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Revision worksheet on Caliph Uthman(RA)


Lesson Plan (1)

Topic:Chocking down how to work in the up coming session Subject: Islamiat Class: 10

Teacher: Muneeza Arif and Masood ur Rehman Date (Week) :( 1st Aug to 2nd Aug 19) W1 T1

Objectives Plan / Methodology Time IT Resources Assessment

By the end of The class will be informed how we are to work in this Students will be
the lesson, session. assessed on the
students should Note: Our aim is getting A* and A in the CAIE. For this purpose PPt ability to:
be able to: we need to work together in cooperation. 5min Comprehend how
Comprehend They will be taken to the lab to show how we may achieve our to achieve good
how to achieve Target. grades
good grades
Presentation 35 min
Go through The Caliphate of Uthman (RA).
Lesson Plan (2)

Topic: Caliphate Hazrat Uthman (RA) x 1 of 2 Subject: Islamiat Class: 10

Teacher: Muneeza Arif and Masood ur Rehman Date (Week) :( 1st Aug to 2nd Aug 19) W1 T1

Objectives Plan / Methodology Time IT Resources Assessment

By the end The class has already studied Caliphate of Uthman (RA). Students will
of the Here they revise to create link with the new topic starting next week i.e. be assessed
lesson, Hazrat Ali (RA) Text books on the ability
students CLASS ACTIVITY: to:
should be Q: Fill in the blanks. 12 + 3 Recall their
able to: min knowledge
Recall their 1. Uthman (RA)’s full name was ______________. He belonged to about
knowledge _____________ tribe. He and the Prophet (SAW) had a common Uthman’s (RA)
about ancestor in ______________. era
Uthman’s 2. Uthman (RA)’s name was in the panel of six people nominated
(RA) era by ________________ .
3. The others were ______________, __________________,
______________, ____________, ______________.
4. Under his rule the Islamic empire expanded to the whole of

Q:2 Read from the book and write the

1. “Causes of revolt against Uthman (RA)” and sum up each cause 10min
in a single sentence.
2. “Charges against Uthman (RA)” and sum up each of the charges
in a single sentence.
3. “Martyrdom of Uthman (RA) and summarise the event. 5min

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