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Secondary Hypertension

It is a highblood pressure which is much less common than the other type. It has many different
causes including endocrine disease, kidney diseases, and tumors. It can also be due to many medications.

A. Laboratory Tests
 Urine Test/Urinalysis
This test can reveal a lot about how highblood pressure is affecting your body.
 TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone) Test
Detects and monitors thyroid dysfunction.
*High TSH levels = thyroid not making enough hormones (Hypothyroidism)
* Low TSH levels= thyroid is making too much hormones (Hyperthyroidism)
 Lipid Profile
To evaluate levels of Total Cholesterol, HDL & LDL cholesterols, and triglycerides.
Assesses the risk of developing atherosclerosis.
 Basic Metebolic Panel (BMP)
Group of tests that give a healthcare practitioner important information about the
current status of the person's metabolism, health of kidneys, blood-glucose levels and
electrolytes, acids & base balance.
Tests are:
A. Glucose E. CO2
B. Calcium F. Chloride
C. Sodium G. BUN
D. Potassium H. Creatinine

B. History
 Gender
Higher in men than in women
 Location/Place
Higher in Urban areas than in rural areas.
 Age
Higher among ages 45-54y/o
Socioeconomic Status, upper SES
 Marital Status
Being married was found out to be a risk factor for hypertension and prehypertension.
 Work
Being a government servant was found out to be a risk factor for hypertension and
 Lifestyle
Tobacco users & alcohol user
 Food Intake
Non-vegetarian diet was found out to have higher odds of being hypertensive compared
with a vegetarian diet.
(source: Prevalence and Associated Risk Factors of hypertension: A cross-sectional Study in Urban
Varanasi by Singh S. et al., 2017)

C. Complications
D. Electrocardiogram (ECG)
Noninvasive test that detects the electrical activity of the heart and records on paper.
Useful for evaluating for damage of the heart muscles (heart attacks), hypertrophy
(enlargement of organ or tissue from increase size of cells.)
 Echocardiogram
An ultrasound examination of the heart taken through the chest.
Heart problems: enlargement, abnormalities in motion of the heart walls, blood clots
and heart valve abnormalities
 Chest X-ray
Provides an estimate size of the heart but less specific.

 Doppler Ultrasound
To check blood flow through arteries at pulse points.
Acurate way to detect peripheral vascular disease, arteries to both kidneys &
 MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging)
Method for screening causes of secondary hypertension.
Offers novel imaging strategies for risk stratifying patients via assessment of aortic
distensibility, pulse wave velocity & cerebral blood flow.
 CT (Computed Tomography) Scan
Used during evaluation process for pulmonary hypertension = a type of high blood
pressure that affects the arteries in your lungs and the right side of your heart.

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