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Life Division
Effective 7/2017
General Schedule - Consultants shall be entitled to the following remuneration for all paid and in-force cases:

Plan 1st Year Years 2-3 Years 4-6 Years 7-10 Yrs 11+

Ultra III (FPAL132B)* 50% 0% 0% 0% 0%

Optima Elite (FPAL14B)* 50% 0% 0% 0% 0%

UL Prime (FPAL17B)* 40% 2.50% 2.50% 0% 0%

Select Term 10 & 15 (TL04B.R710) 15% 1% 1% 0% 0%

Select Term 20 & 30 (TL04B.R710) 40% 1% 1% 0% 0%

Select Term to A 85 & to A 100 (TL04B.R710) 45% 1% 1% 0% 0%

Critical Illness (CI07B.R312) 9% 3% 3% 3% 3%

*Excess Commission on UL plans: All excess (above target) premiums shall pay the commission as follows: If received within the first policy year it shall
pay renewal commission of year 2 up to $20,000. Any excess above $20,000 will pay at 0%. If received the second year and beyond: it shall pay renewal
commission of the year it was received up to $20,000. Any excess above $20,000 will pay at the lesser of 0% or the renewal commission for that year.

Plan (Levelized) Duration 1 Duration 2 Duration 3-10 Duration 11+

Ultra III (FPAL132B)* 40% 4% 0.25% 0%

• Rated cases including permanent and temporary flat extras shall be remunerated at the same rate as the base policy.
• If an American Fidelity International (Bermuda) Ltd. policy is replaced within one (1) year of the lapse or termination date, 1st
year remuneration shall be paid only on the difference in premium. For the remaining of the premium, remuneration shall be
based on applicable renewal rates.
• If an American Fidelity International (Bermuda) Ltd. policy is converted, 1st year remuneration shall be paid only on the
difference in premium. For the remaining of the premium, remuneration shall be based on applicable renewal rates.
• Client reserves the right to modify the Remuneration Schedule(s) from time to time as it determines, but any new schedules will
apply only to business written after Client gives Consultant notice of the change.
• Policy riders not specifically listed in this Schedule shall be remunerated at the same rate as the base policy.
• For the plans that have a “levelized” option, consultant must pick the option at time of illustration. The policy will pay the
selected option at issue for the life of the policy.

UL Prime (FPAL17B):
Excess Commission paid on the $96.00 annual policy fee.
Select Term (TL04B.R710):
Policy has $100 annual non-commissionable policy fee.
For Select Term polices with Accelerated Benefit Increase (ABI) endorsement, 1st year commissions will be paid on the portion of the
annual increase of premium.

Acknowledged and agreed to this _____ day of _________________, 20____ by the undersigned parties:



By: By: ________________________________

Name: ____________________________ Name: _____________________________

Title Title: ______________________________

Date: ______________________________

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