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What problems did you encounter or what did you find tricky when making your


Problems that I encounted when making my Pac-Man clay animation was the
drawing of the maze and making sure it was the right size for making the
characters and objects sizeable so the characters can move around and that
it can portray the idea of the PAC-Man going around the maze structure.
Another problem I had when making this was PAC-Man and The Ghost body
shape which is size was managable to go around and how much clay would I
need to make them. Another problem was making the size of the points
counters evenlly.

How did you overcome them?

Having images for referencing of the characters for example PAC-Man and Ghosts
to make sure the colours were correct so that the audiance can identify each of
the aspects within the game. Trial and error if it doesn’t work the first time then
make the shape again and hopefully it is the shape you wanted.

How did you contribute to your group’s idea?

I took this particular project solo and I am pleased with the efforts that I
undertook on my own independently.
Do you think that you were able to communicate a hidden meaning in your
animation? If so how, if not why was this?

The story that I was portying was my character would pick up coins counters and
is trying not to get caught by the ghost, PAC-Man inspired me to do this. I used
reconisable colours and shapes to identify the different elements with my
animation. It had a clear and achievable objective to do. However if I had to do this
again I would include sound effects for example when PAC-Man gets caught by
the ghost then he would have to start the game again my constraint to this was
that I wouldn’t want to make it all again and also the time was an issue because of
the moving the each invuidually component within the animation another thing
was noise of the different sound when eating the cherry the character goes faster
and when the ghost gets attacked by PAC-Man then he would do a sound effect of
him catching the ghost for bouns points. Another thing in the editing I could added
three lives and a high score tracker to make you see what the points was going
and how much you collecting this would help engage the audiance and reinforces
the image of what was happening and each time PAC-Man was eating a coin
counter special effects sparks and an number of 100 behind him.
Included Dafont titles for my title at the start and end to make it look more
appealing and like it was a real game however this was not possible because
couldn’t let me use the fonts and the Portable Access because it was not allowing
it .

How did planning help you when you were making your animation?

What planning I used were mindmaps at the start of production this would allow
me to trigger ideas that could be possible solutions on what I would want to do my
clay animation on. What other plans I used were storyboards this helps
instructions you step by step with annotations to backup what you would like to
do in within that particular scene. This helps during the shoot and makes the
production process a lot fastest and more efficient.

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