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9 de septiembre de 2019 - semana 2

Física: las Grandes Diego A. Torres

Ideas que Cambiaron al

(+57) 311 2541047
Mundo - 2026501
A Boy and His Atom: The World’s Smallest Movie
¿Cómo se comporta la materia a escala atómica?

Mecánica Cuántica
The Beginning of the Disaster

The Black-Body Radiation
The Beginning of the Disaster

The Black-Body Radiation
Every physical body spontaneously and continuously emits electromagnetic
radiation and the spectral radiance of a body, B ! ν , describes the amount of
energy it emits at different radiation frequencies.

The maximum energy which can be radiated by an object is called the blackbody
radiation. A blackbody is a theoretical object which is a perfect absorber and
emitter of radiation.
The Beginning of the Disaster

The Black-Body Radiation
Every physical body spontaneously and continuously emits electromagnetic
radiation and the spectral radiance of a body, B ! ν , describes the amount of
energy it emits at different radiation frequencies.

The maximum energy which can be radiated by an object is called the blackbody
radiation. A blackbody is a theoretical object which is a perfect absorber and
emitter of radiation.
The Beginning of the Disaster

The Black-Body Radiation
On 14th December 1900 Max Planck proposed a solution to the Black-Body
Radiation problem.
E(λ, T ) =
λ 5 (e hc/λkT − 1)

λ[m]; Wavelength
c = 2.998 × 108 m /s; Speed of light.
π = 3.1416
h = 6.626 × 10−34 J ⋅ s; Planck's constant.
k = 1.381 × 10−23 J/K; Boltzmann's constant.
e = 2.718; Base of natural logarithms.
The Beginning of the Disaster

The Black-Body Radiation
On 14th December 1900 Max Planck proposed a solution to the Black-Body
Radiation problem.

2πhc 2 2πhν 3
E(λ, T ) = →
λ 5 (e hc/λkT − 1) c 3 (ehν/kT − 1)
c = λν → λ=

The term !hν implies that the energy must be released in packages,
or better quantum, of energy!
Then, a little push to the abysm by Einstein.

❖ In 1905 Albert Einstein published

two great equation, one well
known and the other maybe not.

❖ Energy-mass relationship !E = mc 2
❖ Photoelectric effect !Ek = hν − ϕ

c = 2.998 × 108 m /s; Speed of light.

h = 6.626 × 10−34 J ⋅ s; Planck's constant.
Photoelectric Effect
Ek = hν − ϕ

Ephoton = hν

Physics Nobel Prize 1921
A. Einstein
Have you ever Utilized the
Photoelectric Effect?
Why is so difficult to understand
quantum mechanics?
The Atom

Atomic Proton

Electronic orbital size ~10-10 m Neutron

Proton orbital size ~10-15 m
The Bohr-Rutherford’s Atomic Model

Niels Bohr,
Physics Nobel Prize 1922

Ernest Rutherford,
Chemistry Nobel Prize 1908
Atomic Levels
Electromagnetic Radiation
Electromagnetic Radiation
Rayos X

Wilhelm Röntgen

Physics Nobel Prize 1901.

Rayos X

Wilhelm Röntgen

Physics Nobel Prize 1901.

Still it Doesn’t make sense
Schrödinger’s Equation
h ∂ψ(r, t) ̂
i = Hψ(r, t)
2π ∂t

Erwin Shrödinger created the equation in 1925, and won the Nobel prize in 1933.
Schrödinger’s Equation
h ∂ψ(r, t) ̂
i = Hψ(r, t)
2π ∂t

Erwin Shrödinger created the equation in 1925, and won the Nobel prize in 1933.
Atoms after Schrödinger’s mess
Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle
Δp ⋅ Δx ≥

h = 6.626 × 10−34 J ⋅ s; Planck's constant.

Wave-Particle Duality
Wave-Particle Duality
Wave-Particle Duality
The Paradox of the Schrödinger’s cat

is the cat death or alive?

The Tunnel Effect
The Tunnel Effect
A Boy and His Atom: The World’s Smallest Movie
The Laser
E = mc
What is the interpretation of the World Around us?

“We are just the result of the

collapse of a wave function”

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