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Technology has impacted almost every aspect of life today and education is no exception.

In many ways, it has profoundly changed education. For one, technology has greatly expanded

access to education. In medieval times, books were rare and only an elite few had access to

educational opportunities. Individuals had to travel to centers of learning to get an education.

Today, we cannot quantify anymore the availability of help that the technology can offer us

especially with the use of computers and the Internet. Massive amounts of information including

that of books, audio, images, and videos are available at one’s fingertips through the Internet.

Opportunities for formal learning are available online worldwide though different websites such

as Khan Academy, MOOCs, podcasts, traditional online degree programs, and more. Access to

learning opportunities today is unprecedented in scope because of technology.

Opportunities for communication and collaboration have also been expanded by

technology. Traditionally, classrooms have been relatively isolated and collaboration has been

limited to other students in the same classroom or building. Today, technology enables forms of

communication and collaboration undreamt of in the past. Students can collaborate on group

projects using technology-based tools such as wikis and Google docs. The walls of the classrooms

are no longer a barrier as technology enables new ways of learning, communicating, and working


Technology has also begun to change the roles of teachers and learners. In the traditional

classroom, the teacher is the primary source of information and the learners passively receive it.
This kind of setting has been in education for a long time and it is still very much in evidence

today. However, because of the access to information and educational opportunity that technology

has enabled, in many classrooms today, we see the teachers role shifting to the “guide on the side”

as students take more responsibility for their own learning using technology to gather relevant

information. Students are among the most active and enthusiastic users of contemporary digital

communication technologies. They are benefiting from the use of technology in the classroom

while teachers are using software programs to help students improve upon underdeveloped skills

in a variety of content areas. Student learning styles help drive home the idea of using technology

in differentiated instruction. The push continues to take computer standards from a stand-alone

part of school curriculum and blend them in every content standard.

Technology is fast becoming a part of our daily lives. A new world is opening up right

before our eyes. It is a world of accessibility and growth by digital means. This is a time of

imagination and innovation. (Poast, 2011) Online learning is becoming the answer to many

obstacle in education. Time and distance are no longer trouble spots when it comes to professional

and educational development. Students can benefit from a teacher’s experience and expertise no

matter the location. It is easier for teachers to create instructional materials. With the worldwide

reach of the Internet and the ubiquity of smart devices that can connect to it, a new age of anytime

anywhere education is dawning. It will be up to instructional designers and educational

technologies to make the most of the opportunities provided by technology to change education so

that effective and efficient education is available to everyone everywhere.

Conceptual Framework

This study is connected on Instructional Design Theory by Robert Gagne (1992) as well as

Engagement Theory developed by Greg Kearsley and Ben Shneiderman (1999) whereas,

Instructional Design theory states that creating an instructional environment and materials that will

bring the learner from the state of not being able to accomplish certain tasks to the state of being

able to accomplish those tasks. It emphasizes the concept that a student will learn when the lesson

is outlined in such way that it relates to the student’s needs. Moreover, a student can easily relate

and use these materials provided for the lesson.

On the other hand, Engagement Theory is a framework technology-based teaching and

learning. Its fundamental underlying idea is that students must be meaningfully engaged in

learning activities through interaction with others and worthwhile tasks. While in principle, such

engagement could occur without the use of technology, Kearsley and Shneiderman believe that

technology can facilitate engagement in ways which are difficult to achieve otherwise.
The Research Paradigm


 Significant
 Profile of
 Effectiveness of Between
Teachers and Applications and
Students Learners
 Technology-  Problems
based Instruction Encountered in
Used Applying
based Instruction

A research paradigm in technology-based instruction in teaching SHS Social Sciences

The paradigm shows the relationship of box 1 which contains the extent of the profiles of

teachers and students as well as the technology-based instruction they are using. Box 2, on the

other hand, contains the effectiveness of technology-based instructional materials while the last

box contains the significant relationship between the application of technology-based instruction

and learners as well as the problems encountered in applying technology-based instructions.

Statement of the Problem

This study seeks to answer the following questions:

1. What are the profile of the teachers teaching Social Sciences in ASCOT and MCC?

2. What are the technology-based instruction used in teaching Senior High School Social

Sciences in ASCOT and MCC?

3. What are the problems in applying technology-based instruction in Senior High School

Social Sciences in ASCOT and MCC?

4. Is there significant relationship between the application of technology-based instruction

used in teaching Senior High School Social Sciences between ASCOT and MCC?

5. Is there significant relationship between the application of technology-based instruction

and the learner’s performance in Social Sciences?

Hypothesis of the Problem

1. -

2. There are no technology-based instruction used in teahing SHS Social Sciences in ASCOT

and MCC.

3. There are no problems in applying technology-based instruction in SHS Social Sciences in


4. The is no significant relationship between the application of technology-based instruction

used in teaching SHS Social Sciences between ASCOT and MCC.

5. There is no significant relationship between the application of technology-based instruction

and the learner’s performance in SHS Social Sciences.

Significance of the Study

The result of this study will be beneficial to the following:

Researchers. The study will benefit future researchers who will conduct studies on

technology-based instruction in teaching SHS Social Sciences.

School Administrators. The demands of the students and teachers for attaining the

academic excellence in developing technology-based instruction will be given more time and

effort to be implemented.

Faculty. The findings of this study will help the teacher to become more effective in

teaching Social Sciences by using technology-based instruction. The teacher can assess the

progress of the students’ learning in the subject of Social Sciences by using evaluation and


Future Researcher. The findings of this study may encourage the interest of other

researchers to conduct similar studies in other schools aiming for the purpose of providing

assessment of existing technology-based instruction in teaching SHS Social Sciences which lead

them in achieving the goals of education such as quality, excellence, and dynamic lifelong


Students. These material may help the better understanding difficulties met since they will

be given illustrative examples and provide them many opportunities to participate and respond to

Social Sciences. The will discover their strength and capabilities to develop their own techniques

in understanding Social Sciences through the help of technology-based instruction.

Scope and Delimitations of the Study

This research focused on the technology-based instruction used in two schools in Baler,

Aurora namely, Aurora State College of Technology and Mount Carmel College in school year

2019 – 2020.

This research is limited only to students taking and teachers teaching Senior High School

Social Sciences subjects.



This chapter contains the research studies and research literature both foreign and local

sources, which included concepts relevant to study. These data gave lead to the inquiry.


According to Smith and Negel (2004) book authors on Instructional Media, it is one thing

to select a good instructional materials to ensure the effectivity of it. They added and advise that

to abide the following: a) prepare yourself, b) prepare your students, c) present the material, and

d) follow up. To evaluate and use instructional materials effectively, the educators should know

the lesson objective and what was being expected from the class after the session. Using media

and materials, especially if they are mechanical in nature, often requires rehearsals and a carefully

planned performance. Instructional materials selected must be age and grade appropriate and must

contribute to and be aligned with the curriculum and competencies.

Based on Johnson (2006), the materials that must be selected should give a true picture of

the ideas that they present, contribute to the attainment of the learning objective, be appropriate to

the age intelligence and experience of the learners, be in good and satisfactory condition, provide

for a teacher’s guide and help to develop the critical and creative thinking powers of students.

Nirvanna-Nzewunwa (2008) stated that instructional materials are those materials that are

used to arouse students learning. They are also called teaching aides which brings life to learning

(Alaka, 2008). Traditional good teachers made use of blackboards, pictures, models, charts, and
graphs, along with modern teachers make use of technological advices such as movies, audio

recording devices, television and computers.

The information age has clearly arrived, Kinnaman (2000) and in 90’s, the educational use

of computer technology will surely continue to grow. Today, this we see to be true. Many

educators, legislators, parent researchers have expressed concern about the educational

effectiveness of using computers in schools. Traditional methods relies mainly on textbooks while

the modern method relies on hands-on material approach. Traditional method emphasis in on basic

skills while modern method emphasis is on big ideas. (Brooks, 1999)

These past few years, Koert (2000), technology has assumed an important role on every

aspect of institutional planning and design. The process began with the use of visual aids in support

of teacher-centered teaching, evolving until today, when we frequently see computers in the


According to Lloyd and Gressand (2008), teachers showed that positive attitudes toward

computers are positively correlated to their experience with computer technology. He insisted that

familiarity of the technology decreases anxiety and fear while it increases confidence. This

confidence possessed by teacher in using computers and related information technologies can

greatly influences his or her effective implementation of technology methods in classroom.

Bulkholder et al (2002), states that the technology integration is the ability to use computer

for personal use and with students in the classrooms should be included in training for teachers.

The instructor who has learned to integrate technology into existing curricula may teach differently

than the instructor who has received no such training.

Moreover, Schacter (2006) summarized the positive and negative impact of various

technology studies on student achievement. His study shows positive gains in achievement on
researcher constructed test, standardized tests and national tests, in several elements especially on

(a) computer assisted instruction, or (b) integrated learning system technology, or (c) simulations

and software that teaches higher order thinking skills, or (d) collaborative networked technologies,

or (e) design and programming technologies.

In a survey by Cisco (2010), the multimedia company emphasizes the trends in the

relationships between technology education and innovations are to develop a culture of innovation

and excellent education design practice, to provide a changing balance to scaffold learner use of

the Internet, social media and new media and to support sustainable organic growth through

encouraging grass roots development.

Incorporation of instructional technologies should be considered especially when those

technologies are used to provide learning experiences that enhance student understanding. Digital

libraries, computational tools, modelling and visualization, virtual environments, connectivity, and

communications are among a growing catalogue of capabilities that change what and how students

can learn.

Research has demonstrated that student achievement rises and those students better retain

information and concepts when their school experiences and materials incorporate their own

backgrounds and include similar persons or similar groups. They gain more realistic understanding

of the varied roles, capabilities, and interconnectedness of their ancestors, peers, and others.


The use of technology has enabled teachers to reach students across borders and also

students from developing countries have used technology to subscribe for advance educational
courses. Many universities and colleges have embraced online education by creating virtual


Educational technology is used to increase the efficiency of education in educational

settings. Computers and related technology are viewed as the future of teaching and learning and

also as a powerful technological machine to promote development of learning. These modern

technologies are able to create more attractive and effective learning environment. When

technology and appropriate teaching methods are integrated in teaching and learning, a positive

impact may be observed in both the cognitive and affective domains.

In school, computers are used for instructional purposes. Computers enable individual

students to learn by themselves. Even whole classes can utilize computers for “through computers,

learning then can be facilitated and increase enormously.” (Bona, 2012)

According to de Guzman (2014), with proper selection and usage of technology in

incorporating in instructional materials, it can be utilized by: (a) arousing and sustaining the

interest and attention of the students to learn, (b) concretize abstract concepts or ideas to promote

meaningful learning, (c) make learning more permanent because of the rich experiences that they

provide, (d) provide self-activities for independent learning, (e) increase vocabulary by eliminating

verbalism, (f) develop continuity of though, (g) increase the quality of learning while decreasing

the time spent, (h) check pupil preparedness, and (i) make learning more interactive, hence learning

is improved. It is however claimed that educational media are expensive but it is more expensive

to be teaching facts, skills, values, and attitudes which will be easily forgotten due to lack of


For Filipino educators to be great again, Orcino (2012) entails that educators in the 21st

century of information revolution, digital life and style, and networking must prepare the present
generation for the future by: (a) having adequate grasp of the present, (b) not ever-imposing,

domineering, holier-than-thou, and the all-knowing teacher of the bygone era, (c) being a teacher,

leader, follower, innovator, team player, facilitator, fellow student, and family friend for students,

(d) being proactive, positive, productive, and progressive in thoughts and in action, and (e) being

able to enlighten, inspire, and motivate.

In addition, Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) is an innovative

educational tool that brings the learners together and can offer creative activities of intellectual

exploration and social interaction through taking advantage of the exciting potential of Internet

resources for significant transformation of learning. Merculio (2014) states that different

advantages of CSCL such as creating grounds for social and collaborative learning conditions of

the students.

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