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This project is aimed at creating an online holiday management system that is

important for one organization. Holiday Management System (LMS) is an
intranet-based application that is accessible throughout the organization or in a
particular group / department. This system can be used to automate the
workflow of holiday applications and their approval. Regular holiday
credentials are also automated. Features such as e-mail alerts, automatic
vacation approval, message generators, etc. are available in this system.
"Leave Management" reduces paper handling and keeps tracking more


In the current system, each college is guided by a manual procedure in which the faculty should
put time and time into the record book. At the end of each month, the head of the department
calculates the papers of each faculty member, which is a time process, and there is a chance of
losing records.


In the proposed system, chances of data loss are not possible because the data is maintained in
the form of a database. Everyday visitor, worksheet, and alerts are updated to the database
using a user-friendly graphical interface. This will reduce the job of the Head of Unit. This
application is an online application that allows access to information more flexible.

Number of modules

After a thorough analysis, it was found that the system had the following modules:
Administrator module

Employee module

Hod Module

The main module

1. Administrative module

Administrator keeps all employee details, employees leave records of details, Hod leaves records
of the database entry.

2. EmployeeModule

In this module, faculties will register their daily traffic information, such as inbound and
outbound time, and other information such as permissions and new notifications. Members
should log in and update information. If there are any notifications regarding the previous day, it
will appear as a popup window. Members should respond to this notification by sending a report
to higher authorities.

3.HOD Module

In this module, the head of the department will have the authority to take care of the dates of
each member of his department's faculty. HOD can view data in the form of reports and get it in
the form of printouts. Reports can be viewed based on day, month. The HOD can approve the
holiday through this request and can view the information sheets of each individual.

In this module, HOD can easily manage the clock schedule for that day.
4.Basic module

Multiple permissions are granted between the module module module. It can view information
about all departmental faculty information and take action based on reports. The principle can
track information such as the departure of faculty members, attendance and announcements,
including the head of the department. He can print messages daily or monthly. This module
includes permissions and resignations.

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