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Examine a Kipp generator. This piece of chemistry equipment is used to control chemical
reactions that produce a gas. A Kipp generator consists of three chambers stacked on top of each
other. The top chamber holds a liquid reagent, the middle chamber holds a solid reagent and the
bottom chamber receives the liquid reagent when desired. The middle chamber has a gas
release valve, and the top and bottom chambers are connected by a vertical tube that goes
through the middle chamber.

Place iron sulfide (FeS) in the middle chamber of the Kipp generator and a strong acid such
as hydrochloric acid (HCl) in the top chamber. Air pressure will prevent the acid from flowing into
the bottom chamber at this point.

Heat the bottom chamber of the Kipp generator gently. This reaction will only require a small
amount of heat in order to proceed at an acceptable rate.

Open the valve in the middle chamber of the Kipp generator. This will allow the acid to flow
into the bottom chamber. Allow the acid to rise slowly into the middle chamber so that it makes
contact with the iron sulfide in the middle chamber. Hydrogen sulfide will be produced and escape
through the valve in the middle chamber of the Kipp generator.

Study the reaction in step 4 that produces hydrogen sulfide from iron sulfide and
hydrochloric acid. This reaction may be shown as follows: FeS + 2HCl ' H2S + FeCl2. A similar
reaction will occur with iron sulfide and any strong acid.

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