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Solve the following manually following the steps in hypothesis testing.

Do the same using SPSS or

any other software, state the null and alternative hypotheses and make a decision and conclusion.
A sporting goods manufacturing company wanted to compare the distance traveled by golf balls
produced using two designs. Ten balls were manufactured with each design and were brought to the
local golf course for the club professional to test. The order in which the balls were hit with the same
club from the first tee was randomized so that the pro did not know which type of ball was being hit. All
20 balls were hit in a short period of time, during which the environmental conditions were essentially
the same. The results (distance traveled in yards) for the two designs are shown in the following table.
At the 0.05 level of significance, is there evidence of a difference in the mean distances traveled by
the golf balls with different designs?

1 2
206.32 217.08
207.94 221.43
206.19 218.04
204.45 224.13
209.65 211.82
203.81 213.90
206.75 221.28
205.68 229.43
204.49 213.54
210.86 214.51

xmean1 = ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
= 206.614

xmean2 = ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
= 218.516
∑ ( x − xm )2
σ1 =
√ n
= (sqrt) (206.32-206.614)2 + (207.94-206.614)2 + (206.19-206.614)2 + (204.45-206.614)2 +
(209.65-206.614)2 + (203.81-206.614)2 + (206.75-206.614)2 + (205.68-206.614)2 + (204.49-206.614)2
+ (210.86-206.614)2
= 2.173

σ2 = (sqrt) (217.08-218.516)2 + (221.43-218.516)2 + (218.04-218.516)2 + (224.13-218.516)2 +

(211.82-218.516)2 + (213.90-218.516)2 + (221.28-218.516)2 + (229.43-218.516)2 + (213.54-218.516)2
+ (214.51-218.516)2
= 5.253

μ1 = distance traveled by design 1;

μ2 = distance traveled by design 2.

H0 : μ1 = μ2
H1 : μ1 ≠ μ2

α = 0.05

Reject H0 if z < -1.96 or z > 1.96

z-test = ((206.614-218.516)/(√(2.1732/10)+(5.2532/10))
= −6.620816675

H0 is rejected since z < -1.96

H1 is accepted.

We can conclude that there is evidence of a difference in the mean distances traveled by the golf balls
with different designs.
Using MSExel

golf ball 1 X-mean

10 206.32 0.086436
207.94 1.758276
206.19 0.179776
204.45 4.682896
209.65 9.217296
203.81 7.862416
206.75 0.018496
205.68 0.872356
204.49 4.511376
210.86 18.028516
mean 206.614
std dev 2.17296664

golf ball 2
10 217.08 2.062096
221.43 8.491396
218.04 0.226576
224.13 31.516996
211.82 44.836416
213.9 21.307456
221.28 7.639696
229.43 119.115396
213.54 24.760576
214.51 16.048036
mean 218.516
std dev 5.25361437

Z-test -6.62017038

H0 is rejected since z < -1.96

H1 is accepted.

We can conclude that there is evidence of a difference in the mean

distances traveled by the golf balls with different designs.

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