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Batangas Sports Complex, Bolbok, Batangas City





S.Y. 2012-2013

I. Introduction/Rationale
English is one of the learning areas that develop the learners’ confidence and ability in using language for effective communication and critical thinking in
the real world. The basic tool subject develops those macro skills: listening, speaking, reading, writing and thinking. Reading skills also include vocabulary
development, word recognition, comprehension, and study skills. The class reading program has been designed with its entire component under which the
activities are to be undertaken within the year. Its primary goal is to make every pupil a total reader, develop pupils’ reading comprehension skills, and make
reading a lifetime habit.

II. Objectives
1. Encourage pupils to learn for enjoyment.
2. Make pupils learn to read and read to learn.
3. Develop and enhance pupils’ reading skills/abilities.
4. Maintain the reading corner in every classroom and the BEC Center functional.
5. Assist teachers in procuring additional reading materials.
6. Inform parents and make them involve in improving pupils’ reading skills/abilities.

III. Components of the Balanced Reading Program

Components Activities Strategies Time Frame Persons Involved Expected Outcome
A. Profiling of Readers 1. Pretest in Phil-IRI 1. Administration of Phil- June District Supervisor All pupils were given different test
2. Silent and Oral Reading IRI July School Head
Test 2. Analysis of test result October Teachers
3. Speed and Comprehension for appropriate Pupils
Test instruction Parents Reading speed and comprehension
4. Word for the Day 3. Use of different were developed
strategies and
B. Developmental Reading
1. Emergent Literacy 1. Phonemic Awareness 1. Building a Reader- June District Supervisor At least 80% of the pupils
2. Word Identification Friendly Environment July School Head developed the habit of reading
3. Storytelling for Readers Teachers
4. Read Aloud 2. Teaching Beginning Pupils
Reading Parents
3. Labeling of things
inside the room
4. Listening to a short

2. Beginning Reading 1. Direct Teaching 1. Fuller Technique June District Supervisor At least 80% of the pupils are ready
2. Dramatization 2. 2C2IA Approach October School Head to read with comprehension of 2-3
3. Role-playing 3. Gradual-Psychological Teachers questions
4. Storytelling Unfolding Pupils
5. Story Mapping 4. Read Aloud Parents
5. Think Aloud NGO
6. Directed Reading
Thinking Ability

3. Rapid Growth 1. Conference with the Year Round District Supervisor 0% non-reader
parents School Head Prepared reading materials used by
2. Direct skills instruction Teachers 100% of the reading teachers
3. Directed Reading Guidance Counselor
Thinking Activities Governance
4. Use of newspaper in Council
teaching Reading Pupils
5. Utilization of reading Parents

4. Refinement 1. Project GARMA Second District Supervisor Enhance refined skills in Reading
(Greater Achievement Semester School Head
in Reading Through Teachers
Meaningful Activities Pupils

C. Functional Reading 1. Use the following Year Round District Supervisor Functional readers
approaches in School Head
teaching reading: School Guidance
- Interdisciplinary Counselor
- Conceptual Teachers
Approach Pupils
- Integrative Parents
- Inquiry/Problem
- Use of Newspaper
in Teaching
Reading (UNTR)
- Advance Organizer
- Reading/Writing
- Preparation of
Book Report
- Good study habit
D. Recreational Reading 1. Speed Revolution through 1. Speech Revolution Feb 2012 School Head Great appreciation in reading
contest or presentation 2. Drop Everything and School Guidance
- Oral Reading Read Aloud (DEAR) Counselor
- Storytelling Teachers
- Declamation Parents
- Choral Recitation Pupils
E. Assessment 1. NAT/Phil-IRI/Posttest Year Round School Head 80% mastery level on the different
2. Formative Test March 2012 School Guidance disciplines
3. Summative Test Counselor
4. Division Achievement Teachers
5. Portfolio Assessment
6. Standardized Test
7. Dictation Test
8. Alternative Test
9. Regional Test in
F. Reading Remediation 1. Formative Test 1. Remedial Class Year Round School Heads Separate remedial class
2. Daily Observation 2. Improving Oral School Guidance
Reading Counselor
3. Practice Reading at Teachers
Home Parents
Prepared by:

Teacher I



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