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Narrative Report on Plan training Sessions

In this unit of competency, this covers the knowledge, skills and

competencies required in Plan Training Session in the conduct of TM 1,
I was able to use and the Training Regulations, Competency Based
Learning Manual and Competency based competencies in order to arrange
my session plan. I was also able to determine the trainees training
requirement, Prepare a session plan containing proposed instructional
materials, assessment instruments and plan for the workshop venue.

To determine the different training needs of the trainee, as a trainer you

have to do the following:
o Analyze the competency standard
o Prepare the TNA forms
o Prepare the Pre-test
o Prepare the Institutional Competency evaluation

Designing the training session involves crafting of learning objectives,

identify the instructional approach, develop authentic assessment
activities and develop instructional strategy. In planning the design you
must consider the characteristics of your trainees and the adult learning

Here are some of the adult learning principles; Learning styles, each
person is a unique individual as they do not learn all the same way.
Learner Orientation, Adults will learn only what they feel they need to
learn. Keep learning activities relevant to what they need to learn. Make
sure you look at issues, and and how to work through them, and keep on
track... And Dispositional barrier, Adults try to avoid failure. Ensure the
real consequences of failure are low. Begin with easy learning activities
and build complexity once learners have experienced success.
The basis in sequencing the learning events or activities in the session
plan is the hierarchy of learning. Always arrange your contents from
simple to complex. Gagnes hierarchy of learning shows how these skills
are arranged from simple to complex. These are the following: Verbal
information, Intellectual skills, Cognitive strategies, Attitudes and Motor

In developing evidence gathering tools for institutional assessment, the

first phase is to prepare an evidence plan.
Evidence plans are designed to: 1). Serve as a planning tool, 2). Support
the assessment process, 3). Assist with the collection of evidence, 4).
Inform the learners of what is expected of them before they begin the
assessment. And last but not least serve as a guide for the trainer in
determining the method of assessment to be used.

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