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Stability Analysis of Heartbeat Control Based on

the Zeeman Framework

Mohamed Abdelhady1, Yuriy Kondratenko 2, Wael Abouelwafa 3, Dan Simon1
Cleveland State University, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Dept.,Cleveland, OH 44115 USA,,
Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University, Intelligent Information Systems Dept., Mykolaiv, 54003, Ukraine,
Minia University, Biomedical Engineering Department, Egypt,

Abstract—Nonlinear control stability of a heart beat Heartbeat is controlled by the nervous system, and as a
tracking system is investigated in this paper based on second- result, the ECG heart rate and its variability measurements
order original and third-order modified Zeeman’s heartbeat are a quantitative measrments of cardiovascular control [4-
models. Stability analysis shows that the third-order model is 7]. Conventionally, heart rate fluctuation has been assessed
less sensitive to model parameter variations and thus shows
long range stable performance.
by calculating indices based on statistical operations on RR
intervals (mean and variance). The most widely used time
Keywords—ECG; Zeeman; Stability analysis; Heartbeat domain index is the average heart rate, which is easy to
calculate over a given length of time.
I. INTRODUCTION The description of an ECG represents the nature of the
The most basic identifier of human heart activity is the heartbeat, which provides the target for a pacemaker
electrocardiogram (ECG), which is a recording of body oscillator output. The development of mathematical
surface potentials generated by the electrical activity of the heartbeat models of an ECG with appropriate PQRST
heart. The interpretation of the ECG is an important aspect peaks, QRS complex, PR and ST segments, PR and QT
of the dignostic evaluation of an patients cardiac status. It intervals and heart rate variation (HRV) [8-12] spectra, has
is a periodically fluctuating signal that represents the been, and continues to be, the subject of wide investigations
electrical potential produced by electrical action in the with varying degrees of success.
heart tissue.The ECG can be estimated by recording the
potential between two cathodes on the surface of the skin at
some predetermined locations. Certain data extracted from A. The Basic Heartbeat Model
the ECG signal can be utilized to infer cardiovascular Zeeman’s original paper [4] analyzed two types of
wellbeing in addition to diagnosing potential heart excitable biological systems: nerves and the heart. He
problems. The information obtained from the ECG is not modeled electrical nerve stimulation with nonlinear
only vital for the medical diagnosis, but also provides coupled differential equations[1, 4] based on the van der
important data for researchers to study the mathematical Pol linear equation. The original form of the model is
models of heartbeats.
An ECG waveform consistes of a components that 𝑥̇1 (𝑡) − (𝑥 3 (𝑡) − 𝑇𝑥1 (𝑡) + 𝑥2 (𝑡))
[ ]=[ 𝜖 1 ], 𝑇 > 0 (1)
indicate electrical activity during a heartbeat. These 𝑥̇ 2 (𝑡) 𝑥 (𝑡) − 𝑥
1 𝑑
components are labeled P, Q, R, S, T and U. The P wave
is the first short upward movement of the ECG trace. It where the states 𝑥1 and 𝑥2 represent the length of a muscle
indicates atrial contraction while blood moves into the fiber and a state related to electromechanical activity, 𝜖 is
ventricles from the atria. a small positive constant which plays a role in modeling the
The QRS complex normally starts with a downward
eigenvalues of the cardiac system, 𝑥𝑑 indicates muscle
deflection, Q; a larger upwards deflection culminating in a
peak R; and then a downwards S wave. PR interval fiber length, , and 𝑇 indicates the tension in the muscle
indicates the transit time for the electrical signal to travel fiber. This model is based on the pacemaking generated by
from the sinus node to the ventriclesand , The QRS the sino-atrial (SA) node, which is the dominant pacemaker
complex indicates ventricular depolarization and compared with the slower one produced by the atrio-
contraction.and The T wave representing ventricular ventricular (AV) junction. Furthermore, this model does
repolarization [1-3]. not take into consideration sympathetic and
parasympathetic modulations [13].
In [14], Zeeman’s second ordinary differential equation nonlinear system into an equivalent linear system through
of the heartbeat model was modified by adding a switch a change of variables and a suitable control input.
control variable to model the pacemaker’s mechanism
of contraction-relaxation [15-17]. In 2007, Jafarnia-
Dabanloo et al. [16] first mention third-order model
modified the third-order nonlinear Zeeman model by
adding neural network control parameters that affect the
oscillation frequency is another modeling based on the van
der Pol oscillator. In contrast to the Zeeman models, the
coupled van der Pol oscillator models the AV node, giving
it a more active role in pacemaking [18]. This model points
on the effect of the coupling between the AV node and the
SA pacemakers in ECG dynamics.
B. The Second-Order Nonlinear Heartbeat Model
As Breitenstein pointed out [19], a good mathematical
model that describes the behavior of the heartbeat should
contain three basic features: a stable equilibrium
representing the relaxation state; a careful selection of
equation parameters causing the heart to go into the Figure 1. heartbeat system Phase portrait for T = 1,
contraction state; and then a return to the relaxation state. ϵ = 0.2, xd = 0
The resulting model [4] is represented by Eq. (1).
In order to investigate the Zeeman model and analyze Let us consider a control-affine single-input single-
its stability, we study the dynamic properties of the model, output (SISO) nonlinear system [12] described by
such as whether an attractor or a limit cycle are present for
given parameter values. And classifcation behavior of ẋ = f(x) + g(x)u f, g: D ⊂ ℝn → ℝn (2)
systems when two different phase portraits represent the y = h(x), h: D ⊂ ℝn → ℝn
same qualitative dynamic behavior.

This paper study the dynamics of the system in Eq. (1) where x ⊂ ℝn is the state vector, u, y⊂ ℝ are the control
with different parameter values T, ϵ and xd , which and output signals, respectively; f, g are smooth vector
indicate electrochemical activities with different values of fields in a domain D, g is invertible, and h is a smooth
the muscle fiber tension T, the fast eigenvalue ϵ, and the function in D, where D is an open set in ℝn . The goal is to
muscle fiber length xd in the diastolic phase. MATLAB is develop a control input of the form
used to provide the phase portraits of this heartbeat system. u = a(x) + b(x)v. (3)
A closed trajectory in phase space with the property that at
least one other trajectory spirals into it either as time where v is a virtual control. An outer-loop control strategy
approaches infinity or as time approaches negative infinity for the resulting linear control system can then be applied.
is defined as a limit cycle [20]. For T = 1, ϵ = 0.2, Mathematically speaking, our goal is to find a
and xd = 0, we have the phase portrait shown in Figure 1. diffeomorphism or nonlinear transformation that maps the
We notice in Figure 1 that there is a limit cycle inside [- nonlinear system in the x-coordinates into a linear system
1,1] and [-1,2], All trajectories that initiate at any point in in augmented z-coordinates. Diffeomorphism is an
the phase portrait point toward the equilibrium point, as invertible function that can map a differentiable manifold
indicated by vector field arrows. The cubic equation to another differentiable manifold so that both functions are
represented by the solid blue line separates the phase smooth. Once we perform such a transformation, we can
portrait into upper and lower parts. The equilibrium point apply linear system theory and its powerful methodologies.
of the system is at the origin; this would change if xd ≠ 0. The basic tool for this task is Lie algebra.
The cubic curve shown by the blue line is given by x13 − The Lie algebra of the diffeomorphism group M
Tx1 + x2 = 0. All trajectories end up at the limit cycle consists of all vector fields on M that possess the Lie
around the equilibrium point. as the vector field inside the bracket vector field. Somewhat formally, this is expressed
limit cycle is directed away from the point points that the by making a small change to the coordinate x at each point
equilibrium point is unstable. in space: x μ → x μ + ϵhμ (x).
In order to study the stability properties of the Zeeman Using Lie algebra, we can differentiate the measured
model, we need to find a linearization mechanism that output y(t) with respect to time t as
applies to all operating points. For this, controlling ẏ = Lf h(x) + Lg h(x)u , (4)
nonlinear systems by a Feedback linearization is a common
approach used . The approach involves transforming the
associated with the target output y(t), we can investigate
where Lf h(x) and Lg h(x)u denote the Lie derivatives of important aspects associated with the input-output
h(x) with respect to f(x) and g(x), respectively. If Lg h(x) = feedback linearization. To do so, we set K(t) = 0 in Eq. (12)
0 then ẏ (t) is independent of u(t). Continuing successive ∀ t ≥ 0, which yields
differentiation p times until u(t) appears explicitly, we E = fo (0, E), (14)
p p−1
which comprises the zero dynamics for Eqs. (2) and (3).
y (p) = Lf h(x) + Lg Lf h(x)u. (5) The notion of zero dynamics plays an important role in
nonlinear systems that is analogous to the role played in a
The relative degree is the smallest integer p for which u(t)
linear system by the zeros of the transfer function. The
appears, and which makes y at least twice differentiable.
stability of the zero dynamics in Eq. (14) is an important
The nonlinear system in equations (2)-(3) is said to have a
issue in designing a controller. The minimum phase system
well-defined relative degree p in a region D0 ⊂ D if
ia a system whose zero dynamics are asymptotically stable
Lg Lkf h(x)=0 ∀k, 0 ≤k < p − 1; and in the domain of interest.
Lg Lf h(x)u ≠ 0, (6) The study of minimum phase systems is important
because of the direct relation between the asymptotic
for all x ⊂ D0 . Note that p ≤ n . From Eq. (5), define stability of zero dynamics and the local asymptotic stability
of feedback linearized systems. which is described by
v ≜ y (p) = b(x) + D(x) u (7) saying that the local asymptotic stability of the zero
where v(t) is a one-dimensional transformed input created dynamics is the necessary and sufficient condition for the
by the feedback linearization process, b(x) is called the local asymptotic stability of the feedback linearized system
nonlinearity cancellation factor, and D(x) the decoupling in Eqs. (11) - (13).
matrix which is a scalar if the system is SISO. After some If the zero dynamics are unstable in the region of
algebra, Eq. (7) yields the well-known linearizing feedback interest, the system cannot be used for designing a
control law [4] controller because some or all of the states diverge toward
infinity. In this case the system called nonminimum phase.
u = D−1 (x)(−b(x) + v) (8) In the next section, we will state our control objective with
where D(x) is invertible and nonsingular. The general the aid of a mathematical description based on feedback
transformation for a relative degree p < n can be cast linearization.
through the diffeomorphism z = F(x) , which can be C. Objective
expressed as Here we consider output tracking control in which the
Zeeman model output y(t) is forced to track a reference
h(x) trajectory yr (t). Define the output tracking error as

ρ−1 e ≜ y − yr . (15)
K Lf h(x)
z = F(x) ≜ [—] = — (9) The control objective is to force e(t) → 0 such that
E Φ1 (x) y(t) → yr (t) as t → ∞.
⋮ To accomplish this objective, we can differentiate both
[ Φn−p (x) ] sides of Eq. (17), which yields

where K ⊂ ℝp , E ⊂ ℝn−p , and Φi (x), i= 1,.., n-p, are ė = ẏ − yṙ

chosen such that F(x) is a diffeomorphism on a ⋮ } (16)
(ρ) (ρ)
domain D0 ⊂ D; that is, the Jacobian matrix associated e(ρ) = y (ρ) − yr = v (ρ) − yr
with F(x) is nonsingular, and
where ρ is the number of differentiations. We can choose a
∂∅i suitable tracking control law for the transformed input v(t)
Lg ∅i (x) = g(x) = 0, 1 ≤ i ≤ n − p (10)
for all x ∈ D0 . The diffeomorphism in Eq. (11) leads to (p)
the normal state space linear form which is well-known: v = −Γe + yr (17)
(ρ−1) T
K̇ = AK K + BK v (11) where e = [e ė ë … e ] , and Γ is the feedback gain
Ė = fo (K, E) (12) matrix. Equation (17) is considered the controller equation.
y=h(x) = K1 (13) The feedback gain matrix can be calculated in Hurwitz
form, in which the eigenvalues of (AK − Bk Γ) lie in the
where K is the state in the new coordinate system. These
left-hand side of the complex plane. The closed loop
equations provide a linear representation for the Zeeman
nonlinear system is then given as
model, which is called an input-output feedback
linearization augmented model. With a virtual input v(t) ẋ = f(x) + g(x)D−1 (x)[−b(x) + v] (18)
λ2,3 = (3E 2 – T)| = −2 (27)
ε E=±√T ε
In this section we investigate the stability of both the
2nd and 3rd order models. Stability analysis is provided From (29) we can see that λ1,2 < 0 for all T > 0 and ϵ >
through the zero dynamics of the feedback linearizable 0, and the system is asymptotically stable.
model and it always starts by selecting a convenient output We thus draw an important conclusion: regardless of
that is easy to measure, such as electromechanical the values of the parameters T and ϵ , the system is
quantities. Electromechanical quantities are easy to asymptotically stable around two equilibrium points as long
measure through muscle membranes using electrical as T > 0 and ϵ > 0.
sensors. Much of the material in section is based on [21].
B. Stability analysis for 3nd order system
A. Stability analysis for 2nd order system Consider the 3rd order model described as
In the 2nd order nonlinear heartbeat model described by
Eqs. (2) and (3), we choose the output measurement to be ϵẋ 1 = −(x13 + x1 x2 + x3 ) (28)
y(t) = x2 (t). Differentiating y(t) with respect to t yields ẋ 2 = −2x1 − 2x2
ẋ 3 = −x2 − 1 + u
ẏ = x1 − xd + (xd − xs )u (19)
where x1 (t) represents the length of the muscle fiber, x2 (t)
u appears in the equation which indicates a relative degree represents tension in the muscle fiber, x3 (t) is related to
p = 1. This implies that the system has both internal and electromechanical activity, ϵ is a small positive constant,
external dynamics and its diffeomorphism is given as and u(t) represents the cardiac pacemaker control signal,
h(x) K x2 which puts the heart into the diastolic and systolic states.
z = F(x) = [ − − ] = [—] = [—] (20) This model does not have any significant difference from
∅ (x) x1 the 2nd order model, except that it considers the muscle
fiber tension as a state.
The resulting Jacobian matrix has the form In order to study the stability of this model we will start
∂F(x) 0 1 with Lie brackets as illustrated in Eqs. (6)-(9). Also, we
=[ ] (21) select y(t) = x3 (t) which is physically convenient, since
∂x 1 0
x3 (t) represents an electromechanical effect that can easily
The Jacobian is non-singular for all x ∈ ℝ2 and we can be measured. Then we can proceed by differentiating y(t)
consider the diffeomorphism as a global diffeomorphism with respect to time t as follows:
for the 2nd order heart beat model. From Eq. (20) we can
infer that 𝑥1 represents the internal dynamics and x2 ẏ = ẋ 3 = −x2 − 1 + u (29)
represents the external dynamics of the system. The system Since u appears in the above equation, it’s obvious that the
can then be written as relative degree is p = 1. Thus, the heartbeat system has
K̇ = E − (xd − xs )u (22) both external and internal dynamics. The diffeomorphism
−1 is given by
Ė = (E 3 – TE + K) (23)
y=K (24) h(x) K x2
−−− − − − −
Next we analyze the system stability by checking the z = F(x) = [ ]=[ ]= [ x ] (30)
∅1 (x) E1 1
internal dynamics in Eq. (22). The zero dynamics should ∅2 (x) E2 x2
satisfy the condition
The Jacobian matrix of F(x) can be easily found as
Ė = f0 (K, E)|K=0 = (E 3– TE ) (25)
∂F(x) 0 0 1
We can see that there are three equilibrium points {E = 0, = [1 0 0]
E = √T , E = −√T }. We apply the indirect Lyapunov 0 1 0
stability theorem to analyze the stability at the equilibrium which is nonsingular for all x ∈ ℝ3 . For this reason F(x) is
points. First, at the origin, by considering T > 0 and ϵ > 0, considered a global diffeomorphism. Thus, we can describe
we can show that λ1 > 0 as follows: the system with the diffeomorphism equations as

λ1 =
(3E 2 – T)| =
>0 (26) K̇ = −E2 − 1 + u (31)
ε ε 1
Ė1 = − (E13 + E1 E2 + K ) (32)
Ė2 = − 2 E1 −2 E2 (33)
y=K (34)
From Eq. (26), we see that the system is unstable at the
origin. Second, we consider the other equilibrium points as
and the zero dynamics equations follow as Figure 2, the zero dynamics system is stable at the
equilibrium points (0,0) and (1,-1). The equilibrium points
Ė1 = − (E13 + E1 E2 ) are illustrated in Figure 2 with two blue square markers. In
ε } (35) Figure 2 we can see that all states with positive K1
Ė2 = − 2 E1 −2 E2 converge to the (0,0) equilibrium point, while all states with
C. Stability Assessment negative K 2 converge to the (1,-1) equilibrium point.
We shall show that the zero dynamics of Eq. (35) has
two equilibrium points, one at the origin and the other at
(1,-1). Stability assessment can be investigated through
Lyapunov indirect stability for each equilibrium point. In
order to do so, we compute the Jacobian for the zero
dynamics system as
1 +E2 ) E1
J=[ − ] (36)
ϵ ϵ
−2 −2
At the first equilibrium point, (0,0), we have
1 +E2 ) E1
− 0 0
J(0,0) = A1 = [ ϵ ϵ ]=[ ] (37)
−2 −2 −2 −2

The eigenvalues of A1 are 0 and -2. Since one of the Figure 2. Phase portrait of the zero dynamics, showing stability at
the (0,0) and (1,-1) equilibrium points
eigenvalues is zero, stability cannot be concluded from
Lyapunov’s indirect theorem. In this case we can resort to E. System sensitivity with respect to changes in ϵ
the reduced system theorem, which leads to conclude that We observe that the value of ϵ in the zero dynamics of
the zero dynamics system is asymptotically stable [19]. (35) has a significant effect. In order to investigate this
At the second equilibrium point, (1,-1), we have effect, we vary ϵ and solve the system of differential
1 +E2 ) E1 2 1 equations (35) with ode45, then illustrate the effect of
− − − changes in ϵ with corresponding phase portraits. We use
J(1,−1) = A2 = [ ϵ ϵ ]=[ ϵ ϵ] (38)
−2 −2 −2 −2 this process to show the system sensitivity to the parameter
We can make a clear conclusion from the eigenvalues of A2 ϵ in range [0.05, 10]. Figure 3 depicts the effect of
that the zero dynamics at (1,-1) is asymptotically stable, changing ϵ within this range. or small ϵ values, we see that
because the real parts of the eigenvalues of A2 are negative, the equilibrium point (0,0) dominates the zero dynamics.
so A2 is Hurwitz. All states converge to the equilibrium point at (0,0).

D. Direct result for stability analysis of the 3rd order However, when increasing ϵ to values between 0.5 and
system 1, we observe two vortexes corresponding to the two
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the phase portraits around the equilibrium points
(MATLAB is used to plot the figures). As we can see from

𝜖 = 0.05 𝜖 = 0.1 𝜖 = 0.5

𝜖=1 𝜖=5 𝜖 = 100

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