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Soal ujian akhir semester (UAS)

Mata Kuliah Pengelolaan Perairan Umum Daratan

Waktu pengerjaan : maksimum 24 jam

1. Tabel di bawah ini memperlihatkan kondisi morfometri dan DTBPA serta daya dukung ekivalen
beberapa situ kecil di Jawa Barat tanpa budidaya perikanan

Pada tabel tersebut P standarnya memperhitungkan status situ adalah oligotrof, silahkan dihitung
daya tampung beban pencemaran air masing-masing situ dan daya dukung ekivalen jika semua situ
berada pada status mesotrof dan eutrof
2. Berikut adalah judul penelitian yang dilakukan di Bangladesh

Comparative Study on Physicochemical and Biological Parameters of Water among Fish Culture
and Reconstructed Pond at Jahangirnagar University Campus, Bangladesh


The study was conducted to investigate the physicochemical and biological parameters of fish
culture and reconstructed pond at Jahangirnagar university campus. The physicochemical
parameters of water in culture and reconstructed pond were analyzed during February to
September, 2014 and the mean value of temperature were 30.21±0.89 ºC and 29.96±0.91 ºC, pH
value were 7.20±0.29 and 6.97±0.39, Dissolve Oxygen (DO) value were 6.44±0.40mg-1 and
6.22±0.30mg-1, Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD5) value were 1.02±0.32mg-1 and 0.78±0.18mg-
1, Total Dissolve Solid (TDS) were 0.69±0.04mg-1 and 0.64±0.04mg-1, Electric Conductivity (EC)
value were 215.38±21.27µScm-1 and 128.58±1.10µScm-1. From the study of biological parameter, it
was found that Chlorophyceae and Euglenophyceae were dominant in studied ponds and the
abundance of phytoplankton are in the order of Chlorophyceae >Euglenophyceae >
Bacillariophyceae > Cyanophyceae. The highest productivity was found in culture pond which
indicates the suitability of using for aquaculture.

Tabel-tabel berikut menunjukkan hasil penelitian yang diperoleh

Berikan interpretasi sdr terhadap abstrak dan tabel-tabel tersebut

Gambar diatas memperlihatkan Keterkaitan data (sistem) dalam pengelolaan sumberdaya perairan.

Paparkan bagaimana hubungan diantara komponen-komponen gambar tersebut, serta komponen yang
mana yang paling sulit dikendalikan

4. Berikut adalah sebuah judul artikel dalam sebuah jurnal:

“Water Quality Degradation and its Effect on Fishing Activities”

Artikel tersebut mengemukakan sejumlah kesimpulan, yaitu:

(1) Wa t e r b o d i e s c l o s e t o l a n d , e . g . r ive r s , m a n g r ove a r e a s ,
e s t u a r i e s a n d n e a r s h o r e a r e a s , w e r e m o s t a ff e c t e d b y a n thropogenic
wastes. Offshore areas were least likely to be affected;
(2) Fishing activity of fixed fishing gear operators were most
affected when the fishing ground becomes polluted.
(3) Additional operating costs were incurred to search for al-ternative fishing grounds.
(4) Even if there was a perceived change in water quality, op-erators of fixed fishing gears
continued their fishing oper-ation because of lack of livelihood alternatives.
(5) F i s h i n g d u r a t i o n r e m a i n e d u n c h a n g e d f o r fi s h e r s u s i n g
gears that depend upon lunar cycle.
(6) D u e t o t h e s p e c i e s s e l e c t iv i t y o f s o m e fi s h i n g g e a r s , t h e
presence of pollution did not affect type of species caught.
(7) Agricultural and domestic wastes can pose serious conse-quences to fisheries and fishing

Analisis bagaimana hubungan antara kesimpulan yang diperoleh dari artikel ini dengan interpretasi anda
terhadap gambar pada soal no 3.


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