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1, MARCH 1997



TDF-C2R (Broadcasting and Radiocommunications Research Center)
1, rue Marconi
57070 Metz, FRANCE
Phone : +33 387 20 75 61
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Abstract In this paper, a digital TV

transmitter is assumed to share a co-
In this paper, a theoretical channel frequency band with six analogue
computation method for a digital TV TV transmitters. For the sake of simplicity,
transmitter coverage probability is the considered hybrid TV network is
proposed. The computation make use of supposed to have a regular network
the assumption that the studied digital TV configuration which allows the use of the
transmitter is sharing a co-channel well-known honey comb geometrical
frequency band with six surrounding structure. Rather than using a deterministic
analogue TV transmitters whose arriving computation method for the determination
signals are considered as co-channel of digital TV coverage, a more accurate
uncorrelated interferers. Coverage approach based on the statistical
probability expressions have been derived description of both wanted and interfering
considering the digital TV signal as the powers is proposed. Indeed, the
wanted power and the remaining analogue multidimensional phenomenon can be
TV signals as co-channel interferers. After simplified into a two dimensional
several Monte Carlo sirnulation-based equivalent problem. Thus, assuming a log-
comparisons the utilized theoretical normal shadowing of each individual
approach has shown to be in good interfering analogue power [ 11, a single and
agreement, with a much less important equivalent probability density function
computation time. (PDF) for the interfering apportionment
can be calculated [2] using an exact
1. Introduction formulation. Accordingly, a two-by-two
procedure, for the computation of the
The introduction of digital equivalent mean and variance of the
terrestrial TV will have to take into account corresponding equivalent Gaussian PDF of
the existing analogue networks, especially the set of six interferers, can easily be used
in the co-channel situations. Subsequently, provided that each statistical parameter is
there is a need in developing a assumed to be known by means of
comprehensive planning method dedicated propagation models (mean value) and
to the future hybrid TV broadcasting measurements (standard deviation).
network (i.e digital TV and analogue TV Regardless to terrain information
services). By evidence, this would lead to a considerations, especially in the VHF and
reliable deployment of digital TV networks UHF studied bands, the ITU-R 370
bearing in mind the superimposed propagation model has been used only for
constraints of the existing traditional TV testing. However, one could use any other
networks, namely protection ratios and home-made propagation model provided
transmitting powers. that its reliability, with comparison to
measurements, is proved in these two
Publisher Item Identifier S 0018-9316(97)02607-3. frequency bands.

0018-9316/97$10.00 0 1997 IEEE


Although digital TV and analogue TV are

The key-feature of our method is supposed to follow a log-normal
the fact of using a double analytical shadowing variability law, the statistical
integration instead of computing seven parameters (namely, mean and variance)
inter-dependent multiple integrals which are different. Indeed, digital TV standard
require the use of numerical time- deviation is less than analogue TV signal
consuming integrations. The idea has been one [4]. In addition, digital TV coverage
previously used [3] in view of reducing the requirements approach 90 % (for signal
complexity of the problem which obviously abrupt failure reasons) which is not
leads to a less important computation time. necessarily the case of analogue TV
This method is indeed an easy-to-use and receiving conditions. That is the reason
versatile procedure especially when the why we need to model accurately the
equivalent Gaussian PDF is analytically coverage probability, unlike the ITU-R
given [2]. Afterwards, coverage probability methods [5] whose accuracy tends to be
for digital TV transmission is computed by limited for higher probability values.
integration taking account of the minimum
required power for digital TV reception Before computing the coverage
and the co-channel protection ratio. probability (or outage probability), it is of
great interest to focus the efforts on the
2. Theory equivalent PDF statistical parameters for
the set of six interferers. According to the
In their theoretical investigation, procedure given by Schwartz and Yeh, i.e
Schwartz and Yeh [2] have showed that a achieving the computation of mean and
set of N log-normal variates can be variance using a two-by-two procedure, we
represented accurately by a single log- have computed the Gaussian PDF
normal variate. The authors have also statistical parameters for the interference
derived the correspondent mean and part. However, the wanted signal PDF
variance exprcssions for the equivalent remains log-normal (or Gaussian in dBm)
Gaussian PDF. This idea is simply applied which leads to the use of the integral below
in this paper where the six uncorrelated ~31:
analogue TV signals are represented by a
single random signal whose PDF is
calculated using their analytical results.
The honey comb structure in figure 1
illustrates the positioning of each digital
and analogue TV transmitters. Where the variables in (1) are expressed in
dBm which leads to the use of Gaussian
PDF instead of log-normal PDF and R is
nothing but the co-channel protection ratio.
The minimum required received power is
noted So and is also expressed in dBm.
Consequently, the PDFs in (1) are given as
follows :

Figure 1 : Geometrical Configuration of the Hybrid TV Network

= I , one could easily
and, with htequrv,
... Analogue TV transmitter

Dipital TV transmitter

0,= 5.2 dB. In our simulations we have

taken R = 0 dB and So= - 100 dBm.

where the statistical parameters in (3), It is well known that the coverage area
namely m, and are calculated by depends on the transmitting parameters
means of the abovementioned procedure (ERP, antenna heights, polarization,
[2] (i.e two-by-two calculations). The frequency, etc.). All of these considerations
analytical computation of the integrals in are neglected since we suppose that, a
(1) is detailed in the appendix. priori, one should have calculated the
Accordingly, equation (1) could be recasted received powers from both wanted and
in an extended form given as follows : unwanted contributions. The above
mentioned mean values for analogue TV
are supposed to be computed by means of
any propagation model. In our case we
have used the ITU-R 370 Recommendation
where the constants in (4) are also given in [6] for a smooth terrain (Le for Ah = 50 m)
appendix. at a given point within the digital TV
transmitter coverage area. This propagation
3. Results model has given a mean value for the
digital TV (wanted) power of m, = -46.14
As it has been previously pointed
dBm at 40 km (with 8 = (Ox,OM)= 90’)
out, the aim is to propose a calculation
from the digital TV transmitter with a
method whose accuracy and computation
time are optimized. This means that our standard deviation Os = 6.0 dB as it has
method ought to be compared to Monte been measured recently according to ITU-R
Carlo simulations which is considered as a Contributions [6].
reference method despite its very important
time-consuming aspect. Only for the sake
of evaluating the reliability of our
analytical method, we have taken as an ATV4

example a set of six uncorrelated

interferers accounting for the analogue TV
apportionment, and a unique value for the
digital TV part. Results for received
powers at 40 km from the digital TV
transmitter are reported in table 1 given
below : ATV5 A M ATV6

Figure 2 : Geometrical Representation of the Coverage Probrhilq

Table 1 I Individual co-channel mean Cnlsulation Point
values for the 6 interferers in dBm Digital TV Transmitter
0 Analogue TV Transmitters
These six signals are supposed to be
statistically independent with equal Preliminarily, a comparison
standard deviations of 9.5 dB in the UHF between the studied theoretical
band. Which yields, using the Schwartz investigation and the Monte Carlo
and Yeh procedure, m,=-62.1 dBm and procedure is in fact of great interest. It
means that the accuracy of this method
have to be estimated using the whole six

interferers. Figure 3 given below shows the

cumulative distribution hnction -time
(probability that the sum of the six
interferers is less than the power on the m,,m,and
absicssa axis) using both Monte Carlo
(taken as a reference) and the above m3
described theoretical method of Schwartz Computed
and Yeh. Probability 98.60 % 98.68 %
with Monte
Figure 3 :Cumulative Distribution Function Computed
Using the Theoretical Method Compared to Probability
Monte Carlo Procedure with 97.63 % 97.78 %
Schwartz &

4 T(Monte
137 172

We also compared graphically the
coverage probability for the hybrid TV
network computed by the two methods of
interest. Figure 4 illustrates the variations
of this probability with the distance. Thus,
Since our method is intended to starting from 40 km along the Y axis to 66
improve the computation time compared to km allows the computation, for each point,
Monte Carlo procedure, two different of the coverage probability taking account
configurations have been considered. First of interferences.
we consider only the nearest three
Figure 4 : Comparison of Monte Carlo and Theoretical
interferers according to figure 1 and in a
Model for Coverage Probability Calculation
second step we introduce the three
remaining far contributions, which
obviously increases the computation time
especially with the Monte Carlo method.
Noting that one could add the farest
contributions one-by-one in view of
studying the run-time variation law and any
eventual non-linear considerations when
the number of transmitters is getting
higher. Table 2 below reports the results
for a distance of 40 km from the digital TV
transmitter on the Y axis as mentioned According to the results obtained in figure
above. 4, comparisons have yield an average error
of 3.1 1 % between the Monte Carlo
method, considered as a reference, and our
theoretical method. These comparisons

concerned the 11 points within the 40 to 66 Components ' I , Bell Syst. Tech. J., 61, pp.
km range with a step of 2 kilometers. 1441-1462, 1982.
Indeed, the Monte Carlo method, because
of its very important computation time, has [3] K. W. Sowerby, A. C. Williamson, "
restricted our sampling which lead us to Outage Probability Calculations for a
consider only few points for the sake of Mobile Radio System Having two Log-
comparing the accuracy of our method. Normal Interferers ", Electronics Letters,
Vol. 23, No. 25, pp, 1345-1346, 3rd Dec.
4. Conclusion 1987.

As a preliminary work on planning [4] DOC,ITU-R TG 11-3WK5, 'I OFDM

aspects concerning the deployment of Digital Television Location Variation
digital TV transmitters within the existing Statistics ' I , October 1994.
analogue TV networks, the obtained results
with an analytical computation method [ 5 ] ITU-R Report 945-2, Method for the

showed few discrepancies when compared Assessment of Multiple Interference "

to the Monte Carlo simulations, which is
well recognized as a reference method. Appendix
Also, for further studies dealing with
multiple interferences, especially in the Computation of Coverage
case of digital single frequency networks
(SFN) such as DAB for example, this Probability
method can easily be implemented since
the multidimensional phenomenon can be Starting with the expression given
treated as a two dimensional problem above by equation (1) one could simply
(including the wanted received power). recast it in the following :
Furthermore, especially for TV reception in
general, the calculation of good reception
areas can be improved by taking into
account the receiving antenna pattern,
which is not considered in our where the inner integral, say F( S ), can be
investigation. This could be included in calculated as follows :
link-budget calculation and precisely for
received mean power values.

Moreover, it seems that there is no

limitation concerning the number of Using the probability function given by :
interferers except that the previously
described two-by-two procedure will have
to be repeated systematically each time it is
necessary depending obviously on the 2
number of preponderant interferers.
one could write the coverage probability as

[ l ] W. C. Y. Lee, Mobile Communications

Engineering, McGraw-Hill, 1982.

[2] S. C. Schwartz, and Y. S. Yeh, On the

Distribution Function and Moments of which comprises two terms, one depending
Power Sums with Log-Normal on the apportionment of interference and

the other remaining one is completely

independent on interference. Subsequently,
we can easily find the following expression

where the constants and fbnctions in (A5)

are given by : The coverage probability in (A5)is
then quite manageable and one could easily
use this result for coverage prediction using
a stochastic approach taking account of the
required minimum power and the CO-
channel protection ratio.

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