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Cheating- act dishonestly or unfairly in order to gain an advantage, especially in a game or


Every action has a consequence whether it is good or bad. The choices you make can
follow you the rest of your life. Cheating is an issue that affects many students at one time or
another throughout their education. There are many different ways to cheat: copying homework,
looking over at a peers test, plagiarizing, and so on. Nothing good comes from cheating your
way through school, the only person you are cheating is yourself.

Academic dishonesty is a common concept that occurs in multiple institutions across the
United States. A student who engages in academic dishonestly simply cheats on material
but cheats by primarily plagiarizing their work. The bulk of students who cheat simply
cheat by using technology. As technology advances, student cheating advances.
Students are fixated with technology and technology, is a vast reason why cheating has
became effortless to accomplish. However, that does not trigger a student to cheat. There
are countless reasons why one student may cheat, but the negative effects do not
compensate for the positive aspects to cheat in an institution. Upon first glance, a student
cheating looks only to have negative effects on that student, but with a close look,
continuous cheating allows less knowledge towards a career field and a lack of trust
between instructor and student.

There is no doubt that countless students know how to cheat. Academic cheating is an
undisclosed process that occurs at all schools. This is the process of gaining info or using
information for use on a test without permission from the proctor of the test. The steps are
simple and easy to hide from the average teacher administrating the test. Many students
try their hand at cheating due to its rather lucrative outcome in terms of grades versus the
ratio of time spent on the process of cheating. Moreover, if done right, cheating is a
process that allows an individual to attain grades beyond their ability. Cheating on a test
is a simplistic process that shows the education system is easily manipulated. Academic
dishonesty is an effortless process that manipulates the education system with various
tools and methods.
Waste Management -are the activities and actions required to manage waste from its inception to
its final disposal. This includes the collection, transport, treatment and disposal of waste,
together with monitoring and regulation of the waste management process.

There are many forms of waste such as solid, gas or liquid and each has different
process of disposal and management. Waste management manages different types of
waste created by industries, household, commercial activities or natural waste. Large
segment of waste management deals with municipal solid waste i.e. the waste created
by industries, housing and commercial establishments.The general concepts of waste
management are waste hierarchy, that includes three approaches that are reduce,
reuse and recycle. Second is life cycle of product that includes designing, producing,
distributing followed by the 3 R’s of waste hierarchy. The third concept is resource
efficiency that focuses on efficient use of resources. And the fourth concept is polluter-
pay principle where the polluter-party i.e. one who generates waste has to pay for the
impact caused to the environment. However, waste management carried on in
developing and developed countries, cities and villages varies.Inefficient waste
management has several negative effects on health of living beings, environment and
economy for e.g. air pollution, soil contamination, spread of hazardous diseases, etc.
Waste management is aimed to reduce the adverse effects of waste on environment,
health and the beauty of nature.

Disposing of waste has huge environmental impacts and can cause serious problems.
In the UK much is buried in landfill sites – holes in the ground, sometimes old quarries,
sometimes specially dug. Some waste will eventually rot, but not all, and in the process
it may smell, or generate methane gas, which is explosive and contributes to the
greenhouse effect. Leachate produced as waste decomposes may cause pollution.
Badly-managed landfill sites may attract vermin or cause litter.

Incinerating waste also causes problems, because plastics tend to produce toxic
substances, such as dioxins, when they are burnt. Gases from incineration may cause
air pollution and contribute to acid rain, while the ash from incinerators may contain
heavy metals and other toxins. Because of these problems there are active campaigns
against waste incineration. Greenpeace actively worked on these issues and some
information, including a map of UK waste incinerators, can be found by searching
the Greenpeace website for waste incineration. However, burning waste can generate
energy and there are operational schemes. The Renewable Energy Association website
provides more information including a map of biomass and energy from waste projects.

Throwing away things wastes resources. It wastes the raw materials and energy used in
making the items and it wastes money. Reducing waste means less environmental
impact, less resources and energy used and saves money.
Animal Abuse - animal neglect or animal cruelty, is the infliction by omission or by commission by
humans of suffering or harm upon any non-human.

Cruelty means inflicting pain and causing suffering. Animal cruelty is a nationwide problem rapidly
growing in today's society. Animals are being beaten and starved everyday and millions of helpless
animals die each year because of heartless owners. There are many forms of animal cruelty; some of the
most common forms are scientific research, abandonment, and mistreatment.
Scientific research is a necessity of life, so it is said. Society needs to research to improve
economy and the products of everyday life. This is all well and good, until something has to suffer. Many
times companies test products on animals for the safety of humans. Monkeys, rats, mice, dogs, and cats
are some of the candidates used for laboratory research. The major problem with animal testing is the
animals usually suffer in a traumatizing experience. Many animals endure burns, hair loss, rashes and
gashes. Some companies go as far as to place metal wires and rods in the animal's head. However,
researchers justify this inexcusable treatment with "it's for science". Yet you have to wonder if scientists
think how they would feel in that situation.
There are many companies out there that do not use animals for testing their products. Yet these
companies still have popular products that are bought daily by all. For instance the company Lip
Smackers, sell all kinds of lip-glosses, chap sticks and makeup and they do not use animal to test their
products. Many parents buy these items for their children as presents for birthdays or Christmas. Also
many girls purchase them all the time and some prefer that product to others. This shows that you can
make a good product without testing on animals.
All living things have a right to live on this Earth but, we, very often become, totally, insensitive to
their pain, only because animals can’t speak the language of humans, they don’t have a voice

When God created this planet he had a specific purpose for all living things and He did so to strike a
balance in his creation. He wanted a world where harmony and peace prevailed and so He made the
‘Food Chain’ why maintains the ecological balance in Nature but Man in his greed ha recklessly been
plundering the natural abode of animals, killing the! Indiscriminately for pleasure, for food, for their skin
and other parts of the body, and training some to serve his needs.

Slowly and gradually, with the passage of time, he became so arrival and selfish that he started believing
that the planet was made only fool him. He also started using animals for scientific research in the field J
medicine, cosmetic industry etc. In his bid to know more and more, 111 carried out experiments on
them, treated them as scientific tools and! Stopped feeling their pain. The torture and cruelty, these
dumb animals have to go through, wheel research is being carried out on them, is a well known fact.
Only recent the plight of animals that are used for research in the prestigious ‘All India! Medical
Sciences’ was exposed by the Media.

Such cruelty, letting them suffer in pain sends a shiver through the spine. The animals, kept in small
enclosures, were going round and round in circles which is proof of their’ nervous break down. Is it not
cruelty?I do not mean that all research should be stopped but if an animal is in pain! it should be put to
death rather than just letting it live, for animals too feel pain, moreover, we can also ensure that they
are looked after well.
Junk Foods - is a pejorative term, dating back at least to the 1950s, describing food that is high in
calories from sugar or fat, with little dietary fiber, protein, vitamins or minerals.

Junk food is not a healthy food to the health which every kid and children must know because they
generally love to eat junk food. Essay on junk food is a common topic given to the school students
during essay writing competition in order to make them aware about junk food. Here we have given
some easy and simple junk food essay which you can chose according to your need of words limit.

Generally, junk foods look so attractive and yummy for the people of every age group. However, it is
very true that they are so coarse from inside. What they look from outside never become from inside.
Junk foods are never considered healthy to the health, they have been proved unhealthy in all ways.
Junk foods are unfit to the health and one who practice to eat junk foods calls so many disorders to
his/her health. It may cause heart diseases, cancer, early ageing, high blood pressure, bone
problems, diabetes, mental disorders, liver disorders, digestive system problems, constipation,
diarrhoea, heart attack, prostate and breast cancer, osteoporosis, and so many health disorders.

According to the research, it is found that puberty is the most sensitive age during which one should
practice healthy eating habits because during this age there are many changes occur in the body to
prepare one to enter to the adult age group.

The term junk food means a food do not good to the body health in anyway. It is less nutritional and
harmful to the body systems. Most of junk foods contain high level of saturated fats, sugar, salt and
bad cholesterol which are toxin to the health. They become lack of dietary fibers so easily get involve
in causing constipation and other digestive disorders. Junk foods have gained so much popularity
because of the nice taste and easy to cook. There are many readymade junk foods available in the
market packed in the polybags. Most of the people are depend on such readymade foods because
of their busy schedule or they do not know to cook food at home.

The consumption of junk food all over the world is increasing day by day which is not good for the
future. People of all age groups like to eat junk food and they generally chose to eat whenever they
enjoy special time with family like birthday party, marriage anniversary, etc. They easily become
used to of taking soft drinks, wafers, chips, noodles, burgers, pizza, french fries, Chinese dishes,
and other varieties of fast food available in the market.

As we all know the truth about junk foods and it needs no introduction. However, it is a most
interesting question that why everyone likes to eat junk foods even after knowing its truth. Nowadays
every one of us is enjoying well the taste of junk food because it is delicious, affordable and readily
available. Junk foods have no nutritional value and essential ingredients required for the health. I t is
very harmful to the health if consumed on regular basis. It causes a spike in body energy level and
creates sleeping disorders. It reduces level of concentration and calls to chronic diseases such as
obesity, hormonal imbalances, heart diseases, high blood pressure, diabetes, etc.Junk foods
become very oily and lack of dietary fibers thus they are hard to digest and require more energy to
perform the process from body and make a person lack of oxygen level in the body which lead
towards improper brain functioning. Junk foods are high in bad cholesterol and cause heart and liver
damage. Because of lack of dietary fibers they cause strain to the stomach and other digestive
organs and result in constipation.Junk foods are always harmful to the heath and deteriorate the
health condition if taken on regular basis without providing any health benefits. We should avoid
eating junk foods in order to enjoy the good health and happy life all through the life.
Same Sex marriage - is the marriage of two people of the same sex or gender, entered
into in a civil or religious ceremony. There are records of same-sex marriage dating
back to the first century though there is no legal provision in Roman Law, and it was
banned in the Roman Empire in the fourth.

What is marriage? There are many types of marriages, yet the two most popular are
opposite sex marriage and same sex marriage. Opposite sex marriage is two people of
the opposite sex combining as partners in a relationship by law. Same sex marriage is the
same as opposite, but instead of the opposite sex it is the same sex. People have
questions such as does it affect family members. Although many people would say it
does not, it does. The people that are making the affect on their family are the ones to
believe otherwise. They have made a whole new idea as to what society and what they
should be like. Not only changing their families, they change their religion. Even though
some gays or lesbians believe they can still be Christian and live a gay, they are wrong.
They believe that being gay has nothing to do with religion, but it has more than they
believe. Same-sex marriage has been a huge controversy in the United States due to the
fact people don 't know what marriage is, how it affects families, or what religion has to do
with it.
Marriage is when a two people of the opposite sex legally come together as partners in a

Same-sex marriage is a topic that has become increasingly more debatable throughout time. America
has been said to be the “land of the free,” but when it comes to homosexual couples, it is far from that.
If same-sex marriage was legalized, many positive outcomes could emerge from it; the society would be
closer to equality, adoption would increase, gained social support for families would develop, and it
would positively affect the economy and tax revenues. In 1993, the first national debate was made in
regards to same-sex marriage, which occurred in Hawaii. According to the National Conference of State
Legislature (2013), Hawaii…show more content…

The second statement implies that individuals become who they are exposed to, which is a hasty
generalization and there is no evidence to back that statement. Janice Langbehn was able to bring the
importance of same sex couple benefits to the public eye. Janice Langbehn was denied access to visit
her dying partner in the hospital. Thereafter, President Obama apologized to Janice and informed her of
the Presidential Memorandum that was previously signed, which is the extension of benefits to same-
sex domestic partners. With that being said, same sex couples should be issued the same benefits as
heterosexual couples. Same sex couples can also produce financial gain for both local and state
governments because of the generation of tax revenue. This allows the economy to benefit from the
legalization of same-sex marriage.
Death Penalty - also known as the death penalty, is a government-sanctioned practice whereby a
person is killed by the state as a punishment for a crime. The sentence that someone be
punished in such a manner is referred to as a death sentence, whereas the act of carrying out
the sentence is known as an execution.

The death penalty is a sentence that should be abolished. Should we do to the criminal as they did to
the victim? Is there a chance that the accused is innocent? What can be done since the sentence is
irreversible? These are some of the issues with the death penalty.

My first issue is that the justice system is never 100% correct. “Judges and juries can convict the
innocent, as we know from the case of Donald Marshall, jailed for more than a decade for a murder he
did not commit.”(143). Most crimes end up with criminals serving jail time. Sometimes people turn up
innocent. Because they were only sent to jail and not sentenced to death their sentence can be
reversed. A death penalty is irreversible. The jury is also a factor in determining penalty.

Several times the same crimes are committed and different sentences are given out. A black man may
receive the death penalty while a white man can get imprisonment. “In Canada, before the death
penalty was abolished, native Indians, Ukrainians, and French Canadians were more likely to be
executed than others.”(141) A jury who consists of those who believe in the death penalty is more likely
to vote guilty while one opposed may vote innocent. They do not want to be held responsible for the
death of someone, innocent or guilty.

The death penalty is unjust and morally wrong. When someone murders someone else, the correct
punishment is not to murder him or her, but to try and help them. We don’t steal from the thieves, or
rape the rapists. “It would be degrading to the penal authorities. It would appear to condone the crime
by repeating it. It would be a wanton cruelty.” (140) Why do we murder the murderers? The death
penalty takes focus away from the victims and focuses the attention on the criminal.

These are just some of the reasons the death penalty should be removed. There are of course many
more. With the chance of being innocent, unjust, corrupt, what of the death penalty can be justified? I
am strongly against the death penalty and what it stands for.

According to, the first legal death penalty ever issued was on June 25, 1790
as a result of a murder Thomas Bird committed in Maine. Since then, the United States has executed a
total of 340 people, 336 men, and 4 women. As of today, the death penalty is the highest form of capital
punishment and is predominantly issued to violators of murder. People that have committed murder are
arrested and put on trial. A recent example of a crime that may issue the death penalty is California's
case against Scott Peterson. Scott Peterson was arrested for the murder of his wife who was pregnant
with his child. He is currently on trial and awaiting a sentence of life in jail without parole, or the death
penalty. It is up to a …show more content…

The FBI's preliminary crime report of 2002 stated that the murder rate in the south, where there are
more occurrences of the death penalty, have increased by 2.1%. On opposite ends of the spectrum,
murder rates in the Northeast decreased by almost 5%. These are astonishing facts considering that the
south accounts for 82% of issued deaths since 1976. The Northeast has accounted for about 1%.
According to, "surveys and interviews of district attorneys indicate that some
prosecutors use the death penalty as a `bargaining chip' to secure plea bargains for lesser sentences." In
some instances the death penalty appears to issue as a threat rather that a cause of justice. There are
many instances in which the death penalty can be viewed as a threat to secure safety, but there are
some instances in which the threat is solely the penalty's intent.
Plastic surgery is a surgical specialty involving the restoration, reconstruction, or alteration of
the human body. It can be divided into two categories. The first is reconstructive surgery which
includes craniofacial surgery, hand surgery, microsurgery, and the treatment of burns.

The definition of plastic surgery is the specialty concerned with the correction or restoration; it includes
types like reconstructive surgery, which is performed to fix or correct injuries caused by accidents.
There’s also hand surgery and the famous and useful cosmetic surgery.
Cosmetic surgery is the improvement or enhancement of one’s appearance. There are many types of
cosmetic surgery out there and you have to be really careful when you decide to get one of these
procedures done, research is a must and checking credentials and valid references should be in your
mind at all the time when you are thinking about cosmetic/ plastic surgery. The following are the most
popular cosmetic surgeries and definitions: …show more content…

The prices for these procedures are always changing and it will vary depending on who’s going to be the
surgeon, in what city are you going to get it done, and of course the type of surgery you want. Beauty is
in the eye of the beholder, but this statement is often ignored today. Beauty is very much valued in our
society, and one way to become more “beautiful” is cosmetic surgery. There are two categories of
cosmetic surgery: minimally invasive and invasive surgeries. Minimally invasive surgeries, like laser hair
removal, are often called surface treatments. These procedures require little time and no cuts or actual
surgery procedures are performed on the patient. (Lusted 25-6). Cosmetic surgery that requires incisions
and the use of anesthesia make up the second category. This category contains body contouring
surgeries, like liposuction and abdominoplasty; and traditional surgery procedures, like breast
augmentation. (Lusted 26-8).

Are you planning to have a cosmetic procedure? There are many things that a person considering having
a procedure should know. Cosmetic surgery has been practiced for many years however, it is dangerous
and many people face addiction. Before having a cosmetic procedure it is important to know all the
Cosmetic surgery being so popular, many people are not aware that there are two types of plastic
surgery: Cosmetic plastic surgery and Reconstructive plastic surgery. Cosmetic surgery is the
improvement of a person’s natural features on a purely aesthetic level with the absence of trauma or
physical deformity. The most popular cosmetic surgeries today include the removal of blemishes with a
lasers, breast augmentation, …show more content… The reasons why people get plastic surgery are
sometimes deep and sometimes shallow, but in the end people are people regardless of the choices that
they make.
However, every person that is considering having plastic surgery should be aware of the possible risks
and dangers. Complications from plastic surgery can range anywhere from scarring to fatalities. The
effects of surgery can at times traumatize the patient both physically and psychologically. One of the
most common risks of plastic surgery is scarring. Most surgeries will end with permanent scarring.
Infections, hematomas, and bleeding are all possible after surgery. These complications are usually
treatable if they are caught early enough. Patients should also be aware of nerve damage to the area of
operation. Some patients have also had trouble with muscle movement in the area of operation. One
out of every 54,000 surgeries ends in death. Before having a cosmetic procedure the patient must have
blood test and a physical to make sure the patient meets all the requirements before having surgery.
Mobile Games - is a game played on a feature phone, smartphone/tablet, smartwatch, PDA, portable
media player or graphing calculator.

Mobile game is a video game played on a mobile phone, Smartphone, PDA, computer, portable or
calculator. This does not include games played on dedicated handheld video game systems such as
Nintendo 3DS or PlayStation Vita. These data are available in these companies: Digital Chocolate, Disney
Mobile Studios, EA Mobile, Gameloft, Glu, Hands-On, HandyGames, I-Play, IG Fun and THQ Wireless.

Mobile games are played using the technology present on the device itself. Mobile games are usually
downloaded via the mobile operator's network, but in some cases are also loaded in the mobile
handsets when purchased, via infrared connection, Bluetooth, or memory card.

Games played on a mobile device using localization technology like GPS are called location-based games.
These are not only played on mobile hardware but also integrate the player's position into the game
concept. In other words: while it does not matter for a normal mobile game where exactly you are (play
them anywhere at any time), the player's coordinate and movement are main elements in allocation.
The best-known example is the treasure hunt game Geocaching, which can be played on any mobile
device with integrated or external GPS receiver. External GPS receivers are usually connected via
Bluetooth. More and more mobile phones with integrated GPS are expected to come.

Humans have taken a colossal leap in their lifestyle. Once we had sticks and stones, now we utilize codes
and algorithms in almost every mundane activity. The biggest beneficiary or adversary has been the
young generation who although are quick with comprehending them, but often fall trap to its
eccentricities. Research shows how even mobile games have started having an impact on the cognitive
and psychological development.

Games are fundamentally addictive, but gamers tend to be proactive, less emotional, and more social.
They even tend to perform commendably better at schools. They seldom develop mental health
problems and are demonstrate high intellectual capability. Doctors call games as collaborative leisure
which makes them socially cohesive because the majority of them play together in a group. Quick hand-
eye coordination makes their motor skills more receptive and advanced. The enormous concentration
augments their critical judgment and managerial capabilities. Higher levels of engagement are
consequential in strengthening their communication prowess. It also develops among them a sense of
competition that reflects in their better school performance. Undeniably, games are stress busters and
even have therapeutic effects. It helps magnify their personalities, making them more amiable and
likable. Some effects of mobile games on the neurological health of a child are intangible, but it
genuinely makes them more participative and persuasive. A study at the University of Leicester proves
that mobile game apps are significantly affecting the purchasing behavior of children.
Nevertheless, there are innumerable observable negative effects of mobile games in children. Mobile
games have been constructed in such a way that it keeps pushing notifications even when it is inactive.
This becomes an avoidable yet tempting distraction. Such alerts potentially weaken self-restraint.
Frequent participation kills productive time that could have been used otherwise in studies or outdoor
games. Children tend to bypass healthy habits like playing outside, which is exponentially healthy.
Multiple independent studies have proven that mobile games have become a big reason for deprived
and disturbed sleep. Bright lights affect their circadian rhythms. Lack of sleep has another set of
problems associated with it such as obesity, low attentiveness, and over-exhaustion. It tends to make
them even more sedentary.

Furthermore, not all games come free. This addictive habit push kids into inducing their parents to
spend money on these relatively less productive activities. Playing in groups is undoubtedly great for
brain stimulation. However, notably, when kids tend to indulge more in mobile gaming, they become
even more introvert. There are chances of them retreating into their own virtual world of gaming,
inhibiting their social progress. Children who are shy and unfriendly usually lack confidence. This leads to
frustration in future and that can be irreversible. Such social cohesion can only be developed at a young
age, as otherwise bad habits become real habits. Certain games have violent or obscene content. Kids
definitely don’t have the right know-how for differentiation and this can be emotional fallout for them.
Proper and perpetual monitoring can be the only method of avoiding such dire circumstances.

The pros and cons are demonstrably balanced as well as confusing. The focus, thus, should be on
maintaining equilibrium between innovative methods of learning in tandem with the technological
elevation and traditional side-effects of addiction. Parents must have proper discretion and information
over the kind of games their children are playing, effectively bypassing the objectionable ones. Games
such as Minecraft, Lego Planets, Super Mario Maker and LittleBigPlanet have been encouraged more.
There has to be a stipulated amount of time that a child dedicates into playing that doesn’t compromise
his/her schooling or healthy routine. The American Academy of Pediatrics has made recommendations
where no screen time is allotted to children below 18 months, a maximum of one hour for a child up to
5 years of age and a maximum permissible limit of 90 minutes thereafter.

Technology has expanded and evolved for profitable purposes and a better future. It is our genuine
responsibility to protect our future generation from the aftermath of wrong trends, pushing them
towards healthier methods of learning. There has to be absolute transparency and honesty among
parents and their children at this age. The prime objective is to make them versatile for holistic
President Duterte - Rodrigo Roa Duterte, KGCR, also known as Digong and Rody, is a Filipino
politician who is the 16th and current President of the Philippines, and the first from Mindanao to
hold the office. He is the chair of the ruling
Teenage Pregnancy - also known as adolescent pregnancy, ispregnancy in a female under the
age of 20. Pregnancy can occur with sexual intercourse after the start of ovulation, which can
be before the first menstrual period (menarche) but usually occurs after the onset of periods.

When it comes to the topic of does the tv show “16 and pregnant” promote or discourage teenage
pregnancy, it seems like the show is not promoting, it is actually discouraging. My research has shown
that only after eighteen months the show aired, the show led to a 5.7% reduction in teen births.
Statistics show that the United States teen birth rate have went down majorly over the past twenty
years. Furthermore, many teens are watching the show just to enjoy, not for encouragement. I agree
that the show discourages teenage pregnancy because my experience using this information I found has
proven that teens aren’t becoming pregnant because of the show. Teens get pregnant because of their
choices to do so, not just because of one single show. Being a teen mom is not an easy task to handle
especially being a single mother. A lot of teens have goals that they want to accomplish, and they can
still accomplish them, it will just be a little harder. In order to accomplish goals that will lead to a career
of theirs, they will need school and an education.

The numbers of teenage pregnancy are very high but when you think about the numbers most could
have been prevented with the use of protection. Some people may not afford condoms but if you
cannot afford a condom you cannot afford a baby. Children from homes ran by teenage mothers go
through a hard time in life. Teenage mothers have no time for other things, because they are busy
taking care of their baby. Most teen mothers end up dropping out of high school, because they do not
have time for school anymore. They work for low wages to make money and support the child. Some
teenagers try to stay in school to have a good image, so that other people in school do not look at them
as a pregnant teenager but as just one of them. Most teens that have had sex wish they had waited
longer and most teens and adults believe that it is important for teens to be given a strong message
from society that they should not have sex until they are at least out of high school. Other teens do what
they have to do and give their full support to the child, they stay in school until close the time of their
baby's delivery date. When teenagers plan to have intercourse, they should think about whether or not
they could handle a child in their life. "Each year, women around the world experience 75 million
unwanted pregnancies. Unwanted pregnancy can happen for two main reasons: either the couple was
not using contraception, or the method they were using failed. There are many reasons why people do
not use contraception to prevent unwanted pregnancy, including lack of access to family planning
information and services; incest or rape; personal or religious beliefs; inadequate knowledge about the
risks of pregnancy following unprotected sexual relations; and women's limited decision-making ability
with regard to sexual relations and contraceptive use.
Suicide is the act of intentionally causing one's own death.[7] Mental disorders,
including depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, personality disorders, anxiety disorders,
and substance abuse—including alcoholism and the use of benzodiazepines—are risk factors.

Statistics reveal that every 18 minutes someone takes away their life. Suicide is a leading cause of death among
adolescents. This problem is taken seriously and students are often asked to write essays on suicide. It’s not
easy to tell someone who is contemplating suicide even when they are so close to you. One of the main causes
of suicide is depression, which you can mention in your introduction to a suicide essay. You can outline
possible moods and thoughts that surround suicidal attempts. Your paper should not be a condemnation of
people who commit suicide but rather a solution to stress management. In your conclusion write that suicide is
an irrational and destructive decision. Look on the sample essays on our site as your go-to guide when writing
on this matter.

Teen suicide is one of the leading causes of death among teens and a significant problem in the United
States. Consequently, suicide is a tragedy not only for that person, but also for their family and friends
that are left behind (Bell). Many teens of all races are affected by this intentional, self-inflicted death.
Even though the causes of suicide can be hard to isolate, the signs can be linked to depression, drug
abuse, emotional neglect of their parents, bullying, parents divorcing, sexual and domestic abuse.
Sadness, feelings of lack of worthiness, uninterested in activities are all signs of depression. Depression
is a mood disorder and it is one of the most common signs that lead to suicide. Teenagers let problems
take over their live. If this mental disorder is identified in the early stages, professional guidance may
solve the problem (Bell). Time is the main factor for depression. Emotional distress is usually what the
teenager feels before attempting or completing the act. The only way their behavior will improve is
through professional help. Emotional neglect of parents can affect teens in a way that is hard to believe.
Parents are busy with their lives and sometimes forget about their children’s emotional needs.
Therefore, the child feels their existence no longer matters (Bell). Divorce is another catalyst in teen

Suicide is an immense issue worldwide, with an estimated 1 million people committing suicide each
year, and 20 million attempting suicide. Suicide is defined as the act of killing one’s self intentionally.
Worldwide, suicide is the third leading cause of death, and the second most common cause of death for
those aged between 15-24. New Zealand has one of the highest youth suicide rates in the developed
world, and overall high suicide rate, and as such is a crucial issue for New Zealand and its health system.
Each year approximately 500 people in New Zealand are killed through suicide, and approximately 5000
people are hospitalised due to self-harm or attempted suicide.

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