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Plant a tree

by Wesley
Walt:Draft edit and publish an information text
WILF: information text containing fax with a book introduction body and conclusion

The environment is not helping the trees the trees need the same amount of oxygen as us we are
cutting to much trees down to get to much paper the trees need a lots of water to grow.

to get bigger and stronger so that it can stay alive so that we have oxygen to stay alive the trees will
The environment aren’t doing anything about it the trees will die so that we can’t stay alive and so

the trees will stay alive when trees are cut down or damaged the army helps to so that trees can
grow back and some of the roots can grow back and the trees the environment are cutting to much
to much trees down

to get to much paper and all of the trees will be gone and that won’t be good so save the trees so
that you can stay alive and don’t try to get to much paper because that is basically cutting trees down
the trees can not die because you do not want to die and you won’t be able to breath and that will
be bad

There will be no trees it will be paper because we cut brown all of the trees so that we could get a lot
of paper and all of the trees will be gone and the hole world will have no green land so don’t cut
down all of the

Because you will die and the trees will be gone and we need to stay alive so the world will have
people on the world so it won’t be empty instead Of people on it .

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