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Using the Law of Attraction
to Create Wealth and Abundance

Thomas Michael Murasso

Clemmons, North Carolina, USA
Copyright © 2007 by Thomas Michael Murasso

Contact information:
Thomas Michael Murasso Enterprises
4140 Clemmons Road, Suite 218
Clemmons, NC 27012
(509) 471-7303
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ISBN: xxx-x-xxxxxxx-x-x
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You’re about to embark on a journey to wealth and

prosperity. The information you receive here will
change your life and change the way you think. Most
likely, you have never been exposed to what you will
read here. You may feel the techniques given here are
a little bit ‘out there’ for your tastes but do yourself a
favor and have an open mind when you’re reading.

The chapters are not to be read and theorized about.

You’ll find specific exercises you need to do in order to
accomplish what you expect to receive from this in-
formation. After all, if you already had the wealth,
prosperity and life-style you want, you would have
never picked up this book.

Now, get comfortable and change your life.

Tom Murasso, March 14, 2007

Abundance isn’t a thing, it’s a feeling.

Thank you God, Source, the Creative Spirit, Mom and

Dad, Glaucia, Rhonda Bryne, Esther Hicks and Abra-
ham, Michael Losier, Oprah, Barry Goss, Jack
Canfield, Michael Beckwith, Bob Proctor, James Ray,
Randy Gage, Dr. Robert Anthony, Michael Talbot,
Debbie Ford, Ghalil, Gary Craig, Bob Scheinfeld,
Carol Look, David Icke, Me, and so many others who
have guided me on my journey. I love you all.

Table of Contents

Chapter Page

Preface i
Acknowledgements iv

1. Money 1
2. Creating Your Desire 13
3. Visualization 19
4. A Leap of Faith 25
5. Expecting Abundance 31
6. The Law of Attraction 37
7. Seed Money 45
8. Penny Millions Strategy 117

The quickest way to double your money is to fold it
over and put it back in your pocket.

Money is the root of all evil.

To be rich you need to be dishonest.

You can’t lead a spiritual life and be concerned about


Money makes the world go ‘round.

There’s more to life than money.

Money isn’t important.

Have you heard any of these statements? How do you

feel about the words written above? How do you feel
when I use the word, money? How do you feel when
you hold money in your hand? How do you feel when


you spend money? To buy something you want; to pay

the electric bill?

If you’re like most people reading this book, you have

mixed feelings about money. Most certainly, there is a
positive or negative ‘charge’ you feel when it comes to

Money is important. In our society, in our global

economy, most people would agree nothing can take
the place of money.

However, let me caution you concerning how you feel

about money. Know that money is for our use. Money
is our servant. It is not our master. Many people get
this backwards. The first principal concerning finan-
cial freedom and developing a “Prosperity
Consciousness” is to know that it is important to use
money and love people. Do you know someone who
loves money and uses people? You should always love
people and use money, instead of the other way around.

Luck has nothing do with acquiring money. How

many times have you heard statements like, “Bill is so
lucky when it comes to money” or “He was just in the
right place at the right time” or something to that ef-
fect? Some people may argue that luck does indeed
play some part in financial success; it is never the only
ingredient to wealth.


I mentioned earlier that money is to be used. Actually

it has to be used to have any value. If it’s stashed away
under your mattress or buried in the backyard, it is es-
sentially worthless. Money needs to circulate to serve
us. Otherwise it is only as valuable as the paper it is
printed on.

I’m sure you’ve heard stories about a beggar-type per-

son who dies and it’s discovered that he had a hoard of
over $150,000 .00 in cash packed in boxes throughout
his house. Why would someone choose to live like a
pauper when he had so much money at his disposal?
He could have used the money and had a wonderful
productive life. He could have invested it or simply left
it in a bank to earn interest. But he chose to keep it in
boxes and thereby rendered it absolutely useless.

Please note when I say money needs to be kept in cir-

culation I do not mean it should be squandered and
spent foolishly. There is a difference and you will
learn more in the following pages.

Prosperity Consciousness

A clue to developing Prosperity Consciousness lies in

the term itself. It is a conscious act; something that is
done in the mind. If you’ve read my book, “Born to
Manifest”, you are already aware of the fact that every-
thing that you create, be it money, health, romantic
relationships or wealth, first is formed in the mind be-
fore it can manifest in the physical. There is much


power in thought and people who have lived their lives

using the power of thought have come to be some of
the greatest men and women in history.

Without going into much detail about the ‘why’ this is

true, let us briefly use a technique which you can begin
using immediately to start attracting the money you de-

Start by picturing yourself as wealthy. Do whatever

needs to be done to ‘see’ your self as financially free
and abundant. How would you feel? If you’re like
most people, you would probably feel a little uncom-
fortable. Realize however, that wealthy people never
feel uncomfortable concerning money. It’s not because
they already have money either. People don’t feel
comfortable about money because they have it. They
have money because the feel comfortable about money!
Wealthy people have developed a Prosperity Con-
sciousness concerning money and it stands to reason if
you want lots of money you will need to develop Pros-
perity Consciousness as well.

How do you go about developing Prosperity Con-

sciousness? The best way is with the power of thought.
Start seeing yourself as if you already possessed the
amount of money you desire. In your mind’s eye, pic-
ture yourself as financially free. How would that feel?
What would that look like? What would you do with
all that money?


You see the reason this technique works is because the

subconscious mind does not know if what you are
thinking is true, imaginary, or whatever. When you
succeed in convincing your subconscious mind that you
are wealthy and that it feels good to be wealthy, your
subconscious mind will unfold and make the image you
have formed manifest into reality.

This may sound like pure mumbo-jumbo to you at this

point, but I’ll be speaking more about Prosperity Con-
sciousness in this book and before you’re finished, the
‘imaginary’ game we just played will make a lot more

Fear and Worry

If you want more money, it is imperative that you re-

lease any and all fear and worry about whether or not
you will get it. Fear and worry about money are lim-
ited beliefs we hold concerning lack and limitation.
Fear and worry is about something that hasn’t hap-
pened; a future that doesn’t exist.

Remember the rich pauper I talked about earlier. Why

didn’t he ever use the $150,000.00 he had? Most likely
it was because he held a fear or worry about being
poor. The ironic thing was because of this fear; he
lived as a poor pauper anyway.


In later chapters I’ll explain how having this fear,

worry, and belief will attract the very thing you don’t
want to happen!

You Have the Power

Know that you are responsible for creating your life.

No one and no thing can change your reality but you.
Take back your power. Do not listen to people who tell
you that you will not succeed. In fact, don’t even tell
others you are reading this book and what you’re learn-
ing. Most people who fail to accumulate the money to
live the life they desire are the same people who are
easily influenced by other people’s opinions. Maybe
you read somewhere or heard on the television that the
economy is bad or some other doom and gloom story.
If you have been influenced by other people’s opinions
in the past concerning money or any other area of life
for that matter, in this very moment make the decision
to take back your power. The power we are born with;
the power that is sometimes stripped away by our fam-
ily, friends and society; the power to create our reality.

Consciously Aware

If you’re not aware of something, you can not hold it in

your experience. If we had no awareness about travel-
ing by airplane, we would never experience it. If we
had no awareness about telephones, a conversation us-
ing a piece of plastic with buttons on it would not exist.
A car, electricity, penicillin, television, movies; the list


can go on forever. My point is before all these wonder-

ful inventions existed someone had to form the image
of them in their minds. Before we could benefit from
these inventions someone had to take the fabric of the
universal field, the All-That-Is, the mind of God; what-
ever you want to call it and form the ideas and images
in their minds to manifest them for our use.

You see, everything already exists. Every invention,

idea, or thing, all that can be, all knowledge already ex-
ists in the universal consciousness. We are swimming
in a sea of thought energy where all knowledge that
ever was or ever will be is present. We are surrounded
by abundance. Everywhere we look we see abundance.
There is no lack and limitation in nature. Nature is per-
fectly abundant. We simply need to think. We need to
be aware of our thoughts. We need to be deliberate in
our thinking and deliberately thinking of prosperity.

And, what is deliberate thinking? Please note I’m not

talking about simply running old memory tapes from
your past in your head. I’m stressing the importance of
deliberately creating an image in your mind about how
you want it to be and holding that image in your mind.

The mind is all-powerful. When you start to think ‘re-

lax’, every muscle in your body starts to relax. When
you worry, every fiber of your being tenses with fear of
the unknown. When you think prosperity and begin to
hold thoughts of yourself as wealthy swimming in a sea
of abundance, your mind and body will instantly vi-


brate the ideal you hold and you will begin to attract
everything you need to become wealthy.

I know this may sound crazy if this is the first time

you’ve been exposed to these ideas. But believe me,
developing awareness of prosperity in your mind al-
ways proceeds creating wealth in your reality. Look at
children born to wealthy parents. They have never
known lack or poverty. The only way they know how
to think about money is abundance.

Most people have not been born to wealthy parents and

were not conditioned to think that way. We must,
therefore, develop an understanding of how we have
been taught to think and how to change the way we
have been conditioned to think about money.

It’s a simple process; however it’s not easy to do. It

takes discipline and desire. It takes deliberate thinking.
Regardless, it can be done and the rewards are stagger-
ing. The fact that you are reading this book shows you
have the desire to change. This book will show you
how to develop discipline and deliberate thought.

You Hold the Key

You may not realize it but your thoughts are things.

Thoughts can actually be measured by scientific in-
struments. Thoughts cause a vibration. A negative
thought like worry or fear, creates a low vibration or
frequency. A positive thought like joy, happiness and


wealth creates a high vibrating frequency. The fre-

quencies you create with your thoughts match like
vibrations and are attracted to your vibrations. It only
stands to reason that you would want to hold positive
thoughts so you can attract positive things into your
life. This is the very reason we start to develop a Pros-
perity Consciousness and create a positive image of
ourselves in possession of great wealth. Doing so cre-
ates the vibrational frequency to attract the riches you
want. Remember, you must hold something mentally
before you can hold it physically.

No one can do this for you. Only you have the power
to create what you want. This may seem like a game
you are playing with yourself but your subconscious
mind can’t tell the difference between actually doing
something and visualizing yourself doing something.

You are learning self-development and you are about to

discover the true sense of your being. You, my friend,
are multi-dimensional. Oh no, you’re thinking; not that
woo-woo stuff again. Let me explain.

For one thing, I think we can all agree we are physical

beings. And, if you start to ‘think’ about it, we now
can agree that we are mental beings as well. Then
there are the feelings we have which shows we are
emotional beings. It’s a little difficult to pinpoint the
next dimension we operate from as it takes a bit of faith
to believe it. It’s called spirit. We are spiritual beings.
Some say a ‘spark’ of God having a physical experi-


ence. This is your divine nature where your power to

create comes from; your life force, your soul-energy.

So by using your God-given creative ability, you delib-

erately form the idea of prosperity by seeing yourself as
prosperous. Then the idea of ‘financial freedom’ is
built in the mental which turns on our emotions (feels
good!) and ultimately manifests in the physical. As
you read through the chapters in this book, you will
have a clearer picture of how this process works.

Let’s take a look at the process again. Keep in mind

this process works in all areas of life, including the fi-
nancial example below.

Spirit = the thought of prosperity

Mental = the idea of financial freedom
Emotions = feels good
Physical = the manifested result: money and abundance

Most people who are not consciously creating turn the

process inside out. For example, most people will look
at their empty bank account (manifested result) and let
that dictate their thoughts.

Physical = the manifested result: empty bank account

Emotions = feels bad, worrisome
Spirit = the thought of lack and loss
Mental = the idea of poverty


Since the thought of lack and loss is now the vibra-

tional frequency they are holding in their subconscious,
they are actually attracting the very thing they do not
want; an empty bank account.

Some of you will argue that an empty bank account is

an empty bank account and it isn’t realistic to look at
an empty bank account and visualize yourself as pros-
perous. This is the very reason poor people stay broke.
You must understand that your current state of affairs is
the manifested result of previous thinking. If you truly
want to change you results, you must change your
thoughts, and you must change them now!

People who have accomplished great things, created

wonderful inventions, or manifested wealth first chose
their thoughts in order to build the picture in their
minds of what is now manifested in their life. They
chose those thoughts from the universal source which
is available to all of us.

This is how the greatest artists, inventors, and athletes

consciously create. Tiger Woods and Michael Jordan
picture in the mind’s eye the ball going into the hole or
hoop. In other words, they see the picture of the result
they want and then simply ‘play-out’ the picture in real

So keep thinking, “I am wealthy, I am prosperous,

money is my servant.” See yourself in your mind’s eye
doing what you will do when you have your ideal.


Visualize and feel how it feels when you have posses-

sion of the wealth you want.


In order to attract the wealth you desire, it is important

to be specific in your intent. You must determine ex-
actly what you want and more importantly, how much
you want. You are working with a scientific principal
that checks and matches the intention or vibrational
frequency you’re holding. It doesn’t think. It merely
accepts the image you’re sending and unfolds in the
physical. If your desire is ‘a bunch of money’, your in-
tention is too vague to manifest.

You must decide how much money you want. What

will help you determine how much money is enough?
You cannot simply say, “I want enough money to pay
my bills and live comfortably.” Your desire must be an
actual number that will cover the cost of your bills and
allow you to live comfortably. To accomplish this goal
it will require some ‘pencil-pushing’ on your part. I


would suggest making a list of your bills and all the ac-
tivities and things you will use the wealth for.

I’ll give you a few categories to get you started, but

bear in mind your list will be a work in progress as you
look at your current situation and imagine even more
ways to use your money. You should use the next 12
months as a time frame.

In the next year, I expect to use this amount of money



Keep working on your list until it is complete. Re-

member not to use the amounts you are now spending.
Rather, imagine how your new rich fulfilling life will
be and how much money you will need to realize that.
For example, you may be spending $75 a month on
personal care; haircuts, etc. Why not add the cost of a
massage or two to the figure? That’s the figure you’re
looking for; the cost to have your dream life!


Maybe you’re renting now or driving an old car. You

may want to add the purchase of a new home and new
car to your list. It’s your life you’re visualizing; make
it as rich and rewarding as you want. Your mind may
start playing with you at this point, and if you hear the
voice of doubt rearing its ugly tune, simply ignore it
and remember other wealthy people were once in your
shoes and used this process to change their lives.

You are learning how to be deliberate in your thought

process. Rather than picking a number out of thin air,
take the time to really think about what it will cost to
live the life you want. After you are done, add every-
thing up and write the total in big bold figures. You
have just determined the exact amount of money you
desire to attract.

Financial Freedom Account

How often do you pay yourself? You may be thinking,

“After I pay everyone else, I never have enough money
to pay myself!” It is imperative to pay a portion of the
money you earn to yourself. Before you pay the mort-
gage, your car payment, the electric bill or anyone else,
pay yourself 10% of your income. Put it straight into
your savings account and keep it there. Before you
know it, you will have created a large sum of money
for your estate or any wise investments coming your


Debt Repayment Plan

In today’s world, debt seems to be a part of life. The

majority of people have debt in excess of $5,000 or
more. With finance charges and minimum payments,
the bills never go away eating up your entire paycheck
and leaving nothing for you. However, there is a solu-

First of all if you have a mortgage payment, consider

this debt an investment. For your other debts you
should set aside 20% of your income for repayment.
Determine the amount you owe each creditor and di-
vide the 20% you set aside for payment. For example,
let’s say 20% of your monthly income equals $400.
Depending on how much you owe, creditor #1 may re-
ceive $90, creditor #2 may receive $50, and creditors
#3, 4 and 5 equal shares of what’s left. You will also
need to contact each creditor with your intention of re-
payment. Use the following letter as a template you
can customize for your specific needs.

Dear ABC Credit,

This letter is to inform you of my intention to pay the

full amount I owe you, $_______ plus interest. To
achieve this objective, I have set up a plan whereby I
will put myself into a stable financial situation without
stress or worry. Twenty percent of my income has
been set aside to cover my debts and still enable me to
have available resources to live on.


Each month you will receive a check in the amount of

$_______ until my account is paid in full. I am aware
that this is not the figure I previously agreed to pay, but
with this plan I am allowed to pay my debt and not in-
cur any more. I know you will appreciate I have
devised a system which will allow me to pay my debt
in full.

If you have any questions, please contact me. I am

very excited about this and if you would like to suggest
the use of this plan with other people who are in your
debt, please feel free to do so.

Thanking you in advance,

Jack Smith

By using this letter you’re not asking your creditor for

permission. You are stating your intention to pay and
the plan you have implemented to do so. Of course
your letter needs to be nicely typed and printed on
clean paper and you will enclose your first payment
when you send it. Be prepared for a phone call from a
creditor who tries to intimidate you by threatening you
with court, etc. Just say thank you and stay with your
plan. Any court in the land would agree your inten-
tions are well placed and you have a specific plan for
debt reduction. Besides, most creditors will not go to
the expense of a court case anyway.

Let’s recap what you have created thus far.


You have a financial freedom account (10% of your in-

You have implemented a debt re-payment plan (20% of
your income).
You now have 70% of your income to pay for living
Your mind is free of the word ‘debt’ and you can now
give your energy, attention and focus to manifesting
your ideal (wealth)!

It is important to focus on how you want it to be and

not on how it currently is. Know that your present
situation is a result of the thoughts and vibrational fre-
quencies you held in the past. Now you have
implemented a plan to take care of the present situation
so your mind is free to create the wealth you desire.

Next I will explain in detail the importance of visualiz-

ing yourself as having already acquired the financial
figure you’ve calculated at the beginning of this chap-


Visualization is a creative process that we always use.

We may not be aware of how powerful we are and the
fact that everything that has come into our lives is a di-
rect result of visualization. Everything good… and

Images are mental pictures that are created from

thoughts. Human beings have a God-given ability to
think which simply means; we can form a thought and
create an image in our minds of what we are thinking.

Stop reading for a moment and play with your

thoughts. If we think of a ball, an image of a ball
flashes on the movie screen of our mind. If we think of
a silver coin, the thought we’re thinking forms into an
image of a silver coin.


Anything that is created is first preceded by the image

we have made in our minds. Henry Ford had an image
of an automobile in his mind before he built one. Bill
Gates had an image of a computer operating system be-
fore Microsoft Windows became a reality. We think
first, form an image, and then we manifest the ‘thing’.

Think of a fork. You know, we didn’t always have

forks. Many, many years ago someone became tired of
using their hands to move food to their mouths. This
person started to think and formed an image in his
mind of a tool for eating. He probably saw himself eat-
ing with this ‘thing’ that had a handle and prongs to
grab the food. The image he formed appealed to him
because he imagined it would be more civilized to use
and certainly less of a mess.

Since this image appealed to this person, he thought of

it often and brought about a desire to build a replica of
the image in the physical world. Once he had built this
‘thing’ he used it and found it was good. He called the
thing a ‘fork’. The word fork is a symbol that forms an
image of a fork in your mind when you hear the word

Someone noticed a fork did not work well for soup, so

the spoon was born. Someone got tired of sleeping on
the ground and the next thing you know we have a bed.
We have literally created our world.


Henry Ford imaged a car. The Wright Brothers imaged

a plane. Everything ever accomplished was at first an
image held in the mind. We create our lives in the
same way.

I’m going to get a little ‘cosmic’ for a moment. But, if

you really think about what I’m saying, you’ll see it
makes sense. Quantum physics has determined that
everything that exists in our reality is the creation of
thought and observation. And, the substance used for
creation is called the Creative Field. Now, I’ve heard
the Creative Field called the Universal Mind, the All-
That-Is, and the Super-Consciousness. Whatever ter-
minology we use to call it, know that this is the creative
substance that is all around us. This is the substance
we use to form images in our minds. Most people are
not consciously aware of the power here. We can de-
liberately tap into this Creative Field and form anything
we desire. Deliberately form an image of yourself al-
ready in possession of the amount of money you want
and living the life-style you desire. On the other hand,
you also have the ability to form an image of yourself
in debt and wondering how you’re going to pay the
mortgage. It’s a simple choice of which image you
should hold in your mind.

Anybody can do this. Everybody does this. Everyone

has used this visualization process from the greatest
people throughout history to the beggars on the streets.
Whatever you can imagine in your mind, you can build
in the physical.


We are truly responsible for our own realities. Just

build an image of prosperity in your mind and watch
what is attracted to you. You may see some set-backs
along the road, but you must continue to hold the image
of prosperity. Persistence is the key. Do not let anyone
or anything discourage you… not even that inner voice
of doubt. I realize that it is not always an easy thing to
do because it takes great mental strength. It means tak-
ing control of your mind to create and hold the image
of what you desire. Build an image of what you desire
and then act as if you have already received it. In other
words, act like the person you want to become.

Take a moment now to get completely relaxed. Let

your mind form an image of yourself living an abun-
dant life. See yourself in possession of what you
desire. Become aware of the Creative Field which sur-
rounds you where all creation takes place. Tap into this
substance and create your new life in your mind. Write
a brief description of your image on a card and carry in
with you every day. Read it several times a day until
the image fills your consciousness.

Start your description with these words: Thank you. I

am so happy and grateful now that I …

Visualization is a process that has been taught by all

the great teachers throughout history. The reason visu-
alization is so powerful is because as you create an
image in your mind of yourself in possession of your


desires, you are creating powerful feelings which send

out a signal to the Creative Field to build the image in
the physical.

Dr. Denis Waitley used the visualization process in the

Olympic program. When you visualize, you material-
ize. He told the Olympic athletes to run their event in
their minds and hooked them up to sophisticated bio-
feedback machines. An amazing thing happened. The
same muscles fired in the same sequence when they
were running the race in their minds as when they were
running on the track. This is because the mind can’t
distinguish between imagining it and really doing it.

Anything that has ever been invented or created started

as a picture in someone’s mind. They held the image
clearly, and by focusing on the picture of the end result
in their minds, the Creative Field brought the creation
into the physical. In this field you have everything


People are where they are because that’s exactly

where they really want to be whether they’ll admit
that or not.


Sometimes life deals what appears to be an insur-

mountable problem and we feel overwhelmed. We’re
not sure what decision to make or which way to turn.
Our doubts take control and we wish we didn’t feel like
we were all alone.

Other times we may be wishing we had this or that, try-

ing to hold on to the image of prosperity in our minds,
yet hoping a genie with a magic wand would come
along and give us what we want.

Friends, there is a Genie. You CAN have the things

you want, and if you use the processes in this book, you
will have them. You are going to learn a new aware-
ness of how things really are. Of course if you shared
this information with others, 9 out of 10 people will
think you’ve lost your marbles. For now, keep it to


yourself and after you’re living your life of prosperity,

maybe they’ll believe you.

Everything you see around you, including yourself, is

the expression of the Creative Source. This ‘spirit’ is
forever flowing through you and everything around
you. This powerful ‘energy’ fills the space and noth-
ingness everywhere. Everything comes from this one
‘force’ and it operates by universal law. The image of
prosperity you hold in your mind can only come to you
(physical manifestation) by way of the law and your
belief and faith in it.

Faith is the ability to see the invisible force at work in

the universe. Faith is the ability to believe in the in-
credible. And, believing is the ability to receive what
the non-believers think is impossible. If a person
achieves great things, you can rest assured that she has
faith in her God-given ability to achieve what she
imagines. She has faith in the ‘spirit’ that resides in-
side of her and indeed, in all of us.

Few people have got a grasp on how faith in oneself

(the spirit inside) has to do with achievement. Faith is
all-powerful. Whatever you accomplish in life will be
in direct proportion to the faith you have. You must
believe and have complete faith that whatever must un-
fold in the universe will unfold and bring you the
people, events and things to bring about your desires.
You see, it’s not that people lack the ability to create


what they want; it’s the fact that they do not have faith
in themselves, in God, and in the process.

People were never taught that God, Spirit, Universal

Force, the I Am, resides inside. We were told God is
‘out there’. However, we simply need to tap into this
all-powerful spirit within us to make a connection with
the Source and create our dreams. Beware if you do
not make this connection, you will never be what you
long to be or have what you want to have. Your wish
will go unanswered.

If you are full of fear of failure or forming ‘what-if’

negative images in your mind, you will not accomplish
your desires. You will achieve what you desire, and be
what you want to be, only by abiding by this law.

We are working with Spirit and realizing Spirit is eve-

rywhere at every moment, we can tap into this source
energy anytime and anywhere we wish. Once you
come to realize that this spirit-energy flows through
you, you will never be anything less than positive, vi-
brant, forceful and self-reliant in your dealings with the
world. You will realize you are a child of God, and as
such, are a co-creator in manifesting your life. Nothing
and no one can drag you down and crush your enthusi-
asm. Understanding and allowing this truth will cause
the universe to unfold and help you reach your goals.

Spirit’s power is boundless and forever moving

through. We can refer to this movement as thought


forming in our consciousness. As thought moves into

you, you choose the vision or image you wish to form
with it. We do this all the time. We can form pictures
in our minds of friends, family, houses, and cars that
are already in our lives and of people, places and things
that are not in our lives. Try it now when I ask you to
form an image of a basketball. Most people will con-
jure up a picture of a basketball on the movie screen of
their minds with little or no difficulty. You may have
even formed a picture of a basketball including Mi-
chael Jordan getting ready to sink it into the hoop.

So even though this thought-substance or Spirit is al-

ways flowing through you, it is your job to form it into
an image. Your assistance (or intent) is required to co-
create and manifest the things you desire. God or Spirit
will not manifest the basketball or whatever. Your in-
put is needed for creation in your reality. This is why
we have free will or the right to choose. People tell
me, “God will take care of me,” and indeed he will, but
only if you ask, and you ask by forming the thought-
substance into the picture of your desire.

You must always build the image and know in your

heart the image will appear in the physical. You must
look at God as the great provider or source-energy and
as soon as you ask and believe, God (the universe) will
unfold to match the vibrational frequency you’re hold-
ing. As your vibrational frequency changes, you will
begin to feel differently which will cause your actions
to change and you will begin to attract to you other


like-minded people. Wonderful things will begin to

happen and your job is to keep your vibrational fre-
quency positive and accept the good things that come
your way. As long as you keep the image of the good
you desire in your mind, you will always receive your
desire. Just ‘keep the faith’ and know that Spirit has
been impressed upon by your image (imagination) and
has the ability to bring about the results you desire.

From time to time, you may not see immediate results

and may even seem like your back-peddling. However,
keep your focus no matter how bad it gets and know
that holding the image of your perfect desire will move
you in the direction to manifest it.

The image that you form must be heart-felt in the sense

that you’re not merely playing an image-making game.
You must feel the passion that is fueling your desire.
There is no room for doubt, fear, pessimism or negative
thinking. These negative emotions will only drain you,
lower your vibrations and delay your goal. You must
employ enthusiasm, ambition, hope, faith and every-
thing else which keep your energy positive, purposeful
and creative. When you’re feeling down, immediately
change your mood to positive by knowing God, the
Source, the Spiritual power of the creator is in you.

If you try to force the process you will only negate the
results as trying to do it ‘your way’ by forcing things to
happen is not necessarily Spirit’s way. Learn to listen
to the God within that speaks in feelings. Because


when you feel good, you are connected with Source.

When you feel bad, you’re off course. Understand that
if you do stumble, the minute you realize you have, re-
form your image and Spirit will pick up right where it
left off.

Follow what you ‘hear’ inside you and not what others
may be telling you to do. That inner voice often tells
you to do things that run counter to the way most peo-
ple live their lives. Do not be concerned with what
others think. You are creating your life, not theirs.

Remember to build the image of yourself already in

possession of what you desire and the universe will
manifest the image you have created in the physical.


You understand you cannot have wealth in the physical

world until you have first visualized wealth in your
mind. You must create an image of your desire. By
doing this process you are developing a Prosperity
Consciousness. But what does this really mean? It
means that before we can overcome limitation and the
poverty consciousness that is buried deep within.

Prosperity is simply the inner awareness of the unlim-

ited abundance that is the universe, God, or Source. It
is impossible to feel poor when you have come to un-
derstand your connection with the All-That-Is, which is
an endless supply of everything.

This bounty of plenty always flow toward the open

mind of the one who expects to receive it. You must
not only desire what you want, you must expect to re-
ceive it.


If you’re like most people, you were brought up to be-

lieve that if you have enough desire you will reach your
goal. But you must understand if your desire is not
coupled with expectation that you will receive what
you want, you will become frustrated and disillusioned
by your lack of results. If you think back at the goals
you have accomplished, you will realize that not only
did you desire to reach your goal but also expected to
attain it.

Desire without expectation is really just wishful think-

ing. Since most people wish with a positive desire but
expect negative results, they seldom attain what they
want. Your ideal or intent, the wealth you desire, can
only be realized if the proper expectant attitude has
been combined with the desire so it is not diluted with
negative thoughts and emotions.

To understand how this works, let’s review what we

learned. As you remember we started off talking about
money and it role as our servant to be used and circu-
lated. We must use money and love people.

Next, we learned how to determine how much money

was necessary to provide for the life-style we desired.
We need to be specific in the amount of money we
would need to live the way we want. Once we have es-
tablished the figure we need, we then learned the
importance of forming an image in our minds of our-
selves already in possession of the wealth on the movie


screen of our consciousness. We examined the impor-

tance of immersing ourselves in a vibrational frequency
of imaging already having what we want and what if
would feel like.

In the previous chapter we became aware that we are

co-creators with God or Spirit. We learned we have the
ability to tap into the universal thought substance and
choose any image we chose to build in our minds. Fo-
cusing on this image will set the universe in motion to
begin the manifestation process. We discovered that
when we finally grasp this process and our role in it,
expectation becomes second-nature regardless of what
may be going on in the outside world or what others are
saying to us. We learned we must have an undying
faith and an expectation that our desire will become a
reality. You cannot just believe you will receive what
you want; you must know you will receive what you
want. Once we have developed this mindset, nothing
will cause you to waver.

Desire is the engine and expectation is the force which

attracts what you want. So see yourself moving to-
wards the wealth you visualize and see the wealth you
visualize being attracted to you. Know that you will
come to possess the wealth that is moving towards you.
How much time will it take? No one knows, so don’t
become impatient and frustrated if you don’t get what
you want overnight. Know this though, your desire has
been created and it is on its way to you.


It is not necessary to speak with anyone about this. It is

not necessary for anyone to believe you will receive
your desire but you. The only thing necessary is for
you to image it and believe you will receive it. Only
you can control your truth and control your power.
Know without a doubt you will receive what you have

Many people live their lives on the basis of “seeing is

believing.” The only images they can focus on are the
ones they can understand with the five senses. The in-
dividuals with real “vision” have always known the
principal of what you think is what you see. The im-
ages in the mind come before the images we see. The
world we see around us with all its modern conven-
iences has been created by men and women of vision;

As you become accustomed to the process of the power

of Spirit, it will become easier and easier to believe you
will attract your desire. All things are possible with
God. The creative substance sole purpose is expansion
and growth. However, this expansion and growth can
only express its potential in accordance with the limita-
tions the co-creator (you) put on it with your belief
system. Therefore, any doubt or blockages caused by
limited beliefs you hold in your mind dictate the limits
Source can express through you. If you hold an image
of poverty in your mine, what you have created will be
seen in your material world. However, since you are


now holding an image of prosperity, wealth and abun-

dance will be expressed.

Keep visualizing yourself as a perfect vessel for Spirit

to create the desires you want and you will find it easier
and easier to expect the good you want to manifest.
You will understand that doubt and resistance obstructs
the flow of the creation and only when you imagine
and expect the results will you see your desire in the

You must guard your mind constantly against doubt for

it is a negative vibration which will diffuse the positive
vibration you are holding. When you expect something
wonderful to happen, you must never let the voice of
doubt enter your thoughts. Think of a farmer who
plants a seed. He waters it every day with the expecta-
tion that the seed will grow into a plant. He doesn’t dig
up the seed every day to see if the seed is germinating.
He expects the result without doubt. When you enter-
tain doubts and create that image in your mind, you are
actually creating an image of what you don’t want and
that is what you will attract.

Whenever you catch yourself having doubts, relax and

form the image of yourself already in possession of the
wealth you desire. When you do this you are develop-
ing a habit of deliberately controlling your thoughts.
Program your mind to expect the results you want.


Many people live their lives by default. That is, they

form images in their minds from their current situa-
tions. If the mailbox is full of bills, the image they
form in their minds can be anything from waiting for
the paycheck to questioning themselves about how they
will be able to pay the debts and have any left over to
provide for their family. This is not a pretty image to

Let’s recap the steps for achieving abundance in all ar-

eas of your life:

Identify desire and form an image, give your desire at-

tention, energy and focus and without a doubt, expect
to receive it.


Everything is vibrating. You, me, a tree, a rock; at its

deepest level, everything is vibrating or said another
way, everything is a vibration. Nothing is idle. Every-
thing is in a constant state of motion. From the
electron to the universe, everything is varying degrees
of vibration. To vibrate is to move back and forth at a
rate of speed.

The rate of vibration for a certain thing is called a fre-

quency. The higher the frequency is, the more
powerful the force of the vibration. Thought is one of
the highest frequencies and therefore, one of the most

Look at the back of your hand while keeping it per-

fectly still. While there looks like there is no
movement, know that the particles that make up the
hand are in a constant state of motion. Although the


movement cannot be seen by the naked eye, under a

high-powered microscope this movement can be seen.

Now, quickly move your hand back and forth. We

know the particles in your hand are moving and now
you have deliberately increased its vibration.

Positive and Negative

Usually people will fall into one of two categories;

positive (optimistic) and negative (pessimistic). People
who are positive in their thoughts tend to look upon life
with a happy joyful attitude (the glass is half full).
They try to always see the good, even when things are
bad. Positive people attract positive people, events and

On the other hand, negative people look at life as dark,

gloomy and depressing. Even when things are good
they find the bad (the glass is half empty). They are
sending out negative vibrations and they anticipate and
expect to receive the worse. They, of course, attract the
very negativity they don’t want. Negative people are
depressing to be around. They radiate doom and gloom
and seem to enjoy living in the funk they have created.

We do have free will and as such, have the choice to

adopt a positive or negative personality. A negative
person may, through awareness and effort, change him-
self into a positive person.


The brain is like a super computer sending vibratory

signals to the body. It controls the body through vibra-
tional energy. The brain also sends vibratory signals
out to the universe. The vast majority of people are not
aware of the connection between the vibrations they
send and the results in their life.

That’s good news because you have the ability to

change your thoughts which change the vibrations you
send and consequently your results will change. You
can improve your life just by changing your thoughts.

Scientists have determined that everything is vibrating

at a certain frequency. Like frequencies attract like
frequencies. A wine glass may vibrate in resonance
with a certain note on a piano, yet will not vibrate when
another key is pressed. The wine glass and the piano
key are two entirely different objects with different
seizes, shapes and weight, yet they resonate with each
other because they reside in the same vibratory field.
This field is sometimes called the sphere of relative

All things have their particular rate of vibrational fre-

quency which corresponds to the number of times the
object vibrates back and forth. You are starting to see
the importance of getting your thought frequencies in
line with the positive vibrational energy that awaits

Everything is Energy


Everyone and everything is energy. Knowing this, you

come to realize that everything in this entire universe is
connected. You too are connected to everything in this
universe. The fact that you don’t see the connection
does not alter the fact that the only difference between
one thing and another thing is its rate of vibration.

As you create an image in your mind of what you want,

you thoughts create a vibration. As you focus your at-
tention on the image you have created, you actually
give more density to your thought. This in turn sets up
a vibrational frequency in your whole being.

We have already discussed how two things could be

entirely different as far as size, shape and weight could
still be in resonance with each other. This is because
both objects occupy the same vibratory field. When
you hold the image of your desire in your mind you are
in resonance with every particle necessary for the
manifestation on your image in the physical. All things
are creations of energy.

Vibrational You

You are constantly giving off a vibration, either nega-

tive or positive. When you first meet someone and like
them, you are vibrating at a similar frequency. Con-
trolling your thoughts gives you a powerful tool to
attract positive people into your life. Imagine you are
like a “broadcast tower” sending out a frequency with


every thought. When someone sending out a similar

frequency comes in contact with you a harmony is
formed and often each person knows what the other is

Every physical thing gives off a vibration. Everything

you see, hear, taste, smell or touch is sending off a vi-
bration. If you get near enough to enter the vibratory
field surrounding the thing, you will be affected by it.
Did you ever notice how sitting by a body of water
brings a calm feeling over you?

The same is true of the vibratory nature of people.

Everyone is sending off positive or negative vibrations
looking for similar vibrations. Let’s say you wake up
one morning in a bad mood. Basically you’re having a
bad day. Other people who are in bad moods will be
attracted to you.

The same is true if someone is vibrating anger. If you

are the type of person who is easily angered and you
come into contact with the other person who is giving
off anger vibrations, you will become angry because
the frequency you have come in contact with resonates
with the vibrational frequencies you hold.

The only thing which stops a thought which you or

someone else is sending is that which resonates with it.
If you come in contact with a negative field, and you
are easily influenced, you will become negative your-


self. Conversely, if you come into contact with a posi-

tive field, you will experience the positive.

Each and every day negative and positive thoughts are

filling the space we occupy. Both types of vibrations
are bombarding your brain. If you are not deliberately
controlling your thoughts, you can feel like a victim of
the world around you. Once you understand how to
control your thoughts and stay in a positive vibration,
you will begin to attract the people, events and things
that you choose.

Everything is Still Energy

In only stands to reason that if everything is energy

(Source), and energy is neither created or destroyed,
everything that you are intending is already here and
choosing your thoughts (your image) and staying in
harmony vibration with your ideal will attract it to you.
Everything you are looking for is looking for you.
Everything you want is already yours. So you’re really
not getting something, your task is to become more
aware that you already possess it.

When you bring your life into harmony with what you
want and loose any thoughts of doubt, the cause of any
negativity in your life will be removed and you will no
longer attract what you don’t want.

Everything around you, everything you can see and

everything you can’t see, is an expression of the crea-


tive Spirit. This is an orderly universe, governed by

law. The images you form in your mind set up a vibra-
tion by which the Law of Attraction manifests the form
in your reality. If your image is focused you will re-
ceive the desired results. However, if your image is
continually fluctuating between expectation and doubt,
you set up a chaotic process which will deliver chaotic
results. Unfortunately, people who are unaware of the
power of their thoughts are thinking prosperity one
minute and lack the next. They are continually switch-
ing their vibrations from positive to negative. The sad
truth is most people spend their entire lives oscillating
back and forth between the two extremes and the result
is a little bit of this and a little bit of that.

It is a fact that everything you want is already here.

Your job is to get into harmony with it. You will never
get into harmony with prosperity if you insist on think-
ing of lack and limitation. You are responsible for your
thoughts and responsible for the results you receive.
You always get your wish, whether it’s what you want
or what you don’t!


“With perfect safety, without any risk

whatever, our seed money so planted
will return to us tenfold.”


Based on the book, Seed Money in Action by Jon

Speller (used with permission)

Within the last fifty years many thousands of people

have read John Hoshor's wonderful, SEED MONEY:
WORKS. They have grasped the scientific principle
behind the Seed Money Formula and have successfully
applied it in their daily lives to end their money trou-
bles. Others have not, for various reasons. This book is
to help people get to prosperity, who didn't get it the
first time.

John Hoshor wrote [in a booklet published by the

Church of Religious Science]: “Let us imagine that we
have $50 in U.S. currency. We could put the money in
a savings bank and it would return us approximately $2


a year. We could buy a mortgage certificate and get a

return of $3 or even $4 a year. Or we might use the
money to buy a share or, depending on the price, sev-
eral shares of stock in some corporation, perhaps get
dividends and, provided we bought at the right time
and sold at the right time; make a profit on the transac-

“Of course, we could also use the $50 for food, rent,
clothing, books, and tools or for other needs or just for
pleasure... That is why money is the medium of ex-
change. It can be used for many things.”

“One of the things for which money can be used--

which at this writing is not generally known--is as
SEED MONEY. This means that we can so use money
that we reap a harvest of multiplied money.”

Here are a few of the blocks that some people have had
using the Seed Money Principle.

A retired man called me long-distance from California.

He said that he has read SEED MONEY, followed the
formula faithfully, but could not get a return. It seemed
that his greatest joy in retirement was driving his car on
vacation. One day the old car just gave out--it couldn't
go another mile and it had to be towed to a wrecking
yard. For two months the man tried to use Seed Money
to demonstrate enough money to buy a new car. He
gave his Seed Money to his Church, believing he
would get a tenfold return. But nothing happened.


He seemed to understand the principle clearly and to

have complete faith in its workings. He puzzled me for
a while. Then he said, “I better hang up. The call costs
too much filthy money.”

I asked, “Why do you say that money is filthy?”

His reply gave me the answer to his failure to receive

his tenfold return: “Isn't money the root of all evil?” he

I told him: “The Bible doesn't say that ‘money is the

root of all evil.’ It says ‘the love of money’ is the root
of all evil and even that needs explanation.” In Biblical
days money as we know it today was very seldom used.
Most exchanges were on the barter system. A carpenter
would exchange a table for some bushels of grapes. A
farmer would exchange grain for clothing, and so on.
Money, in gold and silver, was only used for large

Today money is a universal medium of exchange for all

goods and services. When we fix it firmly in our minds
that the service that money provides is different from
the love of gain, profit and advantage, then we can
positively view money as a tool, not as a goad or some-
thing to hoard.

The Bible says you ‘cannot serve God and mammon.’

[Luke 16:13] Mammon represents hoarded money--that
which is not placed into circulation. Money in circula-


tion is God in action. Money, which is hoarded, is use-

less, for money is merely the medium of exchange.

I said to the man, who called me, “You have had a ha-
tred of money because you thought it was evil. Since
like attracts like, you have attracted the hatred of
money back to you, returned you no good even for the
good you have done.”

“Don't think of money as a dead object of greed. Think

of it as a living means of acquiring your needs--good
for yourself and for others. Right now, money should
represent for you the car that will give you mobility
and options--both of which are good.”

He thanked me and two weeks later I heard from him

again. “It's marvelous,” he said with great joy in his
voice. “I received my tenfold return. Yesterday my
married daughter drove up from Los Angeles in her
Volkswagen. She gave me the keys, telling me that her
husband had just bought her a new station wagon so
that they and their children could go on camping trips
in the mountains. She knew that my old car had given
out, so instead of selling the Volkswagen, she gave it to

“Wonderful,” I said.

“You know,” he said, “once I realized that it wasn't

money for money's sake that I wanted but the good I
could buy with it, I overcame that mental block. The
Volkswagen is worth even more than ten times my


Seed Money, and on top of that it doesn't use as much

as my old car--I can travel much farther for the same

This is just one illustration how a person's changing

their concept of money enables the use of the Seed
Money Principle.

Every creative act begins with a thought. Have you

been thinking of money as evil? Or, have you been
thinking of money as the good that it represents and
manifests in your life?

John Hoshor wrote: “Just how do we plant seed

money? What happens when we do plant it? We give it
to our Church or to a hospital, school or college or to
any of the Social Service organizations, which subsist
on donations. Or, if we to wish, we could give it to any
needy person, friend or stranger.”

“Then we follow a specific mental formula derived

from the Great Teacher and proven absolutely true and
dependable by such financial giants as the first John D.
Rockefeller, Andrew Carnegie, Julius Rosenwald, An-
drew Mellon and others of great wealth.”

“With perfect safety, without any risk whatever, our

seed money so planted will return to us tenfold. We
will receive back $500.”

The second block often found in people who have not

yet succeeded in practicing the Principle of Seed


Money is this: many people don’t understand how the

giving of Seed Money produces its tenfold return with-
out any risk whatever. But it is a fact. The Law of
Tenfold Return always works. There is absolutely no
risk whatever in the Principle of Seed Money. If you
do not follow the formula precisely, there is risk, but
then you are not actually practicing the Principle.

I received a rather irate letter from an airplane steward-

ess flying on charter flights out of Chicago. She wrote:
“Mr. Hoshor’s Seed Money doesn't work. I know be-
cause I tried it. When I fly to Las Vegas I play the slot
machines. Sometimes I win. With Seed Money I don’t
get back a dime.”

Writing back to her I gently informed her that the Seed

Money Principle itself always works but that she ap-
parently is not really practicing it.

As illustration I wrote that the Principle of the Para-

chute is itself infallible. A properly made, properly
packed, properly checked, and properly used parachute
never fails to open.

If the parachute is not made properly, is not packed

properly, is not checked properly or is not used prop-
erly it will not open. That is not the fault of the
Principle of the Parachute or of the parachute itself. It
is the fault of the person, or persons, who made,
packed, checked or used the parachute.


The Principle of Seed Money works in the same way as

the Principle of the Parachute, or as any other Principle,
for that matter. If the Principle isn't properly applied
you aren't working the Principle.

The Seed Money Principle is not a gamble such a slot

machine or a lottery. When you think that you may get
your tenfold return from ‘planting’ some Seed Money -
- you won’t. When you believe that you will get a ten-
fold return on your Seed Money, you will.

Jesus said, “What things so ever ye desire, when ye

pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have
them.” [Mark 11:24] He did not say that you won't
have them. He did not say that you might have them.
He said that you shall have them.

The ‘magic’ word Jesus used there is ‘believe.’ There

is no room for chance in believing. There is no room
for chance in the Law of Tenfold Return.

I advised the stewardess to only practice Seed Money

when she felt that she could remove all doubts about
receiving her return. If she couldn't try to remove her
doubts about receiving her return and if she couldn't try
to remove her doubts, I advised her to forget it.

Two months later I received another letter from the

stewardess. She said that her reason for wanting her
tenfold return was because she wished to have enough
money to visit her fiancé at the US Air Force at Wies-
baden, Germany. As a non-scheduled domestic airline


stewardess she didn't get reduced fares, which most air-

line employees have. She said that with one week's
meditation on the Principle of Seed Money--after she
had received my letter--she had become convinced that
the Law of Tenfold Return worked in Principle and that
she could apply that to attain her desired trip. She gave
ten dollars, following the formula properly in every
step, to her Church that Sunday. On the following
Wednesday she received an offer to take the place of a
MATS (Military Air Transportation Service) steward-
ess on a European flight--to Wiesbaden Germany.

Her tenfold return? She called her parents to tell them

of her new assignment. Her father told her that he had
just received the return of his income tax overpay-
ments. He sent her a gift of one hundred dollars for
extra spending money.

This is just one example of many deserving people who

give, and give, and give Seed Money, without really
believing they will ever get their return. They don't, un-
til they really believe that they will.

Do you think that you only may get your tenfold re-
turn? Or do you believe that you will get your tenfold

Some people have the same problem the stewardess

had, but in a different way. They give their Seed
Money to their church, believing they will receive their
return. Then a member of their family, a friend, a co-
worker or some other person scoffs at their belief.


Doubt creeps in. Their return is deflected, and the Law

appears not to work.

John Hoshor writes: “Can't you just see the bankers and
the economists holding up their hands in horror at Seed
Money? They will tell you its impossible!”

“You are welcome to believe them and lay this booklet

aside or give it to someone else. Or you can read it and
learn how SEED MONEY multiplies, why it multiplies
and by following the principles and methods set forth,
prove its truth and worth for yourself.”

“Incidentally, it has often been said, many times in-

aptly, that ‘The truth shall make you free.’ The only
truth that will make you free is the truth that you prove
for yourself. If you cannot prove something in your
own experience--if you cannot apply it and demonstrate
it in your daily life--whatever truth it is, or is not, will
not make you free.”

A housewife visited me with the complaint that her

husband didn't believe that the Seed Money Principle
really works. “He laughs and calls it a fool's gimmick,”
she said, “He keeps me from receiving my tenfold re-

I told her, “No one can prevent you from receiving

your tenfold return except you yourself. Your hus-
band's remarks cannot prevent your tenfold return
unless you yourself give them the permission and
power to do so.”


As Ernest Holmes wrote in his great book, THE

SCIENCE OF MIND, “Nothing can happen to us
unless is happens through us. That which we refuse
to accept to us cannot be, and that which to us ‘is’
cannot help becoming a reality in our lives.”

I asked her to remove the blocks caused by her accep-

tance of her husband's remarks by denying they had
any effect on her exercise of the infallible Principle of
Seed Money. I asked her to affirm that she and she
alone, puts the Power and Abundance of the Universe
into motion for her tenfold return.

I asked her, recognizing her great faith in the promises

of the Scriptures, to recite--as an addition to the Seed
Money process--when giving her Seed Money: “Surely,
blessing I will bless thee, and multiplying I will multi-
ply thee.” [Hebrews 6:14] So God promised. So is it
with Tenfold Return.

Six weeks later the housewife paid me another visit.

She was now practicing the Law of Tenfold Return
successfully. There was an interesting sequel. Her hus-
band, seeing his wife’s success with Seed Money--
despite his scoffing--secretly started applying the Seed
Money Principle himself. He finally, rather sheepishly
told his wife, “It works.” And it does work.

The Law of Tenfold Return does not only work here

and now, but forevermore in the future. The Law of
Tenfold Return has always worked throughout the
ages. John Hoshor writes:


“Long ago the prophet Malachi knew about SEED

MONEY. A prophet becomes a prophet because he is
inspired to rise to higher levels than most people and
thus can more clearly see things and know things for
what they really are.”

Malachi said: “Bring ye all the tithes into the store-

house, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove
me now herewith, saith the LORD of hosts, if I will not
open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a
blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive

In present day words Malachi's inspired statement

means that you should give your Seed Money to your
Church so that, as you freely give, so you shall freely
receive. And it will be proved NOW, declares the Law
of Tenfold Return, that the horn of Infinite Plenty shall
be opened and pour you such an Overflowing Abun-
dance of Good that you shall not have room enough to
consume it.

A man I know is in the printing business. He was one

of the printers of John Hoshor’s SEED MONEY. His
business had taken a turn for the worse. His printing
presses were idle more often than they were busy. His
overhead--rent, payroll, utilities, etc.--was pushing him
deeper and deeper into debt.

He asked me, “Does Seed Money really work?” I told

him, “Of course--when you follow the process faith-


fully, the Law of Tenfold Return always works. It's

simple CAUSE and EFFECT.”

“But can I receive as much as I need?” he asked.

“Nothing can limit what you receive except for the lim-
its you place on yourself,” I replied, “do you know the
Twenty-Third Psalm?”

“Yes,” he said.

I counseled, “Then remember David’s words: “Thou

preparest a table before me in the presence of mine
enemies; though anointest my head with oil; my cup
runneth over.” [Psalm 23:5] It doesn’t say could run-
neth; it says runneth. Isn't that definite? It doesn't say
half full. It doesn't say full. It says runneth over. Isn’t
more than enough, enough?”

“Yes,” the printer said. I could see that he understood.

Several months later I called him to order another five
thousand copies of SEED MONEY.

He said, “My business is running at more than capacity.

Even with overtime I can't keep up with the demand.
Thanks to Seed Money. But I’ll print the books for you
and Seed Money the overtime charges.”

This printer is now so prosperous that he spends three

months of every year in Florida--thanks to his under-
standing and practicing of the principle of Seed Money.


Do you demonstrate ten times one dollar, but fail at ten

times ten dollars or ten times one hundred dollars? Or,
do you know that the Law of Tenfold Return works
equally well on a thousand dollars as it does on a single

The only limitation on your return is caused by your-

self. As Dr. Raymond Charles Barker of First Church
of Religious Science in New York City says: “All cau-
sation is from your subconscious mind, and your
subconscious mind can be changed. You are the only
one who can change it.”

You alone can affect your reaping of your tenfold har-

vest--regardless of the amount of cash, valuables or
skill-effort involved, [by changing your behavior].

As John Hoshor says, “Were Malachi around today to

witness for us he would tell you that our $50 planted as
SEED MONEY and properly cultivated would cer-
tainly return us $500 and that other seed money sums
would return proportional harvests.” Jesus, too, was fo-
cused on seeding change, giving, giving, giving; and
He knew what the outcome would be.

As money is solely a medium of exchange, your ten-

fold return is not necessarily in the form of currency.
John Hoshor cited how a friend of his proved Malachi’s
promise--Malachi 3:10--with [an example of, of all
things] typewriters:


My friend Sigmund was studying to be a writer. He felt

that he could progress faster if he had a typewriter.
Sigmund asked me to help him demonstrate a type-
writer. I agreed and we started to work that night.

Although Sigmund had often been writing at his desk

when his landlady came to straighten up the apartment,
the very next morning she suggested that he go to the
basement and get the typewriter some folks who had
once lived there had left. She told Sigmund that he
might have the typewriter.

Sigmund phoned that day and gave me an account of

what had happened. He said, however, that the machine
was not new and that he had taken it to have it cleaned
and put in working order.

The following day Sigmund picked up the typewriter

and asked me to come and see it. I went to his place.
I'm quite certain that it was not the first typewriter ever
manufactured, but it could have been the second. The
two of us sat quietly and looked at it.

“Does it work?” I asked him.

Sigmund laughed and said, “It does, in a manner of


During the next few weeks the machine needed fixing

several times and Sigmund told me that he had finally
decided to leave it in the repair shop.


Soon after, I was called to Phoenix, Arizona where I

spent several months. When I returned to California I
went again to see Sigmund.

He asked, “Why don't we try the typewriter demonstra-

tion again?”

“What kind of machine do you want?”

Sigmund thought and answered, “It doesn't have to be

new but it should be a late model of a standard make
and also be in good working condition.”

I said, “All right, that's our pattern, a late model stan-

dard make in perfect working order.”

We both went to work on it that night.

It was three days before I spoke with Sigmund again.

He phoned and said that he had tried to reach me the
day before. I explained that I had been away on a busi-
ness appointment and asked what happened.

Sigmund said, “A friend of mine who’s been drafted

into the Army brought me a typewriter that is only
three months old. I once lent him my car to drive his
mother to Seattle and he said he didn't know when he'd
need the typewriter again, if ever, and he wanted me to
have it.”

I asked, “What kind of condition is it in?”


“Perfect,” was Sigmund's answer.

I said, “Fine.”

Sigmund said, “That’s not all. You remember my tell-

ing you about my friends who live across the street?”

“The ones for whom you mowed the lawn when the
man had his ankle broken?” I asked.

“The same. When I came back from the store this af-
ternoon, Mary--she's the wife--called me over. They are
going back East and have more than they can haul in
their car. They bought a typewriter a couple of years
ago when they tried out the mail order business at
home, but the business didn't prosper so they gave me
the machine. Mary said that they had been watching me
writing in longhand at my window and they wanted me
to have it. I couldn't refuse it so I brought it home with

I said, “Great. Is it in good condition too?”

Sigmund said that it was in perfect condition. Then I

pointed out to him that we had demonstrated two type-
writers. I heard him laughing over the phone.

I asked, “What are you laughing about?”

He answered, “I have three. This morning when I went

for the mail there was an almost new machine in front


of my apartment door with a typewritten note--This is a

gift--I thought that perhaps you had sent it.”

I told him, and I told him truthfully, “Sigmund, not

only did I not send it; I know nothing at all about it.”

Sigmund said, “We’d better turn it off. I don’t want to

go into the typewriter business.”

Since those years Sigmund has used the formula time

and again and is today a prosperous writer and lecturer
on the subject.

The demonstration of Sigmund's typewriters is an illus-

tration of but one of many articles of value received in
accordance with the Law of Tenfold Return. When my
wife was approaching the time of the birth of our first
child, we moved from Manhattan to an apartment in
Kew Gardens. Our child was still to be delivered in the
hospital in Manhattan where we had already made ar-

It was a wintry January in New York, and we didn't

have a car. We applied the Law of Tenfold Return to
demonstrate transportation for the day when our baby
would arrive.

Although on the day when my wife had to go to the

hospital the weather was so bad that that most people
could not find a taxi--we had not one, not two, but three
vehicles to take us to the hospital.


Leo and Olga, a couple we know, were there with their

car. Another friend, Pete, dropped by with his car. And
a taxi I had called also arrived.

I gave the taxi to some people who couldn't locate a

cab. The taxi-driver was surprised when I put a dollar
in his hand anyway. He didn't know that it was Seed

Olga and Leo drove us to the hospital in Manhattan.

Pete asked if he could drive my wife and the baby back
to Queens on the day when they would be released
from the hospital. Little did he know that the ten dollars
in taxi fares, which he would save us, represented ten-
fold return of the dollar I had given to the driver of the

The day came when my wife and new baby daughter

were released from the hospital. It was also the day af-
ter a big snow-storm. Pete's car was snowed under--we
had no shovel to dig out the wheels.

I started an Affirmation. I had hardly finished when

seemingly from nowhere a very small boy carrying a
very large shovel appeared. He had been shoveling
sidewalks and had noticed our plight. In no time the car
was free from the snow and ice and we were on our
way to Manhattan.

The Law of Tenfold Return can fulfill every desire. It is

not limited by price. It is not limited by lack. As John
Hoshor wrote: “The resources of the Infinite are Infi-


nite, and every human being [--human being defined as

a physical will be directed by an Infinite Spirit--] has
direct access to these resources.”

Jesus knew about SEED MONEY and how to multiply

it. He referred to it more than a few times and with the
loaves and fishes demonstrated it with great success be-
fore a huge throng of people. [Each person receiving a
piece of fish or loaf broke off a small piece and passed
the remainder on.]

In the parable of the talents Jesus told about three men.

One had been given one talent, another had been given
two talents and the third had been given five talents.

A Roman talent was a denomination of money ap-

proximately equivalent to $500 [in U.S. 1960's

The man who had the two talents doubled his, as did
the man who had the five talents. They were each
commended and promised: “Thou has been faithful
over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many
things” [Matt 25:21 & 23]. In effect, this was saying
that the principle they had applied could be used over
and over again ad infinitum, that it was Unlimited in its

The man who had one talent did not multiply it but in-
stead buried it in the ground. He was reprimanded and
told that his one talent would be taken from him.


Use part of your money as SEED MONEY and you

will become prosperous--enough.

In the parable of the talents Jesus illustrated why many

people fail even today in their attempts to practice the
Principle of Seed Money.

The man with the one talent--who failed to increase it--

explained: “I was afraid, and went and hid thy talent in
the earth.”

Many people who sometimes attempt to work the Law

of Tenfold Return fail through fear--created and per-
petuated only by themselves. The Law of Tenfold
Return is only the orderly working of God in our
minds, our bodies, and our affairs. In United States dol-
lar bills is written, ‘IN GOD WE TRUST’--very good

Those who do not receive their tenfold return because

of fear that it will be lost, lose their money as surely as
the man who buried his talent in the ground ultimately
lost his [to God's Judgment that he manifest NO
TRUST]. In trusting God one cannot fear--and the
Principle of Seed Money demands absolute trust in
God--Omniscience, Omnipotence, and Omnipresence.

A doctor wrote to me that he could see the scientific

basis of the Principle of Seed Money in harmony with
the fundamental One Law of the Universe--but he
couldn’t overcome the gnawing fear that his Seed
Money would be lost.


I wrote him what Job had said: “For the thing which I
greatly feared is come upon me, and that which I was
afraid of is come unto me” [Job 3:25].

I told him that the Law of Tenfold Return knows no

evil. If one fears that he will lose what he has, he will
surely lose what he has, for his thoughts of fear express
what he wants.

The doctor realized the boomerang caused by his fear--

one that had cost him not only his tenfold return, but
had caused him a tenfold loss. He saw the truth in Je-
sus' words: “For unto every one that hath shall be
given, and he shall have abundance: but from him that
hath not shall be taken away even that which he hath”
[Matt 25:29].

Today the doctor has banished the word ‘fear’ from his
vocabulary. Through the Principle of Seed Money he
has built up a flourishing and satisfying practice. He
gives a copy of SEED MONEY to every new patient.

John Hoshor put it: “Fail to use money as SEED

MONEY and you will remain or become needy.” Why?
Because the needs of Life are forever eating up your
Substance, your earnings, your capital. These must be
constantly replenished and extended--renewed--just as
you have to forever renew your Breath of Life.

A very small percentage of our population today uses

the Law of Seed Money in one form or another. These
are the rich, and especially, the very rich. Yet, perhaps


one in ten thousand of these few use the Seed Money

Principle consciously, knowing what they are doing.
The others have conditioned themselves to follow cer-
tain business practices, some of which are not contrary
to the Law of Seed Money and which, part of the time
at least, are harmonious with that Law. Their financial
success is in direct proportion to how closely they fol-
low that Law.

It should go without saying that success will be greater

where one practices the Seed Money principle con-
sciously and constantly than where one uses it only
spasmodically and accidentally.

A typical business operation in harmony with The Law

of SEED MONEY might be as follows: A man gets an
idea for a new product which will confer benefit upon
those who buy it. He takes the idea to a friend. They
study it and agree that people will buy it and be pleased
with having and using it. They also agree it will require
X dollars to develop and market the product. They cal-
culate that they can sell the item in volume and
estimate that they can profit to the extent of ten times
the X dollars they must invest in it. So they go into
business, follow their agreed-upon course and make the

Details will differ in every case but the foregoing op-

erational procedure is that utilized in almost every
successful business venture.


A man telephoned from the South. He said that he was

down to his last two hundred dollars. The only other
thing he owned was some worthless land on the out-
skirts of his town. He had no prospects of any income.

I told him that “the earth is full of the goodness of the

Lord” [Psalm 33:5]. This doesn't mean that the earth is
empty of good, nor only half full of good. It means that
the earth is full of good.

When you have a full dozen eggs you don't have six,
you don't eleven--you have twelve, the full dozen. Our
good is exactly the same. With God there is no short-

But your supply is only equal to your demand, and it is

up to you to make your own demand on the Infinite.
There is no lack of supply, only a lack of demand.
You have to claim what you want, not what you
don't want.

When you plant your Seed Money and claim ‘weeds’--

you can't expect to receive a harvest of abundance of
anything but ‘weeds.’

A little tree in Canada serves as a fine example.

The Jack Pine was once a ‘weed.’ It was not only too
small to use for lumber, but a substance within its cel-
lular structure prevented its use for pulp in the
manufacture of paper. Jack Pine was considered a ‘true
weed,’ with little present value and none foreseeable.


Millions of acres of Jack Pine were considered waste-

land--an area larger than the State of Connecticut.

But men of a paper company in Michigan believed

“that a weed is merely a plant for which man has not
yet found a use.” They did what others considered im-
possible. They found an economical way to remove the
substance contained in Jack Pine’s cellular structure,
which had prevented its use for paper pulp.

As a result, this firm is now making a beautiful, high-

quality paper out of Jack Pine--employing many thou-
sands of working people in this work.

Those who claimed nothing from Jack Pine--received

nothing. Those who planted their seeds, believing in
their own success--reaped the harvest.

I told the Southerner that he must not try to select a

specific channel for the transmission of his return to
him, that correct use of the Seed Money formula leaves
the means of providing the tenfold return to its ultimate
source, God.

As Eric Butterworth of the Unity Center in New York

affirms in his book, “Unity, A Quest for Truth”: “God
is my All-Sufficient Resource. He is my Instant, Con-
stant and Abundant Supply.”

Dr. Butterworth explains: “God is my supply, every-

where evenly present, and as immediately available as
the air I breathe. The moment a need arises in my life,


God's infinite substance is immediately at hand to fill

it. I am a child of God, and it is right and good that I
manifest abundance. As God’s child, I have been given
the wisdom and intelligence to bring into expression all
that is needed for my well-being and comfort. God in-
spires me with good judgment in handling the supply
that is already mine, and opens the way to greater good,
greater blessings, greater opportunities.”

I asked the Southerner to reflect on this when he won-

dered about the source of his tenfold return. He
promised to do so.

Nearly a month later I heard from him again. The Sun-

day after I had talked with him he had given a check
for his entire two hundred dollars to a home for or-
phans, absolutely sure of his tenfold return because he
was following the command to care for the orphaned
and poor.

The next day he was visited by a newcomer to town.

The newcomer told him that the town needed a driving
range for its many avid golfers. He told the Southerner
that his ‘worthless’ land on the outskirts of town was
ideal for that purpose. He offered to lease the property,
put up the capital to build the driving range, and pay
him a percentage of the gross receipts.

The Southerner received a down payment of two thou-

sand dollars--ten times his gift--and subsequently will
make a comfortable living from his share of the pro-


ceeds from the driving range so long as he continues to

provide SEED MONEY in his community.

His prosperity is only a very small sample of what can

be received through the practice of the Principle of
Seed Money. The Law of Tenfold Return can make
you, as it says in the line from the song, Pennies from
Heaven—‘as rich as Rockefeller.’ John Hoshor wrote:
“The greatest fortune the world ever saw until recently
in private hands was amassed by a man who thoroughly
knew, understood and constantly used the Law of
Seed Money.”

The first John D. Rockefeller, through his long life, put

his full trust in that Law. Whether in his early days
when he gave frugally but regularly to his Church or in
his middle and later years when his foundations were
giving many millions to better the world, Rockefeller
always envisioned the many times multiplication of his
gifts returning to him.

And they did. How they did.

Rockefeller knew the truth of the early Biblical prom-

ise, ‘all the land thou seest shall be yours.’ He laid his
claim on the Infinite and accepted possession. It came
to him. The Law always works; it's just people who
fail to apply it, that fail.

Rockefeller kept his secret a secret. He taught only his

family, and the Principle of Seed Money is still work-
ing full time for those Rockefellers who still apply it.


The world regarded the elder Rockefeller's practice of

giving a new dime to everyone he met as a rich man's
idiosyncrasy, but to Rockefeller it was a deeply reli-
gious and significant act, each gift another opportunity
to multiply his return. Selfish? Greedy? Do not believe
it. Here was a man in love with the Law, thoroughly
and all-absorbingly in love with the Law. He embraced
the Law and it gave, flooding Abundance over him al-
most beyond human power to count. [Notice, Bill
Gates operates similarly--giving huge amounts away as
seed money constantly--to restore his supply, at last
count, 42 BILLION.]

Van Loon in his Life of Rembrandt paints a scene

where the bailiffs are moving out the artist's stove and
other furniture. In one corner of the hut his wife is ly-
ing on a pallet of straw dying of consumption
[tuberculosis]. And what is Rembrandt doing? Standing
in another corner of the hut painting. As Rembrandt
was in love with painting, the first John D. was in love
with making the Law of Seed Money work for him.

History has recorded John D. Rockefeller’s practice of

Seed Money, which he started at the earliest age. Be-
fore he had reached twenty-one he was giving $1.80
per month to his church--out of a salary of only $3.50
per week.

John D. Rockefeller, Jr., gave us an affirmation of his

father's adherence to the Law: “I have been brought up
to believe, and the conviction only grows upon me, that


giving ought to be entered into in just the same careful

way as investing.”

He also revealed that his family did not accumulate its

vast wealth for purely money’s sake--a negation of the
Law--for “Money itself is lifeless, impotent, sterile . . .
but man with his brain, brawn and imagination, using
money as servant, may feed the hungry, cure the dis-
eased, make the desert places bloom and bring beauty
into life.”

“I believe in an all-wise and all-loving God, named by

whatever name, and that the individual’s highest ful-
fillment, greatest happiness and widest usefulness are
to be found in living in harmony with His Will.”

John Hoshor cites other notable large-scale beneficiar-

ies of the Law of Tenfold Return:

“Andrew Carnegie, Julius Rosenwald and Andrew

Mellon all knew the Law of Seed Money and practiced
it throughout long and extremely prosperous lives. Not
only did the gifts of these men enrich the entire world
of their day, but they also multiplied personal wealth
and opportunities of many others--because each of
them personally learned how to claim the multiplied
return of his gifts, and constantly did so claim.”

It was Andrew Carnegie who revealed that the truly

great fortunes were not received through the worship of
money for money’s sake. He said that there is “no idol
more debasing than the worship of money.” Andrew


Carnegie gave and received in his lifetime [1835-1919]

$350,000,000, today the equivalent of $35 billion.

It was Julius Rosenwalk who revealed that the truly

great fortunes were not received through hoarding, but
through circulating money--giving money freely and
receiving back whatever came. He said: “I believe that
under no circumstances should funds be held in perpe-
tuity.” Julius Rosenwald gave and received in his
lifetime [1862-1932] more than $60,000,000 [today: $6
billion or more].

Andrew Mellon [1855-1937] although he was a public

figure--he served for a time as U.S. Secretary of the
Treasury--was one of the most secretive of the great
practitioners of the Principle of Seed Money. He knew
that no thoughts of others could possibly get into his
mind to interrupt his application of the Law if no one
knew of his system to multiply his wealth. Thus, An-
drew Mellon burned the notes of small debtors at
Christmastime and gave away his money in large bun-
dles with the greatest of secrecy. It is said that he gave
and received in his lifetime in excess of one billion dol-
lars [equivalent to 100 billion today].

Some of the money these very wealthy practitioners of

the Principle of Seed Money gave was in the form of
the Biblical tithe. But the bulk of the money given was
not ten percent of what had long been received--but ten
percent of what was actually received in the conscious-
ness of these men. That was how the money multiplied,


through these men’s growing understanding of, ‘what-

soever a man soweth, that shall he also reap,’ the better
as well as the bitter.

Money isn't ALL that is reaped. Neither is ‘nice

things.’ Relationships are embraced or shunned, by giv-
ing or not giving: of hospitality, acknowledgment and
recognition, of positive expectations or negative expec-

Six hundred years before Jesus’ Great Ministry, the

Buddha in India also taught among his sayings: “As we
sow, so shall we reap.” This Law, unlike the customary
or usual Tithe, is not restricted in its Universality nor
cultural application. Desert nomads and Inuit tribe’s
people depend on the Law of Ten applied to hospital-
ity, for their very survival.

John Hoshor says of the Tithe, “Practically everyone

knows about the tithe.” The tithe meant that one-tenth
of the person's income belonged to the Church. It was,
in effect, a payment due--a thanks-giving. More than a
few are reported to have used the tithe and to have be-
come highly prosperous doing so--in Calvinistic

There is a distinct difference between the Tithe and

Seed Money. The Title is a gift after you have made
the income. Seed Money is a gift in order to claim a
tenfold return. Seed Money applies the Law directly,
and therefore, much more effectively. In utilizing the
Seed Money Principle you are saying in effect: “Here's


the SEED I plant. Here’s the investment I make with

God. Here's the money with which I bless my fellow
beings. I claim my tenfold return. I am drawing on my
Unlimited account with the Infinite.”

An elderly lady asked me, “Why do I have to run so

hard to stay in the same place? I've given my tithe for
forty years.”

I told her that many people have become prosperous

through use of the Tithe--but generally through their
conscious understanding of its direct effect on their fi-
nancial well-being. I suggested that she continued her
tithing, but add recognition that as she freely gives, so
shall she freely receive. I gave her a copy of SEED

The Seed Money Principle changed this lady’s life. She

grasped it with the greatest of ease. Now she circulates
an ever-increasing amount of money in her life. She not
only helps many people--but at the same time she now
can afford many luxuries she had once denied herself.

Another man I know was up to his ears in debt. He

never seemed to be able to catch up with his bills. I
showed him these passages in SEED MONEY:

“Paying debts is one of the primary requisites to be-

coming prosperous. Some may think that they can
achieve prosperity by never paying anyone. This is
contrary to the Law and simply will not work. Some-
thing for nothing is always nothing. You must either


pay as you go or pay later with interest compounded.

The best practice for prosperity is to pay your debts be-
fore they are due, insofar as it is possible, and so keep
them out of your consciousness.”

The man said, “That’s very true--but I’m in a situation

where that amounts to advice to close the barn door af-
ter the cow has been taken. I sow my Seed Money, but
the only return I’ve been getting is more harassment
from my creditors.”

I told him that apparently his resentments toward his

creditors and inner guilt were blocking his tenfold re-
turn. Resentment is the same as a boulder blocking a
highway--if you don’t remove the boulder once and for
all, it will roll back and impede your way again. The
prophet Jeremiah recorded this wonderful statement: “I
will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their
sin no more.” You must forgive your creditors and
forget their resentments toward them.

And it is also important that you forgive yourself--you

cannot really forgive others without forgiving yourself.
Nor can you really forgive yourself without forgiving
others. The Lord’s Prayer makes this very clear: “And
forgive us our sins [or debts] as we forgive those that
sin [or are indebted] against us” [Jer. 31:34; Luke

This man gradually understood the message. He has

cast aside resentment toward his creditors; he has
ceased his self-condemnation. Now, through the Law


of Tenfold Return, he is almost completely out of debt

[because he sat down and worked out a way to settle or
pay off his debts that was agreeable to everyone].

Because of his great need, this man had asked: “Why

can’t I demonstrate more than ten times my Seed

I read to him from John Hoshor's SEED MONEY:

“Why tenfold and not eleven-fold or twenty-fold or
thirty-fivefold or a million-fold? . . . Simply because
the number 10 is the easiest of all to multiply by. You
merely add a zero to the figure with which you begin.
The zero is symbolic, meaning that it is nothing to the
Infinite to send you your multiplied return that to the
Infinite is less than the air you breathe.”

“Why not a millionfold?”

Because you must be able to conceive yourself as

having the amount you claim. In fact, you must
imagine that you already have it.

Let us say we plant--give--$50 in accordance with the

Law of Seed Money and lay our claim on the Infinite
for $50,000,000 in return. Then we begin to wonder
where all that money is coming from. We begin to
doubt. The doubt shuts off our return, creates a block. It
will be the doubt that we demonstrate, not the cash. So
the proper method is to start the process of giving--
planting--but plant no more than you can conceive


yourself as receiving in return tenfold. Then lay posi-

tive claim to that much, and only that much.

This man came to understand the answer to his ques-

tion from that. Others needed a more detailed

One such young man said: “The Law knows no limita-

tion. If I can visualize one hundred or one thousand or
one millionfold return on my Seed Money, why can’t I
do it?”

I answered, “If you can visualize such a return--and

hold it unwaveringly--you can do it. Jesus said: “If you
have faith, and doubt not, ye shall not only do this
which is done to the fig tree, but also if ye shall say
unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast
into the sea; it shall be done” [Matt 21:21]. If any doubt
seeps into your faith in your return, it will not come.”

A Tenfold Return is a demonstration within the con-

sciousness of practically everyone. For example, most
people can conceive of having ten times as much
money as they now have in their pocket. Most people
also have difficulty in conceiving of a greater multipli-
cation at one time. There is where doubt arises. One
can reach the same goal progressively--without the
strain, which causes doubt.

Surely it is possible to demonstrate a larger than tenfold

return. But keep in mind that even Jesus, the Christ
Spirit incarnate, did not walk on water all the time.


In this way the young man learned the hidden wisdom

in moderation and realistic goals.

A young lady had a more basic problem--one which

prevented her tenfold return before she had even
planted her Seed Money. She lacked gratitude; she
never gave thanks for anything.

As John Hoshor writes: “The full figure of your return,

however, is and must be important to you--important
enough to call forth from you a full hearted thankful-
ness as well as the necessary mental work. Gratitude
is the open door to Abundance. It helps to shorten the
time required for your demonstration. Chemists tell us
that for each ten degrees’ increase in temperature, the
speed of a chemical reaction doubles. So add the
warmth of thankfulness, of gratitude, to your Seed
Money formula--all along the line.”

Gratitude is an indispensable catalyst in the work-

ing of the Law of Tenfold Return.

I asked the young lady if she knew of the custom of

saying Grace before meals.

She replied that she did.

“In saying Grace,” I told her, “you are giving thanks to

God before the object of the thanks has been received--
and as if it had already been received.”


The sowing of Seed Money and the reaping of its har-

vest of multiplied return is exactly the same. Before we
can expect more, we must give thanks for that which
we already have.

Everything is in its Source, from God, what we have

already received and what we are receiving [at present
through the Law of Tenfold Return] as well as what we
are going to receive in the future by the promise of
Grace; for ‘of Him and through Him and to Him are all
things’ [Rom 11:36].

By giving thanks for what we already have--including

that part which we are giving as Seed Money--we assist
in expanding our Seed Money to its full tenfold return.

Dr. Ervin Seale of the Church of the Truth, New York,

says: “Expansion is the law of life.” And Gratitude is
an absolutely necessary part of expressing the value
and direction that Life is taking.

When the young lady learned of this--and consciously

expressed gratitude in every area of her life of which
she was consciously aware--she began to see results
from working the Law of Tenfold Return.

So many people--not yet understanding that as God is

Substance, so God is also the Source of the Tenfold Re-
turn--they omitted God in their attempts to practice
Seed Money. They have not been keeping their eye
upon the doughnut; but upon the hole.


God is Infinite everything, not limited nothingness.

These truths have seemed to create a paradox for some,

who rationalize that a specific Tenfold Return is noth-
ing but a limitation. This is not the case. As SEED
MONEY says: “You may be told by someone that lay-
ing claim to a specific amount limits you. This is not
the Law. Claiming a specific amount makes the dem-
onstration both easier and more rapid. Actually, you do
not limit yourself by making a claim for a specific
amount because you can apply and re-apply the princi-
ple an endless number of times either in succession or

A practitioner worked the Principle of Seed Money and

invariably received her Tenfold Return on Seed Money
she had sown both in succession and concurrently. She
could conceive of each gift's tenfold return without in-
terference with the return on other gifts. Most people,
however, find it easier to practice the Law of Tenfold
Return in succession.

Because of subtle negative thoughts, which seem to

originate with many people when they have ‘many
irons in the fire,’ it is recommended that they, at first,
sow their Seed Money in succession. Then each tenfold
return helps to fortify faith in the next.

One of the doubts that may arrive especially in concur-

rent Seed Money harvesting is that regarding Source.
This doubt also arises in single Seed Money demon-
strations when the individual does not have firmly


fixed in his consciousness that God is the Source of his

Supply and that the words of Jesus, “Father, I thank
thee that thou has heard me. And I knew that thou
hearest me always” [John 11:41, 42] are as equally true
today as they were in Palestine nearly two thousand
years ago.

As John Hoshor said: “Do not pay the slightest atten-

tion to WHERE your return is coming from. That is
neither your work nor your responsibility. The Infinite-
-God--takes care of both the means and the manner.
Your work is to claim the tenfold return of your gift
and to leave all constructive ways open for it to reach

“Seed Money return is EXPECTED money return. The

means by which it comes to you and the manner in
which it comes to you may be unexpected--more than
likely it will be unexpected--but the return itself is

Because the way and manner of your tenfold return is

generally unexpected, some people do not recognize
their tenfold return, even when they have received it.

A part-time typist worked one day a week for a leading

metropolitan newspaper. Her workday at the paper was
Friday. One Friday she received from a friend a copy of
SEED MONEY. That Sunday she made a special Seed
Money donation to her church.


On the next Thursday she told the man in the newspa-

per office who had given her the booklet: “Seed Money
doesn't work. I still haven't received my return--
although I believed 100%.”

He questioned her: ‘But why are you working today--

and also yesterday--when your only workday here is on

“Oh,” she replied. “I'm replacing a regular typist who

went away on a short trip.”

“Let me call the personnel office and see why you were
picked for the extra work,” the man said, who had
given her the SEED MONEY booklet. Five minutes
later he told the temporary typist: “Personnel said there
was no special reason for giving you the extra assign-
ment--when the girl opened the page to the list of their
qualified part-time typists her finger just fell by your

The typist's face suddenly glowed: “Oh, I did get my

Tenfold Return after all. It is returned to me through
the two unexpected extra days of work here--doing
what I most enjoy doing.”

She had received her tenfold return before she had

given up. Some people always give up before they get
their return because they set a time limitation when
they plant their Seed Money. That is a great mistake.


A long time ago a Latin American public official kept

me waiting for several hours after the appointment was
due. When he finally arrived I said rather crossly:
“Aren’t any of you Latin Americans ever on time?”

He replied, smilingly, “No, but we don’t have ulcers.”

Ulcers, as medical science shows, are caused by worry,

and time limitations, which we ourselves set and give
power to create most worries. Worry about man’s
measurement called time can be halted by the realiza-
tion that God knows but one unit of time--NOW. It is
said that ‘tomorrow never comes.’ This is perfectly
true, for when tomorrow is here it is no longer tomor-
row--but today.

A woman who owned a gift shop repeatedly planted

Seed Money and repeatedly failed to receive her ten-
fold return. She couldn't understand it for, she said: “I
know that the Principle of Seed Money works. Why
doesn’t it work for me?”

We analyzed her problem. She always said: “I have

received X dollars (tenfold the expect sum given) in
return, with good to all concerned. Thank you. Thank
you. Thank you.”

After talking it out, we found that she always [in the

back of her mind] added a future date for her return--
whether for one day or one week later--which negated
her statement that she had received the return.


I told her that we find the Promise in the Book of the

prophet Isaiah, “And it shall come to pass, that before
they call, I will answer; and while they are yet speak-
ing, I will hear” [Isaiah 65:24].

When we give our Seed Money and claim our return

we must KNOW that our tenfold return has
ALREADY been made. Any thoughts that the return
will only be made in the future will postpone our return

The gift shop owner saw her error--dissolved all

thoughts of time limitation and thanked God for her re-
turn NOW. And then she began working the Principle
of Seed Money successfully.

SEED MONEY answers the question, “How long will

it take? --There is no time in the Infinite. Time is a hu-
man concept. Do your work faithfully and go happily
about your normal business. As certainly as the day
will dawn on the morrow your effort will be rewarded.”

John Hoshor wrote: “There is an after-the-fact tech-

nique that invariably helps shorten the time required for
the Law’s demonstration. It aids in registering the pat-
tern clearly in your consciousness.”

“Imagine that you have the return in hand. That much

you must do. Then, to that add the mental picture of
exactly what you are going to do with the return. If you
intend to spend it, see yourself obtaining exactly what


you want and using it. Go through the details of what-

ever is its function several times.”

“Or, it may be that you are going to put the Seed

Money return to yet another investment. Carry out the
investment in your mind. ... Or, imagine yourself send-
ing a check to your church or to a favorite social
service organization as the next SEED MONEY step in
establishing stability.”

I know a businessman who could not succeed at the

Law of Tenfold Return because of his mental attitude
of lack. As I explained to him:

“A good gardener does not only cultivate flowers--he

cultivates SOIL. Thoughts, which you are always send-
ing out, compose the soil of your life. If you are
constantly projecting thoughts of lack you will have
barren soil. If you project thoughts of plenty your soil
will be rich in the humus of Sufficiency, and it is that
soil in which your Seed Money grows.”

Jesus tells us that in the parable of the sower: “Behold,

a sower went forth to show: And when he sowed, some
seeds fell by the wayside, and the birds came and de-
voured them up; some fell upon stony places where
they had not much earth; and forthwith they sprung up
because they had no deepness of earth; but when the
sun was up they were scorched; and because they had
no root, they withered away.”


“And some fell among thorns; and the thorns sprung

up, and choked them; but other fell onto good ground,
and brought forth fruit, some an hundredfold, some six-
tyfold, some thirtyfold” [Matt 13:3-8].

The businessman said, “True, but how can I prepare

my soil?”

And I quoted: “All [thought] is an action of the con-

scious on the subconscious. Money is God’s idea of
circulation. This idea I now accept as the basis of all
my financial affairs. Money is God’s activity, that it
does good when it serves need. I use it with wisdom; I
release it with joy; I send it forth without fear for I
know that under Divine Law it comes back to me”
[quote from Dr. Ray C. Barker, in “Money is God In

The businessman put these ideas into practice and was

soon able to reap abundant harvests from his Seed
Money, as the others had.

It is very important for us all to get out of our mental

patterns of poverty, to realize that, as God knows no
lack, neither do we.

John Hoshor writes: “The Law is there for you to use

just as air is there for you to breathe. Would you
choose to spend your life without fresh air? In an oxy-
gen-deprived, smoke-filled room or in an area
constantly saturated with smog? Such conditions take
their toll in life and health for those who choose them


or who permit themselves to live in such surroundings.

Similarly, those who are ignorant of the Law of Seed
Money and how it works suffer with unfulfilled needs,
from the lack of many of the desirable experiences of
life which in our day require money to purchase.”

The cost of living, at or near a record high, continues to

mount. Rents, mortgages and taxes are the highest ever
and are still increasing. Food has never been costlier,
nor of poor quality in general. Today all children must
be college-educated to compete in their generation suc-
cessfully. Wage and salary increases do not solve this
problem. Other and greater Sources of income, trade,
barter and exchange are needed.

The saying that the rich get richer has never been truer.
Or that the poor get poorer. The reasons for both are
fundamental. ‘Gummint’ favors the rich, who daily ap-
ply the Law although, may not be aware of it. This is
why Jesus spoke to the Rich and instructed them to
give away their money. They have a surplus above
their living needs that makes it unnecessary to pay any
more than casual attention to those needs. So they do
not multiply NEEDS in their consciousness--not theirs
nor anyone else's. They live surrounded by riches and
the evidence of riches.

“Blessed are the poor in spirit because they will be

filled,” makes no sense to the rich. The Law always
works. The direction in which it works depends solely
upon the contents of an individual's consciousness.


Multiplying needs, one is poor. Multiplying from one

Source and giving away the excess, one remains con-
scious of need and is able to assist those overwhelmed
by need. But multiplying riches alone merely leaves an
individual insensate; so use the Law of Ten with discre-
tion and not with obsessions around obtaining and
acquiring, for the purpose of hoarding.

The poor are constantly thinking and talking about their

needs. Yet, the Universal Law of Life is that upon
which you focus your attention--THAT is what you at-
tract into your life and experience.

The individual’s only relief from poverty is to get him-

self out of the vicious cycle of thinking of need and
poverty and stop focusing on these, and instead focus
on sharing, giving and being willing to receive.

One woman said, “I can never even start to practice

Seed Money because I can’t even plant any--I never
have enough money to spare. I’m too far behind.”

I advised her to open her Bible to Proverbs, Chapter 11

and then read verse 24. She read: “There exists the one
that is scattering and yet is being increased; also the
one that is keeping back from what is right, but it re-
sults only in want.”

In other words, there are those who circulate that which

they have, and what they have increases; and there are
those who hold fast to every penny they have, and they
reduce their own options.


This verse from scripture changed her way of thinking.

It made her realize WHY she had been unable to in-
crease what she had. She has become an ardent
follower of the Law of Tenfold Return.

John Hoshor gave another example of how he helped

someone to thrive through the principle of Seed

“A man I know by the name of Sheldon found a way


“This man had many ups and downs. He was twice a

millionaire, both times when a million dollars was a lot
of money. Some months ago Sheldon's business failed.
The immediate cause was a bad credit loss. Yet he
knew there was a deeper cause.”

I suggested to Sheldon the John D. Rockefeller tech-

nique of giving. When he answered that he had given
not thousands, but hundreds of thousands, of dollars
away I knew that he spoke the Truth. Sheldon has
never been known to refuse a request for help. I ex-
plained to him that although giving was necessary, just
giving was not enough, that one can easily go bank-
rupt giving without return.

He listened for an hour as I outlined the principles in-

volved in Seed Money to him.

Sheldon asked, “With what do I start? I’m flat broke.”


Actually he had $3 in his pocket. On my advice he ex-

changed his $3 for 300 new pennies and started giving
them out one at a time. I received the first one. Each
time he gave a penny he would multiply it in his con-
sciousness and see the multiplied return as having been
made to him. The same evening, before he had given
out all of his pennies, a long forgotten creditor came to
his home and paid him $12 on an old bill.

On my advice Sheldon went again to the bank and this

time brought back 200 new nickels. Again he started
giving them away, one at a time, each time following
the Seed Money technique. Within three days he was
called in as consultant on a marketing problem and re-
ceived $250 for a half day's work.

Still working the Seed Money formula, this time he be-

gan with $100 worth of new quarters. While he was
busy giving these out and multiplying and claiming his
return, two friends contacted him and offered to finance
him in a new business venture. All the capital he
needed was placed at his disposal.

Sheldon came to my apartment and we talked over the


He said, “Although I have been in business in New

York City for forty years, actually, like Moses, I have
been wandering in the wilderness. Never before have I
known what I was doing.”


He insisted that he would not have any more ‘downs’

in his life because he had learned the Seed Money for-
mula and practiced it; and it worked. He still gives but
now he multiplies and claims his tenfold return, and his
new business is prospering mightily.

We have seen that just giving is not enough to work the

Law of Tenfold Return, but ‘Why is giving necessary?’

John Hoshor says, “The farmer who wants a crop must

give to the earth--must sow or plant the seed--otherwise
he will harvest only the weeds that happen to grow.”
When you were born the first thing the doctor did was
to hold you up by the heels and smack your little bot-
tom. You gave out with a squawk and that started your
breathing. Breathing itself is both a giving and a receiv-
ing. So is your very life; for discontinue either exhaling
or inhaling and your life is over.

When you want the lights on, you flick the switch that
opens the circuit and begins the flow of current. The
entire Universe is a series of energy circuits--from the
earth and other planets in their orbits to the particles of
the atom in their orbits. Shut off the flow anywhere
along the line and the result is emptiness.

In James Stephens’s classic, “The Crock of Gold,” he

observes, “You must be fit to give before you can be fit
to receive. The plain and simple truth is that you must
start giving before you can start receiving. This is
the kind of Universe in which we live.”


A secretary couldn’t understand why prayer alone with-

out giving Seed Money wouldn't work. I told her that
Prayer with Thanksgiving are complementary essen-
tials, for “in every thing by prayer and supplication
with thanksgiving let your request be made known unto
God” [Philippians 4:6]. The gift itself not only subcon-
sciously sets in motion a cycle of ever-increasing
energy (which returns to you in your tenfold return) but
it also serves to fix firmly in your mind the image of
the desired return.

The story of the great prophet Elijah and the widow of

Zarephath, where the widow’s scant food supply multi-
plied so that she and the Prophet Elijah, “and her house
did eat many days” [1 Kings 17:10-16] proves this

As Dr. Henry M. Ellis writes, “As Elijah proved, an act

of faith, evidenced by giving, is prerequisite to receiv-

The importance of the doing--of actually giving--is

shown not only in the Old and New Testaments, but in
other religious works through the ages. In the Koran,
the Holy Book of Islam, we find: “He that doeth good
Shall have ten times As much to his credit” [Sura VI:

Omitting the actual sowing of Seed Money in the Law

of Tenfold Return is the same as sewing without
thread--you make a lot of motions, but you don't get


The secretary accepted this, and with some further help

was able to practice of the Law of Tenfold Return. She
was more fortunate than a man who, receiving a SEED
MONEY booklet complained that he had not a penny
to his name--he had spent his last fifteen cents on a bis-

I turned his booklet to the page in SEED MONEY

where it says, “How can I give when I don’t have any
money?” Then you must start with your muscles, with
labor and the sweat of thy brow until you have received
some of the currency of the realm. Then start giving it
and claiming the multiplication of the tenfold return
back to yourself. Continue this as you continue breath-
ing and soon you will be prosperous and surrounded by

Actually, no one ever achieved security working either

at labor or at a white-collar job. Those who experience
Freedom are those who organize their minds for self-
sufficiency, who direct employees on the one hand and
who direct their multiplied claims to the Infinite on the
other. As a matter of fact, you do not need to hire any-
one to become rich-in-freedom, provided you know the
Seed Money technique and use it patiently and persis-
tently. Likewise, you can be an employee, and by using
the Seed Money formula constantly in your life you can
become more self-reliant than your employer, if he
were to fail to use the formula himself.


In truth, when people only want money and the power

that derives from money, you know and I know they
get handed over to Satan and all sorts of temptations, to
learn how to place limits on their appetites. So, let's not
use the word ‘Rich’ as a goal or objective because that
word implies excess. Let’s plan to get off the train at
the stop called ‘Self-Sufficiency.’

The ‘down-and-out’ man asked, “Who would hire

me?” And I said, “We have some packages to take to
the Post Office right now. You can Seed Money your
labor and I will give you ten dollars besides.”

He cried out, “What? Manual labor? Me? Never.” And

he ran from the office leaving his SEED MONEY
booklet behind. I tried to catch him; but he had gotten
into the elevator before I was able to do so.

This man had counted himself ‘down-and-out.’ He will

not get up off the canvas until he realizes that the Law
of Tenfold Return decrees that ten times something is
that something multiplied by ten. Ten times nothing,
however, is still nothing.

An engineer understood this perfectly. He saw that the

Law of Tenfold Return was based upon a perfectly
logical working of the Power of the Tithe and of Holy
Law. But every time he planted Seed Money he began
to wonder and speculate as to how and by what me-
chanics his return would come. So, it didn't come.


His problem was very simple. He did not exercise un-

questioning faith, by merely permitting wonder but
never doubting. He did not “let go and let God” deter-
mine the means to fulfill this Law.

SEED MONEY states: “Do you remember the saying,

‘A little child shall lead them’? Why shall a little child
lead them? Because it is easy for a child to imagine or
wonder and because children practice imagination and
wonder more than grown-ups do.”

Jesus had said, “Yea; have ye never read, Out of the

mouth of babes and sucklings thou hast perfected
praise” [Matthew 21:16] ?

The engineer was advised to claim his expected return

now, and leave the workings of his tenfold return to
God. And he began to see that as a child can unques-
tioningly accept that good inevitably produces good, so
can he unquestioningly see multiplication of his Seed
Money in his life. Jesus had expressed this Truth, “For
a good tree bringeth not forth corrupt fruit; neither doth
a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. For every tree is
known by its own fruit. For of thorns men do not gather
figs, nor of a bramble bush gather they grapes” [Luke

Recognizing that the Law of Tenfold Return is part of

the Universal One Law, the engineer applied to his
practice of the Seed Money principle the same childlike
faith required in all spiritual unfoldment, as Jesus said,


“Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a

little child, he shall not enter therein” [Mark 10:15].

The engineer’s new success in demonstrating through

the Law of Tenfold Return occurred because he now
understood that it is a method originating with Jesus
and the nation of Israel.

As John Hoshor wrote in SEED MONEY: “What is the

formula that makes the Law of Seed Money work for
you? . . . The formula is derived from Jesus. When
properly used, it always produces the desired results.”

Jesus declared very openly: “What things so ever ye

desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and
ye shall have them” [Mark 11:24]. And, that is exactly
what He meant.

Quoting from SEED MONEY: “No words ever spoken

or written in any language carry great or more far-
reaching import than these words of the Great Master.”

Please note: You are not asked to join any organization.

You are not asked to attend any meetings. You are not
asked to subscribe to any dogma. You are not asked to
follow any ritual. You are not asked to believe in any
theories, opinions or suppositions. You are only asked
to believe that you already have received whatever
it is you want. Surely this is not too great a price for
you to pay to achieve the self-sufficiency you want to


Imagine that they are yours NOW. What could be eas-

ier? And it works. It works. IT WORKS. Anyone can
prove it conclusively for themselves.

To repeat, the ONLY THING you have to believe is

that you have already received that which you want.
Your age does not matter. Your creed does not matter.
Your race does not matter. Your name does not matter.
Your sex does not matter. Your political affiliation
does not matter. Your nationality does not matter. Your
education or lack of it does not matter.

Simply believe that YOU HAVE ALREADY

else can limit you. If you want to limit yourself,
though, you can. Otherwise the entire resources of the
Universe may be yours to use (appropriately or inap-
propriately, your choice).

One lady who had come to the United States from

Eastern Europe wasn’t having success with her practice
of the Seed Money formula. She had a subconscious
pattern of limitation due to an image of herself in her
own mind that she, as a refugee, was a second-class
citizen. She compounded the damage to herself by con-
stantly dwelling on what she had lost instead of being
in the HERE and NOW. She resented everyone who
owned fine things such as she had lost.

With help, in time she came to realize that God knows

only one class--FIRST CLASS--and that she as a child


of God was the only person who could possibly even

seem to demote her to poverty, in reality.

She came to see that she--not only in order to bring

prosperity through the Law of Tenfold Return into her
life but in order to attain peace of mind--had to obey
the commandments as Jesus had stated them:

“And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy
heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and
with all thy strength: this is the first commandment.”

“And the second is like namely this, Thou shalt love

thy neighbor as thyself. There is none other command-
ment greater than these” [Mark 12:30-31].

Only then did this immigrant woman realize that she

must lose her resentment against her neighbors if she
was to take advantage of the Law of Tenfold Return.

By persistent meditation on these two greatest com-

mandments and their place in her Life, she suddenly
found herself able to make demonstrations occur which
she, and she alone, had blocked for so long.

She turned her once lonely life of self-punishment into

a happy life of abundance and helpfulness to others.
This helpfulness--a willingness and readiness to lend a
helping hand--often provides opportunities to sow Seed
Money under circumstances in which it is remarkably
easy to visualize a return--Good for Good, multiplied


John Hoshor related in SEED MONEY: "One morning

not long ago I was waiting on a street corner in Man-
hattan for a bus to take me to my office. A man who
had been sitting on a nearby bench arises and shuffled
over to where I stood. We spoke and passed the time of
day. I noticed that his clothes were old and torn and
that instead of shoes he was wearing low-cut rubber
overshoes. I asked the question, which he had obvi-
ously expected me to ask.

“What happened to your shoes?”

“Someone stole them while I was asleep last night,” he

told me.

“What are you going to do for shoes?”

“That is what I have been wondering. I found these in

the garbage back of the building where I slept,” he an-
swered. He showed me the soles which were more
holes than rubber.

“What can you get a pair of shoes for?” I asked.

“There's a shoe repair shop I know of where I can get

an unclaimed repaired pair for $4 or maybe $5.”

Then I asked him, “Do you have the money?”

“I don't have a cent,” he replied.

“How near is the shoe repair shop?” I asked.


He pointed, “Only two blocks over that way.”

“Let’s walk over,” I suggested.

When we reached the shoe repair shop I handed him


“See what you can get with that. If you need more, tap
on the window and I will come in.”

In a few minutes he came out of the store wearing a

comfortable looking pair of repaired shoes. He held out
a dollar bill towards me, saying, “I got these for four

“Keep the dollar,” I told him.

We walked together to the corner and shook hands,

thanking each other.

He asked, “Why do you thank me?”

“Because I am happy that I was able to be of service to

you,” I told him.

We wished each other good luck and I went on my way

back to the bus stop.

As I walked I silently repeated over the Seed Money

formula, “I have received $50 in return, with good to
all concerned. Thank you.”


When I arrived at my office, business took over and I

forgot the incident completely.

Mind you, please, I have practiced the formula for

years. I have worked it almost countless times, both on
a small scale and on a large scale. I have seen friends
make it work many times. So, not only did I believe I
had received the $50 in return, I KNEW.

That night as I opened the door of the apartment house

in which I live, a pretty girl came out and smilingly
thanked me. I noticed she carried a musical score from
‘The Pajama Game,’ and I asked her,

“Are you a singer?”

“No,” she answered, “I'm a receptionist, but I'm taking

singing lessons.”

“Who is your teacher?” I asked.

She mentioned the name of a voice teacher who had

been a friend of mine for many years but whom I had
not seen for fifteen years. I told her my name and asked
her to remember me to her teacher. She said that she
would and went on her way.

I went to my apartment, showered and put on fresh

clothes. As I was starting out to keep an appointment,
the manager of the apartment house came to my door
and told me I had a call over her phone. I answered it.
The voice teacher was calling and asked me to come to


his studio. I went at 10:30 that evening. After we had

shaken hands and congratulated each other on none of
the fifteen years showing, he said,

“John, before you moved to California you did some

publicity for me, which proved very profitable to me.
You never sent me a bill.”

I explained that I had done it as a favor that it had not

required any time, merely a phone call.

He said, “Had you billed me then, I could not have paid

you, but I would like to pay you now.”

He walked over to the Baby Grand piano and picked up

a check already made out and offered it to me saying,
“Will $50 be all right?”

I answered him, “$50 is exactly right.”

There may be some who will scoff and say that I have
linked two events which had no fundamental relation-
ship to each other. However, the wiser will believe me
when I say that the $5 given to the needy man for shoes
and the $50 out of the blue for a forgotten service were
as surely linked to each other as my fingers are linked
to my hands.

Here was a penniless, needy man in rags, without shoes

that unknowingly brought to me $45 in profit in added
self-sufficiency, which it is conceivable, might never
have otherwise reached me. How was this possible? It


was possibly only because I knew the Principle of Seed

Money, the Law of Tenfold Return, and I took the op-
portunity that came my way to aid a fellow human
being and of then applying the Law and claiming my
multiplied return. I thanked him sincerely before we
parted and should he ever read this, I would thank him

A unique way of sowing Seed Money was that of the

advertising manager of a magazine. He read a copy of
SEED MONEY and said that he wanted to Seed Money
space in his magazine to advertise that booklet.

He did. For nearly a year his advertising revenue in-

creased substantially, which he credits to his practice of
Seed Money.

The practice of Seed Money from generation to genera-

tion can produce self-sufficiency hardly conceivable to
the average person. When one sees a work of art, hears
beautiful music, receives the most effective healing as-
sistance from real healers or witnesses advances in
space technology, they may not know that many
achievements in these fields would not have been pos-
sible without the practice of Seed Money by the
Guggenheim family.

From 1847 when Meyer Guggenheim immigrated to

America until today, a fortune that has conservatively
been estimated at $200,000,000 ($20 billion in 2000
dollars) has circulated and increased for but one pur-


pose, as Ambassador Harry Guggenheim says, ‘for the

progress of man.’

Benefits the great Guggenheim fortune have given

mankind--through financing, building and developing
ideas--are inestimable, and the selection of the title of
the Guggenheim family biography bears witness to its
growth: SEED MONEY.

The thinking of the Guggenheim family has been the

very opposite of lack. The word ‘can’t’ doesn't seem to
be in their vocabulary. And the ability to know that
success is right here, even before it has been visibly
manifest, has not only characterized Guggenheim suc-
cess, but is an indispensable factor in practicing Seed
Money itself.

As John Hoshor says, “So that there can be no vague-

ness or misunderstanding in the mind of any reader as
to how anyone makes his claim on the Infinite for the
multiplied return of his gift, I wish to point out that he
does so by believing he has already received such
multiplied return. It is as simple as that.”

“Instead of continually saying as many do, ‘I want,’

‘I need,’ or ‘I do not have,’ SAY ‘I have’ and ‘it’s
here, I know.’

In addition to making the gift to start the flow of pros-

perity to you--believing that you have ALREADY
RECEIVED your multiplied return IS YOUR ONLY


As it says in SEED MONEY, “There is no telling how

the return which you claim will come to you. The only
telling for certain is that it will come. You do not want
some loved one to die and will you the amount you
claim. You do not want to receive it as a result of an
injury to yourself. So always include in your multiplied
Seed Money claim--or for that matter whenever you
draw upon the Infinite for anything, the provision ‘with
good to all concerned.’ In this manner you protect
yourself and others who may be concerned.”

“Carefully check your motive in each of your Seed

Money operations to make certain that there is no con-
tent of harm, or intended harm, in it towards anyone
concerned. Whether the money is primarily for your-
self, or for others, or simply for reserve to practice
proving the Law, it should manifest with equal ease.
The Law does not care. But if there is harm in your
consciousness towards anyone, that harm will multiply
also and return to fall upon your own head. You cannot
fool--nor sidestep--the Law.”

This is equally true in regard to your physical health as

well as your financial health, for God is the Source of
all Good and ‘no good thing will be withheld from
them that walk uprightly’ [Psalms 84:11].

Expecting to be healed from any ailment is the first

step toward physical healing. And in the practice of
hygiene and nutrition--just as in the practice of the Ten-
fold Return--what you give to your body comes back to


you ten times--as feeling good or as feeling worse. The

spirit in which you give [to yourself as well as to
others] is the most important thing about your gifts
or your health practices: you WILL reap what you

When an opportunity to give a gift [to someone in

need] or to nurture your body [with wholesome food
and not food cravings], if you consider it but then de-
cide against it, you are saying in effect, “I better not; I
may [something else] myself.” And so, as you say, you
will need--most certainly--something ELSE yourself.

If you give grudgingly or with calculations in mind,

these configurations that you imagine will return upon
you, ten times, also.

If, however, you give boldly, generously, full-

heartedly, impulsively, it shall be returned to you ten-
fold in the same manner. What is important is that ‘in
due season we shall reap, if we faint not’ [Galatians

This is explained very clearly in the Bible: “He which

soweth sparingly shall reap also sparingly; and he
which soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully.
Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let
him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God
loveth a cheerful giver” [II Corinthians 9:6-7].


Never pass by an opportunity to sow Seed Money. A

lost opportunity to give is a lost opportunity to re-

John Joshor illustrates this in an incident which hap-

pened to him: “The fastest and in some ways most
interesting return on a SEED MONEY tenfold claim
that I know of happened to me quite recently.”

“I was on my way to a branch post office with an arm-

load of parcel post packages. In addition, I carried--
unwrapped but in its own display case--a small appli-
ance I was then distributing. I intended to deliver it to a
local purchaser on my way back.”

“As I hurried up the crowded street I passed a blind

man with a cup. I thought to myself, “I'd give him
something if I weren't loaded down.”

“Almost instantly I recognized the negative application

of the Law. I turned and struggled back through the
crowd, reaching the blind man and asked him to stop
for a second.”

“I laid my packages on the sidewalk, took all the

change from my pocket and put it in his cup. It made a
good noise and it seemed as if he were almost on the
verge of opening his eyes to LOOK. However, he did
not, but repeated his thanks. I recovered my packages,
reached the post office and mailed them. Then, taking
my unwrapped appliance, I turned to leave the post of-
fice. A man stopped me saying,


“I'm interested in that product. May I see it?”

“Certainly,” I answered.

We stopped at the first writing counter near the en-

trance and I took the appliance out of its box and
showed him how it worked. It happened to operate on
batteries and their sound attracted a small crowd. The
man who had inquired looked at it, then handed me his
card, saying,

“Where can I buy a couple hundred of these things?”

“I distribute them,” I told him. “I'll be happy to supply


He said, “First, let me buy the special delivery stamp I

came for, then we'll do some business.”

On the way to my office he introduced himself. He was

the Ohio distributor for one of the reducing food com-
panies and he was in New York looking for a product
he could use as a premium to open accounts with deal-
ers. He bought 200, did not ask for the discount to
which he was entitled and which I gave him. He paid
cash. I do not know exactly how much I gave the blind
man. I had made my claim for a general tenfold return,
and I'm quite certain that the profit from that sale repre-
sented a full measure return, running over.

“Perhaps the most significant part of the transaction

was that the buyer was a happy with his purchase as a


child is with a shining new toy.” Here was John Hoshor

himself getting back a tenfold return in according with
the Law of Seed Money.

The Law of Seed Money is in itself very simple: In giv-

ing money to your church or school or to anyone you
know who has a real and legitimate ‘need,’ or in any
other way using money to bless someone, help some-
one do something they could never do of their own
accord, aid someone at a distance whom you don't
know but whose testimony moves you, you have not
only the right and the privilege but you have also the
duty of claiming--from the Infinite--a tenfold return, in
money or in kind. To claim it is to have received it al-
ready subjectively. In a short time, it will also come to
you physically.

The Law of Seed Money is the KEY to using the Infi-

nite substance of God: “Now he that ministereth seed to
the sower both minister bread for your food and multi-
ply your seed down, and increase the fruits of your
righteousness” [II Corinthians 9:10].

The Law of Seed Money works in accord with the

words of Jesus: “All things, whatsoever ye shall ask in
prayer, believing, ye shall receive” [Matthew 21:22].

The formula for practicing Seed Money is merely a

way to help you prove these words in your own experi-

Remember, the formula is very simple:


1. Plant seed money. Give the amount you wish to the

person you want to assist in some way.

2. Immediately upon making your gift, cultivate a

claim and as soon as you are alone, focus on your ten-
fold claim on the Infinite in a way that expresses
something like this: “My return on helping ‘X’ is $... so
that there would be good out of that gift for all con-
cerned. Thank you.”

3. Make sure you believe in your claim. If you need to

rehearse it a few times in your mind until it rings ‘rea-
sonable’ to you, do that, especially just before you fall
asleep. Confirm that claim whenever the thought comes
up, but don't make an obsession out of it. It is not nec-
essary to overwork it.

4. Begin your gifts at a very modest level, sufficient

that your gift and your multiplied return are significant
enough; you will do the mental work to retrieve your
return. If you begin at so high a value that you wonder
from where the money will return, you have defeated
yourself. Avoid doubts, or they will manifest as noth-

5. Never tell anyone of your claim or of your manner of

manifesting. Do this in private, whether silently, aloud
or written down as a note to yourself. The only person
you have to impress is your own consciousness with
the reasonableness of your claim.


6. In the event that your claim does not return the cor-
rect amount to you, or does not return as rapidly as you
believe it should, thank God for the lesson of learning
how to be sufficient in poverty, and mull over the
thought how you will make yourself available to help
another, in the future, fully faithful to the process. Sim-
ply assume you erred somehow, and move on.

7. Affirm your willingness to keep up the practice of Generosity

insofar as you are able. And then, no matter how small the
amount is, when someone expects a TIP, tip generously. When
someone asks for alms, give your lunch money. When someone
on the bus needs carfare, give it to them. When your coworker
goes without eating for lack of money, share with them. And
your generosity will begin to return good to you if you give gifts
in the spirit of complete Trust in the Infinite's generosity toward

The Formula - Do This!

Remember, the formula is very simple:

Seed Money works beautifully for those who work it in

faith, as instructed. Try it faithfully for at least thirty
days and you will see. Follow these instructions pre-
cisely and you will be amazed at the results!

• Accept that God is the Source of your supply.

• Focus your attention on the Source.
• If this is new to you, start with $1 bills. If you
live outside the USA, equivalent currency will
work.) You may also use coins.
• Release each bill as you use the statement in #6.


• Each day give one or more dollars as Seed

Money. You may do this anonymously, or not.
• Very important: As you plant (give) Seed
Money, speak this statement audibly, or silently,
several times: “I have received (ten times the
amount given) in return with good to all con-
cerned. Thank You! Thank You! Thank
• Release it in faith and give no more thought to it.
If any thought of lack comes to mind, speak
these words several times: “I HAVE! I HAVE! I
HAVE!” This will drive all thought of lack from
your mind.

What is the Difference between the Tithe and Seed


Remember to tithe ten percent of your tenfold return

back to God. Seed Money is planted in order to directly
apply the Law of Tenfold Return; therefore it is given
BEFORE receiving. The Tithe is given AFTER re-
ceiving in acknowledgment of God as the Source. It
completes the circuit and keeps your finances in con-
stant contact with the Source of all your good. It keeps
the channels of abundance open, clear, and flowing

Scientists have explored the Universe with powerful

telescopes and with powerful microscopes. In all of
their search and research they have found only one
thing. From the farthest star to the most infinitesimal


part of the atom the only thing scientists have been able
to find is energy.

Energy fills the Universe; the Universe IS energy; the

Infinite is energy. Then it should come as no surprise
that there is a fluid, plastic, invisible energy that flows
evermore through the mind, to the senses. It is an
unlimited energy, and it will flow into whatever pattern
you conceive of--good or ill. This is why thinking--
only--of what is beneficial and harmless and progres-
sive is essential for joyful life. And inasmuch as all
energy works in a circuit, the energy flowing through
your mind brings back to you precisely what you send
out in your thoughts, words and emotions. It all comes
back upon you.

If you pattern Infinite energy flowing through your

mind with Lacking, debts and needs, Lacking is the ex-
perience you get back. And if you pattern your energies
with the desire to be useful and of service, what will
return to you is a God-given role or place of great in-
terest and productivity. But if you program your
thoughts and expectations with failures and despair,
that will return to you also. [This is WHY drugs are so
harmful; they promote the visualization of suffering].

Each of us is the Director, the Selector, the Chooser,

the Decider--which of the thoughts that run through our
mind are the thoughts we want to express and manifest.
That option is called ‘Free Will.’ Bugs and animals


don't have Free Will; they don't have options from

which to choose.

-- The Law of Tenfold Return is the Law of Loaves and

Fishes. For the necessary material things of life, we
must give in order to get back what is sufficient to
live—“for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have
need of all these things”--and the principle of Seed
Money shall help you stand on your own two feet, de-
spite and no matter what circumstances may influence
society, culture or experience.

No words or thoughts or emotions of ours ever return

to us unfilled. Therefore, be always exceedingly careful
that all words from the mouth and thoughts and emo-
tions are positive and beneficial, constructive and
specifically applied to doing good.

By guiding and directing that Infinite energy forever

flowing through the mind by words and thoughts and
emotions that are beneficial, we bless fellow human be-
ings with gifts in appropriate promptings, high
expectations, due praise and the push to clarity of
thought and Truth itself. The return in giving out God's
Truth is that ten times more truth returns as wisdom
and clarity.

And so it is. Amen.


“Gratitude is an indispensable catalyst in the

working of the Law of Tenfold Return (Law of


By Robert Borowski (used with permission)

The saying “it takes money to make money” may be

true, but have you ever considered that it could all be
started from just a penny? This incredible article will
show you a step-by-step strategy that you could try to
make over a million dollars starting from absolutely
nothing! Think of this as a fun game with zero risk but
the potential to “win” over a million dollars. We were
skeptical too... until we made a fortune ourselves fol-
lowing this simple idea.

Many years ago, while I was still just a “wealth aspi-

rant” (wishing for the wealth I have today) I discovered
a neat idea while surfing the Internet. I came across a
simple little idea, sort of like a game, that taught how to
grow from nothing, zero, not even one cent of your
own money, to over a million dollars. In fact you have


to walk around public places to find a penny on the

ground to start off with. After reading the concept I
was intrigued to say the least, as it really seemed like a
sound plan despite the fact that on the surface it seemed
ridiculous. In this article I'll teach you the simple con-
cepts. For now just suspend any skepticism or even
cynicism you may have, keep an open mind and by the
end of this article you might be hooked on playing the
“Penny Millions” game yourself.

I started working on the plan immediately and even

shared the idea with my wife and our Millionaire Mas-
ter Mind group (there are 7 of us in this weekly group
that have been meeting now for several years). I
started off with much enthusiasm but after getting to
around $20 in my plan (starting from $0.01 that's a
200,000% increase!) I kind of lost steam and took a
break from the game... until my wife astonished me.

My wife having been inspired by my enthusiasm over

this idea started her own Penny Millions game. She
started off a bit slow, but she quickly blew past me.
She grew her initial penny ($0.01) to over a thousand
dollars ($1,000) within about 4 or 5 weeks (that’s a
HUGE percentage increase)! At that point I realized
that there was some serious potential to this plan, and
not wanting to be outdone by my wife I vowed to con-
tinue from my measly $20 bucks to hit that million
dollar mark. Fast-forwarding a bit, with a bit of a
variation to the original plan, I did take that approxi-
mately $20 (which remember grew from a single penny


I found on the ground) and within about 2 years grew a

company that had around a couple million dollars of

My good friend and business partner Brian never heard

of this plan before I shared it with him but he did some-
thing incredible on his own that is very similar. He
started his entire business empire, which grew to mil-
lions of dollars of revenue too, from only $2. He's
shared this fact with people for the past couple of years,
but since I know him I'm going to tell you one of his
dirty secrets... he lied. He actually started with less
than two bucks but in telling his story he just rounded
up to a nice even number.

Does this all sound incredible to you, maybe even un-

believable? Sure, it's outrageous, but what have you
got to lose from trying it yourself? Nothing. Would
you like to know how to turn a penny you find into a
million dollars? Remember, you're risking none of
your own money doing this, and you didn't even have
to pay anything to learn this plan. Your only “cost” is
the time you spend following this plan, but with the po-
tential payoff of doing this surely must be worth it.

Ok, so how does this plan work? Here is the concept in

a nutshell, then I'll elaborate further. You start off by
finding a penny on the ground somewhere, then by fol-
lowing the step-by-step plan explained below you do
various business deals intended on achieving milestone
targets to essentially double your money at each step.


How many steps does it take to go from a penny to

over a million dollars? Surprisingly there are only 28
steps between you and your goal.

Chances are that in elementary school your teacher

might have taught you an interesting lesson about com-
pound interest. The classical story in the lesson
involves a boy going to his father on the first day of the
month proposing a change to the allowance his father
gives him. He suggests that his father forgoes paying
him the usual allowance, instead that today the father
pays him one penny, and that each day he doubles the
allowance until the end of the month. The father seeing
no harm in that, and being a bit of a cheapskate think-
ing that he'll save money on the allowance this month
is happy to agree. On the next day the boy came to col-
lect his two cents allowance, on the next day he
approached his dad for the four cent allowance, next
day 8 cents, next day 16 cents, and so on and so on
each day. It wasn't long before the father realizes the
mistake he made in agreeing to this new allowance as
he ended up soon paying his son far more than usual,
and soon after even had to abort breaking the agree-
ment with his smart son. See the boy was clever
knowing that if his father kept paying him just for the
rest of the month that he'd get paid several millions of
dollars! Here is a fun exercise: sit down with a calcula-
tor, start off with 0.01 then keep multiplying by two 31
times, and add up the amounts.


In this plan you'll be figuring out how to double your

money along the way. Starting from just one penny
you'll surpass your million dollar goal in just 28 steps.
Here, take a look!

Step 1 $0.01
Step 2 $0.02
Step 3 $0.04
Step 4 $0.08
Step 5 $0.16
Step 6 $0.32
Step 7 $0.64
Step 8 $1.28
Step 9 $2.56
Step 10 $5.12
Step 11 10.24 (for convenience let's call this $10)
Step 12 $20
Step 13 $40
Step 14 $80
Step 15 $160
Step 16 $320
Step 17 $640
Step 18 $1,280
Step 19 $2,560
Step 20 $5,120
Step 21 $10,240 (let's call this $10,000)
Step 22 $20,000
Step 23 $40,000
Step 24 $80,000
Step 25 $160,000
Step 26 $320,000


Step 27 $640,000
Step 28 $1,280,000

The idea is very simple. To begin playing this “game”

you must find a penny. Remember, you are not al-
lowed to use any of your own money, so you must go
out and find your starting funds. I like to think of the
first penny as the “seed” that will grow into a majestic
money tree! Go for a walk along some local streets (or
even inside a mall if it is cold outside) and sooner or
later you're bound to find your first penny. If you hap-
pen to find something larger than a penny, like a nickel,
dime, quarter or even something larger then good for
you, as you've just jumped up to a higher step. For ex-
ample, if you found a nickel then you've jumped up to
Step 3, working towards Step 4 of attaining $0.08.

RULE #1 – You are not allowed to use any of your

own money in playing the Penny Millions game.

Here is a tip for you: you'll frequently find dropped

change lying around entrances to convenience stores,
gas stations, and a sweet spot is next to drive-thru win-
dows of donut shops and fast food restaurants. Grab a
clear glass coffee jar, or whatever container you have
handy to store your “Penny Million” funds in, then
drop your coin(s) into it.

Once you've found your initial penny, your “seed”, you

are now on Step 1, having attained $0.01, and you are
now working on your goal of getting to the next Step,


2, of $0.02. The easiest way to get to Step 2 is to con-

tinue walking around until you find another penny.
Once you've found your second penny then you'll be on
Step 2 working towards Step 3 ($0.04). Again, the
simplest way to get to Step 3 is to continue walking
around your neighborhood to find two more cents.
Here your pursuit of wealth is good for your health;
you're outdoors walking around! Remember, if you
find larger coins (like a dime or a quarter) then you
jump up to the appropriate higher Step.

Here is another tip for you: sometimes at some grocery

stores they use shopping carts that you need to deposit
a quarter into the shopping cart to unlock it, but you get
the quarter back if you return the cart. Sometime peo-
ple are lazy and will just abandon the cart in the
parking lot. Simply walk the cart back to the locking
area and claim your quarter.

For a while you'll probably enjoy going out for walks

with your eyes scanning the ground, rejoicing over any
coins you happen to find. Sooner or later you're bound
to come to an interesting realization; you can't keep on
doing this indefinitely. Walking the street is good to
get you up the first few steps but soon it'll take way too
much time to graduate to successively higher steps.
Now you are going to have to start getting creative.

Your challenge is to figure out a way to invest what-

ever money you currently have to attain the next
doubling Step. Now you don't have to accomplish a


double from a single transaction, you may do several

business deals aimed to move you towards your next
milestone Step. You are allowed to buy raw materials,
only if you can afford it from the Penny Millions funds
you currently have (rule #1), and rework them some-
how to add value to resell them for a profit. Here is
another rule for you to observer:

RULE #2 – You may not use up existing materials

that you already own, or in any way personally ab-
sorb costs involved in your Penny Millions business

What does rule #2 mean? All “costs” involved with

your Penny Millions business dealings must be segre-
gated and paid for directly from your Penny Millions
funds. For example, printing pages from your home
computer costs something (paper & ink). Driving your
personal car for involves gasoline usage. Don't even
think about stealing resources from your place of em-
ployment. You may make certain exceptions, such as
using your home telephone, computer, or Internet as
long as using these items doesn't cost you any more for
the usage (i.e. don't make long distance calls). I per-
sonally wouldn't worry about the minor costs of
electricity for running your computer. You may piggy-
back a business ride in the car to a store if you happen
to be going there for personal reasons anyhow. If you
need to use any personal items that incur a cost then
calculate how much the total cost is and reimburse
yourself from your Penny Millions funds.


I'll share with you an embarrassing story of my first

business transaction following this plan (not recom-
mended for you to do, just telling you what I did). I
printed up a copy of the original Penny Millions report
(titled something else) from my home computer. Fig-
uring that the local office supply store charges five
cents ($0.05) per photocopy I reimbursed myself for
each sheet I printed. I walked down the street and
found some guy waiting at a bus stop. I sheepishly ap-
proached him and offered to sell him a report that
would teach him how to turn a penny into a million
dollars, for a bargain price of just 75 cents. He kind of
laughed, but I think the curiosity got the better of him
and he bought it from me. Now I had enough money to
launch a bigger project. By the way, I grant you per-
mission to sell this report (to a friend?) for the purpose
of your Penny Millions project as long as you provide
it unedited in its entirety.

Here is another tip for you: eBay along with dollar

stores and garage/yard sales can be an easy way to mi-
grate up along some of the earlier Steps of the plan.

Bottom line is you need to start thinking about ways to

deal your way up, from the money you currently have,
striving to attain the next doubling Step. Remember
that you can accomplish a doubling through several
transactions; generally speaking you won't get 100%
(doubling your money) on single deals. You might
need to make multiple deals to get to your next mile-


stone. It is important to keep focused on the step you

are on. This brings us to our next rule:

RULE #3 – Only think about how to accomplish

your next doubling, on the Step you are currently

Don't worry about how to double $100,000 into

$200,000 while you are still on the Step 5. Part of what
this plan is designed to do is to gradually stretch the
envelope of your mind to grow your business sense
along the way. Right now the idea of doubling a hun-
dred thousand dollars might boggle your mind, but
when you've succeeded in doubling $25,000 to $50,000
and that to $100,000 you might be better mentally pre-
pared for the new challenge. Now it might seem like a
huge uncomfortable objective, but by the time you get
there it'll simply be the next logical step for you and it
won't seem like such an overwhelming task. Step by
Step you'll grow in many ways preparing you to handle
the next Step. This brings us to our next rule:

RULE #4 – You'll have to change strategies along

the way.

We've already pointed out that after the first few steps
it'll be impractical to continue walking along streets
finding pennies trying to get to successively larger
Steps. It would take an absurdly long time to get to a
million dollars that way! If, for example, you were to
be selling junk on eBay to double your way along the


next several steps (or whatever you end up actually do-

ing) it is inevitable that you'll find the same restriction
happening; that it gets harder and harder to work your
way up to the next step. You'll need to come up with
new and different strategies as you graduate to higher
and higher Steps. What you do to move from $100 to
$200 to even $1000 certainly won't work at the bigger
stages, like going from $10,000 to $20,000 to

What happens if you engage into a business deal that


RULE #5 – Losses from any Step drops you down to

the appropriate Step.

Let's say you happen to be on Step 10 with $7.48. Pre-

tend you bought something from a garage sale
intending to sell it on eBay but accidentally broke it, or
listed it on eBay but no one bought it. Now you're left
with $2.19. Too bad, so sad, you've just reverted back
down to Step 8 (a drop of two Steps!). You continue
on from wherever you are now working towards the
next Step (in this case Step 9).

Here is another rule:

RULE #6 – You can't do what you normally do for



You must do something totally different than what you

normally do to earn money. For example, if your pro-
fession is a “house painter” then you can't take side
projects to paint houses since this is your normal line of
work and you probably came across the deal through
work related interactions anyhow. However, if your
line of work has nothing to do with house painting you
may start a small business painting houses as part of
your Penny Millions project as long as you observer
rules #1 and #2 (no out of pocket expenses).

RULE #7 – corollary to Rule #1 – You can't go into

personal debt for your Penny Millions project.

You are not allowed to borrow money from yourself,

friends or anyone for your Penny Millions project (but
you may loan-shark the money to family members.
The idea is to only use Penny Millions funds to do your
business deals with. If you don't have enough money
for something then you simply can't do the deal. Fur-
thermore this plan is for you to make over a million
dollars with no risk whatsoever. If you take on per-
sonal loans then you are liable for those loans and that
is basically a violation of Rule #1. The only exception
to getting loans is when you get to the level of playing
with big bucks (tens to hundreds of thousands of dol-
lars). If you have a corporation (an absolute must) and
are doing some kind of big deal (like Real Estate) you
may get a loan from a bank or an OPM deal (read my
previous OPM article for ideas) as long as you do NOT
personally guarantee the funds. Your only permitted


risk is the Penny Millions funds you have invested in

the deal.

Additional tips in working the strategy:

Initially keep your Penny Millions money in a glass jar,

an old change purse, or even a zip-lock plastic bag.
Treat the actual Penny Millions money as sacred, only
using THAT money for purchases, and be sure not to
mix that money up with personal money. If you need
to buy something with a credit card, such as paying for
eBay fees or buying something online, then be sure to
immediately reimburse yourself from your Penny Mil-
lions funds. Once you've grown to $20 or so then you
may open up a bank checking account (try to get an ac-
count with no fees) so that you have the convenience of
using checks or even a Visa/debit card. Tip: if your
bank gives you some kind of free gift for opening an
account with them then see if you can sell the item they
give you.

No matter what Step you are currently on, if you hap-

pen to find money (a penny or even more) then be sure
to pick it up and add it to your Penny Million funds.
For many years I've been in the habit of expressing an
affirmation of gratitude every time I find a penny or
more. The statement I personally say is “I accept I ac-
cept I accept all the abundance that I get – thank you
thank you thank you God”; though feel free to make up
your own affirmation with or without God in it. Put the
coin in your pocket and briefly think a good thought


about your financial prosperity, the success of your

Penny Millions project, or just reflect with gratitude
about the abundance of blessings and prosperity in your
life already (no matter how little you may currently
think you have you DO actually have at least some
prosperity already – focusing on the good that you have
draws more of the same into your life – conversely fo-
cusing on the perceived lack of what you don't have
draws more of the same into your life too.)

In the early stages you'll probably do deals that involve

the bulk or all of your funds on the single deal. When
dealing with small amounts of money this is fine, but
when dealing with large amounts of money try to limit
your financial commitments on single deals so that if
the deal turns bad you limit your losses to prevent be-
ing completely wiped out. Losing 95% of $10 is
certainly a setback, but won't suck nearly as much as
losing $95,000 from your total of $100,000.

Keep a journal of your progress. This will become

something fun to look at later on and cool to share with
your friends that can't believe what you've done.

Education is a valuable investment into yourself and

your Penny Millions project. I'm not talking about a
College education (though I'm not knocking it either),
what I mean is that it is ok, within reason, to buy
books, courses or seminars that will teach you some-
thing useful to help you move forward faster in your
Penny Millions project. Chances are you'll need to


learn a few things along the way to help you to know

what to do to make money, particularly at the higher
stages of this game. An idea I like telling people is
this: sure a $5,000 sounds expensive, but if it teaches
you how to make $5,000 a month (or even more) then
isn't it really cheap?

When your project grows into the tens of thousands of

dollars it might be a good idea to consider forming a
corporation to contain your Penny Millions project
within. There may be certain benefits, like, tax bene-
fits, and shielding yourself from possible liabilities.

Remember, the Government will want a part of the ac-

tion. Be sure to talk to your accountant to make sure
you pay what you have to, but at little as legally possi-

How to Pay Yourself

The original plan I read was pretty strict about this

point; the money from following this plan is to be
completely “hands off”, you are not to take any of the
money until you reached Step 28, over a million dol-
lars, then it's all yours to do whatever you want with it.
I'm sure that for most people this is actually a good idea
as it removes temptation and will encourage you to be-
come a millionaire.

I however am a non-conformist. I admit to having will-

ingly violated that rule myself, and I've refined the


strategy so that you can have the best of both worlds.

With the variation I'm describing here you'll be able to
enjoy the fruits of your labors earlier while giving you
structure to fulfill the entire plan of becoming a Mil-
lionaire. Furthermore I believe that by having these
milestone rewards you will be more encouraged to
keep on working the plan. For many people smaller
more frequent rewards is more motivating than a huge
reward at the end, but having none of it now. This way
you get the small rewards along the way AND the big

Until you turn your seed penny into $10,000 (Step 21)
you won't be paying yourself at all. What's the point?
It's such small chump change anyhow. However as of
Step 21 you are permitted an “allowance”, paying
yourself 10% for each milestone you reach (10% of the
milestone value, not 10% of how much money you
have). You may choose to not pay yourself if you pre-
fer, but if you opt to forgo paying yourself that
milestone's payday is over (you can't later change your
mind). You may only take one “allowance” payday per
milestone. So when your project grows to be over
$10,000 you may take your 10% allowance ($1,000), or
not. Note that if you take your allowance your balance
will drop down to $9,000 and so you'll drop back down
to Step #20. After you've done some other business
deals eventually you'll get back up to Step #21, but
since you have previously take a “Step #21 allowance”
you can't take another allowance until you reach Step
#22, over $20,000. Then you may take your single


“Step #22 allowance” of $2,000. When you reach Step

#23 you may take a $4,000 allowance. By now you
should get the idea. Here is the table showing you your
permitted allowances:

Step 21 $1,000
Step 22 $2,000
Step 23 $4,000
Step 24 $8,000
Step 25 $16,000
Step 26 $32,000
Step 27 $64,000

As you can see your allowances grow pretty quickly,

and I'm sure that it'll motivate you along each step to
get your reward. But what happened to Step #28, don't
you get a $128,000 allowance? Nope, now you get it
all!!! For Step #28 you are entitled to a full $1.28 Mil-
lion dollar payday! The money is all yours to do with
as you wish! Enjoy!!!

Now you're probably imagining how you could spend

$1.28 Million dollars, but by the time you get to that
stage you'll probably find that you've matured some-
what. Of course you're going to go out and blow a
small fortune, but the key word is “small”. Surely
you'll have the wisdom to keep a good amount of the
money to reinvest somehow (as you have obviously
skillfully figured out how to do along the way of the


Remember, the final result of this plan is quite extraor-

dinary, but the real point of this entire experience is
actually quite educational. Along each Step of the way
you will be faced with new challenges and you will
have to grow personally to be able to progress to the
next Step. It is inevitable that you are going to learn a
tremendous amount about business and about yourself.

Perhaps some of you who've read some of my earlier

books might recognize this basic concept in the other
things I taught. Well this is the root idea of how I came
up with those other inspiring strategies. I try to work in
this basic concept into some of the business stuff that I
do personally, and invite you to adopt this idea for
yourself too.

by Tom Murasso, CHT

The most difficult step in the Creative Manifestation process is Al-

lowing and Believing. Many people find the vibrational energy they're
sending to the Universe by positively focusing their attention on what
they want changes to negative vibrational energy because of inner
emotional stumbling blocks like fear, and belief systems buried in their
subconscious. Our Hypnosis/Meditation Audios can transform the
inner you, bypass the critical ego-mind, and dissolve any negative
emotions and beliefs that may be 'stuck' and sabotaging the results de-


Fear, guilt, anger, depression, frustration, worry, blame, revenge, re-
sentment, hate... these are just some of the bad feelings cutting off the
flow of well-being. No matter how hard we work at offering positive
vibrations, when we don't receive what we want, the problem may be
in our subconscious.


Clarify what you want, give your desire energy, and be ready to re-
ceive it. Sound simple? Yes, but many people find the process difficult
because of beliefs that have a strong-hold on their minds. Bypass the
ego and let the 'real' you manifest the life you desire.

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Thomas Michael Murasso Enterprises

4140 Clemmons Rd #218
Clemmons NC 27012
(509) 471-7303

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