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International Journal of Phytoremediation

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Aquatic macrophytes mediated remediation

of toxic metals from moderately contaminated
industrial effluent

Shweta Saraswat & Dr. J. P. N. Rai

To cite this article: Shweta Saraswat & Dr. J. P. N. Rai (2018) Aquatic macrophytes mediated
remediation of toxic metals from moderately contaminated industrial effluent, International Journal
of Phytoremediation, 20:9, 876-884, DOI: 10.1080/15226514.2018.1438359

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Published online: 06 Jun 2018.

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2018, VOL. 20, NO. 9, 876–884

Aquatic macrophytes mediated remediation of toxic metals from moderately

contaminated industrial effluent
Shweta Saraswat, Ph.D.a and Dr. J. P. N. Rai, Ph.D.b
Environmental Sciences, College of Basic Science & Humanities, G. B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, U. S. Nagar, Uttarakhand, India;
Environmental Science, College of Basic Science & Humanities, G. B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar, Udham Singh Nagar,
Uttarakhand, India

The present study assessed Zn, Cr, Cd, and Pb removal efficiency of Colocasia esculenta, Hydrilla verticillata, aquatic macrophytes;
Phragmitis australis, Typha latifolia, and Spirodella polyrhiza from sewage-mixed industrial effluent. The bioconcentration factor;
fresh/dry weight and relative growth rate of each macrophyte decreased with increasing effluent heavy metals;
concentration. H. verticillata and C. esculenta exhibited better growth at 50% effluent over control. The phytoremediation;
translocation factor
maximum Zn, Cd, and Pb accumulation (1008.23, 28.03, and 483.55 mg/kg dry wt., respectively) was
recorded in C. esculenta, whereas Cr (114.48 mg/kg dry wt.) in H. verticillata at 100% effluent. Metal
accumulation in roots of all plants species was higher (50%) initially with increasing effluent
concentration and later transferred to shoots. All plants exhibited BCF >1.0 for all heavy metals, highest
being for Zn (91.2) and Cd (75.2) in H. verticillata, for Cr (97.9) and Pb (103) in C. esculenta. Except S.
polyrhhiza, all other plants exhibited TF <1.0. Maximum removal efficiency of Zn was 82.8% by H.
verticillata, whilst that of Cr, Cd, and Pb by C. esculenta at 50% effluent, demonstrating wide applicability of
H. verticillata and C. esculenta for treatment of mixed industrial effluent having heavy metals.

Introduction and Salvinia herzogii to remove Cr (III) effectively than Cr (VI)

(Maine et al. 2016), thus emphasizing that locally adapted
Surface water contamination due to accelerated urban and
aquatic macrophytes have enormous ability to decontaminate
industrial discharge has led to various environmental and public
the polluted aquatic systems. However, the specificity of plants
health problems. The domestic wastewater along with untreated
to metal and its concentration must be addressed prior to their
or partially treated industrial effluent incorporate toxic recalci-
efficient application in phytoremediation technology.
trant trace metals in such water bodies which severely affects
In Uttarakhand, rapid industrialization and infrastructure
aquatic organisms and local inhabitants (Rai et al. 2002). Most
development at Integrated Industrial Estate, Pantnagar (IIE-
often, such wastewater is used for irrigation by local farmers
Pantnagar), has exposed the native water bodies to various
which not only affect soil fertility (Abou-Shanab et al. 2005;
industrial effluent inputs containing heavy metals and munici-
Oliveira and Pampulha 2006; Saraswat et al. 2007) but also bio-
pal wastewater from Rudrapur city. Such contamination must
accumulate the trace metals in plant products and ultimately
be removed by employing locally adapted metal accumulating
find its way into the food chain through biomagnification and
macrophytes to safeguard these aquatic systems. The present
thus warrant proper treatment. Some locally adapted aquatic
study was undertaken to assess the accumulation potential of
macrophytes growing in such contaminated water bodies are
Zn, Cr, Cd, and Pb in 5 locally adapted aquatic macrophytes
metal tolerant and highly efficient in removing toxic metals
(Colocasia esculenta, Hydrilla verticillata, Phragmitis australis,
from contaminated wastewater. Sahu et al. (2007) observed Spi-
Typha latifolia, and Spirodela polyrhiza) from sewage-mixed
rodela polyrhiza and Eichhornia crassipes as best accumulator of
industrial wastewater at microcosm level and to explore their
Cd and Zn in electroplating industrial wastewater. Rai (2008)
feasibility for in situ remediation of metals from industrial
reported Cd removal by 70–94% employing Azolla pinnata after
wastewater by determining bioconcentration factor, transloca-
13 days of treatment and Ha et al. (2009) recorded Zn and Cu
tion factor, and metal removal efficiency.
removal by 93% and 87%, respectively, using Eleocharis acicula-
ris after 10 days of exposure. Sun et al. (2013) also observed high
Zn, Cr, Cu, and Fe removal efficiency from electroplating waste- Materials and methods
water using Phragmitis australis, Acorus calamus, Typha
Study area
minima, and Lythrum salicaria. Further. Lemna minor was
reported to remove Cd and Pb by >80% from sewage-mixed The study area is located at Integrated Industrial Estate,
industrial wastewater (Bokhari et al. 2016) and Pistia stratiotes Pantnagar, Uttarakhand, India at a latitude between 28 590 5100

CONTACT Dr. Shweta Saraswat, Ph.D. G. B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Environmental Sciences, College of Basic
Science & Humanities, U. S. Nagar, 263145 India.
Color versions of one or more of the figures in the article can be found online at
© 2018 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC

and 29 010 1200 N and a longitude between 79 240 900 and water with no wastewater addition. Altogether, 150 microcosms
79 260 1500 E. The industrial area covers 1310 hectares of land (5 plant sp. £ 3 effluent concentrations £ 3 exposure duration
and harbours approximately 430 industries composed mainly £ 3 replicates along with 15 microcosms as Control (5 plant
of electroplating, automobiles, battery manufacturing, food sp. £ 3 exposure duration)) were established. The water level
production and processing, pharmaceuticals, plastic moulding, in the containers was maintained throughout the experiment
PVC foam manufacturing, and FMCGs along with their allied using deionized water. Experiments were performed in well
types (Banerjee and Srivastava 2010). Three sampling sites, i.e., aerated glass house having 25/32 C night/day temperature and
S1, S2, and S3, located at a distance of 6.1 km, 2.5 km, and relative humidity 65 § 5% in triplicate. The treated plants were
4.5 km, respectively, from the centre of IIE-Pantnagar, were harvested after each experimental period and dried at 80 C.
selected for study. The S1 and S3 sites represent upstream and Both plants and associated water samples were digested in
downstream of Begul river, respectively, whereas S2 lies along HNO3:HCIO4 (3:1, v/v) and metals were estimated using AAS
the border of the industrial estate carrying industrial wastewa- (APHA 1985). Values of metal accumulation have been given
ter discharge coupled with municipal sewage. after deducting metal concentrations of corresponding control
Relative growth of wastewater treated aquatic macrophytes
Collection and analysis of wastewater and aquatic
was calculated as the ratio of final fresh weight and initial fresh
weight after each treatment. Each plant’s dry weights (total dry
The acidified wastewater samples were stored in acid-washed weight of all plant tissues), total growth (final dry weight¡ini-
plastic container (5 L capacity) from each site and brought to tial dry weight), growth rate (g dry weight increase/total days of
the laboratory along with associated plant samples and pre- exposure), relative growth rate (g dry weight increase/g initial
served at 2 C for further analysis. The physico-chemical dry weight per day) were also determined to assess the toxicity
parameters (i.e., pH, electrical conductivity, COD, and heavy of contaminants in plant species. The dry weights were esti-
metal content) of wastewater were determined in triplicate fol- mated by extrapolation from original fresh weights and the
lowing APHA (1985). To analyse the metal content, i.e., Zn, Cr, ratio of dry weight:fresh weight. The metal accumulation
Cd, and Pb, 50 mL of wastewater was digested using 10 mL of potential of each macrophyte with respect to the metal concen-
concentrated HNO3/HClO4 solution (3:1) at 80 C until it tration in wastewater was also measured as bioconcentration
became transparent followed by filtration and further dilution factor (BCF, Yoon et al. 2006).
up to 50 mL with double distilled water (APHA 1985). The
absorbance was recorded using Atomic Absorption Spectro-
photometer (AAS, GBC Avanta Ver. 1.33 (Australia)) fitted mg of metal 6 g dry weight of root tissue
with a specific lamp of a particular metal using appropriate drift mg of metal 6 g water
blanks. Analytical data quality of metals was ensured through
repeated analysis (n D 6) of standard reference samples and the The translocation factor (TF) indicating metals transloca-
results were found to be within §2.05% of certified values. The tion from root to shoot tissue (Yoon et al. 2006) was also
blanks were run with each set of samples in triplicate to check calculated as:
the precision of the method.
The local aquatic macrophytes, viz., C. esculenta, P. australis,
S. polyrhiza, T. latifolia, H. verticilata, and C. indica were also TF D ðMetal content in shootÞ=ðMetal content in rootsÞ
collected from all sites in bulk, washed thrice with distilled
water and oven dried at 80 C to constant weight. Zn, Cr, Cd,
and Pb content in plant samples were estimated after digestion The tested plants’ efficiency to remove metals from wastewa-
with HNO3/HClO4 (3:1, v/v) mixture at 80 C using AAS ter was also calculated as:
(APHA 1985).
Ci ¡ Ce
Metal removal efficiency .%/ D £ 100
Microcosm study Ci
To assess the Zn, Cr, Cd, and Pb removal efficiency of aquatic
macrophytes, the plants were collected from unpolluted water where Ci and Ce are the initial metal concentration and final
bodies located on other side of Pantnagar. The plant samples metal concentration in the wastewater after 30 days of phytore-
were rinsed with tap water immediately to remove any adhered mediation treatment, respectively.
soil/sediment and were placed in plastic tanks filled with tap
water under natural sunlight for one week to let them adapt to
Statistical analysis
the new environment. The healthy acclimatized plants (50 g
fresh weight each) were kept in plastic troughs (5 L capacity Experimental data were presented as mean values § standard
with equal volume and surface area) containing varied concen- error (S.E.). To verify the statistical significance of difference
trations of wastewater (4 L). As such, the experimental set up among various treatments, the data were analyzed using t-test
had 5 plant species with 3 wastewater concentrations, i.e., 25%, and one-way analysis of variance as available in the SPSS statis-
50%, and 100% and 3 exposure durations, i.e., 10 days, 20 days, tical package (Statgraphics Plus v. 11) and expressed at 0.05
and 30 days. Control experiment was carried out using tap and 0.01 probability levels.

Results Table 1. Physico-chemical characteristics of industrial effluent mixed domestic

wastewater collected from different streams nearby Sidcul, Pantnagar.
Wastewater characteristics and metal accumulation
Standards for
in plants Sites effluent discharge
Analysis of industrial wastewater collected from all sampling into inland
Parameters S1 S2 S3 surface water
sites revealed its slight acidic nature with high chemical oxygen
demand as compared to the prescribed Indian Standards pH 6.43§ 6.27 6.39 5.5-9.0
Conductivity (ms/cm) 149.8 176.2 184.6 —
(Table 1). The suspended solids, total solids, and inorganic Chemical oxygen demand 343 477 508 250
nutrients, i.e., NO3-N and PO4-P were also higher at down- (mg/L)
stream site. In general, each sampling site was observed con- Suspended solids (mg/L) 278.30 335.4 424.6 100
Total solids (mg/L) 420.78 579.7 663.7 500
taminated with heavy metals, viz., Zn, Cr, Cd, and Pb, being Zn NO3-N (mg/L) 8.25 16.48 19.21 10.0
and Pb conspicuously higher than permissible limits. Further, PO4-P (mg/L) 3.14 7.85 9.75 5.0
analysis of metals in naturally growing aquatic plants revealed Zn (mg/L) 7.28 14.46 16.7 5.0
Cr (mg/L) 0.75 1.66 2.4 2.0
that the metal accumulation was plant specific (Figure 1). In Cd (mg/L) 0.23 0.47 0.59 2.0
general, metal accumulation was higher in roots than shoots. Pb (mg/L) 2.41 5.39 6.58 0.1
Zn accumulation was significantly (P < 0.01) higher than other 
General standards for industrial effluent discharge into inland surface water as per
metals. Maximum Zn (1382.6 mg/kg dry wt.) and Cd (54.6 mg/ Schedule VI inserted by Rule 2(d) of the Environment (Protection) Second Amend-
kg dry wt.) were found in H. verticillata and P. australis, respec- ment Rules, 1993 notified vide G.S.R. 422(E) dated 19.05.1993, published in the
tively, whilst maximum Cr (239.76 mg/kg dry wt.) and Pb Gazette No. 174 dated 19.05.1993.
(122.4 mg/kg dry wt.) in T. latifolia. Among tested macro-
phytes, C. indica exhibited least metal accumulation in its tis-
sues, and thus not considered for further experiments. (18.35 mg/kg dry wt.). Further, the metal distribution pattern
in roots and shoots of studied plants depicted higher propor-
tion of metals in roots than shoots (Table 3). This trend was
Plant biomass and metal accumulation in microcosm
more conspicuous in Cd followed by Cr, Pb, and Zn, espe-
To interpret the plants’ behavior and tolerance towards heavy cially at 10 days wastewater exposure. However, with increas-
metals, their growth analysis was performed on both fresh and ing exposure duration metal content tend to increase in
dry weight basis. In general, the relative growth (based on fresh shoots particularly for Zn.
weight) of each plant species increased up to 50% wastewater
exposure and decreased at higher concentration (Table 2).
Metal bioconcentration and translocation factors
Among all, C. esculenta showed maximum relative growth
(1.84 g) followed by H. verticillata (1.69 g), T. latifolia (1.62 g), BCFs and TFs are the key measurements for determination of
P. australis (1.55 g), and S. polyrhiza (1.42 g). Further, the rela- metal accumulation potential of plants. Generally, plants exhib-
tive growth rate (RGR) of each plant species was also maximum iting TF and BCF >1 are considered good phytoremediators.
at 50% and minimum at 100% wastewater exposure (Table 2). Among various treatments, highest BCF was observed in case
The maximum RGR was recorded in C. esculenta (6.03 £ 10¡2 of 50% wastewater (Table 4). T. latifolia had highest BCF (91.2)
g/day), followed by H. verticillata (4.73 £ 10¡2 g/day) and T. for Zn followed by H. verticillata (90.7) and C. esculenta (90.3).
latifolia (4.30 £ 10¡2 g/day), whereas minimum (2.83 £ 10¡2 The highest BCFs for Cr (97.9) and Pb (103.0) were recorded
g/day) was in S. polyrhiza. in C. esculenta, whereas that for Cd was in H. verticillata (75.2).
Further, all plant species except S. polyrhiza exhibited metal
retention in roots than shoots as shown by TF <1 for different
Metal accumulation in plants
metals (Table 4). The TF values also varied among various
Results revealed that the metal accumulation was plant spe- treatments. The maximum TF for Zn and Pb (2.77 and 2.11,
cific. In general, metal accumulation was higher in roots than respectively) was calculated in S. polyrhiza and minimum in T.
shoots which increased with metal concentration in wastewa- latifolia (0.31 and 0.69, respectively) at 50% wastewater expo-
ter (Figure 2). The maximum Zn accumulation was observed sure. In case of Cr and Cd, the maximum TF (2.98 and 3.40,
in C. esculenta (1008.24 mg/kg dry wt.) followed in H. verticil- respectively) was also calculated in S. polyrhiza at 25% waste-
lata (943.92 mg/kg dry wt.) and T. latifolia (857.68 mg/kg dry water exposure.
wt.) whilst minimum in S. polyrhiza (727.74 mg/kg dry wt.).
The Pb accumulation recorded maximum in C. esculenta
Metal removal efficiency
(483.55 mg/kg dry wt.) followed by T. latifolia (347.76 mg/kg
dry wt.) and P. australis (317.84 mg/kg dry wt.) whilst mini- The metal removal efficiency of plants increased initially up to
mum in S. polyrhiza (262.42 mg/kg dry wt.). The maximum 50% wastewater concentration and reduced later (Table 5). An
Cr was found in H. verticillata (114.48 mg/kg dry wt.) fol- appreciably higher (>75%) metal removal was recorded from
lowed by T. latifolia (107.54 mg/kg dry wt.) and minimum in sewage-mixed industrial wastewater for all 5 plant species.
P. australis (85.2 mg/kg dry wt.). However, Cd accumulation Removal of Zn occurred maximally (82.8%) by H. verticillata
was found maximum in T. latifolia (28.49 mg/kg dry wt.) fol- followed by C. esculenta (79.9) at 50% wastewater exposure.
lowed by C. esculenta (28.03 mg/kg dry wt.) and H. verticillata The corresponding values for Cr and Pb (78.3% and 79.6%,
(27.03 mg/kg dry wt.) and minimum in P. australis respectively) was obtained by C. esculenta and Cd (72.9) by S.

Figure 1. Metal accumulation (mg/kg dry weight) in root and shoot tissues of locally adapted aquatic macrophytes collected from streams nearby Sidcul, Pantnagar.
Mean values (§ SE) for a given plant species marked with asterisk () differed significantly at p < 0.05 () and p < 0.01 ().

polyrhiza, highlighting metal ion selectivity for removal by spe- content in wastewater is primarily due to discharge of untreated
cific plant species. and/or partially treated metallurgical industries wastewater in
close vicinity of IIE-Pantnagar. Similar observations have been
recorded by Saraswat et al. (2007) for metallurgical industries
wastewater elsewhere.
The acidic nature of sewage-mixed industrial wastewater might Observations on metal accumulation in locally adapted
be due to discharge of industrial effluents containing electro- plant species revealed maximum accumulation of Zn
plating, metallurgical, and battery manufacturing wastes (Figure 1), which could be accounted for concentration-
(Table 1). The higher chemical oxygen demand at each site was dependent metal sequestration (Vyslouzilova et al. 2003).
mainly due to addition of some domestic wastewater and sew- However, maximum metal accumulation in roots of all
age from upstream areas which finally joined the common macrophytic species showed conformity with Chayapan
wastewater channel. Also, the higher Zn, Cr, Cd, and Pb et al. (2015) and Madera-Parra et al. (2015), which may be

Table 2. Effect of varied concentrations of sewage-mixed industrial wastewater on different plants’ growth on exposure up to 30 days. Mean values (§S.E.) for a given
plant species marked with different letters (a and b) in the column differed significantly at P < 0.05 and P < 0.01, respectively, from control.
Plants Wastewater conc. (%) Initial dry wt. (g) Dry wt. after 30 days (g) Relative growth (g) Growth rate (£10¡2 g/day)

H. verticillata Control 2.05 § 0.05 3.33 § 0.12a 1.62a 4.27a

25 2.05 § 0.04 3.23 § 0.14a 1.58a 3.93a
50 2.05 § 0.02 3.47 § 0.09b 1.69b 4.73b
100 2.05 § 0.05 3.11 § 0.08c 1.52c 3.53c
P. australis Control 2.20 § 0.11 3.31 § 0.20a 1.50a 3.70a
25 2.20 § 0.06 3.39 § 0.11a 1.54a 3.97a
50 2.20 § 0.05 3.42 § 0.13b 1.55a 4.07b
100 2.20 § 0.02 2.86 § 0.07c 1.30b 2.20c
T. latifolia Control 2.08 § 0.08 3.24 § 0.09a 1.56a 3.87a
25 2.08 § 0.12 3.19 § 0.05a 1.53a 3.70a
50 2.08 § 0.03 3.37 § 0.13b 1.62a 4.30b
100 2.08 § 0.10 2.96 § 0.08c 1.42b 2.93c
S. polyrhiza Control 2.02 § 0.04 2.41 § 0.14a 1.19a 1.30a
25 2.02 § 0.09 2.47 § 0.10a 1.20a 2.37b
50 2.02 § 0.07 2.93 § 0.07b 1.42b 2.83c
100 2.02 § 0.03 2.86 § 0.05b 1.32c 2.13b
C. esculenta Control 2.15 § 0.05 3.39 § 0.11a 1.58a 4.13a
25 2.15 § 0.06 3.28 § 0.08a 1.71b 5.10b
50 2.15 § 0.10 3.56 § 0.15b 1.84b 6.03c
100 2.15 § 0.06 3.04 § 0.13c 1.55a 3.97a

due to the low mobility of metals from root to shoot cou- conformity with the observation of Sahu et al. (2007) and
pled with prevalent potential metal tolerance mechanisms Kumar et al. (2013). Relatively sharp increase in metal
in roots (Kushwaha et al. 2016) leading to greater metal accumulation during initial 20 days of time threshold is due
retention in roots and slow translocation to shoots. Further, to availability of abundant binding sites which get saturated
plant behavior with respect to metal accumulation in micro- later and resulted in stabilized and/or reduced metal uptake
cosm study also exhibited wastewater concentration and (Figure 2), as has also been observed by (Sousa et al. 2008;
exposure duration dependent metal accumulation, showing Chen et al. 2016).

Table 3. Percent accumulation of Zn, Cr, Cd, and Pb in roots (R) and shoots (S) of different plant species exposed to varied wastewater concentrations for 10, 20, and
30 days.

Zn Cr Cd Pb
Plant Wastewater Plant
species* conc. (%) tissues 10 20 30 10 20 30 10 20 30 10 20 30

H. V 25 R 71.50 67.50 62.35 75.60 70.30 69.88 77.50 74.06 71.59 74.53 69.70 65.245
S 28.50 32.50 37.65 24.40 29.70 30.12 22.50 25.94 28.41 25.47 30.30 34.76
50 R 76.47 72.50 64.30 78.50 75.95 70.85 81.36 77.71 76.50 77.35 74.37 73.21
S 23.53 27.50 35.70 21.50 24.05 29.15 18.64 22.29 23.50 22.65 25.63 26.79
100 R 79.08 74.99 67.15 81.14 77.63 73.43 84.00 78.50 77.32 79.43 76.50 72.50
S 20.92 25.01 32.85 18.86 22.37 26.57 16.00 21.50 22.68 20.57 23.50 27.50
P. A 25 R 70.50 65.64 64.80 73.00 72.37 71.50 76.50 73.50 72.50 71.00 69.24 66.85
S 29.50 34.36 35.20 27.00 27.63 28.50 23.50 26.50 27.50 29.00 30.76 33.15
50 R 73.35 70.50 68.50 78.95 75.01 72.65 79.48 76.65 73.97 77.50 74.50 69.25
S 26.65 29.50 31.50 21.05 24.99 27.35 20.52 23.35 26.03 22.50 25.50 30.75
100 R 76.10 73.50 71.45 82.66 78.00 76.28 86.67 82.28 77.51 79.80 77.33 73.12
S 23.90 26.50 28.55 17.34 22.00 23.72 13.33 17.72 22.49 20.20 22.67 26.88
T. L 25 R 69.50 67.70 62.50 78.73 76.96 72.63 79.50 78.25 73.77 76.57 73.82 70.29
S 30.50 32.30 37.50 21.27 23.04 27.37 20.50 21.75 26.23 23.43 26.18 29.71
50 R 72.83 68.33 67.30 80.50 79.66 75.71 81.96 79.34 74.00 79.90 76.50 73.50
S 27.17 31.67 32.70 19.50 20.34 24.29 18.04 20.66 26.00 20.10 23.50 26.50
100 R 75.50 70.05 68.21 82.69 80.03 76.84 84.27 80.19 78.47 80.8 78.14 74.29
S 24.50 29.95 31.79 17.31 19.97 23.16 15.73 19.81 21.53 19.20 21.86 25.71
S. P 25 R 64.13 61.80 61.38 70.16 67.33 64.23 72.80 70.50 68.00 68.00 65.77 63.61
S 35.87 38.20 38.62 29.84 32.67 35.77 27.20 29.50 32.00 32.00 34.23 36.39
50 R 69.50 66.50 62.51 72.50 70.50 65.50 73.79 72.50 69.45 70.50 69.71 66.45
S 30.50 33.50 37.49 27.50 29.50 34.50 26.21 27.50 30.55 29.50 30.29 33.55
100 R 70.35 67.11 64.78 72.66 71.73 66.65 75.41 74.70 71.53 71.50 69.95 67.80
S 29.65 32.89 35.22 27.34 28.27 33.35 24.59 25.30 28.47 28.50 30.05 32.20
C. E 25 R 67.85 59.50 57.44 72.50 66.20 59.32 75.31 71.66 61.50 71.00 62.50 58.75
S 32.15 40.50 42.56 27.50 33.80 40.68 24.69 28.34 38.50 29.00 37.50 41.25
50 R 71.35 63.25 59.93 76.50 71.50 63.65 78.50 74.27 64.12 75.15 66.13 61.50
S 28.65 36.75 40.07 23.50 28.50 36.35 21.50 25.73 35.88 24.85 33.87 38.50
100 R 75.54 68.98 62.56 79.77 72.48 65.78 80.85 77.39 68.84 76.87 71.65 64.83
S 24.46 31.02 37.44 20.23 27.52 34.22 19.15 22.61 31.16 23.13 28.35 35.17

Plant species: H. V., Hydrilla verticillata; P. A., Phragmitis australis; T. L., Typha Latifolia; S. P., Spirodela polyrhiza; C. E., Colocasia esculenta.

Figure 2. Zn, Cr, Cd, and Pb accumulation (mg/kg dry weight) in different plant species exposed to varied concentrations of sewage-mixed industrial wastewater up to
10, 20, and 30 days. Mean values (§SE) for a given plant species marked with asterisk () differed significantly at p < 0.05 () with their respective control and p < 0.01
() among various wastewater treatments. C represents Control.

The manifestation of toxicity with increasing wastewater uptake (Rout and Das 2003). Besides, the non-essential metals
concentration led to reduction in plants growth and their rela- (i.e., Cd, Cr, and Pb) competing out with some essential ele-
tive growth rate, especially in 100% wastewater concentration ments (i.e., K, Ca, etc.) leading to reduced plant growth in con-
(Table 2), primarily due to metal-induced reduction in cell divi- centrated wastewater, might have occurred in present study as
sion (Pastor et al. 2003; Yadav 2010) and negative interference well. The results are in line with John et al. (2008) and Radic
with important metabolic process such as photosynthesis (Pal et al. (2010) who reported harmful effects of Cd and Pb on
et al. 2006). Though, Zn is an essential element but its higher growth, chlorophyll content, carotenoid content, and enzy-
concentration can cause reduction in root and shoot biomass matic activities in Lemna polyrhiza and also with Hasan et al.
(Mendez et al. 2007), chlorophyll synthesis (Broadley et al. (2007), who reported reduction in fresh and dry weights, rela-
2007), death of leaf tips and interference with P, Mg, and Mn tive growth rate, and metal accumulation in E. crassipes on

Table 4. BCF and TF of heavy metals phytoremediated with different plants up to 30 days. Mean values given for each plant species marked with different letters in a col-
umn differed significantly at P < 0.05 and P < 0.01.
Bioconcentration factor (BCF)

Plant species Wastewater conc. (%) Zn Cr Cd Pb

H. verticillata 25 34.4 § 4.7a 40.1 § 5.6a 59.6 § 6.5a 60.8 § 5.4a

50 90.7 § 7.3b 58.1 § 8.3b 75.2 § 8.3b 58.2 § 4.2a
100 54.1 § 9.7c 49.8 § 5.9c 49.2 § 2.9c 40.0 § 3.8b
P. australis 25 63.5 § 5.2a 40.2 § 4.9a 44.5 § 3.8a 74.6 § 6.7a
50 82.0 § 10.2b 61.9 § 3.8b 74.9 § 6.9b 71.5 § 5.8a
100 50.8 § 6.3a 33.0 § 4.5a 28.9 § 2.2c 33.8 § 3.1b
T. latifolia 25 60.4 § 7.2a 58.9 § 7.9a 61.5 § 4.5a 69.9 § 7.2a
50 91.2 § 11.6b 63.8 § 8.1a 74.9 § 3.7a 81.7 § 9.3a
100 49.9 § 3.8c 42.4 § 3.4b 35.9 § 4.1b 56.8 § 6.7b
S. polyrhiza 25 25.2 § 2.7a 12.2 § 1.4a 21.2 § 1.8a 27.1 § 1.8a
50 27.0 § 3.1a 15.5 § 2.3a 24.0 § 1.8a 29.2 § 1.4a
100 20.9 § 2.5a 18.9 § 1.5a 22.2 § 1.3a 23.8 § 2.4a
C. esculenta 25 61.3 § 5.9a 56.7 § 3.5a 58.3 § 6.4a 76.7 § 8.5a
50 90.3 § 11.3b 97.9 § 5.2b 62.4 § 8.1a 103.0 § 9.6b
100 54.4 § 6.6a 33.0 § 2.4c 50.9 § 4.8a 67.4 § 8.2a
Translocation factor (TF)
H. verticillata 25 0.45 § 0.03a 0.41 § 0.06a 0.68 § 0.09a 0.38 § 0.05a
50 0.46 § 0.05b 0.36 § 0.04a 0.52 § 0.08b 0.69 § 0.05b
100 0.55 § 0.08b 0.42 § 0.06a 0.38 § 0.05b 0.48 § 0.03c
P. australis 25 0.41 § 0.04a 0.53 § 0.08a 0.62 § 0.07a 0.29 § 0.02a
50 0.29 § 0.03b 0.46 § 0.04b 0.18 § 0.01b 0.45 § 0.05b
100 0.43 § 0.05a 0.52 § 0.06a 0.41 § 0.03c 0.66 § 0.08c
T. latifolia 25 0.31 § 0.02a 0.21 § 0.03a 0.34 § 0.02a 0.42 § 0.04a
50 0.35 § 0.04a 0.42 § 0.05b 0.52 § 0.05b 0.45 § 0.03a
100 0.59 § 0.06b 0.48 § 0.06b 0.51 § 0.07b 0.48 § 0.06a
S. polyrhiza 25 2.33 § 0.09a 2.98 § 0.15a 3.40 § 0.23a 1.99 § 0.10a
50 2.77 § 0.08a 1.84 § 0.09b 3.33 § 0.19a 2.11 § 0.18a
100 2.05 § 0.1a 1.75 § 0.11b 2.17 § 0.25b 1.79 § 0.13a
C. esculenta 25 0.60 § 0.07a 0.51 § 0.06a 0.78 § 0.08a 0.47 § 0.05a
50 0.40 § 0.05b 0.28 § 0.03b 0.32 § 0.04b 0.26 § 0.03b
100 0.52 § 0.08a 0.37 § 0.04b 0.28 § 0.02b 0.49 § 0.08a

exposure of Zn and Cd either alone or in combination against Islam et al. (2017) also demonstrated BCF >1 of Zn in H. verti-
concentration gradient. cillata and C. esculenta, respectively. Likewise, maximum BCF
Apart from this, the appropriateness of a plant for metal values of Cr and Pb in C. esculenta reflected better metal accu-
uptake from contaminated wastewater is often adjudged by its mulation potential of these plants. In addition, T. Latifolia and
BCF (Lin and Zhang 1990). BCF values over 1000 are generally H. verticillata possessed better Cd accumulation potential in
considered useful for metal accumulation (Jain et al. 1990). roots than other plant species. The results were in accordance
Though, in present study, the BCF values of each plant species with Sasmaz et al. (2008) who recorded BCF >1 and TF <1 for
were under 1000, yet these plants can be considered as a mod- Cd in T. latifolia growing in natural stream. Yabanli et al.
erate metal accumulator. Almost similar BCF values of Zn for (2014) also demonstrated BCF >1000 in a submerged macro-
H. verticillata, T. latifolia, and C. esculenta (Table 3) indicated phyte Myriophyllum spicatum in order of Cr > Pb > Cd. How-
equal plants’ potential for metals sequestration from wastewa- ever, among all plants, only S. polyrhiza exhibited TF >1.0
ter and stabilize them into roots. Srivastava et al. (2009) and showed translocation of Zn, Cr, Cd, and Pb from root to shoot

Table 5. Zn, Cr, Cd, and Pb removal efficiency (%) of different plants exposed to varied metal concentrations of wastewater up to 30 days. The values given for each plant
species marked with different letters in a column differed significantly at P < 0.05 and P < 0.01.
Plants Wastewater conc. (%) Zn Cr Cd Pb

H. verticillata 25 74.1a 41.7a 59.3a 52.6a

50 82.8b 49.2a 72.9b 61.4a
100 52.3c 44.2a 42.4c 37.1b
P. australis 25 55.9a 38.3a 45.8a 60.5a
50 66.1b 56.7b 55.9b 65.0a
100 45.2c 31.3a 25.4c 35.1b
T. latifolia 25 49.5a 43.3a 52.5a 62.3a
50 77.0b 56.7b 52.5a 74.2b
100 49.5a 39.6a 33.9b 52.4c
S. polyrhiza 25 54.0a 30.3a 59.3a 50.8a
50 63.5b 37.5a 66.1a 57.4a
100 39.8c 32.5a 44.1b 44.1b
C. esculenta 25 61.4a 53.3a 56.1a 70.8a
50 79.9b 78.3b 62.5b 79.6a
100 51.7c 28.3c 40.7c 62.9b

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