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Latin Maxims

No. Latin Maxim Translation Loc.

1 Legis interpretatio / legis vim óbtinet. Judicial construction and interpretation of a statute acquires the force of 139b
2a Contemporanea expositio /est óptima et fortíssima in lege. Contemporary construction is strongest in law. 190t
*b Óptima est legum interpres / consuetudo. Custom is the best interpreter of a statute.
[c] Régula pro lege,/ si déficit lex. In default of law, the maxim rules.
3a Óptimus interpres rerum / usus. The best interpreter of the law is usage. 194m
*b Communis error / facit jus. Common error sometimes passes as current law.
*c Quod ab inítio non valet / in tractu témporis / non cónvalescit. That which was originally void does not, by lapse of time, become valid.
4 Ratihabítio / mandato aequiparatur. Legislative ratification is equivalent to a mandate. 200t
5a Stare decisis / et non quieta movere. Follow past precedents and do not disturb what has been settled. 202b
b Interest reipúblicae / ut sit finis lítium. The interest of the state demands that there be an end to litigation. 203t
6a Index ánimi / sermo est. Speech is the index of intention. 206m
[b] Ánimus hóminis / est ánima scripti. The intention of the man is the soul of what is written.
c Verba legis / non est recedendum. Do not depart from the words of the statute. 206b
d Maledicta est / exposítio quae corrumpit textum. It is bad construction which corrupts the text. 208b
[e] Littera scripta / manet. The written word endures.
[f ] Cláusula rebus / sic stántibus. Things thus standing.
7a Absoluta senténtia / expositore / non índiget. When the language of the law is clear, no explanation is required. 209t
b Dura lex / sed lex. The law may be harsh but it is the law. 209m
c Hoc quidem / perquam durum est, / sed ita lex scripta est. It is exceedingly hard, but so the law is written. 209m
8a Aéquitas / nunquam contravenit legis. Equity never acts in contravention of the law. 210m
[b] Aéquum et bonum / est lex legum. What is good and equal is the law of laws.
[c ] Jus / ars boni et aéqui. Law is the art of good and equitable.
9a Ratio legis / est ánima legis. The reason of the law is the soul of the law. 214t
[b] Líttera necat / spíritus vivíficat. The letter kills but the spirit gives life.
c Verba intentioni, / non e contra, / debent inservire. Words ought to be more subservient to the intent and not to the words. 215m

*d Benignus / leges interpretandae sunt, / quod voluntas earum Law is to be construed liberally so that its spirit and reason be preserved.
*e Qui haret in líttera / haret in córtice. He who considers merely the letter of an instrument goes but skin deep
into its meaning.
*f Quando verba statuti sunt speciali, / ratio autem generália, / When the words used in a statute are special, but the purpose of the law is
statutum / generáliter est intelligendum. general, it should be read as the general expression.
10 Cessante rationi legis, / cessat et ipsa lex. When the reason of the law ceases, the law itself ceases. 230m
11a Interpetatio talis / in ambíguis / semper fienda est / ut evitetur When there is ambiguity, the interpretation of such that will avoid 236m
inconveniens / et absurdum. inconvenience and absurdity is adopted.
*b Legis constructio / non facit injuriam. The construction of the law will not be as such as to work injury or
*c Argumentum ab inconvenienti / plúrimum valet in lege. An argument drawn from inconvenience is forcible in law.
*d Verba / nihil operari meliús est / quam absurde. It is better that words should have no operation at all than that they
should operate absurdly.
*e Lex / semper intendit / quod convenit rationi. The law always intends that which is in accordance with reason.
*f Ubi eádem ratio / ibi idem jus. Where there is the same reason, there is the same law.
[g] Argumentum a símili / valet in lege. An argument drawn from a similar case, or analogy prevails in law.
[h] De simílibus / idem est judicium. Concerning similars, the judgement is the same.
[i ] Ubi eádem est ratio, / ibi est eádem legis disposítio. Where the reason is the same, there is the same verdict of the law
12a Ea est accipienda interpretatio quae vitio caret. That interpretation is to be adopted which is free from injustice. 243b
[b] Lex injusta non / est lex. An unjust law is not a law.
13a Fiat justítia, / ruat coelum. Let right be done, though the heavens fall. 245t
[b] Nemo est / supra legis. Nobody is above the law.
[c] Nulla potentia / supra legis esse debet. No power must be above the law.
14 Jurae naturae aequum est / néminem / cum altérius detrimento et It is certainly not agreeable to natural justice that a stranger should reap 248m
injuria / fíeri locupletiórem. the pecuniary produce of another man’s work.
15a Surpluságium / non nocet. Surplusage does not vitiate a statute. 250m
b Útile / per inutile / non vitiatur. The useful is not vitiated by the non-useful. 250m
16a Falsa demonstratio / non nocet, / cum de córpore constat. False description does not preclude construction nor vitiate the meaning 252t
of the statute.
*b Nil facit / error nóminis / cum de córpore vel persona / constat. Error in name does not make an instrument inoperative when the
description is sufficiently clear.
*c Certum est / quod certum reddi potest. That is sufficiently certain which can be made certain.
17 Ibi / quid generáliter concéditur, / inest haec exceptio, / si non Where anything is granted generally, exemption from rigid application of 252m
áliquid sit contras / jus basque. law is implied: that nothing shall be contrary to law.
18a Summum jus, / summa injúria. The rigor of the law would be the highest injustice. 252b
[b] Jus summum saepe, / summa est malitia. Extreme law is often extreme wrong.
19a Nemo / tenetur ad impossibília. The law obliges no one to perform an impossibility. 253t
b Impossibílium nulla / obligátio est. There is no obligation to do an impossible thing. 253t
*c Lex / non cogit ad impossibília. The law does not require an impossibility.
*d Lex / non intendit áliquid impossíbile. The law does not intend the impossible.
20a Ex necessitate legis. By the necessary implication of law. 255m
b In eo / quod plus sit, / semper inest et minus. The greater includes the lesser. 255m
*c Cúi / jurisdíctio data est, / ea quoque / concessa esse videntur / sine When jurisdiction is given, all powers and means essential to its exercise
quibus jurisdictio / explicari non pótuit. are also given.
21a Ubi jus, / ibi remédium. Where there is a right, there is a remedy for the violation thereof. 257m
[b] Ubi jus incertum, / ibi jus nullum. Where the law is uncertain, there is no right.
22a Ex dolo malo / non óritur actio. An action does not arise from fraud. 265b
b Nullíus / cómmodum cápere potest / de injuria sua propria. No one may derive advantage from his own unlawful act. 265b
c In pari delicto / pótior est condítio defendentis. Where the parties are equally at fault, the position of the defending party 266t
is the better one.
23 Quando áliquid / prohibetur ex directo, / prohibetur et per What cannot by law be done directly cannot be done indirectly. 267t
24a Generália verba / sunt generáliter intelligenda. General words should not be understood in their general sense. 276m
b Generale dictum / generáliter est interpretandum. A general statement is understood in its general sense. 276m
Latin Maxims

25a Verba / accipienda sunt / secundum subjectam matériam. A word is to be understood in the context in which it is used. 288b
*b Verba mere aequivoca, / si per communem usum loquendi / in Equivocal words or those with double meaning are to be understood
intellectu certo sumuntur, / talis intellectus / preferendus est. according to their common and ordinary sense.
*c Verba artis / ex arte. Words of art should be explained from their usage in the art to which they
*d Verba generália / restringuntur / ad habilitatem rei vel personam. General words should be confined according to the subject matter or
persons to which they relate.
26 Ubi lex non distínguit / necnon / distínguere debemus. Where the law does not distinguish, the courts should not distinguish. 289b
27 Dissímilum / dissímilis est ratio. Of things dissimilar, the rule is dissimilar. 297b
28 Nonscitur / a sociis. A thing is known by its associates. 302t
29 Ejusdem generis. Of the same kind or specie. 309m
30a Expressio uníus / est exlusio altérius. The express mention of one person, thing or consequence implies the 318b
exclusion of all others.
b Expressum / facit cessare / tácitum. What is expressed puts an end to that which is implied. 319t
31 Argumentum a contrário. Negative-Opposite: What is expressed puts an end to which is implied. 323b
32 Casus omissus / pro omisso / habendus est. A person, object or thing being omitted from an enumeration must be held 336b
to have been omitted intentionally.
33 Ad próximum antecedens / fiat relatio / nisi impediatur senténtia. A qualifying word or phrase should be understood as referring to the 337m
nearest antecedent.
34 Reddendo / síngular síngulis. Referring to each or referring each phrase or expression to its appropriate 339b
object, or let each be put in its proper place.
35 Exceptio / firmat régulam / in cásibus non exceptis. A thing not being expected must be regarded as coming within the 346b
purview of the general rule.
36a Óptima statuti interpretatrix est / ipsum statutum. The best interpreter of the statue is the statute itself. 356m
*b Ex tota matéria / emergat resolútio. The exposition of a statute should be made from all its parts combined
*c Injustum est, / nisi tota lege inspecta, / de una áliqua ejus partícula It is unjust to decide or to respond as to any particular apart of a law
propósita / indicare vel respóndere without examining the whole of the law.
*d Nemo enim aliquam partem / recte intellígere possit / ántequam The sense and meaning of the law is collected by viewing all the parts
totum / íterum atque íterum perlegit. together as one whole and not of one part only by itself.
*e Ex antecedéntibus et consequéntibus fit / óptima interpretatio. A passage will be best interpreted by reference to that which precedes and
follows it.
*f Verba postérima / propter certitúdinem áddita ad prioria / quae Reference should be made to a subsequent section in order to explain a
certitúdine indiget / sunt referenda. previous clause of which the meaning is doubtful.
37 Interpretatio fienda est / ut res magis váleat quam péreat. A law should be interpreted with a view of upholding rather than 360t
destroying it.
38a Pari matéria Of the same matter. 376m
b Interpretare et concordare / leges légibus / est óptimus Every statute must be so construed and harmonized with other statutes as 376b
interpretandi modus. to have a uniform system of law.
39a Distíngue témpora / et concordabis jura. Distinguish times and you will harmonize law. 379t
[b] Témpora mutantur / et leges mutantur in illis Times have changed and laws have changed with them.
[c] Mutatis / mutandis. With the necessary changes.
40a Salus pópuli / est suprema lex. The welfare of the people is the supreme law. 396t
b Statuta / pro público cómmodo / late intepretantur. Statutes enacted for the public good are to be construed liberally. 396t
*c Privatum incómmodum / público bono / pensatur. The private interests of the individual must give way to the
accommodation of the public.
41a Actus / non facit reum / nisi mens sit ren. The act does not make a person guilty unless the mind is also guilty. 408m
b Actus / me invito factus / non est meus actus. An act done by me against my will is not my act. 408m
42a Privilégia / recipiunt largam intepretationem / voluntate Privileges are to be interpreted in accordance with the will of him who 414t
consonam concendentis. grants them.
[b] Renunciatio / non praesúmitur. Renunciation cannot be presumed.
43 Strictíssimi juris. Follow the law strictly. 417b
44 Nullum tempus occurit / regi. There can be no legal right as against the authority that makes the law on 430m
which the right depends.
45a Vigilántibus et non dormiéntibus / jura subveniunt. The law aids the vigilant, not those who slumber on their rights. 474b
b Pótior est in témpore,/ pótior est in jure. He who is first in time is preferred in right. 474b
46a Lex próspicit, / non réspicit. The law looks forward, not backward. 489b
b Lex de futuro, / judex de praetérito. The law provides for the future, the judge for the past. 489b
c Nova constitution / futuris formam impónere debet non A new statute should affect the future, not the past. 490t
*d Leges quae, retrospiciunt,/ et magna cum cautione sunt adhibendae Laws which are retrospective are rarely and cautiously received for Janus
/ neque enim Janus locatur in legibus. has really no place in the laws.
*e Leges et constitutiones / futuris / certum est dare formam / Laws should be construed as prospective, not retrospective, unless they
negótiis, non ad facta praeterita revocari, / nisi nominatim / et de are expressly made applicable to past transactions and to such as are still
praeterito témpore et adhuc pendéntibus negótiis / cautum sit. pending.
47 Nullum crimen sine poena, / nulla poena sine lege. There is no crime without a penalty. There is no penalty without a law. 494t
48 Favorabilia sunt amplianda, / odiosa réstringenda. Penal laws which are favorable to the accused are given retroactive effect. 497t
49 Leges posteriores / priores contrárias ábrogant. Later statutes repeal prior ones which are repugnant thereto. 563t
50 Generalia / speciálibus /non dérogant. A general law does not nullify a specific or a special law. 564m

*A Ignorántia legis / néminem excusat Ignorance of the law excuses no one.

*B 1 In obscuris / ínspici sólere quod verisimílius est,/ aut quod plerumque When matters are obscure, it is customary to take what appears to be more likely
fíeri solet. or what usually often happens.
[2] Ambigúitas verborum patens / nulla verificatione excluditur A patent ambiguity can be cleared up by extrinsic evidence (unless perfectly vague)
*C 1 Ad ea / quae frequéntibus accident / jura adaptatur Laws are understood to be adapted to those cases which most frequently occur.
*2 Jus constítui oportet in his / quae ut plúrimum accident / non quae ex Laws ought to be made with a view to those cases which happen most frequently
inórdinato. and not those which are of rare or accidental occurrence.
*3 Quod / semel aut bis / existit / praetéreunt legislatores. Legislators pass over what happens only once or twice.
[4] De mínimis / non curat lex. The law does not concern itself with trifling matters.
*D Nigrum / numquam excedére debet /rubrum. The black (body of the act printed in black) should never go beyond the red (title or
rubric of the statute printed in red).

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