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Can the truth be secretive? Can the truth be undercover, covert? Or the very
essence of the truth is open and plain? Can those who are involved in hiding the
truth be considered to be the followers of the truth? How about those involved in
hiding the truth claiming to be the only possessors of the truth? Can the truth be
hidden under secret signs and secret “languages” with strict rules and deadly
punishments for revealing even part of it? Can the truth be under oaths of silence
with deadly consequences for daring to reveal even the smallest part of it?

Or all such brainless claims about the truth are CREATED just for introducing
some gross lies as the truth? The ONLY time when the truth is considered to be
covert, secretive, never revealed – is the knowledge of the criminal about the facts
of his or her crime. And when so called truths are not revealed even throughout
centuries – passing only to select possessors of it under deadly consequences for
revealing even a part of them – is when they are about the crimes against
humanity. Only the crimes against humanity are passed through generations of
human beings under strict code of silence. Only criminals hide the truth about their
crimes and only criminals try to eliminate those who can testify about any details
of their crimes. And only those involved in crimes against humanity can organize
and continue throughout centuries, i. e. throughout generations of human beings to
hide under code of silence with deadly consequences some things about the
mankind. There CANNOT be ANY other motivation of hiding throughout
generations some things unless those are criminal things and crimes against

Human beings are born as angels as pure and clean as it gets. It is only Christianity
that claims as if human beings are born in sins and they need to be cleaned from
their inborn sins. It is only Christianity that talks about second birth – about being
born again – and even claims that unless the old man dies and the new man is born
they cannot enter into the kingdom of their god. When the human being who was
born as any other human being, even the ones born from totally unclean parents –
as clean as pure as holy as it gets – it is only Christianity that claims that the
natural inborn essence of human being has to die and an artificial one has to
replace the very natural human essence…

If Christianity claims that human beings are going either to heaven or to hell after
the death and only their god can guarantee to go to the heaven, are they claiming
that from human beings born more than 2000 years ago neither one got to heaven?

Is Christian imagination of heaven - something built just about 2000 years ago?

It is not difficult either to simply sense it or check through history of the world that
human beings who lived over 2000 years ago were although much more primitive
yet the same time much more honest than the liars of these days. Well, the human
beings, not the enemies of humanity who existed at least some 4000 years before
the Christianity and who CREATED the very Christianity…

Christianity is distancing itself from those who created the Christianity, just like
any good friend of a criminal would distance himself from his criminal friend
when it comes to protecting his friend by doing so…

Christianity claims to be “the only truth”. It is written in the name of their Christ:
“Nobody will come to father except through me”. So which one is “the only truth”
- the claim as if he was crucified by jews and therefore Christianity is anti-jewish
or the claim that anyone accepting Christianity is accepting jewish kabbalah?

What are the things hidden by Christianity from the mankind? What is so called
Holy Grail? Isn’t over 2000 years enough for discovering and finding it or the thrill
is in secrecy? Why would Christianity burn all the books of the past? Why would
few remains of those books be kept in Vatican under control of Christianity with
limited access permission to few people decided by very Christianity? Is
Christianity about the truth or about the secrets kept away from humanity – which
can only mean crimes against humanity? Or maybe Christianity is all about the
control of human mind the control of human brain with misleading and sadistic
inhuman joy of it?

It is no secret that CIA was founded and still is controlled by white apron and red
apron Christian conservatives – not necessarily Christian rite but also Scottish rite
conservative Christian masons. So were the Jesuits during Medieval Inquisition
who burned all the books (a heinous crime against humanity). Are the mind control
experiments performed so criminal and inhuman barbarian terrorist ways, day and
night against American citizens, serving the same purpose of misleading the
humanity for more centuries than already done? Can a democracy if it is a
democracy have so many secrets from people (from the “demos”)? Who are they
serving – the people of their country or the CREATORS of Christianity? Why are
they getting paid by American taxpayers instead of those whom they serve? Why
are they CREATING finanCIAl problems for American citizens in benefit of those
who they serve? What happened to 2.3 trillion stolen from Pentagon during 911?
Why is USA paying finanCIAl aid over 2 billion a year to Israel who owns the
banks that own American national debt? Why the truth about 911 is not revealed in
18 long years by those who claim to be “the only truth”? Weren’t the historical
crusaders and the barbarism of forcing to accept the Christianity, about the very
same land where the Israel is today? And why is it still called the holy land where
there are so many crimes against humanity connected to that land?

The real face of Christianity is shown in one the 007 James bond movies –
where a victim of cannibalistic rituals is tied to white and red stripped poles and
yellow and green snake is used for the sadist joy of human suffering CREATED by
cannibalistic ritual? This is THE ONLY truth revealed by those who claim to be
“the only truth” and it is revealed the way that not all people who saw the movie
would see what is it all about…I, for one, realized it years after watching the movie
for at least couple of times. So much about loving kindness to mankind by the jew
shepherd of those who were born as human beings yet were forced to kill the
human being in themselves and turn into sheep with such BARBARIC HATE
CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY. Remember those 5 dancing jews on no other
than a white van on 911 day? Remember CIA agents laughing during
waterboarding experiments of torture?

Thus Christianity has ideological problems with human nature, with inborn
essence of the Homo Sapience and they think that human inborn essence has to die
– eliminated completely, not even just partially, and human beings have to be
“born again” – something that is hard to even imagine, and whatever they consider
as the new essence of those “born again” after killing the natural inborn essence, is
considered by them to be the god’s will and a decision preserved exclusively to
god without ANY participation of the living subject in his or her own life and
destiny… Let’s see who is that god who supposedly created the human being at the
first place, then decided that his creation is not good, is full of sins and even was
born through a sin, and that same god now wants to change the inborn nature of
human beings without letting them even to express their own opinion about their
new essence and even to participate in their own nature formation… Internet is full
of articles that there were at least 30 other gods before the Christianity with exact
same stories of dying and reincarnating at the third day. It is known that the Sun
right before the Christmas day disappears for 3 days and reappears on December
25… It is also known that word Israel is combination of the names of 3 ancient
gods – “Isis”, “Ra”, “El”…

It is also known that as the saying goes about giants wizards and the dwarfs –
the masonry is introduced as a team of two males and a woman …

And it is also known that the protocols of the elders of zion claim that all
other than a jew nations have to be treated as animals. Lets see how Christians and
masons look at the idea of being an animal rather than a human being. Christianity
considers themselves as sheep and the shepherd of the sheepfold is considered to
be their god. Masonry has many lodges in animal names – like moose, elk etc. And
masonry is using signs language and lots of colors and numbers for communication
instead of human articulate speech. It even prohibits the use of normal human
articulate speech as a means for communication… The signs, sounds and colors are
the arsenal of animals’ communications in Nature, and as masons claim to know
everything that there is to know, then they must be aware of the protocols of zion
and since they never did anything either to fight such treatment by others or to at
least make it known to humanity, that means that not only Christians but all
masons are in piece with being treated as animals… Perhaps with their “saw
nothing heard nothing and won’t say anything” BRAINWASHED STATE they
never heard an expression HUMAN DIGNITY… … …

So the so called god – a nation – out of so many – is treating the representatives of

every other nation as animals and masons do not see any problem in this, they even
behave as an animal – the main thing is to be feed in exchange for obedience…

So both Christian rite and Scottish rite masons are in total piece with Old
Testament’s Psalm 21, something in a line of “lord is my shepherd and takes me to
a green grass”. Christians that claim that the new testament is theirs, consider
themselves as sheep anyway and Scottish rite masons perhaps find the green grass
useful for elks and moose or similar animals or they simply like that psalm because
of the number of it – one of the main numbers of Scottish rite masons either in
form of 21 or more often in form of 777 or 37 which is 3 times 7 and 21…

So the problem of Christians and all other masons seems to be with human inborn
nature and human articulate speech with dangers of expressions containing self-
esteem and human rights or similar “sins against the god”… And the new nature
they obtain after killing their own inborn human nature is an animal nature as their
god has stated in the protocols of zion. Yet their megalomaniac brainless god
among too many other errors and among the big error of deciding to change the
inborn nature of humans supposedly CREATED by himself , has made just another
big error along these same lines – claimed that CREATED people in his
resemblance – so the new nature after killing human nature – the animal nature is
the very resemblance of their god – the ANIMALS who dare to treat all other
nations as animals…

All historical forms of dictatorship and slavery are nothing in comparison with
this, so are all historical tragedies of humanity…

There has never been and there could never be a bigger tragedy than terrorist
change of human inborn nature especially when it is aimed at entire mankind with
utopic dreams to turn every other human being into an animal and a controlled
robot. All mind control experiments of CIA are aimed just on this – to CREATE
brain wave total control equipment and to turn entire humanity in controlled robot
animals. And all participants of this horrific CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY are
even considering this biggest of all tragedies as a comedy, they even laugh and get
gay about this painful fact, because they are so inadequate, so brainless so
senseless and so ANIMAL. And their CRIMINAL DREAM was not just for the
particular group of people, not in particular part of the world, not at particular time
of human existence on this Earth, but forever and ever, which means not only
already living human beings are terrorized by such EVIL BARBARISM but the
generations of unborn, yet to be born human lives are cursed even before they will
be born… … …
If for torturing people like me they can claim as if doing that because of my
expressions about them, can they come up with any claims for cursing the future
generations and deciding the lives of those who have not even been born to this
world yet?

If there were equal rights then one should have been able to sue the religions,
to sue the Zionism and to sue the masonry. I for one could make billions not even
millions suing all 3 of them, yet even Aryan nation can be sued but not the Zionism
or masonry or Christianity… Is this total unfairness and total inequality of rights
CREATED by the same judeo-christian god that claims to be kind and loving and
taking care of people and their problems?…

After all they are the ones talking about hate crimes… Is there any bigger hate
crime than the organized terrorist hate crime against humanity and against human
inborn nature?

ANY predator animals' hungry herd in Nature considers it a fair game when
the single prey escapes from the pursuit of hungry herd. ANY predator animal in
Nature does not attack a potential prey and potential food when they are not
hungry. ONLY and ONLY the Christianity has employed and BRAINWASHED
its’ sheeep accordingly to leave 99 aside and go after one, ONLY and ONLY
Christianity continues ANY amount of fanatical terrorist bloodsucking attacks by
millions against a single ones when "they are not hungry" just for SADIST

ANY known terrorist attack is committed by group of people against another

group of people, and any terrorist attack is a single crime. This means that the
attacked group of people can retaliate against terrorists.

It is ONLY Christian SATAN ANIMALS and CIA jewish mafia - sheeepfold

that are committing terrorist mind control crimes by millions against ones not as a
single attack but a lifetime of terrorism and these EVIL COWARDS would
CREATE even more and more terrorist attacks against same single person who'd
try to uncover the covert terrorism of those CRIMINALS. Each time out of fear
that their real face would be demonstrated to mankind, the Christian conservative
CIA ANIMALS, just like their Medieval Inquisition's role models, would attack
again and again the same single victim by millions. This IS THE MOST EVIL and
THE MOST BARBARIAN form of TERRORISM when it is not enough of
attacking a single one by millions, not enough that those terrorist attacks are taking
place years and years day and night, but the only self-defense of the victim of their
terrorist attacks is viewed as an attack against them and new torture is organized...

Using mind control to suppress the only self-defense that the single victim of
terrorism of millions has - IS THE MOST SHEEEEEEEEEEPISHLY
FANATICAL TOTALITARIAN form of TERRORISM, it is much worse than
ANY human terrorism and much more barbarian than ANY predator animals'
HERD'S BARBARISM... And the name of this MOST EVIL and MOST
TERRORIST CRIME that Christian sheeep consider as a wisdom in their
sheeeeeeeeeeeeepish communal pink brain... ... ... And it is THIS HORRIFIC
HUMANITY that Chrsitian sheeeeeeeeepfold considers as almightiness of their
god without even comprehending in their sheeeeeeeeeeeeepish brains that no god

And no human but ONLY sheeeeeeeeeeeeeepish brain can worsheeeeeeeeeeeeeep

godhood but loving kindness of the god. No form of historical slavery could even
consider such EVIL IDIOTISM as possible...

ONLY total IDIOTS - totally brainless robots would have a SICK PRIDE of
doing something important while they are moving just like controlled robots, a
HERD of robots by dozens around single humans.

ONLY animals can be proud of "wisdom" when doing one and only thing -
obeying the owner's ANY and ALL commands knowing that the owner will feed
them in return.

Have you ever seen ANY animal who just got into a trap and into some cage?
Have you seen what that animal does and what amount of efforts it makes just to
get out of the trap and cage just to get to freedom or you only saw the animals in a
zoo or circus happy by their cage life and performing demands in exchange of

ONLY totally brainwashed and totally brainless would consider such

controlled robot state of SLAVERY as some kind of pride of being chosen and
being taught a secret language which others do not know. THE MAIN difference
of humans from the animals in Nature is the ability of articulate speech. The
language of signs waves sound and colors IS the language of animals in Nature
who do not have enough brains for an articulate speech.

ONLY the brainwashed and ONLY totally brainless ones would be proud of
learning and communicating in animals' language espeCIAlly when they are
restricted to use the human language while doing their robotic performances, this
masonic "wisdom" of the Pavlov's dog of knowing what to do in order to get a
food and masonic BRAINWASHED pride of being chosen to learn and
communicate in animals' language and to have no right to exercise their human
articulate speech - IS A SEVERE MENTAL DISORDER, so is the
worsheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep of those PATHOLOGICAL EVIL ENEMIES OF
MANKIND as their god, as their wisdom giver and their lord - that's something
that ONLY totally brainless SHEEEEEEEEEEEEP would not understand....

Christianity - is glorifying such horrific HATE CRIME against humanity as

loving kindness of the god, Christianity is calling such horrible enslavement of the
mankind as a salvation of the mankind while calling all the bunch of TOO MANY
lies accompanying this COVERT TERRORIST HATE CRIME against humanity
as “The Only Truth" and does so with such sheeeeeeeeeeepish fanaticism as
cursing ANYONE who would add or subtract any word from that bunch of
INHUMAN lies... ... ...

Christianity IS NOT your quiet neighbor attending a church on Sundays,

Christianity IS that CRIMINAL who'd last moment appear behind your car when
you are backing up from supermarket parking spot, that EVIL ANIMAL who'd
CREATE a traffic intentionally just when you are in a hurry to somewhere, THAT
IDIOT who'd not let you even to walk freely inside the supermarket, that EVIL
BLOODSUCKER TERRORIST CRIMINAL who'd enter it's dirty criminal nose
into your simplest and most private actions even when you are using the restroom,
that EVIL BARBARIAN who'd use a mind control equipment on you even when
you sleep...


bloodsucking TERRORIST CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY and the history of
the mankind has too many proofs of Christianity's CRIMES AGAINST
HUMANITY... To continue after so many proofs of history the very same
CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY in much more COVERT ways, to continue the
very Medieval Inquisition's terrorism in the country that claims to have a freedom
of speech and thought - IS THE MOST PATHOLOGICAL, THE MOST EVIL,
THE MOST BARBARIAN form of ANY severe mental disorder EVER known to
mankind, the very SEVEREST OF ALL MENTAL disorders that CREATES
terrorist barbarian crimes against humans... Christianity - the so called love of god
IS THE MOST HORRIFIC HATE CRIME against humanity just because of
sheeeepish fanaticism of protecting and CONSERVING the zionist animalization
of humanity and no other group other than Christianity has brought the zionism to
this day through 2000 years of sheeeeeeeeeepish fanaticism of
worsheeeeeeeeeeeping EVIL as a goodness, TERRORIST HATE CRIME as
loving kindness and lies and lies and more lies...

THE MOST PATHOLOGICAL LIERS are not the ones who'd come up with
millions of lies in desperate attempt to fool, THE MOST PATHOLOGICAL
LIERS ARE the ones who fool under the name of the truth thus violating THE
doing so... as “the only truth”…

During Medieval Inquisition they thought they knew everything that there is to
know with their flat earth theories, and anyone who dared to say anything different
had to be tortured and even burned alive and all other books have to be burned.
And now CIA Christian conservative EVIL ANIMALS with similar or rather
identical sheeeeeeeeeeepish megalomaniac brainlessness think that their worldwide
plagiarism worked well and now they know everything that there is to know and it
is time to TERRORIZE, TORTURE and KILL everyone who expresses thoughts
tragedy IS that they DO NOT KNOW ANYTHING regarding real human inborn
nature and anything new seems hard to comprehend and better leave and go
forward with the same medieval BRAINLESSNESS. Yes CIA megalomaniac
IDIOT SHEEEEEEEEEEEP have no brains to comprehend the scope of things that
they DO NOT KNOW ANYTHING AT ALL about, including the real human

All they know and all they understand is just the repetition of the status quo of
the EVIL game over humanity. All they know is what side are you on – the
terrorist demand to be on one of the sides out of two only, where one is open jew
side and the other is false anti-jew jew side. So what the CIA IDIOT ANIMALS
are terrorizing you to answer is whether you are on the side of jews or quite the
contrary you are on the side of jews… Are all non jew nations brainwashed first by
anti-jew slogans just to realize much latter if ever that they were enslaved to EVIL
jew ENEMIES OF HUMANITY by misleading and false slogans? Are all non jew
nations turned into sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep just so the elders of zion can treat
them as animals? Is the Christianity playing the main role in animalization of
humanity? How many more vicious anti-human LIES are included in this “ONLY
TRUTH” biggest lie EVER? And WHY the Christianity demands to change the
inborn nature of only the straight men and women and besides false anti-gay games
never demands to change the nature of those who falsely claim as if they were born
as gays and lesbians? And where are all those cases surfacing from the very
conservative Christian churches about their preachers not just being gays but being
child molester gay makers?

Enslavement of entire humanity to Zionist TOTALITARIAN TERRORISM is

what Christianity is calling “the salvation”? Christianity IS a worsheeep of EVIL
and much worse than just a worsheeep of EVIL, IT IS a sheeepish fanatical
barbarian terrorist nonstop demand to consider and claim THE EVIL as a
goodness, THE DESTRUCTION as the salvation, THE BLOODSUCKING
TERRORIST BARBARISM as loving kindness, THE MOST EVIL form of
SATANISM as a godhood.


and has been so for last 2000 years of ENSLAVEMENT of humanity TO EVIL.
Christianity - IS THE MOST SEVERE of all mental disorders EVER known to

Sadistic joy of terrorist crimes IS THE MOST PATHOLOGICAL form of all

pathologies. Joy of human suffering IS THE MOST ANTI-HUMAN THE

When the Satanism is called a godhood, when the terrorist barbarism is called a
loving kindness, when the stealing is called giving, when the enslavement is called
a salvation, etc. etc. when the bloodsucking is called taking care, when the most
evil form of hatred is called love, when the most outrageous combination of lies is
called “the only truth” - then THE MOST PATHOLOGICAL FORM OF ALL
ultimate wisdom – and this is NOT the only difference between
sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep and humans…

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