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A helpful device for developing more openness with ourselves and others is ‘Johari’s Window’.
Developed in the 1950s by American psychologists Jospeh Luft and Harry Ingham the model
has become widely used to help people understand the relationships that they have and for
improving communication.

The model depicts a window through which communication flows as we give and receive
information about ourselves to others. In this model, the window represents information –
feelings, experiences, views, attitudes, skills, intentions, motivations etc within or about a
person in relation to four perspectives. In the diagram ‘self’ refers to oneself, in otherwords
the person who is subject to the window. ‘Others’ refers to other people. The four
perspectives are called regions or quadrants. Each of the regions represents information
known or unknown to the individual and known or unknown to the others.

Region one: Information is known to both self and others

Region two: Information is unknown to self BUT known to others
Region three: Information is known to self BUT unknown to others
Region four: Information is unknown to both self and others (this is latent information which
may only ever come to light in certain circumstances i.e. a plane crash or may never even
come to light)

The theory concludes that in order to be self-aware the individual needs to be given feedback
on their behaviour thereby increasing the size of region one and decreasing regions 2 and 3.


Known Unknown

1. 2.

Known Behaviour known to both self Behaviour others know but

and others self is unaware

3. 4.

Unknown Behaviour we prefer to hide Unknown to either ourselves

from others or others but which may
become known.

Relationship to SRDS meetings.

This model can be used to aid openness and self-awareness through feedback. It might be useful to look
at the model when preparing for the review meeting and ask yourself the following questions:-
Is the feedback that I’m going to be giving this individual in region 1,2 or 3?
Should this affect what is said and how it is said?
How might the individual react to the feedback in relation to the regions?
What skills am I going to need to ensure that the feedback is received?

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