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Teach and Learn in Korea (TaLK)

National Institute for International Education (NIIED)

Ministry of Education (MOE)
1 91 Jeon gja il-ro, Bun dan g-gu, Seon gn am -s i, 135 57, Korea . T el: +82 .2 .36 68 .139 9. Fax : +8 2.2 .7 64 .132 8. Webs it e: www.ta

Appendix – Practicum 2b ‘Disruptions’

At some point during the lesson you must put your

head down on the desk and pretend to sleep. You will
The Sleeper only ‘wake-up’ when one of the teachers notices and
reprimands you. The second time close your eyes, but
keep sitting-up, and see if the teacher notices.

For the whole lesson you must be enthusiastic, trying

your best to get your teacher’s attention and
The Enthusiastic
volunteering for everything… but you will always give
the wrong answer, or misunderstand the instructions
you are given.

At some point during the lesson you must start a loud

and disruptive conversation with your team-mate. You
The Talker will only stop when you are reprimanded by one of
the teachers. The second time, start chatting to your
team-mate quietly and see if the teacher notices.

At some point during the lesson you must stop the

activity you are meant to be doing, and start doodling
in an obvious way. You will only stop when one of the
The Doodler
teachers notices and reprimands you. The second
time, start doodling surreptitiously and see if the
teacher notices.

For the whole lesson you will pretend to have trouble

pronouncing words in an English accent. You will
The Konglish
pronounce things in a Korean way, and will have
particular trouble with the F, V, X and Z sounds,
amongst others.

At some point in the lesson you will retrieve your

phone and start texting your friends in a blatant
manner. You will only stop when one of the teachers
The Teenager
notices and reprimands you. The second time, start
texting surreptitiously and see how long it takes for
the teacher to notice.

For the whole lesson you will pretend not to

understand anything, putting up your hand and saying
The Class-Clown
‘Mol-ae-yo’ or ‘I don’t know’ when the teacher asks
‘Do you understand?’ etc.

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