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The only way to avoid complaints is to give great service to your students. So, go on, WOW them.

But, How do I do that?

1. Lets start at the beginning; give your clients an EPIC welcome. Your introduction sets the mood for the rest of
the lesson, so get your clients excited about learning English with you. Smile, it goes a long way, have fun.

2. Secondly, listen to your clients, that way you will be able to correct their grammar and pronunciation, and
teach them new vocabulary. (Already avoiding the lack of guidance complaint).

3. Start your session on time, and finish on time. Preview and plan out your lesson, allocate time for each slide,
such that you don’t overlap. (Already avoiding the Lack of time management complaint).

4. There are students who will naturally speak more than others, and there are shy ones who only speak when
prompted. Ensure that you give students equal speaking opportunities and have them all involved in the
lesson. Be patient with the slow ones (Already avoiding the unequal speaking opportunities complaint).

5. Recap the lesson of the day and go over new vocabulary once again. Give your clients some compliments as
you are signing out. Congratulate them on having done well in the lesson, for coming that far in their English
learning journey, and encourage them to keep learning.

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