

51. Receive

Meaning (verb): to get or accept something; to react in a certain way

Example sentences:

She received a complaint from a customer.

52. Accidial

Meaning (verb) dial someone's number on phone accidentally

Example sentences:
dial someone's number on phone accidentally

53. Agender

Meaning (noun) people do not identify as male or female

Example sentences:

This person identifies as agender at the register from.

54. Airball

Meaning (noun) completely miss the basket, rim, and backboard with a shot

Example sentences:

At the last second he had to shoot an airball in hurry and his team lost.

55. Automagically

Meaning (adverb) in a way that seems magical, especially by computer

Example sentence:

Just type in the name of what you want to listen to, and it automagically appears on your computer.

56. Awesomesauce

Meaning (noun) extremely good; excellent

Example sentence :

My new bike is awesomesauce!

57. Bargainous

Meaning ( adjective) costing less than expected, cheap or relatively cheap

Example sentences:

Don't miss the best and most bargainous sunglasses in the summer market.
58. Barista

Meaning (noun) a person whose job involves preparing and serving different types of coffee

Example sentence :

Her boyfriend is a barista but she usually prefer to tea.

59. Bedunged

Meaning (adjective) has been soiled with or covered in dung; very old or old-fashioned.

Example sentence :

The young British artists with their bedunged mannequins failed to bring audience any surprise.

60. Binge-watch

Meaning (verb) watch multiple episodes of a television program in rapid succession

Example sentence:

I was ill last week, so I downloaded and binge-watched the whole of series one of Game of Thrones
in one day!

61. Bitcoin

Meaning (noun) an online payment system that does not require an intermediary

Example sentence :

I am looking for a place to exchange my US dollars to bitcoin.

62. Bling

Meaning (noun) jewellery, decoration, or clothing that attracts attention because looks expensive

Example sentence :

You should leave the bling in house, we are going to field trip.

63. Blog

Meaning ( noun) a regularly updated website or web page, typically one run by an individual or
small group

Example sentence :

He decides to spend more time on his SAT blog because it becomes more and more popular.
64. Bokeh

Meaning (noun) visual quality of the out-of-focus areas of a photographic image, especially as
rendered by a particular lens.

Example sentence :

The bokeh produced by a mirror lens renders out-of-focus points of light as little rings!

65. Bongga

Meaning (adjective) extravagant, flamboyant, impressive, stylish, or excellent

Example sentence :

I wanted my gift to be extra bongga that year.

66. Brexit

Meaning (noun) a term for the potential or hypothetical departure of the United Kingdom from
the European Union

Example sentence :

A Brexit is considered a real possibility for the first time in four decades.

67. Bromance

Meaning (noun) a close but non-sexual relationship between two men.

Example sentence:

John and Job were roommates in college, since then they keep long friendship as bromance.

68. Buko

Meaning (noun) coconut, coconut water; a person who is less than 5ft tall and really angry

Example sentence :

Get a non-alcoholic buko, as they call them at Subo, which is nothing but the coconut.

69. Butt-dial

Meaning (verb) inadvertently call on a mobile phone in one's rear pants pocket, as a result of
pressure being accidentally applied to buttons on the phone
Example sentence :

You butt-dialed me last night, it sounded like you had quite the party.

70. Butthurt

Meaning (noun) inappropriately strong negative emotional response from a perceived personal
insult, strong feelings of shame

Example sentence :

He was butthurt over that fact that nobody came on time.

71. Buzzkill

Meaning (noun) person or thing that has a depressing effect

Example sentence :

Hearing how fattening this delicious food is would be a total buzzkill.

72. Catastrophize

Meaning (verb ) present a situation as worse than it is

Example sentence :

Because she always tends to catastrophize her symptoms, they don't give her higher priority.

73. Cheeseball

Meaning ( adjective ) lacking taste, style, or originality

Example sentence :

Do you agree that daytime talk shows are cheeseball? I hardly watch them.

74. Chillax

Meaning ( verb ) calm down and relax

Example sentence :

Don't miss the dance party of Friday evening, it's a chance to chillax.

75. Clickbait

Meaning ( noun) online content to attract more visitors to a particular website

Example sentence :

My favorite news website started posting all kinds of clickbait on its Facebook pages.

76. Conlang

Meaning ( noun) an invented language intended for human communication

Example sentence :

Elvish is a conlang, and is a real language too, made-up of thousands of words created by fantasy

77. Cool hunter

Meaning (noun )one who predicts new styles and trends

Example sentences :

She is a freelance marketing consultant, a cool hunter with an unusual intuitive sensitivity for

78. Crema

Meaning (noun ) a brownish foam that forms on the top of freshly made coffee

Example sentences :

One espresso with crema on top, please!

79. Crowdfund

Meaning (verb ) fund a project from lots of people who usually donate a small amount.

Example sentences :

Agatha wanted to start a new charity project, so she tried crowdfunding to raise some money.

80. Crunk

Meaning ( adjective ) very excited or full of energy

Example sentences :

You will see guys there get crunk with some raw hip hop.
81. Dark web

Meaning ( noun ) part of the Internet intentionally hidden from search engines with masked IP
addresses, usually illegal content

Example sentences :

You are so mysterious, look like someone who has access to the dark web.

82. Drool worthy

Meaning ( adjective) extremely attractive or desirable

Example sentences :

He is always an interested man, up close he is even more drool worthy.

83. Ear tickler

Meaning ( noun) someone who pleases other people with paying lot of compliments or flattering

Example sentences :

She got a promotion because she's the ultimate ear tickler.

84. Echo chamber

Meaning (noun ) an environment in which a person encounters only beliefs or opinions that
coincide with their own, especially in social media

Example sentences :

Your friends are your friends because you share similar values in echo chambers.

85. Eggcorn

Meaning ( noun ) word or phrase that results from a mishearing because of similar sounds

Example sentences :

An eggcorn occurs when you substitute a word or part of a phrase with something that sounds
similar but is incorrect.

86. Emoji

Meaning ( noun ) a small digital image or icon used to express an idea, emotion
Example sentences :

The emojis liven up your text messages with tiny smiley faces.

87. Facepalm

Meaning (verb) cover one's face with the hand as an expression of embarrassment, dismay, or

Example sentences :

How many times did she facepalm after losing her interview?

88. Facerape

Meaning ( verb) hack someone's social-media profile in order to fiddle with its personal
information or to post fake status updates

Example sentences :

My Facebook account signed in on Jacob's computer last night and he completely faceraped me.

89. Fast fashion

Meaning ( noun ) an approach to the design, creation, and marketing of clothing fashions that
emphasizes making fashion trends quickly and cheaply available to consumers

Example sentences :

Competition is fierce at every end of the fashion spectrum from luxury to fast fashion.

90. Flash mob

Meaning ( noun ) brief public gathering for a common purpose, typically organized by the Internet
or social media.

Example sentences :

Equipped with cameras and LED lights, a flash mob of 135 people appeared quickly at the street

91. Fomo

Meaning (noun) the fear of missing out, the anxiety that an exciting or interesting event may
currently be happening elsewhere
Example sentences :

We all know she is a lifelong sufferer of fomo, never forget to invite her to attend the field trip.

92. Foodie

Meaning ( verb ) a person with a particular interest in food; a gourmet

Example sentences :

The lady is a foodie, especially likes Chinese food very much.

93. Franken food

Meaning ( adjective ) genetically modified food

Example sentences :

They never stop fighting until all lab-engineered Frankenfoods are labeled in supermarkets.

94. Freegan

Meaning ( noun ) a person who rejects consumerism and seeks to help the environment by
reducing waste

Example sentences :

Steve hates waste, so he decided to become a freegan to reduce food waste.

95. Frenemy

Meaning ( noun) a person with whom one is friendly despite a fundamental dislike

Example sentences :

Clearly, turning the competition into frenemies is good for your business.

96. Frousin

Meaning ( noun ) a friend that is a cousin or a cousin that is a friend, very close relationship as
family members

Example sentences:

You could say Maya and I have been frousins for a long time now.

97. Froyo

Meaning (noun) a term used to describe frozen yogurt

Example sentences:

I like the special yogurt of that froyo shop.

98. Gig economy

Meaning ( noun ) a labor market characterized by the prevalence of short-term contracts or

freelance work as opposed to permanent jobs

Example sentences :

More and more people are working in the gig economy, some of them have to be subjected to last-
minute scheduling.

99. Ginger

Meaning (noun) a person with red hair

Example sentences :

Some call John ginger because of his red hair.

100. Glamping

Meaning ( noun) outdoor camping with amenities and comforts, such as beds and electricity, not
usually used when camping

Example sentences :

We wanted to try something a bit more luxurious than camping, so we booked to go glamping.

101. Hangry

Meaning (adjective) bad-tempered or irritable as a result of hunger

Example sentences :

Guys, I need food, you really don't want to deal with me when I'm hangry.

102. Homeshoring

Meaning ( noun ) moving jobs to employees' homes from offshoring

Example sentences :

Most of the new homeshoring jobs are independent contractor positions offered by outsourcing
103. Humblebrag

Meaning ( verb) make a seemingly modest, self-critical, or casual statement or reference

Example sentences :

People make themselves look smart, humblebragging about reading what's billed as one of the
20th century's most difficult books.

104. Hyperconnected

Meaning (adjective) characterised by the habitual and widespread use of the internet

Example sentences :

In the hyperconnected world, many my coworkers work from home.

105. Hypermiling

Meaning ( noun) altering a car to maximize its fuel economy

Example sentences :

It's possible to improve fuel economy by 37 percent just by changing the way you drive, so
hypermiling is gaining interest in light of high fuel costs.

106. Idiocracy

Meaning ( noun) an act or actions that come from ideas or beliefs that are not smart; a society
consisting of or governed by people characterized as idiots

Example sentences :

It was idiocracy for that man to drive so much over the speed limit. To be quite frank, the United
States is a prime example of idiocracy in action.

107. Illiterati

Meaning ( noun) people who are not well educated or well informed about a particular subject or
sphere of activity.

Example sentences :

If someone insists that Superman is his neighbor, don't argue any more with such scientific
108. Infomania

Meaning ( noun ) the compulsive desire to check or accumulate news and information, typically
via mobile phone or computer

Example sentences : Some visitors access our news channel near 100 times a day, we can use
their infomania to up website's traffic.

109. Jeggings

Meaning ( noun ) tight-fitting stretch trousers for women, styled to resemble a pair of denim jeans

Example sentences :

Some jeggings have front fastening facilities while others just have an elastic waistband and no

110. Kadult

Meaning ( noun ) person who is technically an adult due to age but still acts like a child.

Example sentences :

You could say my 25 year old brother is a kadult.

111. Listicle

Meaning ( noun) an article consisting of a series of items presented as a list.

Example sentences :

I like these listicles called things like "10 SAT Vocabularies You Should Know".

112. Locavore

Meaning (noun) a person whose diet consists only or principally of locally grown or produced

Example sentences :

He dislikes any ideals mattered with internationalization simply because he is a locavore.

113. Lookbook

Meaning (noun) a set of photographs displaying a fashion designer's new collection, assembled
for marketing purposes
Example sentences :

I saw your lookbook for this autumn; everything looks beautiful!

114. MacGyver

Meaning ( verb) make or repair an object in an improvised or inventive way, making use of
whatever items are at hand

Example sentences :

Yesterday, I MacGyvered like a boss and used duct tape to fix a chair

115. Mankini

Meaning ( noun) a brief one-piece bathing garment for men

Example sentences :

He wandered down the beach in his mankini, to the amazement of onlookers.

116. Manspreading

Meaning ( noun ) a man, especially on public transportation, sitting position with his legs wide
apart, in such a way as to encroach on an adjacent seat or seats

Example sentences :

There's so much mandspreading going on on my train; I think I'm going to start biking to work.

117. Matchy-matchy

Meaning ( adjective ) excessively color-coordinated

Example sentences :

118. Megachurch

Meaning ( noun ) huge church congregation, typically evangelical Christian

Example sentences :

A megachurch is a Christian church having 2,000 or more people in average weekend attendance.

119. Meh

Meaning (adjective) uninspiring; unexceptional, impressed about something

Example sentences :
I ordered a new dress online, but when I tried it on meh.

120. Memer

Meaning (noun) person who creates or distributes memes, usually humorous material copied and
circulated online

Example sentences :

You could say My contacts on my phone are full of memers.

121. Mic drop

Meaning (noun) deliberately dropping or tossing aside one's microphone at the end of a
performance or speech one considers to have been particularly impressive

Example sentences :

I want a new clause in all future contracts; the next bastard that ends his show with a mic drop is
gonna pay me three grand.

122. Microaggression

Meaning (noun) comment or action that subtly and often unconsciously or unintentionally
expresses a prejudiced attitude toward a member of a marginalized group

Example sentences :

We shouldn't ignore his microaggression in last game, which may hurt our team in future.

123. Microblog

Meaning ( noun) a social media site to which a user makes short, frequent posts.

Example sentences :

She announced her retirement on microblog, bidding farewell to the sport.

124. Mini-me

Meaning ( noun) a person closely resembling a smaller or younger version of another.

Example sentences :

So far, Eminem's mini-me has failed to get himself a moneymaking deal.

125. Muggle

Meaning ( noun) a person who does not have a particular type of skill or knowledge

Example sentences :

When it comes to knitting and sewing I'm a total muggle.

126. Mumblecore

Meaning ( noun ) a style of low-budget film typically characterized by the use of nonprofessional

Example sentences :

She acted the role and wanted to get more experience with the mumblecore film.

127. Noob

Meaning (noun) a person who is inexperienced in a particular activity, especially use of the
Internet or computer

Example sentences :

Some gaming forums are crawling with annoying noobs, who have little contribution.

128. Normie

Meaning ( noun ) an ordinary or normal person, who believes in popular opinion

Example sentences :

Tom is a normie because he is a regular Facebook user.

129. Overleveraged

Meaning ( adjective) having taken on too much debt

Example sentences :

Overleveraged companies are often unable to pay their operating expenses because of excessive
costs due to their debt burden.

130. Overshare

Meaning ( verb ) give out too much information

Example sentences:

The meeting is too long and overshares hundreds of sheets to discuss.

131. Photobomb

Meaning ( verb) spoil a photograph by unexpectedly appearing in the camera's field of view as
the picture is taken

Example sentences :

Who is that random person pulling a funny face in the background? They just photobombed you!

132. Pimp

Meaning (verb ) make something more showy or impressive

Example sentences :

He pimped up the car with spoilers and twin-spoke 18-inch alloys.

133. Ping

Meaning (noun) a signal sent from one computer to another across a network for usually
diagnostic purposes

Example sentences :

I didn't get your ping for two hours.

134. Prosopagnosia

Meaning (noun) inability to recognize faces, face blindness

Example sentences :

Wear that red hat when you get off train, she is sort of prosopagnosia.

135. Rage-quit

Meaning ( verb) angrily abandon an activity or pursuit that has become frustrating, especially the
playing of a video game

Example sentences:

Every time I play Flappy Bird, I rage-quit after a couple of levels, this bird drives me crazy!
136. Rando

Meaning ( noun ) a person regarded as odd, suspicious, or engaging in socially inappropriate


Example sentences:

Some rondos sat on our favorite bench in the park and yelled at everyone who walked by.

137. Riff

Meaning (verb) play a short repeated phrase or tune in popular music and jazz

Example sentences :

The other horns would be riffing behind him, so he will familiarize with that subject.

138. Screenager

Meaning (noun ) a person in teens or twenties who has an aptitude for computers and the Internet

Example sentences :

It's a race to win the minds of the screenager, Sony, Sega and Nintendo have been given a huge
head start.

139. Selfie

Meaning ( noun ) a self-portrait photograph taken with a handheld digital camera or smartphone

Example sentences:

He was followed by a small crowd of young girls hoping for a selfie.

140. Selfie genic

Meaning ( noun ) someone who looks attractive in selfies

Example sentences :

I don't take selfies but I know a lot of you watching are definitely selfie genic.

141. Sext

Meaning (verb ) send sexually explicit photographs or messages via mobile phone or internet

Example sentences :
142. Sheeple

Meaning ( noun ) unquestioning followers, who are easily to be led

Example sentences :

By the time the sheeple wake up and try to change things, it will be too late.

143. Shruggie

Meaning ( noun) an emoticon denoting a shrug

Example sentences :

I texted a shruggie to my mother who asked me what I wanted for lunch.

144. Side-eye

Meaning ( noun ) glance or gaze expressing scorn, suspicion, disapproval, or veiled curiosity

Example sentences :

After we complained, the clerk kept giving us the side-eye.

145. Skort

Meaning (noun) a new fashion item that looks great and practical, a pair of shorts with a flap of
material over the top that makes it look like a skirt

Example sentences :

Jonathan wants to go roller-skating so I bought a skort just in case I fall over!

146. Smober

Meaning ( noun ) a person who gives up smoking or nicotine use

Example sentences :

I am pleased to say that I have always been smober; I would encourage everyone out there to do
the same.

147. Snackable

Meaning ( adjective ) suitable to be eaten as a snack

Example sentences :

The key to your marketing strategy is snackable content that people can consume quickly.
148. Soft skills

Meaning ( noun ) attributes that enable someone to interact harmoniously with others

Example sentences :

Find out the top 10 soft skills and learn how to demonstrate them effectively.

149. Staycation

Meaning (noun ) vacation spent at home or location, not abroad

Example sentences :

Many people changed their vacation plans because it's much cheaper to take a staycation and
remain at home.

150. Telationship

Meaning ( noun ) a relationship that only exists through electronic media

Example sentences :

How many of you are in an Telationship with the girl next door?

151. Textspeak

Meaning ( noun) the kind of text messages, containing short forms of words

Example sentences :

It was all in textspeak, saying things like "I am sorry 4 U."

152. Throw shade

Meaning (verb) express contempt or disrespect for someone publicly, especially by subtle or
indirect insults or criticisms

Example sentences :

There was an awkward situation when the singer seemingly threw shade at pop legend Britney

153. Totes

Meaning (adverb) totally, in informal form

Example sentences :

It's summer so it's light all the time plus the scenery is totes amazing.

154. Toxic debt

Meaning (noun) debt that has a high risk of default

Example sentences :

The most common way to rack up toxic debt is with a credit card.

155. Train wreck

Meaning (noun ) big disaster or mess, a disastrous calamity or source of trouble

Example sentences :

You can get Ben's story everywhere, his train wreck of a private life guaranteed front-page

156. Trapo

Meaning ( noun) a politician perceived as belonging to a conventional and corrupt ruling class

Example sentences :

The Congress received a negative approval rating in the latest survey because the people perceive
its members as trapos, who care less for the country.

157. Truther

Meaning ( noun ) One who believes that the truth about an important subject or event is being
concealed from the public by a powerful conspiracy

Example sentences :

she denied evolution, doubted new science discovers, and was a 9/11 truther.

158. Truthiness

Meaning ( noun ) the quality of seeming or being felt to be true, even if not necessarily true

Example sentences :

If I have my news, and you have yours, and both of us rely on truthiness, the uncontestable truth
of our beliefs, regardless of facts.
159. Tweet

Meaning (verb) make a posting on the social media website

Example sentences :

she talks about her own life among friends, and also tweet in public.

160. Twerk

Meaning (verb) sexually suggestive dancing characterized by rapid, repeated hip thrusts

Example sentences :

Just wait till they catch the girls twerking to this song.

161. Unfriend

Meaning (verb ) remove someone from a list of friends or contacts on a social networking site

Example sentences :

The professor unfriended many people who supported Trump, even some are his students.

162. Upcycle

Meaning (verb) reuse something to create a product of higher quality or value than the original

Example sentences :

Upcycling isn't just about transforming old materials into useable objects, it may create new values.

163. Usie

Meaning ( noun) a group selfie, where someone takes a picture of themselves with other people
in the shot

Example sentences :

So, you could say that in school Jill loves taking usies with her classmates.

164. Vape

Meaning ( verb) inhale and exhale the vapor produced by an electronic cigarette or similar device

Example sentences :

For the sake of my health I decided to give up smoking and try vaping.
165. Voluntourism

Meaning (noun ) a form of tourism in which travelers participate in voluntary work, typically for
a charity

Example sentences :

I really want to explore South America, so I thought I'd try voluntourism.

166. Wayback

Meaning ( noun ) area in the back of a van, station wagon, or SUV

Example sentences :

She didn't clean her van's wayback for months.

167. Weaksauce

Meaning (adjective) extremely bad or disappointing

Example sentences :

His latest movie is total weak sauce.

168. Webisode

Meaning (noun) an online video that presents an original short film or promotes a product, movie,
or television series

Example sentences :

I'm going to watch the new webisode of Orange is the New Black on Netflix.

169. 1Whatevs

Meaning (adverb) whatever, informal form

Example sentences :

I'm sure someone will disagree with my summary, but whatevs.

170. Whovian

Meaning ( noun) a fan of the British science-fiction television series Doctor Who

Example sentences :

The girl just pretends to be a Whovian because she knew little about Doctor Who.
171. Woo-woo

Meaning (adjective) dubiously or outlandishly mystical, supernatural, or unscientific

Example sentences :

In fact any belief not founded on good evidence, the poorer the evidence the more woo-woo the

172. Word salad

Meaning (noun ) a confused or unintelligible mixture of seemingly random words and phrases

Example sentences :

No one can get the real idea from his word salad.

173. Youthquake

Meaning (noun ) a significant cultural, political, or social change arising from the actions or
influence of young people

Example sentences :

After Trump goes to White House, we have to admit the youthquake of last decades wasn't strong
as it once seemed.

174. Yowza

Meaning ( adverb) used to express surprise or amazement

Example sentences :

Yowza, look at her!

175. Poke

Meaning : (verb) to prod, generally with something pointed and narrow, as a finger

Example sentences:

Will you stop poking me when I am already listening to you?

176. Procrastination

Meaning : (noun) the act of putting something off till a future time
Example sentences:

My repeated procrastinations left me with a mountain of work to complete on the last day.

177. Procurement

Meaning : (noun) the act of obtaining or acquiring through effort

Example sentences:

The raw materials are being procured from the farmers.

178. Prudent

Meaning : (adjective) being wise and careful

Example sentences:

That was a prudent decision on her part to study abroad.

179. Rhetoric

Meaning : (noun) the study of speech and writing in terms of communication and persuasion

Example sentences:

This theory is based on a detailed study on rhetoric.

180. Semantic

Meaning : (adjective) related to or of meaning in languages

Example sentences:

There was a debate in class regarding the semantics of Latin languages.

181. Superflous

Meaning: (adjective) being or having more than what is needed, unnecessarily excessive

Example sentences:

The project was full of superfluous detail.

182. Trauma

Meaning : (noun) serious injury or shock, emotional or physical, resulting generally in lasting
Example sentences:
The trauma to the head that I sustained during the accident has left me impaired of hearing in
one ear.

183. Ubiquitous

Meaning: (adjective) seeming to be present everywhere at once or at the same time

Example sentences:

Try as she might, she could not escape the ubiquitous fashion of loud colors.

184. Vague

Meaning : (adjective) not precisely or clearly expressed or stated

Example sentences:

The map they were given for the campus was extremely vague.

185. Veteran

Meaning: (noun) a person who has had long service in the armed forces

Example sentences:

He had some interesting stories to tell as he was a World War II veteran.

186. Zeal

Meaning: (noun) enthusiastic and tireless devotion or interest in the pursuit or achievement of
a goal

Example sentences:

Her zeal for making animal-testing illegal was making an impact the world over.

187. Accessible

Meaning: easy to reach or approach

Example sentences:

The introduction to the complex novel was, thankfully, written in clear accessible language.

188. Advantageous

Meaning: Giving an advantage

Example sentences:

The house's location in the best school district was advantageous to the seller.

189. Adversary

Meaning: One who opposes or resists

Example sentences:
Franklin hoped to defeat his adversary in the afternoon's tennis match.

190. Antidote

Meaning: Something that relieves or counteracts

Example sentences:

Veronique found that listening to French music was an antidote for her homesickness.

191. Apathetic

Meaning: Showing little or no emotion

Example sentences:

Ram was concerned about his usually cheerful brother's apathetic attitude.

192. Wreck

Meaning: to ruin or damage

Example sentences:

John's cousin wrecked the car. The wreck was towed to the garage

193. Wage

Meaning: (noun) a payment usually of money for labor or services, v. - to engage in or carry on

Example sentences:

The farm job pays very low wages. Napoleon waged war against England.

194. Fertile

Meaning: (adjective) agriculturally productive

Example sentences:

The fertile valley provided all the food they needed.

195. Strength

Meaning (noun) the quality of being physically or mentally strong; the power to resist force

Example sentences:

Our country is in need of greater economic strength.

196. Scared

Meaning (adjective) afraid

Example sentences:

She looked scared during the movie.

197. Community

Meaning (noun): A group of people who live in the same area and share common characteristics
or goals

Example sentences:

We encourage our children to do community service.

46. Freedom

Meaning (noun): the ability to do or say anything you want without restriction

Example sentences:

They are working to preserve freedom of religion.

198. Improve

Meaning (verb) to make something better

Example sentences:

The weather should continue to improve tonight.

199. Instance

Meaning (noun): an example or single occurrence of something

Example sentences:

There were many documented instances of domestic violence in her family.

200. Significant

Meaning (adjective): veining important; having special meaning

Example sentences:

His actions were significant.


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