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Volleyball Bumping Lesson

Course: EDSS 450P

Semester/Year: Fall 2018
Teacher: Jenna White
Date: 11/13/18
Day of unit Tuesday 2nd Period

Grade Level 6th Number of 26 Lesson

Students Length 45 min.

Major Proper Platform and Bumping


CA Content Standards Addressed:

Standard 1 Students demonstrate the motor skills and movement patterns needed
to perform a variety of physical activities.
1.1 Volley an object repeatedly with a partner, using the forearm pass.
Standard 2 Students demonstrate knowledge of movement concepts, principles,
strategies that apply to the learning and performance of physical
2.3 Analyze and correct errors in movement patterns.
2.4 Provide feedback to a partner to assist in developing and improving
movement skills.
Standard 3 Students assess and maintain a level of physical fitness to improve
health and performance.
3.5 Participate in moderate to vigorous physical activity a minimum of
four days each week.
Standard 5 Students demonstrate and utilize knowledge of psychological and
sociological concepts, principles, and strategies that apply to the
learning and performance of physical activity.
5.1 Participate productively in group physical activities.
Common Core Standards Addressed:
RST Reading Standards for Literacy in Science and Technical Subjects
-4. Determine the meaning of symbols, key terms, and other
domain-specific words and phrases as they are used in a specific
scientific context relevant to grades 6-8 texts and topics.

English Language Development Standards Addressed:

Emerging 1. Exchanging information/ideas
Engage in conversational exchanges and express ideas on
familiar topics by asking and answering yes-no and wh-
questions and responding using simple phrases.
Expanding 1. Exchanging information/ideas
Contribute to class, group, and partner discussions by following
turn-taking rules, asking relevant questions, affirming others,
adding relevant information, and paraphrasing key ideas.
Bridging 1. Exchanging information/ideas
Contribute to class, group, and partner discussions by
following turn-taking rules, asking relevant questions,
affirming others, adding relevant information and evidence,
paraphrasing key ideas, building on responses, and
providing useful feedback.

Behavioral Objectives
Motor 1. Student will demonstrate proper form and technique while
passing the ball 10 times back and forth between their
Cognitive 1. Students will describe the 5 important techniques used to
pass the volleyball to the target including (bending of knees,
locked elbows, watching the ball contact your forearm, not
swinging your arms, and moving their feet).
Affective 1. Students will positively encourage their partner to pass the
volleyball using the correct technique 3 times throughout
the lesson.
Type and Quantity of Equipment:
Whistle (1)
Volleyballs (13)
iPad (1)

Safety Precautions:
-Make sure all the student’s shoes are tied.
-Check the black top to make sure there is no dangerous equipment that could
cause potential harm to the students.
-Be aware of students with asthma, health conditions, or any previous/current
injuries that could affect their participation and performance.
-Inform students the importance of drinking water and staying hydrated before,
during, and after the activity.
-No kicking the volleyball.
Skills, Activities, Methods and Organization Instructional Cues,
Topics & Time (Skill Progressions & Diagrams) Skill Modifications
Activity #1 (O= Teacher; X= Students)
Attendance and O We are going to do
Stretching X XXX static stretching to
(8 minutes) XXXX warm-up.
XXXX Modification:
CA Content XXXX If you can’t touch
Standard XXX your toes, reach for
3.5 XXX your calves.

Common Core

Students will have a seat on their assigned
number to count for attendance.
Students will then perform a series of static
stretches including
1. Hamstring stretch- Sit on the ground with
your legs extended. Lean forward and try to
grab your feet to feel the stretch. Hold for
20 seconds.
Bicep stretch- Interlock your fingers and put
them behind your back. With locked
elbows, slowly lift your hands away from
your body to feel the stretch. Hold for 20
Tricep stretch- Raise one arm and put it
over your head. With your other hand put
pressure on your elbow to feel the stretch.
Hold for 20 seconds and switch arms.
Calve stretch- Stagger your legs and but
one forward and step back with the other.
Press your back heel towards the floor and
lean forward to feel the stretch. Hold for 20
seconds and switch legs.
Students will then take 2 laps around the
blacktop to warm up their muscles.

Purpose/Rationale: Warm-up is an
important component of any physical activity
and helps prepare the students with
coordination and movements. Static
stretching is important to do before physical
activity to warm-up your muscles and
prevent injury. Stretching can help increase
range of motion and flexibility. When
students increase their range of motion it
can increase their movement during
physical activity.

Transition Time Students will walk to black top and sit under
(3 minute) the shaded area for instructions. “Before we start
bumping today, I am
going to go over the
5 most important
things to note when
practicing proper
form and technique.”
Activity #2
Instruction on (O= Teacher; X= Students)
Proper Bumping O
form X XXX
(5 minutes) XXXX “Who wants to
XXXX volunteer and
Objective XXXX demonstrate proper
Addressed XXXX form and technique
CO1 XXX with me in front of
XXX the class?”
CA Content
Standard Instruction of correct Bumping Form: “What are the 5
2.3 1. Bend knees (legs are shock important techniques
absorbers) for a proper pass?”
2. Proper platform (Pancake, pancake,
Common Core sausage, sausage) Lock elbows
RST 3. Always keep your eyes on the ball
(watch the ball contact your
FOREARM…not wrist)
4. Do not swing your arms (power
comes from legs)
5. Move your feet to get under the ball

Purpose/ Rationale
It is important to have the correct platform
and technique when bumping a volleyball.
Passing is one of the most important
components in volleyball as it sets up the
play. When students understand the correct
platform and passing technique, it can
enhance and improve their ball control and
level of play. Once students learn how to
bump the volleyball, they can start to
advance to other skills in volleyball such as
setting, spiking, and blocking.

Transition Time Instruct students to pair up and pass the ball “Once you and your
(4 minutes) back and forth 10 times. partner show me the
correct platform, you
can get a volleyball
and begin passing.”
Activity #3
(18 minute) = Stud =Student “How many times
Bumping back did you and your
and forth with a partner bump to
Partner each other in a
Addressed “Analyze your form
and your partners
MO1 v form and give
AO1 corrective feedback.”

CA Content Modification:
Standard For students with
1.1 asthma or lower
2.3 skilled practice
2.4 bumping and let the
3.5 ball bounce once.
Common Core “Move your feet. Get
RST under the ball.”

Activity: “Bend your knees”

-Students will practice their bumping back
and forth with a partner. “Don’t swing your
running form. arms”
-Students will encourage each other to have
pass the ball with the correct technique and “Contact the ball on
form focusing on the 5 main points to a your forearm”
proper pass.
-Students will communicate with one “Watch the ball at all
another and call out each other’s names to times”
help get to the ball.

During volleyball, it is important to be able to
bump in order to set up a proper play and
give your team the best chance to attack the
ball. Therefore, practicing bumping with a
partner will give students lots of opportunity
to get touches on the ball and practice
proper technique and ball control. It is very
important to communicate with your
teammates in volleyball. During this activity
students will encourage each other and
communicate with each other the direction
of the ball as well as who is contacting the

Transition Time Everyone please come together and sit

(2 minute) down under the shaded area.
Closure Purpose/Rationale: “Raise your hand if
(5 minutes) you and your partner
Objective Review and check for students completed 10
Addressed comprehension on proper bumping form. It passing back and
AO1 is important to ask students what the correct forth without the ball
platfrom looks like as well as the proper dropping”
CA Content bumping form in order to check for
Standard understanding. Giving the class a preview of “What are the 5
2.3 what to expect for the duration of the rest of important
the week is vital to get the students components to a
Common Core informed and engaged. I will inform great pass?”
RST students that they will be next working on
setting. “What positive
feedback does
xxxxx someone want to
xxxxx share about their
xxxxx partner and their
xx x xx bumping
x xxx technique?”

What did someone say that encouraged


Tomorrow we will go over proper setting

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