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If you’ve never travelled in a group before, do it.

I’ve travelled a
bunch of different ways – with my girlfriend, and a couple of friends.
What I’ve learned is that travel is about the people you meet. It’s the
stories, life lessons and traditions you learn from other people that
is truly irreplaceable. Travelling with ‘strangers’ is part of what made
the tour we did so amazing. Yes, it’s always good to go travelling
with your friends from back home, but if you’re going into it blind
then there’s the sense of excitement about who you’ll meet, what
they’ll be like, what you can learn from everyone as individuals.

What travelling has taught me is to be open to everything, and be

willing to give anything that’s thrown at you a go. Don’t go into
everything expecting something from it. You gain so much more
going in and just seeing what happens, rather than sticking to a
very strict schedule.
Travelling is all about discovering new places and trying new things,
so go out and do just that!

I personally believe that travelling with your friends is the best way to travel! Whether this means
backpacking round the world for a year, or just taking a weekend trip to a different city, I highly
recommend the experience.

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