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A. Mendel’s Basic Rules of Genetics 1. sex-linked (sex chromosomes)
1. Genes come in pairs (alleles) 2. sex-influenced (dominance
2. Law of Dominance depends on sex)
3. Law of Segregation (meiosis) 3. sex-limited (found in one sex due
4. Law of Independent Assortment to anatomy)
(inheritance of one allele will not TAXONOMY
affect the other) A. Kingdom
B. Non-Mendelian Genetics B. Phylum
1. Incomplete Dominance C. Class
2. Co-dominance D. Order
3. Pleiotropy E. Family
4. Polygenic Inheritance F. Genus
5. Lethal Allele Combination G. Species

BIOMES B. Commensalism (+ 0)
A. Land C. Amensalism (- 0)
1. Tundra D. Competition (- -)
2. Taiga E. Parasitism (- +)
3. Deciduous Forest F. Predation (- +)
4. Rainforest NUTRITION
5. Grassland A. Producers (Autotrophs)
6. Desert
1. Photosynthetic Autotrophs
B. Marine
2. Chemosynthetic Autotrophs
1. Freshwater
B. Consumers (Heterotrophs)
2. Saltwater
1. Herbivores
3. Estuaries 2. Carnivores
A. Mutualism (+ +) 4. Saprophytes/Decomposers


A. Order and Organization G. Organ Systems
B. Metabolism H. Organs
C. Homeostasis I. Tissues
D. Growth J. Cells
E. Responsiveness K. Organelles
F. Reproduction L. Molecules
G. Adaptation
M. Atoms
A. Biosphere
A. Carbohydrates
B. Biomes B. Lipids
C. Ecosystems C. Proteins
D. Communities D. Nucleic Acids
E. Populations - DNA & RNA


Biochemical Reactions Cells
A. Enzymes A. Smallest living things, basic
- Catabolic & Anabolic units of organisms
B. Photosynthesis: synthesis B. Composed of one or more cells,
- 6CO2 + 6H2O ! C6H12O6 + 6O2 where life processes occur
- Light Dependent (occurs in the C. Arise only by division of pre-
thylakoids) ! ATP and NADP existing cells
Prokaryotic Cells: without nuclei
- Light Independent (occurs in the

stroma; “calvin cycle”) ! O2 and • Parts: Flagella, Fimbriae,

C6H12O6 are produced Nucleoid Region, Plasma
C. Cellular Respiration: breaking down Membrane, Ribosomes, Cell
- C6H12O6 + 6O2 ! 6CO2 + 6H2O Wall, Capsule, Sex Pili
- Krebs Cycle, Glycolosis, E.T.C. • Types: Gram Positive vs. Gram
- Anaerobic (no O) vs. Aerobic (O) Negative (more resistant)


Eukaryotic Cells: with nucleus Transport

• composed of 2 or more cells 1. Diffusion: High ! Low
2. Passive Transport

• Parts: cell wall, plasma/cell

membrane, cytoplasm, cytoskeleton a. Simple Diffusion

(microfilament, microtubule, b. Facilitated Diffusion
intermediate filament), c. Osmosis
mitochondria, chloroplasts, i. Hypertonic (in > out)
vacuoles, vesicles, nucleus, ii. Hypotonic (out > in)
ribosomes, endoplasmic iii. Isotonic (in = out)
reticulum (smooth and rough), 3. Active Transport: Low ! High
golgi bodies, lysosomes, 4. Bulk Transport
peroxisomes a. Endocytosis: Cellular eating
b. Exocytosis: cellular drinking


1. Epithelial Tissues – lines that
• Nonvascular vs. Vascular (Spore-
protects, absorption & secretion

bearing, Gymnosperms, Angiosperms)

• Vegetative Parts: Roots, Stems, Leaves 2. Connective Tissues – connects,
• Reproductive Parts: Flowers, Fruits, supports, cushions, insulates
Seeds organs, transports & stores
• Types of Tissues: Dermal, Vascular 3. Muscle Tissues – Cardiac (striated,
(Xylem – Water, Phloem – Food) involuntary movement), Skeletal
• Parenchyma – carries out metabolic (striated, voluntary movement),
processes Smooth (non-striated, involuntary
• Collenchyma – for support movement)
• Sclerenchyma – supports the mature 4. Nervous Tissues – transmits
parts (fibers and sclereids) stimuli from the environment to the

- Meristems: Apical, Intercalary, Lateral spinal cord and brain


Organ Systems 6. Circulatory – transportation of nutrients

1. Integumentary – cushioning, protecting, & hormones, protection via white blood
sensation, thermoregulation, vit. D cells
• Skin, Epidermis, Dermis, Hypodermis • Blood (plasma, corpuscles), blood
2. Skeleton – blood cell production vessels (arteries, veins, capillaries),
• Axial (protection), Appendicular heart (2 atria, 2 ventricles, septum,
(limbs), Bone joints (movement) valves)
3. Muscular – muscles composed of fibers • O & AB, universal donor & receiver
4. Digestive – esophagus, stomach, small 7. Excretory – Reabsorption, secretion,
intestine, colon, rectum anus, etc. filtration (lungs, skin, kidneys, ureter,
5. Respiratory – gas exchange & phonation bladder, urethra)
• Nostrils, nasal cavity, pharynx, larynx, 8. Endocrine – secretes hormones
trachea, lungs, bronchi, bronchiole, 9. Nervous – central (brain, spine)
alveoli, diaphragm 10. Reproductive – Female vs. Male

Sets Set Operations
1. Empty/Null Set: no elements ∅ 1. Union ∪
2. Unit/Singleton Set: has one element 2. Intersection ∩
3. Finite Set 3. Complement
4. Infinite Set 4. Difference (A-B)
5. Equal/Identical Sets (=): exactly same elements
6. Equivalent Sets (~): same cardinality
7. Subsets ⊆
8. Improper Subset
9. Proper Subset ⊂
10. Joint Sets
11. Disjoint Sets
12. Power of a Set (P)
13. Cardinality of a Set: # of elements



Laws of Exponents Factoring
1. 1. Perfect Square Trinomial

3. 2. Difference of Two Squares

3. Sums and Differences of Two Cubes

4. Quadratic Trinomial

8. Anything raised to 0 is 1 5. Quadratic Formula
9. Anything raised to 1 is itself

MATH 2 ©STEM2017

Properties of Equality

1. Reflexivity: a = a 4. Addition: a + c = b + c, if a = b
2. Symmetry: a = b, b = a 5. Multiplication: ac = bc, if a = b
3. Transitivity: a = b, b = c, a = c 6. Substitution: if a = b, a can substitute b
Linear Equations: y = ax + b, where a, b ∈ , a ≠ 0 ; Graph = Line
Quadratic Equations: y = x + bx + c, where a, b, c ∈ R, a ≠ 0 ; Graph = Parabola
• Nature of Roots: Dependent on discriminant, where d = b – 4ac

d < 0 = imaginary (conjugate complex numbers)

d > 0 = real and unequal (irrational conjugates)
d = 0 = real and equal roots (1 root, multiplicity 2)
• Solving: Factoring, Completing the Square, Quadratic Formula
Rational Equations: fraction with polynomials as the numerator & denominator
• Extraneous solution: does not satisfy the equation, denominator = 0
Radical Equations: equations in radical signs, also called irrational equations

MATH 2 ©STEM2017

Absolute Value Equations: equations with variables enclosed in absolute value signs

• Absolute values cannot be equal to negative numbers
Literal Equations: Equations with several variables wherein the goal is to rewrite the
equation in terms of a specific variable
Inequalities: > (greater than), < (less than), ≥ (greater than or = to), ≤ (less than or = to)
1. Linear: inequality with a degree of 1 Solving for Inequalities:
2. Quadratic: inequality with a degree of 2 If >, then x < a U x > b (union)
3. Rational Inequality If <, a < x < b
4. Absolute Value Inequality
Systems of Linear Equations: Inconsistent (no solution), consistent independent (one
solution), consistent dependent (infinite solutions) via the substitution or graphing method
Exponential Equations: equations with exponents
• Solving: express both sides of the equation with the same base then equate the
Arithmetic Sequence = an = a1 + (n-1)d, where d = an – a1 = a2 – a1 = ...,n > 1
Arithmetic Series = sn = n/2(a1 + an) or sn = n/2[2a1 + (n – 1)d]
Geometric Sequence = an = a1r , where r = an/an-1 = a2/a1 = a3/a2 = …,n >1
Geometric Series = sn = a1(1 – r )/1 – r or sn = a1 – ran/1 – r, where r is not equal to 1

MATH 2 ©STEM2017

1. Direct: y = kx (directly proportional) 3. Joint: z = kxy or k = z/xy
2. Inverse: = k/x (inversely proportional)
Relations vs. Functions (in terms of domain and range)
Relations: one-to-many Functions: one-to-one, many-to-one
Evaluating Functions: substitute the value of x to f(x)
Operations on Functions:
1. Addition: (f + g)(x) = f(x) + g(x) 4. Division: (f / g)(x) = f(x) / g(x)
2. Subtraction: (f - g)(x) = f(x) - g(x) 5. Composite: f(g(x))
3. Multiplication: (f x g)(x) = f(x) x g(x)
Domain: Set of all possible x values Range: set of all possible y values
Inverse Functions: interchanging x and y, then solving for y in terms of x
2 3
Polynomial Functions: when the equation has a degree of 2 or higher (x , x , etc.)
Exponential Functions: f(x) = b , where b > 0 and b is not equal to 1
Logarithmic Functions: f(x) = logbx, b > 0 and be is not equal to 1 (usually base 10)
• Natural Logarithms – base e, y = logex or y = lnx

MATH 3 ©STEM2017

Number Problems
1. Numbers with defined relationships between variables
- Label the first number as x, then use the relationship between the two
numbers to define the second.
2. Numbers with unknown relationships between variables
- Label the first number as x and the second one as y, then based on the
given, form a system of linear equations.
3. Consecutive numbers

- Label the first number as x, then 1) for “consecutive integers,” equate the
missing terms to x + 1, x + 2, …; or 2) for “consecutive even/odd integers,”
equate the missing terms to x + 2, x + 4, …
- Add the new terms together and equate them to the given constant.
Digit Problems
1. Assign a specific variable for each digit (u = units digit; t = tens digit).
2. Know the formulas for the original number (10t + u) and the reversed number
(10u + t).
3. Use systems of linear equations to solve for the values of t and u.
Geometry Problems: use the general geometric formula of the given shape

MATH 3 ©STEM2017

Age Problems
1. Make a table to plot the age before, the age now, and the age later.
2. Form equations using the inputs on the table.
Mixture Problems: M = a1p1 + a2p2 or M = a1p1 – a2p2, where a = amount of substance
and p = percent concentration.
Money and Investment Problems: I = CR, where I = income, C = capital, and R = rate.
Distance and Motion Problems: d = rt, where d = distance, r = rate, and t = time
A. When two will meet, the sum of their distances = the total distance.
B. When one tries to overtake another, their distances are equal to each other.
C. When one tries to overtake another from a different location, the distance
between the two locations should be subtracted from the longer distance before
being equated to the other.
D. When going upstream or downstream, consider the current.
• Upstream (n – x) vs. Downstream (n + x)
Work Problems: W = rt, where W = work, r = rate, and t = time

For examples on word problems, log into the google drive (refer to the last card)

Lines: Ax + By + C = 0 (standard form) Positive slope (right): m > 0
• Slope of a line: m = (y2 – y1) / (x2 – x1) Negative slope (left): m < 0
• Slopes of parallel lines are equal
• Slope of a line perpendicular to another line: negative reciprocal of the other
Slope-Intercept y = mx + b Distance Formula:
y = m(x – a) 2
D = √(x2-x1) +(y2-y1)

Point-Slope y-y1 = m(x-x1) Midpoint of a Line:

Two-Point ([x1+x2]/2 , [y1+y2]/2) M = (x1+x2/2 , y1+y2/2)
• Sum of the three angles = 180º
• Sum of the lengths of any two sides of a triangle should always be greater than
the length of the third side
• If two sides of a triangle are congruent, angles opposite these sides are
congruent and vice versa

Pythagorean Theorem: a + b = c
2 2

• 30°-60°-90° Triangle Theorem

45°-45°-90° Triangle Theorem

MATH 4 ©STEM2017

• Congruence vs. Similarity

− 2 triangles are congruent if their corresponding sides & angles are congruent
− 2 triangles are similar if their corresponding angles are congruent & their
corresponding sides are proportional
• Regular: convex, equilateral, equiangular
• Diagonals: (n [n – 3]) / 2, where n = number of sides
• Sum of the Interior Angles = (n – 2)180° ; Exterior Angles = 360°
Polygon Area Polygon Area For
Triangle (1/2)bh Equilateral Triangle (√3/4)s
2 regular
Parallelogram bh Rectangle bh
Rhombus bh or (1/2)d1d2 Square s
2 A = ½ aP,
apothem &
Kite (1/2)d1d2 Trapezoid h[1/2(b1+b2)] perimeter

Circle: set of points in a plane that are at a given distance from the center
1. Chord: joins two points 3. Diameter: chord that contains the center
2. Secant: contains a chord 4. Radius: center ! point
3. Tangent: intersects the circle in one point

MATH 4 ©STEM2017

Angles and Arcs (of a circle)

• Central Angle: any angle with the center as its vertex
• Semicircle = 180° ; Circle (1 revolution) = 360° or 2π radians
• Measure of a minor arc = measure of the corresponding central angle.
• Measure of a major arc = 360 minus the measure of the corresponding minor arc
Trigonometric Ratios (in terms of a UNIT CIRCLE)
Sine sinθ opposite/hypotenuse (y/1)
Degrees & Radians
Cosine cosθ adjacent/hypotenuse (x/1)
Tangent tanθ opposite/adjacent (y/x) 1 Radian = 180π degrees
Cosecant cscθ hypotenuse/opposite (1/y)
Secant secθ hypotenuse/adjacent (1/x) Degrees ! Radians
Cotangent cotθ adjacent/opposite (x/y) Multiply π/180 radians
Fundamental Trigonometric Identities:
2 2
1. sinθcscθ = 1 5. sin θ + cos θ = 1
2 2
2. cscθsecθ = 1 6. tan θ + 1 = sec θ Radians ! Degrees
2 2
3. tanθcotθ = 1 7. 1 + cot θ= csc θ Multiply 180π degrees
4. tanθ = sinθ/cosθ 8. cotθ = cosθ/sinθ

MATH 4 ©STEM2017
Surface Area Volume
2 3
Cube 6s s
2 2
Cylinder 2πr + 2πrh πr h
2 3
Sphere 4πr (4/3)πr
2 2 2
Cone πr(r + [√h + r ]) πr (h/3)
Conic Sections
2 2
Circle GF: Ax + By + Ey + F = 0, where A > 0, B > 0, and A ≠ B
2 2 2
SF: (x - h) + (y - k) = r
Center: (h, k), Radius: r
2 2
Ellipse GF: Ax + By + Dx + Ey + F = 0, where A > 0, B > 0, and A ≠ B
2 2
Parabola GF: Ax + Dx + Ey + F = 0 SF: y = a(x – h) + k
2 2
By + Dx + Ey + F = 0 x = a(y – k) + h
Vertex: (h, k)
*GF – General Formula, SF – Standard Formula
2 2
Hyperbola GF: Ax – By + Dx + Ey + F = 0, where A > 0 and B > 0
2 2
By – Ax + Dx + Ey + F = 0, where A > 0 and B > 0

Common Patterns for Numerical Sequences

1. Arithmetic Progression: terms with a common difference
2. Geometric Progression: terms with a common factor ratio
3. Exponential Progression: has a common exponent or base
4. Nested Sequence: pattern depends on another sub pattern
5. Alternating Pattern Sequence: has two or more patterns applied alternately
6. Alternating Factor Series: has two or more common factors, ratios, or
differences applied alternately
7. Fibonacci Expression: operations are performed on the last two terms to get
the next one
8. Others: patterns that cannot be determined by a formula, thus depending
on common knowledge (months of the year, prime numbers, etc.)
- substitute letters/roman numerals with numbers, solve for all patterns in the term


Actual Tips for the Test

1. Some patterns are easy
Rotating Patterns: A Shape Within A Shape Patterns:

Line-Addition Patterns: A Shape Moving Around Patterns:

Add More Sides Patterns: Alphanumeric Arithmetic Patterns:


2. Some patterns are easy but also hard. There are usually combinations of easy
patterns or several of the same patterns at the same time. They take more
time to answer, but are easy to figure out.
Rotating + Line Addition: Move A Shape + Alphanumeric:

Add More Sides + Shape in Shapes:

3. Some patterns require stock knowledge.

Ex. Abbreviated Name of the Person on Amount of Philippine Currency


4. Some patterns are uniquely hard. It’s possible to figure them out, but could
potentially take a lot of time.
Ex. Static and Moving Squares
(top right ! diagonally left; bottom left ! along the edge; middle squares !
no movement)

5. Some patterns are stupidly easy to the point that they’re hard. Sometimes just
don’t overthink.
The Shaded Figure Just Needs to be Above the Line Prime Numbers

General Test Taking Tips

1. If you start to linger on a question for more than 20 seconds, skip it.

2. For Math, sometimes it is better to plug in values than to solve it algebraically
or to use the formulas. This works faster.
3. Don’t think about how thick the questionnaire is while answering. Just do it.
4. “If you don’t think you’ll finish, that’s ok. Chances are no one around you will
finish either. If someone did, they probably shotgunned most of it. At least
what little you answered will be accurate.” Repeat this to yourself when you

start to panic about the time limit.

5. Make sure you answer ALL questions. It is better to guess than leaving any

blanks. Even if UP is minus ¼ wrong, still, do not leave it blank.
6. When shotgunnning, it is better to stick to one letter only. The probability of
you getting these questions right will be higher than choosing different letters.
7. There is no amount of preparation that could have made the test easier.
Whatever happens, don’t let it affect your performance for the succeeding
tests. You did your best, now move on.


8. Sleep early the night before. Eat as much as you can before taking the test as
9. PRAY.

Google Drive:

Included: General Information (for DCAT and other CETs that include this), Math 3
Word Problem Examples & Solutions, Biology Detailed Reviewer

*Disclaimer: These index cards are just OUTLINES of what we have learned. We may
have omitted some information that could be part of the tests. Please do not rely
heavily on these cards – they serve only as guides. Refer to your respective review
materials for more detailed information. We are not liable for your admission results
for any university. Thank you and Good Luck!

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