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Year 5 – Biological

Living things have structural features and
adaptations that help them to survive in their
environment (ACSSU043).

Humanities & Social Sciences:

This program of work can achieve the goals of the
Humanities curriculum. When students are There are multiple aspects of this program of
interpreting data and justifying their conclusions, work that tie in to the Mathematics Curriculum.
they are achieving the following content
The Arts: (Media) When students are recording or graphing data,
descriptors: Media Arts is an understated part of this program they are achieving the following content
of work. When students are using ICT tools to descriptors:
Translate collected information and/or data to a
present their ideas, they are able to achieve the Pose questions and collect categorical or
variety of different formats (e.g. create a timeline,
following content descriptor: numerical data by observation or survey
draw maps, convert a table of statistics into a
graph). Exploration and experimentation with the codes (ACMSP118)
(WAHASS58) and conventions of media when producing media Construct displays, including column graphs, dot
work. (ACAMAM063) plots and tables, appropriate for data type, with
Draw and justify conclusions, and give explanations,
based on the information and/or data in texts, Specific Link to FPD: and without the use of digital technologies
tables, graphs and maps (e.g. identify patterns, (ACMSP119).
Evaluate – The use of iMovie to present their
infer relationships) Specific Link to FPD:
animal to the class. Students are able to incorporate
(WAHASS59) Explore – Blubber Me (timing & graphing results)
technical (sequencing, camera shots), symbolic
Specific Link to FPD: (costumes, props) and audio (music type, volume) Elaborate – Adaptations (temperature, graphing
codes and conventions into their movie. results)
Explore – Students interpret results from
Elaborate – Adaptations (justify validity of results)

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