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Soeiety of Petroleum Engineers

SPE 35846

Environmental Effects Of Produced Formation Waters

In The West Java Sea, Indonesia
J.P. Smith*, SPE, A.0, Tyler**, M.C. Rymell**
H. Amperanto*, B. Ng**, 0.S, Adisapoetra*

production facility allowed simulation of the initial dilution

Copyflffht 16S6, Soclofy of P6trol@um Enf#nmrs, Inc.
and subsequent transport of effluent from six outfalls, each
l%ls pqwr waa pr.pamd for ptusontaffon ●t fho Infammtfond Confwmnco on Health,
Safwty & Environment held In Now Ortemw, Louisiana, 9-12 Juna 1696.
exhibiting different outfall characteristics, flow rates,
discharge depths and contaminant concentrations. The
This papa was selactod for presentation by ●n SPE Pfogmm Commltfao Iolluwing
mvl.w of information confainsd in ● ab8tmct submittad by ftm author(s). Contents of modelling was calibrated using results from dye tracing
tha papa, ● s pmsonfed, havo not boon rsviowsd by ffm %ciofy of P.frofsum Engfnesm
●nd am ● ibjeckf to cormcfh by tho ●utho~s). lho matwfaf, a8 ptwentad, does not
experiments conducted at one of the facilities. Once
nmosuitly mtlect ●n y position of tfm Soclofy of PcfmfWm Engin6wq i- offlcora, or calibrated, the model has been run for a range of metocean
m.mbm. Papers pmsontod ●t SPE nmofiqfs ●m subject td fwbllcmion foview by
Edltorfal Committees of tho Society of Paffolaum Enoft’mem. Pwmission to cdpy is scenarios representing the changes in environmental conditions
rosbfct.d to ●n ●bstract of not mom than 300 words. Illustraflam nwy not copiad. 7ho
●bsfact should contafn conspicuous dumwtod@msnt of wimm and by whom fha pqor
with tidal states and monsoon season thus allowing the
wa8 pmsm’!ted. Wrlta Libr81fmI, SPE, P.O. Box B33d36, RkhmxS8cm, 7X 75063-3836, environmental impact of the effluent stream to be assessed.
U.S. A., fax 01 -214-952-S435.

Abstract PertamirrdMaxus Operation Area, Pertamina/Maxus
The most significant waste management problem of operations are located within the mining contract zone (WKP)
Exploration and Production operations is produced formation designated as Southeast Sumatra. All Pertamina/Nlaxus SES
water. As offshore operations mature the ecotoxicological facilities are offshore on the Java Sea side of the Sunda Straits
impact and long term sublethal chronic effect of discharged north of the island of Java and southeast of the island of
fluids become critical due to increasing pressure to reduce Sumatra or loosely situated behveen 4°30’ and 6° South of the
discharge pollutant concentrations discharge vohsmnes and the equator (Fig. 1). The contract area covers 11,000 square
ever increasing number of reviews by regulatory bodies. kilometers and adjoins to the Pulau Seribu, a resort area and a
The E and P industry’s limited ability to respond marine park.
scientifically to real and perceived problems is a result of Currently, Pertamindlklaxus operates sixty-three platforms
limited research in produced water impact. In particular, a of which fifty-four are unmanned. Accommodation for seven
paucity of information on differing effects based on volumes, hundred and eighty offshore employees and contractors are
pollutant concentrations, temperature and synergy of located at Pabelokan Island, two floating storage facilities, and
pollutants. Most importantly, correlation of numerical the accommodation barge, Duta-1. The produced fluids
modelling to discharges observed is virtually non existent. originate from the fifty-three unmanned platforms which are
This paper presents the results of a detailed study of the interconnected to three process platforms. The processed
composition of produced waters and their dispersion in an hydrocarbons are forwarded by subsea lines, Single Bouy
offshore marine environment. Effluent waters from three Mooring (SBM), and floating hose to the floating storage
outfal Is situated in the West Java Sea, Indonesia were facilities at Cinta Natomas and Pertamina/Maxus Widuri.
subjected to a detailed chemical analysis to determine the West Java Sea Environment The environment of the West
presence and concentration of contaminants. This information Java Sea has a rich diversity of marine life. Off the North coast
was used to target a detailed literature review to determine of Java Island lies the Pulau Seribu (Thousand Islands)
priority contaminants for investigation and to determine their archipelago made up of approx imately 106 islands surrounded
geochemical behaviour. Combining this information with a by extensive coral reefs and lagoons. Although well inhabited
detailed hydrodynamic model of the region around each and developed, the islands support turtle nesting sites,
* Pertamin~axus SES, Inc.
● * BMT Marine Information System, Ltd.


extensive seagrass beds, vegetated coral cays and coral reefs. Cinta fields) during the NW and SE monsoon seasons for a
Most of the reefs have small sand cays and support extensive minimum period of 30 days. Examination of the ADCP
lagoons which have become vegetated. Coral reefs, reef flats records showed little vertical flow stratification which
and lagoons support diverse biological communities. Browsers supported the subsequent use of a 2D depth averaged model.
and grazers such as holothurians, molluscs, echinoderms, Efluent Dispersion Triais. The production process
crustaceans and various worms occur throughout the area. The platforms at Cinta, Widuri and Krisna discharge effluent from
flora is less obvious on sandy bottoms but sparse seagrass open-ended outfalls situated between 3 and 9 metres below the
colonies grow on the more sheltered sides of the reefs. sea surface. Discharge rates from the outfalls vary between
Because of marine diversity Pulau Seribu is an area of 125,000 bpd to 625,000 bpd. Typical volumes temperatures are
economic and political concern due to the increased reliance as follows; effluent
on ecotourism. On the western side (east Sumatera coast), the F@ lklllQOc
coastline is dominated by subsistent fishing/aquiculture Cinta 250 8 49
activities and areas of forest and mangrove swamp. To the Krisna 120 11 52
south the northwest Java coast is well developed with the Widuri 610 10 72
city of Jakarta and other cities. Extensive areas of fishponds Eflluent dispersion trials were conducted on Krisna-P
and fishing platforms stretch along the coastline. These platform and involved the injection of Rhodamine dye into the
Indonesian coastal resources have seen the strongest growth outfall manifolds on the platform. This allowed the dye to mix
with the onset of ecotourisms, siting of new industrial project sufficiently with effluent water before emerging from the
and energy facilities particularly along the coasts of Western outfall at depth. Onsite observations confirmed theoretical
Java and Southeast Sumatra. supposition that although discharge rates were high, the
West Java Sea Oceanography. The West Java Sea sits at the eftluent density and high temperature ensured a rapid rise to
confluence of several oceanographic systems. Throughout the the surface. During the test the effluent plume emerged within
year, water is provided by the Pacific Ocean. During the NW the confines of the platform. Samples were taken by bucket in
monsoon the flow is from the north via the South China Sea. In this zone to calibrate the initial dilution model.
the SE monsoon, the water is provided by the F1ores Sea in the As the eftluent plume dispersed from the platform it was
east. The Sunda Strait in the southwest provides an outlet to tracked using a Chelsea Instruments Aquapack with
the Indian Ocean, The Java Sea extends eastwards across fluorimeter, temperature and salinity sensors. The sensors were
Indonesia, linking with the Makassar Strait and the Flores Sea situated at a depth of approximately 1 metre below the surface.
in the east’ The plume was tracked by repeated transects across the plume
The region is dominated by the monsoon seasons. The NW and periodic vertical profiling. On the first day of plume
monsoon lasts approximately from November to March and tracking, the plume was tracked out to a distance of 5 km from
the SE monsoon from approximately May to September. the platform. On the second day lighter winds and small
Between these monsoon seasons transition periods prevail. currents allowed the plume to be tracked only to a distance of
Strong monsoon driven currents persist throughout the year 2.5 km.
and account for approximately 50 0/0 of the resultant current. The resulting plume showed little lateral dispersion and at 5
Within the area of interest the current tends to flow from the km from the platform was still only 400 m wide. In the
northeast southwards through the Sunda Strait during the SE vertical, very little dispersion was observed, This is thought to
monsoon season. During the NW monsoon, the current flows be due to the low density of the effluent and the lack of
from the north to the southeast with only a small component of turbulence.
the flow passing through the Sunda Strait2
Although the monsoon flows represent a significant Contaminant Behaviour Studies
influence, the West Java sea exhibits a mixed predominately E@uent Stream Analysis. The focus of this study was the
diurnal tidal current regime (tidal elevations4.5 m in central behaviour and fate of trace metals and organic contaminants in
regions) which varies considerably in from over the region. Irr the waste stream. The project began with an analysis of the
central areas rotary currents are predominant with reversing waste stream components. A total of 113 chemical
currents in the coastal margin zone. contaminants were tested for presence using USEPA methods.
Based on the results, a list of 62 waste stream components
Field Studies were identified as priority contaminants for inclusion in the
Scant information from the literature or government sources modelling. These included a number of heavy metals. alkyl
was available at the outset of the project to describe the benzenes, alkyl phenols and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons.
oceanography of the region or the behaviour of effhsent Contaminant Behaviour. To accurately model the behaviour
dispersion from the production process platforms. A program of the specific contaminants, it was necessary to establish a
of field measurements was therefore required. number of geochemical variables for inclusion in the model.
Current Flow Measurements. Acoustic Douphir Current These included the sediment-water partition coefficients,
Profiles (ADCPS) were deployed at two locations (Widuri and biodegradation rates and volatilisation rates. As far as possible


these parameters were taken from existing literature and from tidal currents is shown in Fig. 2. Good reproduction of the tidal
theoretical calculation. Certain problems were encountered current was observed over the whole model domain.
however with the theoretical calculation of sediment-water Following tidal model calibration, the model was set-up to
partition coeftlcients for the more hydrophobic compounds. As model the four monsoon seasons (NE, SE and two transition
a result it was decided to undertake laboratory studies to seasons). The model was driven by a wind field generated by
determine actual partition coefficients, interpolating winds over the area using information from the
Laborakxy Experiments. The laboratory experiments, using British National Meteorological Library, Admiralty Routing
a technique developed at University of Plymonth3, focused on Charts and observations at Pertamini#Maxus Cinta Natomas
a study of the partitioning of low volubility di-2- barge. The monsoon currents model was also calibrated
ethyihexyphthalate ester (DEHP) (300@L). Samples of against the ADCP resultant current observations with good
natural seawater and effluent water were brought to the UK. agreement between model and observation being found
The samples were spiked with “C Iabelled DEHP. Following (Fig. 3).
equilibration, the sediment and water were separated by Once the hydrodynamic models had been calibrated, the data
centrifugation and the *4C-DEHP counted in each phase to was analysed to provide parameterised datasets for inclusion in
determine a sediment-water partition coefficient. As suspected, the applications software systems,
the magnitude of the experimentally derived coefficient was Efluent Dispersion Modelling. Following the field studies it
significantly higher than derived from theoretical calculation was decided to use an initial dilution model to represent the
based on organic carbon content and the organic carbon initial dilution of the effluent. The Cornell University,
partition coefficient. The differences were put down to the CORMIX model was used, calibrated against the samples
very fine, surfactant coated particles in the waste stream which taken by bucket from Krkna platform. From this model, tables
would provide excellent adsorption surface for hydrophobic of initial dilution varying with ambient current velocity and
substances. discharge rate were derived,
The behaviour and dispersion of the effluent from the
Modelling platform to open sea was modelled using the PISCES model
To provide the necessary tools for monitoring, management developed by BMT and the Universities of Plymouth and
and planning of environmental strategy by Pertamina/Maxus Brad forde. PISCES models the partitioning; degradation,
SES, it was necessary to develop models to represent and volatilisation and dispersion of trace contaminants in marine
predict the West Java Sea environment and the behaviour of systems, The model was driven by the database of
contaminants within that environment. A number of models hydrodynamics derived from the hydrodynamic modelling, the
were used to model the hydrodynamics of the West Java Sea, tabulated initial dilution’s and a database of geochemical
initial dilution of effluent discharges, subsequent dispersion parameters derived from the laboratory experiments and
and geochemical behaviour of the effluent and the trajectory. theoretical calculations. The model was calibrated directly
Hydroc$mamic A40deiling. Hydrodynamic modelling was against the results of the dye tracking studies as shown in
carried out using the 2D depth integrated DIVAST mode14. A (Fig, 4). The model was seen to represent the dispersion of the
far field model was set up initially over the whole West Java plume well. Some variation was noted due to the sensitivity of
Sea with a 27 km computational grid. The model was the measurement and the reconstruction of the observed plume
calibrated and refined to a 9 km grid over the same area. The from transect data.
model was then further refined to a 1 km over the region of the
Pertamina/Maxus SES concession. In the locality of each Discussion
production platform, a sub-grid was created with 100 m Many models have problems representing graphically the
resolution for the dispersion modelling. output of the data and conclusions. In some cases, only digital
The model was calibrated initially for tidal currents. Tidal data is provided.
height boundaries were set-up on all boundaries except Selat This project culminated in the implementation of multiple
Bangka which was configured for tidal currents. Four tidal marine information systems. A Digital Tidal Atlas (DTA) was
height constituents (Mz , Sz , 01, K1 ) were derived from the developed as a primary source of current flow information, a
global tidal mode13. Tidal stream data from the Admiralty Tide GIS for orientation of data, and the PISCES model as a
Tables was used at the Selat Bangka boundary. The tidal management and planning tool for production water
model was calibrated against tidal elevation time series discharges. (Fig. 5)
predicted from constituents at tide stations within the model These marine information systems are designed around
domain. common databases and user interfaces. The central databases
Modelled tidal currents were calibrated against the ADCP provide the key source of information to each of the systems
data from Widuri and Cinta platforms. The tidal component and may be maintained from any application accessing them.
was extracted using a high pass 72-hour filters and depth Hydrodynamic Database (DTA). Derived from the
averaged. Typical comparison between model led and observed calibrated hydrodynamic model, the hydrodynamic database is


an essential source of data for all the applications. Tidal software applications that focus on solutions to operational
current harmonics and seasonal residual vectors were produced management and planning problems. As presented in this
for inclusion in the DTA and for the PISCES contaminant paper, marine information systems are seen to provide
transport model. As field studies established that the plume increasingly important tools that ensure operations and
was only resident in the top layer of the water column, a management staff have the necessary database information and
surface integrated flow database was constructed. Rotary modelling capability available to support effluent discharge
empirical orthogonal function analysis was to reduce the size impact decisions,
of the current flow database’.
Geographical Information System Database (GIS) The GIS References
database provides the mapping facilities within each 1. Wyrtki, K. 1961 Physical oceanography of the Southeast
application. A large amount of data collated during the Asian waters. In NAGA Report. Volume 2, Scripps Institute
ESACOCB study was included within the marine information of Oceanography, La Jolla, California.
systems installed. Data was abstracted in digital format from 2. Indonesia Pilot 1975 Indonesia Pilot, Volume 1, Hydrographer of
the ARC/fNFO database. This incorporated satellite derived the Navy, Hydrographic Department,
data, sensitivity mapping, photographic records and 3. Tyler, A. O., Millward, G. E., Distribution and partitioning of
polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins, polychlorinated dibenzofurans
demographic records. Information was imported as layers into
and polychlorinated biphenyls in the Humber Estuary, UK,
the GIS providing information on coastline, bathymetry,
Marine Pollution Bulletin, in press.
coastline type, coral, reefs, lagoons, seagrass, mangroves, 4. Falconer, R.A. 1991 Review of modelling flow and pollutant
fishponds, fishing platforms, offshore installations, turtle transport processes in hydraulic basins. In : Proceedings oj’ (he
beaches etc. Object attributes included text information and first International Conference on Water Pollution, Southampton,
photographic images. September 1991, Computational Mechanics Publications, 323.
Geochemical Database. PISCES requires a central 5. Schwiderski, E,W. 1978 Global Ocean Tides, Part [: A detailed
reference database of geochemical parameters for modelling hydrodynamic interpolation model. Naval Surface Weapons
specific waste stream contaminants Centre, Dahlgren, VkginiA US.
6. Pugh, D.T. 1987 Tides, surges and mean sea level. John Wiley
PISCES. The Pollution Information System for
and Sons. 472pp.
Contaminants in Estuaries and Seas (PISCES) provides the
7. Ng. B., Turner, A. Tyler, A. O., Falconer, R.A., Millward, G.E.
focus for the measurement and modelling carried out to predict 1995 Modelling contaminant geochemistry in estuaries. Water
effluent plume dispersion from the offshore production Research 30, No. 1, pp 63-74.
platforms. PISCES consists of four modules which combine to 8. Ng. B. 1993 Tidal current predictions using rotary empirical
allow the modelling of effluent plume behaviour under user orthogonal functions. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic
defined conditions. PISCES Configuration allows the user to Technology 10,868-879.
set-up a model run through the Microsoft Windows interface 9. Smith, J.P., Wardrop, J., Kilbom, A. 1994 Developing effective
selecting variables such as the outfall location, discharge rate, environmental and oil spi 11management for remote locations. In :
Proceedings of the SPE Asia Pacfrc Oil & Gas Conference.
waste stream components, concentration, time/date, etc.
Melbourne, Australi& 7-10 November 1994. P265-279.
Following a model run, data files generated by PISCES Model
are compiled into a binary file by the PISCES Compiler. The
process of model set-up, running and compilations is
controlled and managed by Microsofi Access database which
logs all parameters and automates the process.
Following compilation, the binary files are available for
viewing using PISCES Data Viewer. This Microsotl Windows
application allows model results to be presented against the
GIS based maps. User definable contour displays allow the
data to be viewed in an animation. Due to the fact that the
actual data is stored (rather than images), time series may be
derived at any location and the plume display can be
interrogated to obtain point values and dilution rates (Fig, 6.
Data can be exported to spreadsheet Microsofl Excel for
further analysis,

This paper has described the methods by which diverse
database sources derived from pre-existing data, field
measurements, laboratory experimentation, sample analyses
and computer modelling were brought together in multiple

SPE 35046

-,-— -J .—--—.



-3” I

‘ 27km x 27km and

-4° ‘ 9km x 9km model
\ boundary
VVesJefva I


model bounda

-6° sy-lalEl ‘-


Qo -. \ ~—– –— ..=.. —–-—— -——- _r-.— _ —~–-– -~~

105° 106” 107° 108° 109° 110° ‘ 111° 112”

Fig. 1 Maxus SES, Inc. Location

— Observed tidal cu”r~I
—Modelled tidal curr~


+— ‘- ‘}--




,- 1


0 24 48 72 96 120 144 168 192

Model time (hrs)

Fig. 2 Tidal Direction


I ‘Observed tidal current I

[— Modelled tidal current ]


@ 0.75


o 24 48 72 96 120 144 168 192
Model time (hrs)

Fig. 3 Current Speed

a. Obs$er”ed plume b. Mndriatled plume

9424000 9424000

9423000 9423000 concentration


9422000 9422000


9420000 9420000

94- 9000 94 9000

94- 6000 94 aooo

.4,.000 ~ 1
300000 301000 3C 300000 301000 302000

Fig. 4 Plume Results


Fig.5 Digital Tidal Atlas

Eilc .Edil Mew Rata )dodcl Graph Iools Wndow &lp


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-Tbi.m!. —
rilk - MOmsmri I

00 5 10
Tfme (hm)



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