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Name : Bondan Setiawan

NIM : 17131030
Corse : English Learning Teaching Method
Lecturer : Dr. Dra. Hermayawati, S.Pd.M., M.Pd.

1. Explain what you have learnt related to the following terms, conceptually!
a. English Language Teaching Method (ELTM)
The way to deliver, teach, give the information, and new knowledge using concepts,
techniques, methods in classroom for recognizing and managing the communicative needs
of the language learners.

b. Why do you have to learn ELTM

Because ELTM explains how to teach and deliver the knowledge in good way. As far I
know that method is umbrella. It includes Approach, Design, and Procedure.

c. What do you about the position of English education in Indonesia and why do you
think so?
The Curriculum in Indonesia, English is a foreign language, and it is learned by the students
in Junior High School. In its curriculum it does not

d. What is the relation between ELTM and the existence of English Education
Curriculum in Indonesia
The relation

2. Describe the main principles of the following methods/approaches used before the 21 st
century briefly

No. Method/Approach Main Principle in Use

A. Total Physical Response a. Students will speak when they are ready.
b. Moving the body helps language
c. Imperatives are used to direct students.
d. Spoken language should be preferred to
the written form.
B. CLT/CLL (Communicative Language a. Activities that involved real
Teaching/Learning) communication promote learning.

b. Activities in which language is used to

carry out meaningful task promote
c. Language that is meaningful to the
learners support the learning process.

C. Competency Based Language a. Standards are the criterion or proficiency

based. Specific criteria and standards are
made available to students ahead of time.

b. Students advance only upon mastery of

the competency.

c. Language is a vehicle for the expression

of functional and interpersonal relation.

D Multiple Intelligent a. Individuals should be encouraged to use

their preferred intelligences in learning.

b. Instructional activities should appeal to

different forms of intelligence.

c. Assessment of learning should measure

multiple forms of intelligence.

E. Silent Way a. The teacher should start with something

the students already know and build form
that to the unknown.

b. Language is not learned by repeating after

a model.

c. Students should learn to rely on each and


d. Silence is tool. It helps to foster

autonomy, or the exercise or initiative.
The teacher speaks, but only when

F. Suggestopedia a. Learning is facilitated. In a relaxed,

comfortable environment.

b. The teacher should present and explain

the grammar and vocabulary but not wee
on them.
c. Dramatization is particularly valuable,
playfully activating the material. Fantasy
reduces barriers to learning.

G. Whole Language a. Approaching reading should not be

taught, but rather acquired through trial
and error. The teacher facilitates the
learning process, but provides little direct

b. Children are encouraged to guess

unfamiliar words using picture or context

c. Children are also encouraged to use

invented spelling to write their own

H. Communicative Language Teaching a. In CLT approach, meaning is given prime

important. The main focus of the
approach is to make the learners can
understand the intention and expression of
the writers or speakers.

b. Appropriate use of language is

emphasized rather than accuracy.
Accuracy comes at the later stage, when
the learners learn to use language
appropriately accuracy comes

c. Providing the opportunity to the learners

not only about what to say and but also
about how to say.

3. Give an illustration (for each) on what is the principle of the following method and how
to implement for each in the learning process

No. Method/Approach Main Principle and Sample in Use

A. Contextual Teaching and Learning a. Principle of Interdependence
(CLT) The learning process conducted in a group. It
is a sharing and discussion session, so the
students have the interdependences.

b. Principle of Differentiation
The contextual learning and teaching
approach can be conducted to students with
different characters, talents and ability. The
teacher should to know how to explore their
own talent and can have a big motivation to
study based on their life context.

c. Principle of Self-Regulation
Motivating the students to show all of their
potentials and also explore to get new talents.
The teacher should give them belief by
giving responsibility for taking the decision,
behaviour, choice, plan, solution, etc.

B. Quantum Learning Method (QLM) a. To create a fun learning process

The teachers use media for supporting the
learning process, so it can use audio,
animation or others to make the learners
comfort to study.

b. To help improve the life and career success

The teachers should develop their students’
talents by knowing their talents before.
Making some fun learning to make the
students interest to study and develop their
mind and brain.

c. To help speed up the learning

C. Multicultural Language Approach a. Learning Content

Text and learning materials may include
multiple cultural perspective and references.
So, the teachers and students may using any
material including culture and also the habit
around them that have changed.

b. Students Cultures
Teachers and learners may learn about the
cultural background of students in a school
and then intentionally incorporate learning
experiences and content relevant to their
personal cultural perspective and heritage.

c. Critical Analysis
The teacher and learners might analyse their
own cultural assumptions, and then discuss
how learning materials, teaching practices,
or school policies reflect cultural bias, and
how they can be changed to eliminate bias.

D. Computer Assisted Language a. Motivation

Learning (CALL) Using technology to make the class more
interesting. A program or activity can
promote motivation in students is by
personality information.

b. Adapting Learning To The Students

The students control the pace of the learning
but also means that students can make choice
in what and how to learn, skipping
unnecessary item or doing remedial work on
difficult concepts.

c. Authenticity
Opportunity to interact in one or more of the
4 skills by using or producing text meant for
an audience in the language not the

E. Content and Language Integrated a. Content

Learning (CLIL) It is not about acquiring knowledge and skills
but is about create the students’ knowledge
and understanding and developing skills.

b. Communication
Language need to be learned which is related
to the learning context, learning through that
language, reconstructing the contents and its
related cognitive processes.

c. Cognition
It is related to learning and thinking. To
enable the learners to create their own
interpretation of content, it must be an

F. Blended Learning Method/Model a. Use Technology Creatively

(BLM) Using the technology is key in augmenting
the learning process. The technology used
can be more or less innovative through things
such as AR or gramifications.
b. Harness Community Power
Exciting the technological opportunities,
blended learning risks falling into the space
of online learning if it does not invest equally
in its really
c. Take A Student-Centred Approach

G. Cultural Language Learning a. Teaching Language Is Also Teaching

Approach (CLLA) Culture
Cultural elements begin to be considered as
an important aspect of learning the language,
and in our age, cultural background
knowledge accepted as a must in teaching

b. Familiarization With The Target Society

c. Assistance in Teaching Grammar

In a culture class will help them in teaching
grammar. While, teaching grammatical
structures and other grammatical items they
would provide their prospective students
with examples taken for real life.

H. Integrated Approaches a. Engaging With Children in Play

Children learn best when they are engaged.
Play, projects, daily routines, and real life
examples are effective ways to engage
children in learning.

b. Having Learning Conversation And

Interactions That Support Learning
Respectful, responsive, interactions are
central to learning. They are important not
only for children’s socialisation, but also to
help them learn about negotiation,
collaboration, problem solving, and listening
to each other’s perspectives. Relationship is
deeply connected to thinking and learning.

4. Supposed you were a teacher of English, how to select the most appropriate methods /
approaches you used in the class? Give an example!
If I were be a teacher in future I will use one of the most my favourite teaching
method/approach. It is

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