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Salvador, Cherry Mae F. Art Appreciation Ms.

BS Architecture (TTH/12:00-1:30 pm) Sept. , 2019

When you’ve got good gossip

so you get the squad together to tell them


You can see a total of nine males, one of whom has a black hat, the other a corpse, and
the rest of the males have the same dress, and the bottom right has a book. I believe the
painting used an oil painting because it is textured, layered and glossy. Use a baroque painting
to define its movement and detail for the style of painting and use the technique of chiaroscuro
to link light to dark color.


A professor teaching about the anatomy of the human body using a real-life body and
looks like a sacrificial victim by dissecting its parts to deeper analyze and observe the
relationship of one another. For the remaining people are the seven branches of science that
represent them.


To show how individuals look when they hear rumors from others. The listeners ' phrase
is an instance of this. The corpse is the subject that can lead to beneficial and negative effects
that can also lead to something or someone being hurt.
Salvador, Cherry Mae F. Art Appreciation Ms. Bernardino
BS Architecture (TTH/12:00-1:30 pm) Sept. , 2019

When your crush walk in and act normal

but all your friends look at you

Salvador, Cherry Mae F. Art Appreciation Ms. Bernardino
BS Architecture (TTH/12:00-1:30 pm) Sept. , 2019

In a Roman Osteria
Artist: Carl Bloch
The Anatomy Lesson Of Dr. Nicolaes Tulp by Rembrandt.
Salvador, Cherry Mae F. Art Appreciation Ms. Bernardino
BS Architecture (TTH/12:00-1:30 pm) Sept. , 2019
Salvador, Cherry Mae F. Art Appreciation Ms. Bernardino
BS Architecture (TTH/12:00-1:30 pm) Sept. , 2019
Salvador, Cherry Mae F. Art Appreciation Ms. Bernardino
BS Architecture (TTH/12:00-1:30 pm) Sept. , 2019
Salvador, Cherry Mae F. Art Appreciation Ms. Bernardino
BS Architecture (TTH/12:00-1:30 pm) Sept. , 2019
Salvador, Cherry Mae F. Art Appreciation Ms. Bernardino
BS Architecture (TTH/12:00-1:30 pm) Sept. , 2019

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