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Modul 1 Formal

Personal Information and Introduction Greeting Non Formal

Give self identification menanyakan asal
And personal information seseorang

Memperkenalkan orang
Introduction One self and other lain

Ungkapan tentang
States of Being/Feding keadaan/perasaan seseorang

Modul 2
Menanyakan profesi/pekerjaan
Jobs and routines Jobs
1. Simple present
Expressing 2. Simple past
Daily Routines Present Time 3. Future tense
4. Present continous
Modul 3 tense
Family relationship Members of Immediate family Menanyakan jumlah anggota

Describing the member of the family

Describing the members of the family
Describing things

Extended family Family tree Immediate family

Modul 4
Telling time and telephone comunication Telling the time in minutes and hours Numbers Telling times

Identify periode of time in days,

months, years, and season

How to make a telephone call

Telling activities in relation whit the time. Present continous tense, present
Bahasa Inggris perfect, and present perfect continous tense

Telephone comunication Breakfast lunch dinner

Modul 5
Foof and money Countable un-countable
At the restaurant

Shopping for food tradisional market Supermarket

Differences adjectives
Shopping for food supermarket
Modul 6 A kilo of Un-contable
Out-of-town transportation
Menanyakan ongkos
Asking for and giving direction
Asking Direction Giving Direction

Local transportation Prohibitions (larangan) Languae

What sport are good for kids adjectives
Modul 7
ileasure activities
Mengungkapkan kegiatan yang kita sukai dengan
What do you doon your spare time ? keterangan waktu
Mengungkapkan kegiatan dengan menggunakan
Modul 8 Sport and hobies adverbs of
Cloting and fabrics
Having a complaint The present perfect continous tense

Questions and quedition word questons

Buying clothes = cash or credit ?
Kalimat Pasif Pembagian kata subject dan kata
What do we wear everyday ? kerja

Why schooling is important for children Fungsi letak huruf yang berbeda diantara tanda () dan //
Modul 9
Compliment dlm Menentukan s,p,o dlm kalimat
Schooling and learning The necessity of compulsory for education suatu kalimat
Pengguna kata ganti (conditional sentences)
Learning what and how ? concept and discussion Menentukan topic sentences dan
Frase kata ganti singular and plural verb, penambahan-s, -es
supporting sentences dlm suatu
dlm suatu kalimat pasif

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