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Anthony’s College
San Jose, Antique
Nursing Department
AGE:55 years old
Dr.: Dr. Baria
SUBJECTIVE: “Wara pa Bowel Bowel incontinence is GENERAL: After 8 INDEPENDENT:
ako nakapamus on halin incontinence the inability to hours of Nursing Provide a high-fiber diet Insoluble type of fiber Goals not met.
kahapon” as verbalized related to lack of control bowel intervention, the under the direction of a promotes the
by the patient. voluntary movements. It's a patient will be able to registered dietician, movement of
sphincter control common problem, evacuate a soft unless contraindicated. material through
secondary to especially among formed stool every the digestive
cerebrovascular older adults. other day or every system and increases
accident as third day. stool bulk, so it can
evidence by be of benefit to those
patient unable to who struggle with
OBJECTIVE: control passage of irregular stools. Bulky
Bp: 150/90 stool. stool stimulates
PR: 119bpm peristalsis and
RR: 15 expulsion of stool
(-) Bowel movement from the bowel.

This prevents
Ensure fluid impaction because a
consumption of at least moist stool can move
3000 mL/day, unless through the bowel
SPECIFIC: contraindicated. more easily. If the
After 2 hours, the patient has diarrhea,
patient will be fluid therapy is vital
continent of stool or for volume
reports decreased replacement.
episodes of bowel
incontinence. Immediate access to
Keep bedside commode appropriate toileting
and assistive device on facilities reduces
sight. unnecessary

Encourage the intake of These foods help

natural bulking agents provide bulk to the
to thicken stools, for stool by absorbing
example, foods such as fluids from the stool.
banana, rice, and

Assist patient for Movement and

mobility or exercise, if exercise stimulate
tolerated. peristalsis and aid in
bowel movement.

Educate the patient and

caregiver the This improves
importance of fluid and personal efficacy and
fiber in maintaining can enhance
soft, bulky stool. compliance and
participation with the
DEPENDENT: therapeutic regimen.

Administer laxative as
prescribed by a
physician. For pharmacological

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