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OSCE 2019

4 feb 19
1. Rubber dam 11,21,23 for a filling with missing 22.
2. Radio right and left BW PA 32
3. Extraction of 36
4. LA 46 IANB and lingual nerve block
5. Dry socket 55/F , smoker , pain from extraction site, diagnosis already given.
Management and treatment.
Antibiotic prophylaxis , allergic –penicillin, joint problem, tooth 23 extremely
mobile with bone loss. what is her management and pt wants antibiotic
prophylaxis as her previous dentist was giving her.
6. Amalgam replacement. Explain to pt why it is not necessary to change. 55/M
Medically fit, gives history of multiple amalgam fillings over 10 yrs. No fracture of
restoration, pain or sensitivity. Concerned about mercury poisoning and wants it
replaced by white fillings
7. Trauma 3 yrs old boy. Comes after one week with discoloured 61. explain diagnosis
and treatment.
8. Peri Implantitis of a bridge 32 to 42. Diagnosis was given with picture. Pocket
depths 6mm and 7mm. smoker, redness and bleeding gums. Main concern was
bleeding gums, explain diagnosis and management.
9. Man with upper complete denture, no lower teeth but ulcer after extracting 33
which is still sore, had angular cheilitis too, is a miner and wants new denture but
will be back after 3 months. Do not have to explain malignancy of ulcer but just
how would you manage the patient.

Today technical tasks

16 endo
27 mob amalgam
21 class4
36 caries
46 crown preparation and provisional

7 Feb 19
1. Ulcer RHS tongue MH - clear, smoking
2. Ella 7yo with mixing upper lay incisors
3. 11 perio abscess + generalised pockets 4-5, tooth not surely mobile but looked
over erupted, patient said that he noticed shifting tooth started about 2 y ago and
progressing. Lots of info given: perio chart done, sensibility test done - tooth is
vital, pic 11, 21+ pa 11, 21 + BW right and left
4. Apprehensive patient with irreversible pulpitis or 46(?)going interstate, doesn’t
want initiate rct but insisting on painkillers, patient was holding the cheek on same
5. RCT was done 3 days ago, ortho band is there, pain now, pt’s dentist is away. X-ray
6. Consent for exo 16, btw pt was insisting on saving tooth.
7. RD 37, 35, 34 FS
8. LA 36 (Endep)
9. X-ray RHS BW
10. FS 17, 16, 15

11 feb 19
1. 46 extraction
2. 16 Endo isolate rubber dam
3. 33 and 37 perio
4. cpr
5. anug ,
6. missing canines ,
7. ulcer,
8. 16 broke while extraction,
9. high risk caries ,
10. chronic gen perio

21 distal, 16 Endo, 27 amalgam, 46 pfm, 36 mo caries

14 feb 19
1. Perio horizontal bone resorption with abscess
2. La 11
3. Sinus exposure while extraction
4. Matrix band
5. Drug addictive
6. Fissure sealant
7. Truma 12 years
8. X Ray take bitewing only
9. Geographic tongue diagnosis and management
10. Broken tooth with amalgam history taking

18 feb 19
1. Ulcer on the tongue
2. missing incisors 7 year-old
3. swelling on 11 picture and X-rays given you did the vitality tests it is alive diagnose
is generalised perio
4. Rct done 3 days ago. She has pain
5. he has pain on 46 but no time ask for painkillers
6. 16 badly broken take consent for exo but he insists to save tooth
7. 15-16-17 fissure sealant
8. X-ray bittering right
9. La for 36 exo with endep
10. rubber dam 34-35-37 for fissures

2 April 2019
Missing osces 8,9,10
1. 8 yo cooperative Child with lots of caries. Single father .explain findings and risk
2. jordan 17 yo CPITN score. Referral to orthodontics necessary investigations n explain
3. Replacement options for ask pt medically healthy
4. Perio abscess in 47. Mobile tooth. Lots of medical Osteoporsis, thyroid,
heart problem... taking Warfarin , denosumab Main concern want to know its effect n wt
u do...
5. Patient with old overextended dentures, falling when yawning, eating, speaking.
denture worn, use dentures at night Pic.. Red palate but no complain, no burning
sensation , 20 yr of use same upper no lower use vertical dimension loss... explain Findings
to pt . and explain treatment If necessary...
6. 16 Tooth heavily broken down, broken while exo at gingival level. pt 200 kms away in a
rural city. allergic to penicillin Explain what happened and how you will manage
7. Radiograph. Vague pain Bite wing right side. Also check your position if manikin n all....
Even PPE.. No exposure, but show settings
29 April 19
1. Anug
2. Missing upper canines unilaterally
3. Dental caries and erosion.
4. Broken root during exo
5. Gen perio
6. apthous ulcer
7. scaling 33 37
8. exo 46
9. CPR
10. rubber dam 16

Caries prep 46 MO
PFM n provisional 23
Composite MOL 36
Amalgam 14 buccal cusp
Endo 26

30 April 19
1. Chronic perio for information gathering and treatment options after extraction.
2. Provisional diagnosis for a case with hypoplasia in 8 yr old boy.
3. Differential equations for a case with pic of ANUG n management.
4. Information gathering for a white patch close to amlagam filling.
5. Management of drug induced gingival enlargement.
6. Consent for RCT in case of 16 irreversible pulpitis.
7. Syncope management
8. Rubber dam for 11 21 endo
9. Scaling 43 46
10. Exo 26

1- ulcer on tongue
4- pain in 46, interstate travel in 2 hrs
6: consent for exo 16
2: Ella 7 old missing lateral
3: periodontal abscess 11
5: rct cracked tooth
6. Rubber dam 34,35,37 sealant 36 extraction
8. Pit and fissure 15 16 17
9. Right bitewing

1. Anug
2. Missing upper canines unilaterally
3. Dental caries and erosion.
4. Broken root during exo
5. Gen perio
6 apthous ulcer
7 scaling 33 37
8 exo 46
9 cpr
10 rubber dam 16

09 May 19
1. Child with lots of caries. Single mother. Management.
2. CPITN score. Referral to orthodontics
3. Replacement options for 35
4. Perio abscess in 47. Mobile tooth. Lots of medical issues.
5. Patient with old dentures. Possible denture stomatitis.
6. Tooth broken while exo. Patient wants her options.
7. Radiograph. Bitewing right side. No exposure.
8. Exo of 26
9. LA for 36 exo
10. Perio scale 2 teeth. 33 n 37

14 May 2019
1- Geographic tongue
2- Perio abcess
3- Fractured tooth n intruded
4- OAC
5- Drug seeker
6- Pain case diagnosis
7- Fissure seal 45 46 47
8- LA11
9- Radio left bitewing
Matrix band 46

15 May 2019
1- Perimplantitis
2- Dry socket
3- Antibiotic for joint pt who wants extraction
4- Amalgam replacement
5- Trauma 3yr old boy
6- Ulcer in miner patient
7- Fissure seal 35,36,37
8- 11 periapical
9- Rubber dam 11,21,23
la 46

16 May 2019
1.palatal swelling
2.patient wants implants
3.uncontrolled diabetes with swelling
4.caries risk
5.angry patient… amalgam done by your college
6.28 swelling refer to specialist
7.11 RX
8.Exo 46
10.Scale 46 and 43

21 May 2019
1. Ulcer on tongue
2. pain in 46, interstate travel in 2 hrs
3. consent for exo 16
4. Ella 7 old missing lateral
5. periodontal abscess 11
6. rct cracked tooth
7.Rubber dam 34,35,37 sealant
8. LA 36 extraction
9.Pit and fissure 15 16 17
10.Right bitewing
27 May 2019

1.8 yo cooperative Child with lots of caries. Single father .explain findings and risk
2. jordan 17 yo Cpitn score. Referral to orthodontics necessary investigations n explain
3. Replacement options for ask pt medically healthy
4. Perio abscess in 47. Mobile tooth. Lots of medical Osteoporsis, thyroid,
heart problem... taking Warfarin , denosumab Main concer want to know its effect n wt u
5. Patient with old overextended dentures, falling when yawning, eating, speaking.
denture worn, use dentures at night Pic.. Red palate but no complain, no burning
sensation , 20 yr of use same upper no lower use vertical dimension loss... explain Findings
to pt . and explain treatment If necessary...
6. 16 Tooth heavily broken down, broken while exo at gingival level. pt 200 kms away in a
rural city. allergic to penicillin Explain what happend and how you will manage
7. Radiograph. Vague pain Bite wing right side. Also check your position if manikin n all....
Even ppe.. No exposure.but show settings
8. Exo of 26.same
9. LA for 36 exo pt taking endep
10. Perio scale 2 teeth. 33 n 37.

Technical task
11 pfm and provisional crown
16 endo
26 caries OM
14 composite
46 amalgam

28 May 2019
1) apthous ulcer ,pt has ulcer on cheek
2) missing canine in 10yr
3) ANUG, patient was smoker and not looking after his teeth
4) chronic periodontitis case, opg was provided there was bone loss and patient was
5) 16yr old with multiple caries father was concern for his son
6) apical third root fracture during tooth removed please gain consent.
7) rubber dam 16 endo
8) exo 46
9) CPR
10) scaling 33,36. Mesial and distal only

technical tasks
21 DI composite
27 MO Mb cusp amalgam
16 endo
46 PFM
36 MO Caries

3 June 2019
1. 8 yo cooperative Child with lots of caries. Single father .explain findings and risk
2. jordan 17 yo Cpitn score. Referral to orthodontics necessary investigations n explain
3. Replacement options for ask pt medically healthy
4. Perio abscess in 47. Mobile tooth. Lots of medical Osteoporsis, thyroid,
heart problem... taking Warfarin , denosumab Main concer want to know its effect n wt u
5. Patient with old overextended dentures, falling when yawning, eating, speaking.
denture worn, use dentures at night Pic.. Red palate but no complain, no burning
sensation , 20 yr of use same upper no lower use vertical dimension loss... explain Findings
to pt . and explain treatment If necessary...
6. 16 Tooth heavily broken down, broken while exo at gingival level. pt 200 kms away in a
rural city. allergic to penicillin Explain what happend and how you will manage
7. Radiograph. Vague pain Bite wing right side. Also check your position if manikin n all....
Even ppe.. No exposure.but show settings
8. Exo of 26.same
9. LA for 36 exo pt taking endep
10. Perio scale 2 teeth. 33 n 37..

Todays technicals
16 endo
26 caries
11 Pfm
14 mod buccal composite
46 mod lingual amalgam

4 June 2019
Today technical
47 mo caries
36 pfm
21 distoincisal composite
26 endo
16 mod mesio buccal amalgam

Today's osce
1- ulcer on tongue
2- pain in 46, interstate travel in 2 hrs
3. consent for exo 16
4. Ella 7 old missing lateral
5. periodontal abscess 11
6. rct cracked tooth
7. Rubber dam 34,35,37 sealant
8. la 36 extraction
9. Pit and fissure 15 16 17
10. Right bitewing

Technical – 5 June 2019

Pfm n provisional -11
Amalgal-46 MoD(ML)
Composite-14buccal cusp

Technical 6 June 2019

11MI composite
26 endo
36 caries
46MOD mesiolingual amalgam
13pfm prov

osce 6 June 2019

1.Geographic tongue
2.Vague pain
3.Perio abscess
4.Oroantral communication
5.trauma 11, 21
6.Drug seeker
7.Matrix band
8.LA 11 exo nardil
9.Left bitewing
10.Pit n fissure 45, 46, 47

17 june 2019
Tech for today:
PFM 23
Endo 26
CR 46 ML
Amalgam 14 B
Caries T36 MO

1.Scaling 33 37
2.Extraction 26
3.La 36
4.Xray bitewing
5.17 yr old ortho patient
6.8 yr kid multiple caries risk assessment
7. Mobile tooth patient abscess on bisphosphanates warfarin high bp thuroid
8. 35 missing replacement options
9. 16 crown broke while removing 200 km away living patient discuss management
10.Denture stomatitis

18 june 2019
1. 9y herpetic gingivostomatitis . Diagnosis and management .
2. T46 badly decay requires exo, pt taking steroid and bisphosphonate. What investigation
needed and Management
3. RCT done by you Cr fractured below gum line with GP exposed . Management .
4. Denture pt with dry mouth and angular cheilitis.
5. Mesial impact T38 exo consent.
6. 7y multiple caries management .
7. Matrix band
8. X-ray
9. LA
10. FS

19 june 2019

1. Aphthous ulcer
2. Pt. first time no medical condition she complain from the pain and discomfort from the
ulcer from she have it since 3 days make more history taking about ulcer and follow up
family history and stress ulcer and referral if she is worry
photo for ulcer in the check
3. Impacted canine
10 years old girl her mother worry about the diastema appering in her front teeth and the
space for the corner tooth is not enough
4. Chronic periodontitis smoking
Pocket depth 5- mm& hard deposit around the root subgingival 10-15 cigarettes per day
Opg supported
His dentist just make only superficial clinic and polishing for him.they ask for a consent for
the treatment.
sever gum swelling and bleeding in probing bad odour smoking 4-5 cigarettes her g.p
write penicillin for her which is didn’t start it.
6. Pt. 16 years old with mother and father they are worry about his teeth
last check from one year he was ok but joined a new job and drinking a lot of carbonated
drink and the power supply drink all the days and didn’t brush his teeth good
photo provided and bitewing x-ray and camera photo for occlusal surface of 35
he have a tooth caries cervical in 12 and white patches all cervical of 11 and 13 and 14
7. Broken apical third during the extraction
8 .Rubber dam on 16 for endo
9.Extarction of 46
10 .Cpr
11. Scaling for 33 and 37 only mesial and distal surface…. ADDITIONAL TASK

19 june 2019
16 modb amalgam
26 Endo
36 pfm n provisional
47 decay
21 di composite

24 june 2019
1.Rubber dam 11.12
3.Amelogenesis imperfecta
4.Syncope, type 2 diabetes
5.Perio 43,46
6.Extraction 26
7. Generalised periodontitis
8.Take consent for 16 endo, explain complications
9. Gingival hyperplasia, taking nifedipine, cyclosporine from 15 yrs and one more drug I
cannot remember, has wedding next week
10. Lichaen planus , had history of aspirin10 days ago
24 june 2019
Room 1
White patch seen during examination,pt doesn’t know about it ,amalgam filling next to
it,gather info and come to provisional diagnosis ...
On asking Pt gives h/o aspirin for headache but uses dispersible tablets ,job stressful
,smoker etc etc.
Room 2
Generalised bone loss in a 65 year old patient,previous OPG taken around 4years ago
given ,Pt phobic of dentists had delayed treatment since the last visit to the dentist 4years
back...Explain about the management and replacement of teeth.

Room 3
Single father of 8 yr old boy John
With brown coloured molar (#26)
Sensitive to icecream.enamel hypoplasia in incisors,erupting upper canines in photograph.
Claims 10 year old daughter had better teeth and more permanent teeth and the same
age as John’s.Explain the diagnosis and management.
Father said that John’s mom gives him all sugary food etc etc to lure him and be the better

Room 4
25 yr old lady ,bad breath,bleeding gums,punched out interdental papillae.Explain
diagnosis and management.
On history smoker,lost job etc etc

Room 5
Decayed upper #16,medical history clear ,doesn’t want extraction ,diagnosis given as
irreversible pulpitis,gain informed consent for endo.

Room 6
Gingival swellins in anteriors picture...bleeding and sore gums ...has a wedding to attend
next week...medical history given with kidney transplant done 15 years ago on
Cyclosporine,hypertension on atorvastatin & nifedipine.
Management ...

Room 7
Rubber dam for endo if traumatised #11,21
Room 8
Extraction #26
Already la given and tooth luxated

Room 9
27 Year old lady with type 2 diabetes controlled by diet ,asthmatic only on strenuous
exercise,allergic to penicillin for extraction of tooth.LA given,soon after we wash
hands,the patient is cold and clammy,closed eyes,not responding to instructions .
Pt has had coffe and muesli breakfast in the morning,also said that she’s scared of any
dental treatment and had been delaying the treatment etc etc.
Manage and write report .

Room 10
Peril scaling for distal and mesial surface of #43,46

Today's technical tasks

47- caries
36- PFM + crown
16- MOD + buccal cusp Amalgam
26- Endo
21- DI composite restoration

25 june 2019
21 Pfm,
36 amalgam mod ml cusp build up
26 endo
16 caries
15 composite build up

25 june 2019
21 pft + crown
16 endo
26 MO prep.
25 rest composit
36 amalgam

1.Rubber dam 11.12

3.Amelogenesis imperfecta
4.Syncope, type 2 diabetes
5.Perio 43,46
6.Extraction 26
7. Generalised periodontitis
8.Take consent for 16 endo, explain complications
9. Gingival hyperplasia, taking nifedipine, cyclosporine from 15 yrs and one more drug I
cannot remember, has wedding next week
10.White patch on cheek next to Amalgam filling

15 July 2019
26 modb amalgam
16 endo
11 mi composite
46 pfm, pc
47 caries

1.Apthous ulcer
2.Missing Canine: concern about the space
4.Palatal root of 16 #, close to sinus: Mx
5.Chronic periodontitis
6.16-year-old Caries risk Assessment
7.Scaling 33,37
8.Rubber dam Endo 16
9.CPR hearth arrest
10.Extraction 46

16 July 2019
23 Provisional
14 MODB Amalgam
46ML Composite
36 caries

Osces same as yesterday it seems

17 July 2019
13 PFM + prov
11M composite
46 amalgam
36 caries
26 endo
1.Palatal swelling
2.Implants patient taking pills for heart valve replacement
3.16 badly decayed diabetic Exo consent
4.multiple caries in kid diet chart given juices
5.pain in recent amalgam filling abscess at root
6.cellulitis patient 28
7.X ray scenario trauma upper 11
8.Scaling 43,46
10.Extraction 46

18 July 2019
Composite 11 MI
Caries 37 MO with punch
Amalgam 26MB cusp
Endo 16

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