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Current Pediatrics Reports


Urinary Tract Infection in Children

Nicholas G. Larkins 1,2 & Ian K. Hewitt 1,2

# Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2018

Purpose of Review Urinary tract infections (UTI) are common among children. In the past 20 years, a number of key trials have
substantially changed practice, in addition to clarifying the natural history of children managed expectantly. It is now clear that
among children with normal kidneys at presentation, chronic kidney disease and hypertension are rare. Improved antenatal
ultrasound now detects most significant abnormalities of the kidney and urinary tract, particularly severe hypodysplasia, which
is often associated with high-grade vesico-ureteric reflux (VUR). This review aims to summarize the evidence-based treatment of
UTI in children.
Recent Findings There is no difference in symptomatic, microbiologic, or renal outcomes between intravenous and oral antibi-
otics in treating acute, febrile infection. Long-term antibiotic prophylaxis results in a statistically but not clinically significant
reduction in recurrence among young children, with or without VUR. Trials to-date have failed to demonstrate that the surgical
correction of VUR confers any additional benefit, which may be because the natural history of VUR is to resolution with time
and/or that other factors are more important determinants of outcome.
Summary A more conservative approach to the management of UTI is warranted for most children. Antibiotic prophylaxis,
voiding cystourethrography, and surgery for VUR are not indicated following an initial or infrequent UTI. These measures may
have a role in selected subgroups of children at high risk of kidney disease, but this remains a hypothesis pending the results of
ongoing trials.

Keywords Child . Urinary tract infections . Vesico-ureteral reflux . Antibiotic prophylaxis . Pyelonephritis

Introduction sequalae in an immunocompetent host, and will not be further

discussed here.
Urinary tract infection (UTI) is a common childhood infec- Pyelonephritis was thought to predispose to chronic kidney
tion, occurring in around 8% of females and 2% of males disease in children and was routinely treated with intravenous
before 7 years of age [1]. Most UTI are bacterial, caused by (IV) antibiotics followed by extensive investigation, antibiotic
ascending gastrointestinal commensal organisms, the most prophylaxis, and/or surgery where vesico-ureteric (VUR) was
common of which is Escherichia coli (E. coli). Viral and fun- detected. However, a series of well-conducted randomized
gal infections can also cause UTI, the most common example controlled trials (RCT) have led to substantial changes in our
being adenoviral cystitis; but these rarely result in significant understanding and our practices around UTI in children [2, 3].

This article is part of the Topical Collection on Renal

Risk Factors for UTI
* Ian K. Hewitt Both host and pathogen factors contribute to the development
of UTI. Urine flow is an important defense mechanism, acting
Nicholas G. Larkins
to displace ascending bacteria. Urinary stasis, such as in chil-
dren with bladder abnormalities or obstruction, predisposes to
Department of Nephrology, Perth Children’s Hospital, 15 Hospital infection. Uropathogenic E. coli, the predominate organism
Ave, Nedlands, WA 6009, Australia causing UTI, possess multiple virulence factors including fim-
School of Paediatrics and Child Health, University of Western briae that facilitate adherence to the uroepithelium, toll-like
Australia, 35 Stirling Hwy, Crawley, WA 6009, Australia receptor disruptors to inhibit the immune response, and
Curr Pediatr Rep

biofilm components that ensure long-term survival within the The risk of developing a new scar following childhood UTI
renal tract [4–6]. Bacteria that lack fimbriae infrequently cause can be stratified according to presenting features. Several
UTI in children with a normal urinary tract [7]. teams have analyzed this question using different data and
During the first 6 months of life, UTIs are more common in approaches, but one excellent example is an individual-
males, thereafter, they occur much more frequently among patient meta-analysis that included 1280 children from the
females, driven primarily by non-febrile infections [8, 9•]. RIVUR, the prevention of recurrent urinary tract infection in
There is some evidence to suggest that UTI are less common Children with Vesicoureteric Reflux and Normal Renal Tracts
among circumcised males; although the data are mostly ob- (PRIVENT), and Italian Renal Infection Study-1 (IRIS-1) tri-
servational, the estimated effect size is substantial (odds ratio als [9•, 18, 20•, 22•]. While the presence of grade 4 or 5 VUR
0.13; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.08 to 0.20) [10, 11]. the was associated with an increased risk of scarring, only
Children with bladder abnormalities, such as a neurogenic 4.1% patient had either grade of reflux [18]. Of multiple
bladder are at increased risk of UTI [12]. These patients re- models tested, one including temperature, ultrasonographic
quire specialist care, but a more commonly encountered form findings (normal versus abnormal), and the presence of an
of bladder disturbance is lower urinary tract dysfunction organism other than E. coli identified patients at risk of scar-
(LUTD), which is a delay in the development of normal blad- ring almost as well as more complex models that included
der filling and emptying patterns that develop during early blood tests and/or VCUG [18]. Children with ≥ 2 of these risk
childhood [13, 14]. LUTD is detected in around 30 to 50% factors were at increased risk; whereas children with 1 or none
of toilet-trained children presenting with UTI [15, 16]. of these factors developed scarring in 14.3 and 6.2% of cases
Children with LUTD may be chronically colonized, only in- respectively (baseline risk 15.6%), and encompassed most of
termittently manifesting UTI symptoms [1]. Synonymous the cohort (78.3% of children). LUTD is increasingly recog-
terms include dysfunctional voiding, dysfunctional elimina- nized as an important predictor of future renal scarring, prob-
tion syndrome, detrusor instability, and bowel and bladder ably as a result of recurrent UTI. The OR for scarring among
dysfunction; highlighting the inter-related nature of the ner- children without LUTD in the RIVUR and CUTIE cohorts
vous supply to this region [13]. LUTD may manifest as ur- was 0.32 (95% CI, 0.13 to 0.74) [23].
gency, fidgeting, avoidance of toileting (holding on), and/or One of the key changes in our approach to UTI has come
diurnal enuresis [14]. from the realization that most children who go on to develop
renal impairment have abnormal renal findings at presenta-
tion, particularly renal (hypo)dysplasia and structural abnor-
Recurrent UTI and Renal Scarring malities, and that the risk among children with normal kidneys
in the presence or absence of VUR is low [24]. Given the
Of children < 2 years old, presenting with a UTI, nearly 60% difficulty in differentiating scarring and dysplasia on cross-
will have evidence of pyelonephritis on acute sectional studies, it is likely that many people previously di-
dimercaptosuccinic acid scan (DMSA); and 15% overall will agnosed with kidney disease due to VUR actually had renal
develop a renal scar [17, 18]. Rational treatment decisions dysplasia. This would explain why despite the introduction of
require information on the risk of recurrent UTI, formation more active treatment for UTI and VUR during the period of
of new renal scars, clinically relevant sequalae, and the effi- 1970 to 2000, there was little appreciable change in the inci-
cacy of any proposed treatment. dence of end-stage kidney disease (ESKD) labeled as reflux
Among children in the Randomized Intervention for nephropathy [25]. The incidence of ESKD attributed to reflux
Children with Vesicoureteral Reflux (RIVUR) and Careful nephropathy has fallen markedly in recent years, likely the
Urinary Tract Infection Evaluation (CUTIE) cohorts, < 6 years result of increasingly accurate antenatal ultrasounds detecting
of age, toilet trained, not on prophylaxis, presenting with a more cases of dysplasia antenatally that may previously have
first or second UTI, the risk of recurrent UTI over the follow- been labeled as reflux nephropathy if detected following a
ing 2 years of follow-up was 32% [19]. This risk reduces over UTI [26–29]. The newer term, congenital abnormalities of
time and is greatest in the first 3 to 6 months following the the kidney and urinary tract (CAKUT), is more reflective of
index infection [20•]. Hence, most children will not have an- the underlying etiology in most cases [30]. Whereby, it is
other UTI after their first, or at least will not develop frequent thought that the most common sequence of events is abnormal
infections. ureteric budding failing to induce normal kidney development
Recurrent UTI are more common in children with renal within the metanephric mesenchyme, which would explain
scarring or an abnormal renal tract ultrasound on presentation the observed association between renal dysplasia and VUR.
[15, 21]. LUTD is an important risk factor for recurrence, While the rate of confirmed mutation in children with
which may be more significant when present in combination CAKUT remains < 20%, this number is increasing, and con-
with vesico-ureteric reflux (VUR) [15, 19]. In isolation, VUR sistent with a heterogenous, genetically complex group of
is a poor predictor of recurrent UTI [15, 19, 20•]. disorders [31].
Curr Pediatr Rep

Diagnosis Antibiotic Regimens for Acute Infection

It is important to avoid treating asymptomatic bacteriuria, as Previous dogma was to treat children with febrile UTI for
there is no evidence that this is a sinister condition. Two large, 2 weeks with intravenous (IV) antibiotics. However, a series
prospective cohort studies have been conducted, demonstrat- of trials, testing progressively shorter IV therapy followed by
ing a prevalence of covert bacteriuria between 1 and 2.5% of oral treatment found no difference in outcomes [46–48].
children [32–34]. Neither study, one of which randomized 5- Subsequent trials compared 3 days of initial IV therapy with
to 12-year-old schoolgirls to treatment or not, indicated that exclusively oral treatment, the first included 306 children from
treatment of covert bacteriuria improves renal outcomes or 1- to 24-month old; [49] the second, 502 children from
averts a significant number of episodes of pyelonephritis. 1 month to 7 years old [9•]. Both showed no difference in
The first step in correctly establishing the diagnosis is the outcomes including time to resolution of fever, microbiologi-
collection of an uncontaminated sample. Bag urine collections cal resolution of infection, and subsequent scar formation.
are useful to rule out infection only [35, 36]. Clean-catch These studies confirmed that beyond 1 month of age, children
samples and catheter samples may also be contaminated, with a febrile UTI, of whom ~ 60% have pyelonephritis, who
and the growth of a single, potentially causative organism at are otherwise well and tolerating fluids, can be treated with
a concentration of ≥ 107 (clean-catch) or ≥ 108 (catheter) is oral antibiotics in an outpatient setting [50]. Concern about the
most consistent with the diagnosis [37]. Samples collected rapidity with which young infants may deteriorate has led to
via supra-pubic aspiration are less frequently contaminated, some employing a slightly higher age threshold (for example,
and any growth on such a sample is considered consistent with 3 months) for treating pyelonephritis with oral antibiotics only
infection. Systemically unwell infants require a catheter sam- [51]. Children unable to tolerate oral antibiotics require IV
ple or supra-pubic aspiration to avoid delay in antibiotic ad- treatment initially, but can be transitioned to oral therapy as
ministration. Otherwise, many centers will initially attempt a soon as tolerated. One approach is to give a long-acting IV
clean-catch sample, as a less invasive method. Gentle stimu- antibiotic such as ceftriaxone or gentamicin initially, with ear-
lation has been proposed to improve the rapidity and proba- ly review and transition to oral antibiotics in patients, where
bility of a successful clean-catch sample, a theory supported there is concern whether a child will tolerate oral antibiotics
by the results of a recent RCT using cold-soaked gaze in 344, initially; acknowledging that this does not improve outcomes
1- to 12-month children (31% versus 12% voided within for febrile UTI overall [52].
5 min) [38]. The antibiotic(s) of choice varies between countries, in part
Pyuria is present in nearly all symptomatic UTI. A simple based on availability. As a general principle, gram-negative
threshold of ≥ 1+ leukocyte esterase or positive nitrites on cover is essential, often achieved using gentamicin when IV
urinalysis may have a sensitivity up to 95% and specificity therapy is required. The renal excretion of gentamicin is ad-
of 98% [39]. Similar test performance has been described vantageous in this setting, because levels achieved at the site
among younger children, and a negative urinalysis almost of infection (i.e., renal parenchyma) are many fold higher than
excludes urosepsis among children < 60 days [40, 41]. serum levels [53]. Most pediatricians will add a penicillin,
However, study results are heterogenous and meta-analysis such as amoxicillin, to cover enterococci, which comprise
summary estimates less promising, with a pooled sensitivity around 3% of infections in children with normal urinary tracts
of 88% and specificity of 79% for leukocyte esterase or nitrite [20•]. Where patients are treated solely with oral antibiotics,
positivity [42]. Where available, microscopy with gram stain empiric selection will depend upon the sensitivity profile
may still be the most accurate rapid diagnostic test [42]. The of common organisms, mainly E.coli, in that community,
use of other urine biomarkers to reflect tubular injury (e.g., which varies by region and time according to prescribing prac-
NGAL) and inflammation (e.g., IL-8) has been proposed to tices [54, 55]. In many places, a high proportion of E. coli
predict UTI in children [43]. These newer biomarkers remain are resistant to amoxicillin; common choices include
unavailable in clinic practice, but represent a promising line of cotrimoxazole, cephalexin, amoxicillin-clavulanic acid, and
inquiry. cefixime [55, 56].
An important problem when considering diagnostic test In-lieu of trial data on the duration of treatment for pyelo-
accuracy studies for UTI, is that of a faulty gold standard, nephritis in children, a standard 10- to 14-day course of ther-
given asymptomatic bacteriuria is not uncommon [44]. apy appears appropriate. There are observational, and limited
Hence, there is some uncertainty around this evidence-base, trial data to support a 3- to 5-day course in children with
and results need to be interpreted within the clinical context. cystitis [57–59]. Shorter (or symptomatic-only) courses for
Our certainty of UTI increase as pyuria or bacteriuria in- adults with cystitis have been investigated [60, 61].
creases, but in a patient with classic clinical findings, a lower However, we would not recommend this approach for most
white cell or bacterial count do not always exclude UTI, par- children, given single dose treatment regimens have been
ticularly among younger children [45]. trialed and are less effective than longer courses [57].
Curr Pediatr Rep

Management of Recurrent UTI probiotics have been the focus of some research, but it re-
mains unclear whether they offer benefit over placebo
Prophylactic Antibiotics [74, 75].

The use of prophylactic antibiotics following initial UTI in Surgery for VUR
young children, with or without VUR, is another area of prac-
tice that has changed substantially in response to RCT data. Another treatment option for children with UTI and VUR is
Four studies published between 2006 and 2008 showed no surgical intervention, either by endoscopic injection of
statistical benefit of antibiotic prophylaxis in preventing bulking agents or by ureteric re-implantation. Both methods
UTIs, pyelonephritis or subsequent renal scarring, but mostly are effective in improving VUR, but whether they result in a
enrolled patients with absent or lesser grades of VUR and clinically meaningful improvement in patient outcomes is
were not placebo controlled [62–65]. Subsequently, two unclear [28]. As antibiotic prophylaxis is not without ad-
well-designed, placebo-controlled trials have demonstrated verse effects, neither is surgical intervention, with up to 7%
that prophylaxis produces a statistically, but not clinically sig- of patients developing obstruction following ureteric re-
nificant, reduction in UTI recurrence; requiring 14 to 16 pa- implantation [76]. Several trials have compared surgery with
tient years of antibiotic administration to prevent one UTI, and antibiotic prophylaxis, the largest being the International
22 patient years of treatment to prevent one febrile UTI [22•, Reflux Study in Children [77, 78]. The IRSC demonstrated
66]. Neither of these trials demonstrated any interaction be- an 11% risk reduction in febrile, but not symptomatic, UTI
tween baseline characteristics, such as VUR, and the effect over 5 years of follow-up with surgery and antibiotic pro-
size associated with treatment. A further trial that has attracted phylaxis compared to antibiotic prophylaxis alone. In the
much attention is the Swedish reflux study [67]. This study Swedish Reflux Trial, there was no difference between the
performed a three-way allocation of children with VUR endoscopic correction and antibiotic prophylaxis arms, al-
grades 3 to 4, to antibiotic prophylaxis, endoscopic correction though precision was limited by the small sample size [79].
of the reflux, or surveillance. Subgroup analysis of the 43 girls Neither the Swedish Reflux Trial nor the IRSC found that
on prophylaxis with the 42 girls with no treatment under sur- surgical intervention improved renal outcomes, including
veillance demonstrated a benefit of treatment on recurrent scarring, renal function, or blood pressure [78, 80]. Despite
infections and scarring. It should be cautioned that the num- a lack of trial data, strong observational evidence supporting
bers were small and have not been supported by subgroup a lower risk of UTI recurrence among circumcised boys has
analysis of the 380 girls with VUR grades 3 to 4 randomized led to circumcision being offered as an initial approach by
in the RIVUR study. While no individual trial has been some, when surgical intervention is being considered
powered to detect a difference in scarring, meta-analysis of [10, 11].
results (7 studies, 1427 children) thus far suggests that a clin- While prophylactic antibiotics and/or surgery appear to
ically significant difference is unlikely [68]. provide a small risk reduction for UTI recurrence among chil-
Any benefit of prophylaxis might be in the early months of dren with VUR, it is worth considering the natural history of
treatment. This was true for the PRIVENT study where the this condition. Among children enrolled in RIVUR, VUR
greatest benefit was seen during the first 6 months of therapy resolved in 50.9% and 23.4% demonstrated an improvement
[20•]. This may reflect a higher event rate in the first months in VUR grade over the 2 years of follow-up [22•]. Data were
after an initial infection or increasing antibiotic resistance with similar for Swedish Reflux Trial participants, of whom 44% of
prolonged treatment. Thus, for children who have a series of children with dilating reflux were downgraded to non-dilating
UTIs in succession prophylactic antibiotics may still have a reflux following 2 years of observation [81]. This trend to
role, initially prescribed as a 3- to 6-month course. As a guide, resolution, even with high-grade VUR, might explain why
the Italian Society of Pediatric Nephrology recommends pro- surgical intervention is associated with a smaller effect size
phylaxis for children who experience ≥ 3 infections in a 12- than initially hypothesized.
month period [69].
Non-antibiotic agents have been trialed for prophylaxis Management of LUTD
of recurrent UTI. Cranberry products have been the most
extensively investigated. Initial trial results were positive, As a common cause of recurrent infections and predictor of
but the effect size observed in larger RCTs has been sub- new renal scarring, a history of LUTD needs to be sought and
stantially smaller [70, 71]. The results of systematic re- directed management provided where appropriate. Advice
views are conflicting, but the most recent Cochrane analy- about simple measures such as timed voiding, good voiding
sis suggests that there is insufficient evidence to recom- habits, fluid intake, positive re-enforcement, and pelvic floor
mend cranberries for UTI, and found no evidence of a sub- exercises is successful in many cases [82, 83]. The link be-
group effect among children [72, 73]. More recently, tween bowel and bladder dysfunction means that constipation
Curr Pediatr Rep

and bowel habit needs to be managed simultaneously with are detected antenatally, and the yield of routine ultrasound
LUTD [13]. For children who are not improving, multidisci- following a first UTI is low, leading some to question the
plinary care, including additional measures such as biofeed- role of routine ultrasound in all children following UTI [85].
back, may be beneficial [13]. The use of validated question- Most guidelines employ an age threshold, below which
naires aid in the detection of LUTD and monitoring clinical all children with UTI receive an ultrasound; although, this
progress [84]. These can be self-administered in most cases, value varies from 6 months to 16 years (Tables 1 and 2)
prior to clinic, and thus easily incorporated into day-to-day [69, 86–89].
practice [14]. Most guidelines no longer recommend VCUG for an
initial, uncomplicated UTI in children with a normal ul-
trasound. Even in children < 3 months of age, the propor-
Imaging tion with high-grade VUR among this population is ≤ 1%
[90]. When detected, the management of LUTD is more
One of the most controversial aspects of UTI management is effective than other measures such as surgical interven-
how and when to investigate children for underlying urinary tion, such that VCUG is now usually reserved for children
tract disorders, including VUR. Imaging modalities range with other imaging abnormalities, or in whom conserva-
from ultrasound, to radio-isotope scans, to VCUG, and formal tive measures have been unsuccessful [13, 91]. Children
cystograms. Additional investigations for LUTD including with recurrent pyelonephritis and/or progressive renal
urodynamics, real-time bladder ultrasound, and/or scarring, may benefit from VCUG to detect cases of
uroflowmetry are also sometimes included. high-grade VUR following a less favorable clinical course
Renal tract ultrasound is a relatively cheap, non-invasive that may benefit from surgical intervention. Antibiotic
test that will identify nearly all children with major structural prophylaxis is often given at the time of VCUG to prevent
abnormalities, such as posterior urethral valves and severe procedure-related infection [77, 86].
ureteropelvic junction obstruction, who benefit from early While the role of ultrasound for most young children
surgical intervention. However, most such abnormalities following UTI, and a more restricted use of VCUG, is

Table 1 Key randomized trials of antibiotic prophylaxis for prevention of UTI in children

Study Population Intervention Outcomes

Garin 2006 236 children, 3 months to 18 years following a Cotrimoxazole or No difference in rates of recurrent UTI,
febrile UTI with or without VUR grade 1 to 3. Nitrofurantoin pyelonephritis or development of renal
versus observation parenchymal scars.
for 12 months.
Roussey-Kesler 225 children, 1 month to 3 years with VUR Cotrimoxazole versus No difference in recurrent UTI.
2008 grade 1 to 3 following a first febrile UTI. observation for
18 months.
Pennesi 2008 100 children 1 to 30 months with VUR Cotrimoxazole versus No difference in recurrent pyelonephritis
grade 2 to 4 following a first febrile UTI. observation for or scarring.
2 years.
Montini 2008 338 children, 2 months to 7 years following a first Cotrimoxazole versus No difference in incidence of febrile UTIs or
febrile UTI with or without VUR grade 1 to 3. observation for scarring.
12 months.
PRIVENT 2009 576 children, less than 18 years, following one or Cotrimoxazole versus 14 patient-years of antibiotics to prevent one UTI.
more UTIs. placebo for
12 months.
Swedish Reflux 203 children 1 year to < 2 years with VUR grade 3 Cotrimoxazole, Subgroup analysis comparing 42 girls on
Trial 2011 to 4 following one or several UTIs randomized to endoscopic prophylaxis with 43 girls on surveillance showed a
prophylaxis, endoscopic correction or correction, or benefit in preventing UTI recurrence and scarring.
surveillance. 135 children were on prophylaxis or surveillance for No difference found in boys.
surveillance. 2 years.
RIVUR 2014 607 children, 2 to 71 months, following a first or Cotrimoxazole versus 16 patient-years of antibiotics to prevent one UTI
second UTI with VUR grade 1 to 4. placebo for and 22 patient years to prevent one febrile UTI. No
24 months. difference in renal scarring despite 558/607 (92%)
being female and 380/607 (62%) having VUR
grade 3 or 4.

PRIVENT, Prevention of Recurrent Urinary Tract Infection in Children with Vesicoureteric Reflux and Normal Renal Tracts; RIVUR, Randomized
Intervention for Children with Vesicoureteric Reflux study; UTI, urinary tract infection; VUR, vesicoureteral reflux
Curr Pediatr Rep

Table 2 Comparison of
guidelines for childhood UTI Country Age range Diagnosis † Treatment * Imaging

USA 2 months SPA or catheter‡ if unwell. Oral or IV treatment Ultrasound all children. Nil
to Other methods of for 7 to 14 days. further unless risk
2 years collection for factors. Consider VCUG
urinalysis/ruling out for recurrent infections.
infection only. Diagnosis
requires pyuria and CFU
Canada > 2 months SPA, catheter, or clean Oral or IV treatment Ultrasound all < 2 years.
catch. Other methods of for 7 to 10 days. 2 VCUG if abnormal
collection for to 4 days for ultrasound or recurrent
urinalysis/ruling out cystitis. infections in children
infection only. Do not < 2 years old. May use
send negative for culture DMSA instead of VCUG
if urinalysis negative. for females to rule out
CFU thresholds: any high-grade reflux.
growth on SPA, 5 × 104
for catheter, 105 for
Italy 2 months Only test symptomatic Oral or IV treatment Ultrasound all 2 months to
to children. If unwell by for 7 to 14 days in 3 years old. Further
3 years catheter, if well by clean children investigation of children
catch. CFU thresholds: ≥3 months old. with atypical infections.
105 for catheter and 106
for clean catch
UK < 16 years Clean catch recommended, Oral or IV treatment Ultrasound all < 6-month,
urine collection pads for 7 to 14 days in older if atypical or
should be used next (not children recurrent infections.
cotton-wool or sanitary ≥ 3 months old. DMSA for recurrent or
towel), then catheter or 3 days for cystitis. atypical infection
SPA. Do not send urine < 3 years + VCUG if
for culture in children < 6 months. DMSA for
≥ 3 months if urinalysis recurrent infections in
negative. ≥ 3 years,
Australia <16 years Only treat symptomatic Oral or IV for 7 to Ultrasound all < 3 months
infections. SPA, catheter 10 days in old, if no antenatal
or clean catch sample. > 1-month-old ultrasound in 2nd or 3rd
CFU thresholds: any children. 2 to trimester. VCUG if
growth on SPA, 104–105 4 days for cystitis. recurrent pyelonephritis.
possible and > 105 Delayed DMSA if
diagnostic for catheter, concern about reduced
104–105 possible and kidney function.
> 105 diagnostic for
clean catch.

2011SPA, supra-pubic aspirate; CFU, colony forming units per milliliter; IV, intravenous; VCUG, voiding
cystourethrogram; DMSA, dimercaptosuccinic acid scan.*All guidelines recommend IV therapy initially for
unwell appearing children; † mid-stream urine in toilet trained children; ‡ In-out urinary catheter sample. No
guideline recommends routine prophylaxis after an initial UTI, aside from Italy in children with ≥ grade 3 VUR

now common practice, the perceived role of nuclear med- detect renal scarring which appears as a localized cortical
icine varies widely. Different nuclear scans provide differ- uptake defect, as well as renal hypodysplasia which typi-
ent, but complementary pieces of information. A cally appears as a universally smaller kidney with reduced
technetium-99 m mercaptoacetyltriglycine (Mag-3) scan isotope uptake. However, it does not provide information
can provide information about obstruction, function, and about urine flow or obstruction.
include an indirect cystourethrogram. Although, the accu- A normal DMSA, in combination with a normal ultra-
racy of the later in ruling out VUR, as is its purpose, may sound, makes high-grade VUR unlikely [85, 93, 94]. This
be low [92]. DMSA scanning is the gold standard to approach was employed in the 2007 NICE guidelines,
Curr Pediatr Rep

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ly these scars are not clinically significant. Children at versus intravenous antibiotics for pyelonephritis in children,
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