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END­TIME MESSAGES FROM JESUS – Sabbath Morning Evangelism   Volume 6

1 End – Time Messages From Jesus

2 The Law Of Liberty.

3 In almost any town or city in America we find traffic regulated by

stop signs, traffic lights, and crosswalks for pedestrians. If
everyone observes these regulatory provisions and drives and walks
according to them, there will seldom, if ever, be an accident. These
familiar regulators of traffic are for the safety of all. If they are
overlooked or disobeyed, causing injury or death to occur, it is not
the fault of the law but of the person who disobeys.

4 If you have ever visited the Orient where cities are crowded and
life is sometimes considered cheap, you may have seen cities such
as Singapore where there are crosswalks for pedestrians and even
overhead walkways. In such cities you will see scores of people
completely ignoring the safety precautions that have been provided
for them. Within a few feet of a safety zone, they will go carelessly
through heavy traffic, even at dusk, and risk life and limb, when
they could be safe. In such a situation, accident rates are far higher
than in places where people have learned to walk safely. It is
inevitable when laws are ignored.

5 We live in a universe of law. Some religions ignore God's law. Is

the law at fault? By no means. But disregarding it is, and with
tragic results.
Let us not feel superior to these people, for we may be doing things
that are just as foolish which may result just as tragically.
Unbelievable as it may seem, some in religious circles teach that
God's laws can be safely ignored. Listen to those words from a

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END­TIME MESSAGES FROM JESUS – Sabbath Morning Evangelism   Volume 6
religious magazine.

6 “Like the prohibition

against eating pork … the Old Testament prohibition against

7 “…intercourse was a good rule for its time. … In this quest for
a relevant Christian sex ethic,…”

8 “…we must be guide by the Bible but not oppressed by its 'thou
shalt notes…”

9 “…Unconditional Biblical prohibitions are out-of-date, are part

oft he Pre-Pill age…” Understanding Sex in the age of the Pill
by Gordon Clanton, Christian Century, January 8, 1969.

10 How incredible for such a statement to be printed in the pages of a

magazine bearing the name "Christian." And how deceptively evil
and contrary to the facts the statement is!
Let us contrast the above licentious philosophy with a scientific
statement of fact by one who is eminently qualified to make it.

11 "You can fool people, but you can't fool your own automatic
nervous system. It's easy to say

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12 “…'Let me worry about it.' But it's an entirely different thing

to do it.
It's easy to say,…”

13 “…'We love each other; it can't hurt anything.’ But what of the
years of anguish…”

14 “…and misery it may cause? Some are trying to tell you, 'You
have a choice-love makes it…”

15 “…right. I tell you, You have no choice. Even if you are an

atheist and believe you have this…”

16 “…life only, you had better shield and protect it well-don’t risk
ruining it. It's all you have; guard it well.”

17 What damage did Dr. Levin warn against? What happens when we
do what we know in our hearts is evil? We suffer anxiety,
excitement, tension; and as has been clinically demonstrated: these
lead to more adrenalin in the blood, speeding up of the heartbeat, a

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rise in blood sugar, reduction of the clotting time of the blood,
digestion stops, the bladder and bowels try to empty, muscles tense,
pupils of the eyes dilate, the hands sweat--and many other
These physical reactions can, in turn, cause diseases such as
diabetes, constipation, urinary distress, ulcers, skin rashes, allergies
and arthritis. Every competent physician knows that many cases of
these and other diseases have psychosomatic causes—that is, they
are effects of mental anxiety on the body.
We live in a universe of law, and we had better learn that and
learn to live by it. In fact, we court disaster if we do not.

18 The tabernacle is a constant visual reminder of the central place of

the law. The law of the Lord has always existed. It could be said
reverently that even God could not run the universe without law.
When God called His chosen people and took them out of Egypt to
go into a country that would be their own, He gave them a
tabernacle in which to worship Him. Their worship was carried out
around the tabernacle rather than in it, for it was a small building
and would not have accommodated a great congregation. But it was
a very meaningful building and, though sparsely furnished, each
article of furniture was of religious significance.

19 The tabernacle had two rooms, or apartments. The first one was
called the holy place; the second was called the most holy place. In
the most holy place there was only one article of furniture, a gold-
covered chest. In that chest were the two tables of the law—the Ten
Commandments. God's law was in the heart of the place where God
said he would meet with His people.
Christ delighted in the law. Just as the tables of the law were in the
heart of the sanctuary, so the law of God is in the heart of the
gospel. Christ exemplified this in His life, for one of His missions
in coming to this earth was to live the law perfectly.

20 “Then I said, “Behold, I come; In the scroll of the book it is 
written of me…”

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21 I delight to do Your will, O my God, And Your law is within my

heart.” Psalm 40:7, 8.

22 When a rich young man came to Jesus seeking the way of

salvation, the Lord said,

23 But if you want to enter into life, keep the commandments.” He

said to Him, “Which ones?”

24 Jesus said, “‘You shall not murder,’ ‘You shall not commit
adultery,’ ‘You shall not steal,’

25 ‘You shall not bear false witness,’ ‘Honor your father and your
mother,’and, ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’
”Matthew 19:17-19.

26 Christ emphasized the vital necessity of law observance. Again we

find Jesus emphasizing the law thus: " Whoever therefore breaks
one of the least of these commandments, and teaches men so,
shall be called…”

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27 …least in the kingdom of heaven; but whoever does and

teaches them, he shall be called great in the kingdom of
heaven." Matthew 5:19.

28 Let´s emphasize again that Jesus came to this earth to discredit the
claim of Satan that the law could not be kept.
Law was in the beginning before sin. Let us go back and look at the
beginning of the law. When was the law created? Before sin
existed, obviously, for

29 “Whoever commits sin also commits lawlessness, and sin is

lawlessness.1 John 3:4.

30 For more emphasis, consider this: "For where there is no law

there is no transgression." Romans 4:15.

31 It is clearly impossible to break a non-existent law. Even civil

courts recognize that a man cannot be held a lawbreaker for a deed
committed before a law was passed.

32 God's authority to rule this world rests squarely on the law. Sin, the
breaking of the law of God, was meant to overthrow the authority
of God in the universe.

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33 A teacher's authority rests on her rule. Suppose a teacher makes a

rule and the students all deliberately ignore and break it. What are
they doing in reality? They are showing that they have no respect
for the teacher and her authority. It is impossible to have a good
school under such circumstances,

34 A successful nation must enforce law. If a government’s laws can

be broken with impunity, it soon ceases to exist as a government;
and such a nation, so misgoverned, will soon fall to pieces.

35 When the Philippines was given its independence and allowed to

form its own government after World War II, it was thought that a
democratic republic would come into existence. But the people
were not used to self-government, nor were they well-educated as a
A democratic form of government was set up in the Philippines and
lasted for a number of years. It was not an unqualified success. The
country had long been run by rich landowners who owned and
controlled the lion's share of the arable land, renting to the poor
people at high and often illegal rates. The land's poor people
flocked into the cities and could find no employment there in many

36 Crime went almost unchecked. A visiting couple was introduced to

the Philippines when they landed at the Manila Airport and the
wife's purse was opened and robbed of its valuable contents while
they were ascending to the main floor on the escalator. To go
downtown in Manila after dark was foolhardy.

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37 Finally, President Ferdinand Marcos declared martial law, and the
country was ruled by the military under his direction. This form of
government is not the ideal, but in the Philippines it brought about
a change for the better. It was then possible to walk the streets of
the cities unmolested because almost every block was policed by
armed and uniformed men equipped with walkie-talkies. The law
of the land was enforced. Only a law that is enforced is worth

38 Jesus came to atone for our breaking the law. God is a God of law
as well as a God of love. When man first sinned, allowing sin to
enter the world, God's problem was how to preserve the law and
save mankind from eternal death. The only way God could do this
was to let Jesus atone for the breaking of the law; for the law must
be preserved.

39 So Jesus, who volunteered for His role, was born as a babe into this
world. He lived a perfect life, proving that God's law could be kept
by a man in human flesh.

40 As we have already noted, the law has always been in existence.

But it was repeated at Mount Sinai when Israel became a nation.
For over 300 years they had been slaves in a heathen country where
God's law was hardly known.
Only part of Bible written with God’s hand. It is worth noting that
the law is the only part of the Bible that God wrote with His own
hand. And this was because of its paramount importance. It is to
endure forever. Perhaps that is why it was written on stone, one of
the most enduring substances in existence.
The law is to be a constant in the universe.

41 “For assuredly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away,
one jot or one tittle will by no means pass from the law till all is

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42 “Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God and
keep His commandments, For this is man’s all…”
Ecclesiastes 12:13, 14

43 “..For God will bring every work into judgment, Including

every secret thing, Whether good or evil”

44 “Him God has exalted to His right hand to be Prince and

Savior, to give repentance to Israel and forgiveness of sins.”
Acts 5:31

45 To appreciate the value of an eternal unchanging law, imagine what

might happen if a law were subject to change with no consistency.
Today you drive on the right side of the road, but with no warning
the law is suddenly changed to demand that you drive on the left-
hand side. The result is chaotic violence in which no driver is safe.

46 How would you like to fly if you could not depend on the laws of
aerodynamics and navigation? Under such conditions it is doubtful
if any sane person would ever attempt air travel.
Jesus demonstrated the law could be kept. Jesus, our example, is
also the author of the law, and as said previously, He came to
demonstrate that keeping the law is the only happy way to live. He
met the test.

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47 “Who committed no sin, nor was deceit found in his mouth.” 1
Peter 2:22

48 With what love and admiration must Peter, who failed so many
times, have written of the perfection of his Lord! He had lived with
Jesus; walked, eaten, slept and labored with Him under the most
trying circumstances; yet never had he known Him to fail.
With no trace of boasting, Jesus Himself said He was without the
taint of transgression.

49 "If you keep My commandments, you will abide in My love,

just as…”

50 “…I have kept My Father’s commandments and abide in His

love.” John 15:10.

51 Jesus came not to destroy but to magnify the law. And he went
further, for He said that the law was not to be destroyed or changed.
“Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I
am not come to destroy, but to fulfill…”

52 “…For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot
or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be 
fulfilled.” Matthew 5:17, 18.

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53 This is worth emphasizing, for Jesus knew that many would arise
through the ages denying that the law of God is still valid. That
deceptive sort of teaching is still prevalent today.The book of the
prophet Isaiah is full of prophecies regarding Jesus to the point that
Isaiah is known as the "gospel prophet." Isaiah knew his Lord well;
not because he had met Him in the flesh, but because through the
gift of prophecy, so much of the nature, life and teachings of Christ
had been revealed to him. So he wrote, "The Lord is well pleased
for His righteousness’ sake;

54 “…He will exalt the law and make it honorable." Isaiah 42:21.

55 We can never exaggerate the gift that Jesus has given us in living a
perfect life and then laying down His sinless life as a substitute for
our sin. Only because of. His sacrifice do any of us, even the most
saintly; have any hope for eternal life.

56 If you look in up-to-date reference books, you will find the story of
one of the worst fires, in respect to loss of life, that ever occurred in
the United States. That was the Coconut Grove fire in Boston
which swept through a dance hall and took the lives of hundreds.

57 One young man escaped unharmed. But as soon as he was out of

the building, he began to hear the screams of the victims inside. He
immediately plunged back into the inferno from which he had just
escaped and was successful in extricating some who otherwise
would have perished. Four times he did this, and in the doing, he
himself was so badly burned that he was thought to have no hope of
life. Through the expert care of doctors and nurses, he finally
survived, the most severely burned patient ever to survive in the
annals of medical history up to that time. He could have died, and

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he was willing to die to save others.

58 Jesus was willing to risk eternal death to save you and me. He did
this so that we could be with Him in glory throughout eternity.

59 “Surely He has borne our griefs And carried our sorrows; Yet
we esteemed Him stricken,…”

60 “…Smitten by God, and afflicted. But He was wounded for our

transgressions, He was bruised for our…”

61 “…iniquities; The chastisement for our peace was upon Him,

And by His stripes we are healed." Isaiah 53:4, 5

62 Is there anyone who should not accept such a sacrifice?

Jesus could have remained aloof from the sin and death and
destruction of this world, but He came and lived among men—
amidst their sin and rebellion—that He might bring salvation to any
who would accept it. To all of us He says, "There is a way out. I am
that Way!"
Surely none of us should refuse such an offer made at such a
sacrifice; for Jesus died to make our salvation possible.

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63 Just now will you ask Him to come into your life and save you
from sin and from sinning? He will do it and you can be a happy,
victorious Christian if you make the decision. Do it now! If this is
your response to this invitation will you please raise your hand
while we pray.


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