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EVS – Workbook

1. My Body

The Head (main heading)

Choose the correct answer

1. Which body parts work together when one is watching TV? ----------------------
a. Eyes and ears
b. Nose and chest
c. Ears and hands
2. Which set of body parts are found in the head? ------------------------------
a. Arms, fingers, wrist
b. Hair, shoulder, chest
c. Chin, eyes, nose
3. Which part of our body helps us to think? ----------------------
a. Brain
b. Heart
c. Eyes
4. The brain is inside the box called ----------------------------------.
a. Muscle
b. Skull
c. Limbs


1. A
2. C
3. A
4. B

Chest (Main heading)

Fill in the blanks

1. Heart and Lungs are found inside the -----------------------------

2. The ------------------------ pumps blood to our whole body.
3. Which organ helps in the breathing process? --------------------------
4. We have --------------------- lungs.


1. Chest
2. Heart
3. Lungs
4. 2

Abdomen (main heading)

1. Which of the following is incorrect pair? -----------------------------------------------

a. Pancreas – Flat part of the abdomen
b. Liver – Reddish-brown in colour
c. Stomach – looks like a bag
d. Abdomen – contains heart and lungs
2. The largest organ of the body is ---------------------------
a. Pancreas
b. Liver
c. Kidney
d. Stomach
3. After you chew your food well in your mouth, it’s sent down to -------------------
a. Lungs
b. Heart
c. Stomach
d. Kidney





Common questions

Tick the correct answer

1. Our arms and legs are called ( lungs /limbs).

2. The bones in our body are covered with (skin and muscles / skin and hair).
3. (Body posture / Exercise) makes the muscle strong.
4. Bones and (muscle/skin) help the body to move.
5. The chest contains the (brain/heart).


1. Limbs
2. Skin and muscles
3. Exercise
4. Muscles
5. Heart

Say True (T) or false (F)

1. The limbs help in breathing. -----------------------

2. The stomach helps in digestion. ---------------------------
3. The ears are a part of the head. ----------------------------
4. The brain helps us to think. --------------------------------


1. False
2. True
3. False
4. True

Match the following

1. (Head picture) - a. Shape and support

2. (chest and abdomen picture) – b. Topmost part of the body
3. (bone picture) – c. Pumps blood to different parts of the body
4. (heart picture) – d. One of the limbs

5. ( Limbs picture) – e . chest and abdomen







Write the parts of the body in the correct group.

Ear Tongue nose lungs heart kidney eye head leg mouth

Body parts you have ONE of Body parts you have TWO of
Nose Ear
Heart Lung
Head Kidney
Mouth Eye
Tongue Leg

Answer in one word

1. You have two of these. You use them to walk. ----------------------

2. At the bottom of your leg, you have a ------------------. You wear a shoe on it.
3. The part of your body with your hair, eyes, mouth, nose and ears on. --------------------------
4. You have one ___ in the middle of your face. You use it to smell.
5. You have a pair of organs that helps to remove waste products. -----------------------------------


1. Legs
2. Foot
3. Head
4. Nose
5. Kidneys

Answer the following questions

1. Why do we need bones?

2. Name three ways to keep your body healthy.
3. How many bones are there in the human body?
4. What do you understand by posture? How does it help us?


1. We need bones because it give our body strength , support and shape and It protects different
organs of the body.

2. 1. Exercise daily in the morning.

2. Sleep early and wake up early.

3. Eat healthy.

3. There are 206 bones in the human body.

4. The position of the body when we sit, stand, walk, or sleep is called posture. It is important
to maintain the correct posture to get a proper shape for the body.

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