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Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology, Bhopal

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Lect No. Topics
Lec-1 Concepts, definitions, taxonomy and history of computer programming,
operating systems and program execution, Input/output devices, Storage
devices,Primary memory , Auxiliary memory, RAM, ROM.
Lec-2 Translators - Compiler,Interpreter, Assembler,Introduction to C, C Character
Set, Constants, Variables, Keywords , Basic C Program-I
Lec-3 Basic C Program -II
Lec-4 Basic C Program-III
Lec-5 Ascii Chart, C Instructions , Operators and Expressions, Decision Control
Lec-6 Programs on Decision Control Statements -I
Lec-7 Programs on Decision Control Statements -II
Lec-8 Programs on Decision Control Statements -III
Lec-9 Loop Control Structure
Lec-10 Programs on Loops -I
Lec-11 Programs on Loops -II
Lec-12 Nesting of loops, Programs
Lec-13 Break, Continue Statements with programs
Lec-14 Programs on Case Control Structure -I
Lec-15 Programs on Case Control Structure -II
Lec-16 Goto statements with programs
Lec-17 Operators and Expressions
Lec-18 Flowcharts
Lec-19 Introduction to Functions
Lec-20 Programs on Functions -I
Lec-21 Programs on Functions -II
Lec-22 An Introduction to Pointers, Call by Value and Call by Reference
Lec-23 Recursion
Lec-24 One dimensional Array with programs
Lec-25 Multi-Dimensional Array with programs
Lec-26 Parameter Passing to a Function
Lec-27 Strings, operations on strings
Lec-28 Programs on strings
Lec-29 Unix, Architecture of Unix Operating System
Lec-30 Unix Commands
Lec-31 Operations on Bits
Lec-32 Operations on Bits
Lec-33 Structure, programs
Lec-34 Miscellaneous-I
Lec-35 Miscellaneous-I
Subject: Computer Programming (Btech I Sem) Code: - CS-115
References: 1) Let us C, by Yashavant P. Kanetkar
2) C in Depth, by Suresh Kumar Srivastava
3) Learning the Unix Operating System, by O'Reilly

Faculty Name:- Hema Dubey

Course Outcomes

Subject:- Computer Programming (CS-115)

• To design an algorithm and illustrate flowchart for a given problem.

• To write conditional and iterative statements in C language to solve real life problems.
• To develop user defined functions to solve real time problems
• Learn to write C programs using Pointers, arrays, strings and functions.
• Learn to use UNIX commands to manage files and develop programs.
• Learn to use user defined data types including arrays, structures
• Learn to use different types of operators to solve real time problems.

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