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Effects of Color to the Memory Retention among Second Year H2F Psychology


House Rules
1. No using of cellular phones during the experiment. Set it in silent mode.
2. No talking to other participants. Be quiet.
3. All bags must be in front.

Researcher’s Roles
Lumangtad, Kesana – Experimenter
Estolonio, Reycell Jane – Overseer
Pansaon, Nelsie – Property Custodian/Logistics
Manampam, Raya Alyssa – Operator
Cruz, Jonalou – Marshall


0:00:00:05 Establish rapport ALL Kesana: Good morning everyone.
with the So today, you are all gathered here
participants/subjects for us to conduct an experiment.
This experiment is a very important
part of our study so I hope you
would all respect and understand
each role of the researchers and
take this experiment seriously. The
criteria of choosing the subjects of
this experiment are not color-
blinded so we expect that all of you
don’t have any problems with
colors. But before anything else, let
us, researchers, introduce
ourselves first.

Kesana: I am Kesana Lumangtad,

the experimenter, In-charge for
giving instructions
Reycell: I am Reycell Estolonio, the
overseer - in-charge for the time
and flow of the experiment.

Raya: I am Raya Manampan, the

operator – in-charge for the
technicalities of the experiment.

Nelsie: I am Nelsie Pansaon, the

property custodian – in-charge
giving of materials and keeping it.

Jona: I am Jonalou Cruz, the

marshall – in-charge for the peace
and order of the experiment.

Kesana: So now, before going any

further to the experiment, let me
explain first the house rules.

House rules:
1. No using of cellular phones
during the experiment. Set it
in silent mode.
2. No talking to other
participants. Be quiet.
3. All bags must be in front.

Distribution of the Kesana Kesana: Without further ado,

informed consent. Lumangtad, let’s go down to the first part of
the experiment – the informed
consent. Nelsie, please distribute.

Nelsie: (Starts moving and

distributing the informed
consent.) Please get one and pass.
Kesana: So, did you all receive now
an informed consent? Okay, let’s go
through to the informed consent.

(Wait for subjects to say YES)

Going through your Kesana: For the reading of the

informed consent.
informed consent, here is Reycell.

Reycell: (Read the informed

consent slowly with conviction
and firm pronunciation) Okay, I
will now read the informed
consent and kindly follow me by
reading it with your eyes.

Informed Consent

Obtaining your Kesana: So, do you have any

informed consent.
objections, questions or
clarifications regarding the
informed consent?

(Wait for the subjects to respond)

If there is none, then you can now

write your name on the space
provided below in PRINTED
FORMAT and kindly affix your
signature above your name. After
signing, you can now pass the
papers at the center aisle quietly.
Nelsie will be collecting it.
Randomly assigning
your participants into Kesana: So now, we will move on
the experimental and to the next part of our experiment.
control groups We will group you according to your
(picked number) in the box. We will
do draw lots. You need to pick one
then open the paper to see which
group you belong.
Nelsie: (Starts the random
assignment) Please get one.

Jona: (Helps Nelsie in random


Kesana: Okay, who are in group A?

Please stand up and kindly gather
here infront. In group B? Please
proceed at the back and group C
gather in the middle.

Jona: Kindly move quietly and

proceed to your respective groups.
(You facilitate the group. Please be
strict and make them quiet as

Kesana: Okay, these are your

groupmates and please avoid
talking with each other, especially to
other groups.


intervention LABORATORY

Jona: At this juncture, inside the

laboratory, we will begin the
experiment. Please be quiet and
kindly do three lines according to
your respective group letters or the
letters you picked a while ago.

(Wait for the cue of Experimenter

for group A to enter)

Kesana: (Gives cue)

Jona: Okay, for those who are in

Group B, please sit here, right side
of the hall and Group C, settle
yourselves in the left side. As for
group A, follow me.
Jona: Group A, for those who have
short height, please occupy the first
table. Only five people per table.
For those who have higher height,
occupy the second table.



Kesana: Okay, are we all set now?

Let’s start the first part of this
experiment. Nelsie kindly distribute.

Nelsie: (Distributes the folder)

Please get one and pass.

Kesana: Did you all receive your

materials? (Wait for the subject to
say yes.) I will now give instructions
and please listen carefully.

Instruction: As you can see Nelsie

gave you a folder, and please do
not open the folder yet. Inside that
folder, there is a set of paper. Inside
that set of paper, there is a white
paper with 20 words printed on it
located at page 2 of the set. You
have to memorize it all in just 5
minutes. Once Reycell says “time is
up”, you have to stop studying and
memorizing it and remove the white
paper with 20 words and pass it at
your right. The other papers next to
the white paper with 20 words will
be used later so wait for my
instructions. Again, do not touch
any paper until I tell you so.

If you have questions, just raise

your hand and Nelsie will entertain

Kesana: When Reycell says

“START”, you can open the folder
now and turn to page 2 ONLY.
Understood? Okay, let’s start.

Reycell: Okay, you will begin in 3 2



Reycell: TIME IS UP!

Kesana: Okay, remove ONLY the

white paper with 20 words and pass
it at your right side. Do it silently.

Nelsie: Kindly pass the white paper

towards your right.

Kesana: I will give you another

instruction so listen carefully. I will
show you a mathematical problem
and in just 2 minutes, you have to
solve it in page 3. When Reycell
says “START”, you can now start
solving. Okay?

Kesana: So, here is the problem.

Raya: (Shows the problem)

Reycell: Okay, you will begin in 3 2

1, START! (start the time)


Reycell: Time is up!

Raya: (Closes the problem in the


Kesana: Kindly remove the page 3

and pass it at your right.
Nelsie: Pass it at your right side

Kesana: Okay, I have another

instruction. In page 4, kindly write all
the words that you have studied a
while ago in that white paper with
20 words. Put all the words that you
remembered. I will give you 5
minutes to write it down.

Reycell: In 3 2 1, START!

(Waits for 5 minutes)

Reycell: TIME IS UP!

Kesana: Okay, time is up. Please

pass the paper at your right side
and Group A, thank you for
participating, kindly proceed outside
and wait there until Jona tell you so
to enter the laboratory again.

Nelsie: (Get the paper)

Jona: (Guides Group A outside)


(Experimental Group – WARM


Jona: All Group B, please get

inside. Group A, kindly sit where
Group B sat.

Jona: Group B, for those who have

short height, please occupy the first
table. Only five people per table.
For those who have higher height,
occupy the second table.
Kesana: Okay, are we all set now?
Let’s start the first part of this
experiment. Nelsie kindly distribute.

Nelsie: (Distributes the folder)

Please get one and pass.

Kesana: Did you all receive your

materials? (Wait for the subject to
say yes.) I will now give instructions
and please listen carefully.

Instruction: As you can see, Nelsie

gave you a folder and please do not
open the folder yet. Inside that
folder, there are three sets of paper
and do not touch any paper until I
tell you so. In this first part of the
experiment, you will get the first set
of papers and kindly check if SET
NO. 1 is indicated.

Okay, open the folder now and get

the SET NO.1 and after that, close
the folder and place it at your side.

Okay, hold the SET NO.1 but do not

flip pages yet. In set no. 1, there is a
yellow paper with 20 words printed
on it. You have to memorize it all in
just 5 minutes. Once Reycell says
“time is up”, you have to stop
studying it and remove the yellow
paper with 20 words in the SET
NO.1 and pass at your right. If you
have questions, just raise your hand
and Nelsie will entertain you.

Kesana: When Reycell says

“START”, you can flip the page now
to page number 2 ONLY where
those 20 words are located. Again,
do not flip pages yet until I tell you
so. Okay, let’s start. Reycell?
Reycell: Okay, you will begin in 3 2


Reycell: TIME IS UP!

Kesana: Okay, remove the yellow

paper with 20 words and pass it at
your right side. Do it silently.

Nelsie: Kindly pass the yellow

paper towards your right.

Kesana: I will give you another

instruction so listen carefully. I will
show you a mathematical problem
and in just 2 minutes, you have to
solve it in page 3. When Reycell
says “START”, you can now start

Kesana: So, here is the problem.

Raya: (Shows the problem)

Reycell: Okay, you will begin in 3 2

1, START! (start the time)


Reycell: Time is up!

Raya: (Closes the problem in the


Kesana: Kindly remove the page 3

and pass it at your right.

Nelsie: Pass it at your right side

Kesana: Okay, I have another
instruction. In page 4, kindly write all
the words that you have studied a
while ago in that yellow paper with
20 words. Put all the words that you
remembered. I will give you 5
minutes to write it down.

Reycell: In 3 2 1, START!

(Waits for 5 minutes)

Reycell: TIME IS UP!

Kesana: Okay, time is up. Please

pass the paper at your right side. So
now, I will show you a video.



Kesana: Okay, are we all set now?

Let’s start the second part of this
experiment. I will now give you
another instruction and please listen

Instruction: Open the folder again

and get the SET NO.2. Kindly check
if SET NO. 2 is indicated and after
that, close the folder and place it at
your side.

Okay, hold the SET NO.2 but do not

flip pages yet. In set no. 2, there is a
red paper with 20 words printed on
it. You have to memorize it all in just
5 minutes. Once Reycell says “time
is up”, you have to stop studying it
and remove the red paper with 20
words in the SET NO.2 and pass it
at your right. If you have questions,
just raise your hand and Nelsie will
entertain you.

Kesana: When Reycell says

“START”, you can flip the page now
to page number 2 ONLY where
those 20 words are located. Again,
do not flip any pages until I tell you
so. Okay, let’s start. Reycell?

Reycell: Okay, you will begin in 3 2



Reycell: TIME IS UP!

Kesana: Okay, remove the red

paper with 20 words and pass it at
your right side. Do it silently.

Nelsie: Kindly pass the red paper

towards your right.

Kesana: I will give you another

instruction so listen carefully. I will
show you a mathematical problem
and in just 2 minutes, you have to
solve it in page 3. When Reycell
says “START”, you can now start

Kesana: So, here is the problem.

Raya: (Shows the problem)

Reycell: Okay, you will begin in 3 2

1, START! (start the time)


Reycell: Time is up!

Raya: (Closes the problem in the

Kesana: Kindly remove the page 3

and pass it at your right.

Nelsie: Pass it at your right side


Kesana: Okay, I have another

instruction. In page 4, kindly write all
the words that you have studied a
while ago in that red paper with 20
words. Put all the words that you
remembered. I will give you 5
minutes to write it down.

Reycell: In 3 2 1, START!

(Waits for 5 minutes)

Reycell: TIME IS UP!

Kesana: Okay, time is up. Please

pass the paper at your right side. So
now, I will show you a video.



Kesana: Okay, are we all set now?

Let’s start the last part of this
experiment. I will now give you
another instruction and please listen

Instruction: Open the folder again

and get the SET NO.3. Kindly check
if SET NO. 3 is indicated and after
that, close the folder.

Okay, hold the SET NO.3 but do not

flip pages yet. In set no. 3, there is a
red paper with 20 words printed on
it. You have to memorize it all in just
5 minutes. Once Reycell says “time
is up”, you have to stop studying
and memorizing it and remove the
orange paper with 20 words in the
SET NO.3 and pass it at your right.
If you have questions, just raise
your hand and Nelsie will entertain

Kesana: When Reycell says

“START”, you can flip the page now
to page number 2 only where those
20 words are located. Again, do not
flip any page until I tell you so.
Okay, let’s start. Reycell?

Reycell: Okay, you will begin in 3 2



Reycell: TIME IS UP!

Kesana: Okay, remove the orange

paper with 20 words and pass it at
your right side. Do it silently.

Nelsie: Kindly pass the red paper

towards your right.

Kesana: I will give you another

instruction so listen carefully. I will
show you a mathematical problem
and in just 2 minutes, you have to
solve it in page 3. When Reycell
says “START”, you can now start

Kesana: So, here is the problem.

Raya: (Shows the problem)

Reycell: Okay, you will begin in 3 2
1, START! (start the time)


Reycell: Time is up!

Raya: (Closes the problem in the


Kesana: Kindly remove the page 3

and pass it at your right.

Nelsie: Pass it at your right side


Kesana: Okay, I have another

instruction. In page 4, kindly write all
the words that you have studied a
while ago in that orange paper with
20 words. Put all the words that you
remembered. I will give you 5
minutes to write it down.

Reycell: In 3 2 1, START!

(Waits for 5 minutes)

Reycell: TIME IS UP!

Kesana:Okay, time is up. Please

pass the paper at your right and
group B, thank you for participating.
Kindly exit now the laboratory and
wait for the marshall to tell you to
enter the laboratory again.
(Experimental Group – COOL


Jona: All Group C, please get

inside. Group B, kindly sit where
Group C sat.

Jona: Group C, for those who have

short height, please occupy the first
table. Only five people per table.
For those who have higher height,
occupy the second table.

Kesana: Okay, are we all set now?

Let’s start the first part of this
experiment. Nelsie kindly distribute.

Nelsie: (Distributes the folder)

Please get one and pass.

Kesana: Did you all receive your

materials? (Wait for the subject to
say yes.) I will now give instructions
and please listen carefully.

Instruction: As you can see, Nelsie

gave you a folder and please do not
open the folder yet. Inside that
folder, there are three sets of paper
and do not touch any paper until I
tell you so. In this first part of the
experiment, you will get the first set
of papers and kindly check if SET
NO. 1 is indicated.

Okay, open the folder now and get

the SET NO.1 and after that, close
the folder and place it at your side.

Okay, hold the SET NO.1 but do not

flip pages yet. In set no. 1, there is a
yellow paper with 20 words printed
on it. You have to memorize it all in
just 5 minutes. Once Reycell says
“time is up”, you have to stop
studying it and remove the green
paper with 20 words in the SET
NO.1 and pass at your right. If you
have questions, just raise your hand
and Nelsie will entertain you.

Kesana: When Reycell says

“START”, you can flip the page now
to page number 2 ONLY where
those 20 words are located. Again,
do not flip pages yet until I tell you
so. Okay, let’s start. Reycell?

Reycell: Okay, you will begin in 3 2



Reycell: TIME IS UP!

Kesana: Okay, remove the green

paper with 20 words and pass it at
your right side. Do it silently.

Nelsie: Kindly pass the green paper

towards your right.

Kesana: I will give you another

instruction so listen carefully. I will
show you a mathematical problem
and in just 2 minutes, you have to
solve it in page 3. When Reycell
says “START”, you can now start

Kesana: So, here is the problem.

Raya: (Shows the problem)

Reycell: Okay, you will begin in 3 2
1, START! (start the time)


Reycell: Time is up!

Raya: (Closes the problem in the


Kesana: Kindly remove the page 3

and pass it at your right.

Nelsie: Pass it at your right side


Kesana: Okay, I have another

instruction. In page 4, kindly write all
the words that you have studied a
while ago in that green paper with
20 words. Put all the words that you
remembered. I will give you 5
minutes to write it down.

Reycell: In 3 2 1, START!

(Waits for 5 minutes)

Reycell: TIME IS UP!

Kesana: Okay, time is up. Please

pass the paper at your right side. So
now, I will show you a video.



Kesana: Okay, are we all set now?

Let’s start the second part of this
experiment. I will now give you
another instruction and please listen

Instruction: Open the folder again

and get the SET NO.2. Kindly check
if SET NO. 2 is indicated and after
that, close the folder and place it at
your side.

Okay, hold the SET NO.2 but do not

flip pages yet. In set no. 2, there is a
blue paper with 20 words printed on
it. You have to memorize it all in just
5 minutes. Once Reycell says “time
is up”, you have to stop studying it
and remove the blue paper with 20
words in the SET NO.2 and pass it
at your right. If you have questions,
just raise your hand and Nelsie will
entertain you.

Kesana: When Reycell says

“START”, you can flip the page now
to page number 2 ONLY where
those 20 words are located. Again,
do not flip any pages until I tell you
so. Okay, let’s start. Reycell?

Reycell: Okay, you will begin in 3 2



Reycell: TIME IS UP!

Kesana: Okay, remove the blue

paper with 20 words and pass it at
your right side. Do it silently.

Nelsie: Kindly pass the blue paper

towards your right.

Kesana: I will give you another

instruction so listen carefully. I will
show you a mathematical problem
and in just 2 minutes, you have to
solve it in page 3. When Reycell
says “START”, you can now start

Kesana: So, here is the problem.

Raya: (Shows the problem)

Reycell: Okay, you will begin in 3 2

1, START! (start the time)


Reycell: Time is up!

Raya: (Closes the problem in the


Kesana: Kindly remove the page 3

and pass it at your right.

Nelsie: Pass it at your right side


Kesana: Okay, I have another

instruction. In page 4, kindly write all
the words that you have studied a
while ago in that blue paper with 20
words. Put all the words that you
remembered. I will give you 5
minutes to write it down.

Reycell: In 3 2 1, START!

(Waits for 5 minutes)

Reycell: TIME IS UP!

Kesana: Okay, time is up. Please

pass the paper at your right side. So
now, I will show you a video.


Kesana: Okay, are we all set now?
Let’s start the first part of this
experiment. Nelsie kindly distribute.

Nelsie: (Distributes the folder)

Please get one and pass.

Kesana: Did you all receive your

materials? (Wait for the subject to
say yes.) I will now give instructions
and please listen carefully.

Instruction: As you can see, Nelsie

gave you a folder and please do not
open the folder yet. Inside that
folder, there are three sets of paper
and do not touch any paper until I
tell you so. In this first part of the
experiment, you will get the first set
of papers and kindly check if SET
NO. 1 is indicated.

Okay, open the folder now and get

the SET NO.1 and after that, close
the folder and place it at your side.

Okay, hold the SET NO.1 but do not

flip pages yet. In set no. 1, there is a
violet paper with 20 words printed
on it. You have to memorize it all in
just 5 minutes. Once Reycell says
“time is up”, you have to stop
studying it and remove the violet
paper with 20 words in the SET
NO.1 and pass at your right. If you
have questions, just raise your hand
and Nelsie will entertain you.

Kesana: When Reycell says

“START”, you can flip the page now
to page number 2 ONLY where
those 20 words are located. Again,
do not flip pages yet until I tell you
so. Okay, let’s start. Reycell?

Reycell: Okay, you will begin in 3 2



Reycell: TIME IS UP!

Kesana: Okay, remove the violet

paper with 20 words and pass it at
your right side. Do it silently.

Nelsie: Kindly pass the violet paper

towards your right.

Kesana: I will give you another

instruction so listen carefully. I will
show you a mathematical problem
and in just 2 minutes, you have to
solve it in page 3. When Reycell
says “START”, you can now start

Kesana: So, here is the problem.

Raya: (Shows the problem)

Reycell: Okay, you will begin in 3 2

1, START! (start the time)


Reycell: Time is up!

Raya: (Closes the problem in the


Kesana: Kindly remove the page 3

and pass it at your right.

Nelsie: Pass it at your right side

Kesana: Okay, I have another
instruction. In page 4, kindly write all
the words that you have studied a
while ago in that violet paper with
20 words. Put all the words that you
remembered. I will give you 5
minutes to write it down.

Reycell: In 3 2 1, START!

(Waits for 5 minutes)

Reycell: TIME IS UP!

Kesana:Okay, time is up. Please

pass the paper at your right and
group C, thank you for participating.
Kindly exit now the laboratory and
wait for the marshall to tell you to
enter the laboratory again.

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