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Insecticides, nowadays, are getting harmful and hazardous to people. Some contain chemicals that can
poison us.

The researcher tried to make an insect repellent to help people to lessen their expenses when it comes
in medicine caused by mosquito bites. The researcher attempted to create a product by gathering
mangosteen fruit planted just nearby our houses. The researcher tried to mix the grated mangosteen
skin and latter mold it to form a mosquito coil.

The product made turned out to be effective that proves that plants around us have different uses other
than beautifying our surroundings.


I would like to thank a lot of people who contributed to make this investigatory project possible.
I would also like to thank my family because they have provided my necessities to buy my ingredients, to
search for references, and to create my investigatory project. I would like to thank our beloved school,
Divine Word College of Vigan, for giving us the knowledge specifically our Science Teacher, Ma’am Stella
Regua. I owe it also to Sir Khris Jann Tabag for giving me the idea of mangosteen as mosquito coil,
guiding me on creating my investigatory project, motivating me that my product can be possible and of
course, inspiring me to become successful people since the day I met her. I would like to thank my
classmates for helping me guide each other in making my investigatory project. Lastly, I would like to
thank God for giving me blessings and opportunities to be where I am right now.



We have plants almost anywhere. However, some may not be aware that some plants merely
have hidden abilities such as the ability to repel insects especially mosquitoes. Sometimes, we
experience scratching when we have mosquito bites. Some may not be aware that scratching too much
could also be dangerous which can infect us and also serves as a distraction and interruption. If we will
be using insecticides, pesticides, and the like, it could be harmful to our health. There are chemicals that
may poisonous which could lead to different sicknesses. Since, these can cause problems to us, these
just consume and consume more of our money. But with plants, they are already ubiquitous that can be
transformed into more useful materials like a repellent that can really save us money. .

Background of the Study

Insecticides, nowadays, are getting a little bit expensive. They contain chemicals and other toxic
substances which are very hazardous to our health. Nevertheless, with natural plants, they can be
changed into natural insecticides as well.

They are affordable. Therefore, it’s profitable. You can just grow your plants and change it to
something more useful. A mosquito repellent is anything that can repel mosquitoes. This may not kill
the mosquito but this can repel them. They usually contain different carcinogens which may be
contagious. Unlike, plants and other natural and organic materials, they are much safer compared to
some insecticides which could also be a source of income.

Simple problems such as harmful insects and pests are burdensome to deal with.
Santol/Mangosteen is proven to be an effective insecticide although it is not commercially produced.
And it could easily have it grown in our own backyard and also available in the Philippine market. News
of farmers complaining of immunity of insects to commercially produced chemical insecticides and
pesticides are not new.
Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the use of mangosteen peeling as mosquito coil as substitute mosquito
repellent. Specifically, it answers the following questions:

1. Is there any significant differences between Mangosteen peeling as mosquito coil to the
commercial one?
2. What is the components of Mangosteen that can help repell mosquito?


1. There is a significant difference, since Filipinos could not afford expensive mosquito coil/
repellant products, this investigatory project aims to help the society meet their wants and their
small budgets by creating a mosquito coil using Mangosteen, therefore we also aim to make it
cheaper than other mosquito repellent products.

2. The components of Mangosteen that can help repell mosquito is Xanthones derivatives from the
pericarp of a mangosteen that toxifies a mosquito. Previous studies have found tha a
mangosteen has insecticidal properties against dipteran, coleopteran, and hemipteran pests.

Significance of the Study

This study was proposed by the researcher because some of the mosquito repellents that we are using
contain some chemicals such as lead and other carcinogens which can not only harm our environment
but also harm us. For students, this can be used to prevent them from scratching due to insect bites
while studying and also prevent them from getting diseases which is the common cause of absences in
school. For teachers, inside their faculty rooms especially under their tables, they may feel that there
are insects present. Due to insect bites, this can make them scratch which also disturbs some teachers
from doing necessary things. For parents, it can be used to minimize their expenses especially when it
comes to medicine. Moreover, it could also lessen their expenses when it comes on buying insecticides
and the like. For other people who will be using this mosquito repellent, this can be used to reduce the
cases of different diseases and illnesses which is heavy on anyone’s pocket.

Scope and Limitations

This Science Investigatory Project is limited only to the effects of the mangosteen as coil. This is for the
purpose to know the quantity of the grated mangosteen is needed to be a successful insect repellent. I
do not expect to terminate mosquitoes but rather repelling them while finishing the said project.
Definition of Terms

 Mosquito Coil – a spiral made from a dried paste of pyrethrum powder, which when lit burns
slowly to produce a mosquito-repellent smoke.



Related Literature

Mangosteen is tropical fruit and its latin name is mangostana sp. Mangosteen is evergreen tree
with seasonal harvest time. This tree originated from java island in indonesia and spread out to malasya.
Traditionally mangosteen harvest month is from February until April every year.

Since Santol is a seasonal fruit, the I decided to use Mangosteen fruit. I will investigate on the
possibility of using Mangosteen peeling instead of Santol peeling as a suitable ingredient for an organic
mosquito coil. Mangosteen is proven to be an effective insecticide although it is not commercially
produced. And it could easily have it grown in our own backyard and also available in the Philippine

Allicin is a pungent compound C6H10OS2 formed enzymatically in grated mangosteen that imparts the
distinctive smell to mangosteen and possesses antimicrobial properties. (Merriam-Webster Dictionary
or Mangosteen can be used to repel a variety of
crawling and flying insects, including mosquitoes,” according to Patrick Parker, SavATree Plant Health
Care Program Director. One treatment with garlic is effective for 2 weeks and can repel insects for up to
one month.

Moreover, mangosteen is easy on the environment. Parker states, “It is a natural extract and does not
affect insects that are beneficial to suburban landscapes.” … Mangosteen contain an amino acid that
converts to a substance called allicin when crushed, blended or chopped. The characteristic odor
released as a result of this process has powerful properties. “When mangosteen extract is absorbed by
a plant, biochemical changes take place in its foliage which causes it to actively repel insects,” says
Parker… (
Aedes aegypti (dengue fever mosquito). To be continually effective most citronella repellent formulas
need to be reapplied to the skin every 30-60 minutes. Research also indicates that mangosteen is an
effective repellent for body louse, head louse and stable flies. A study conducted by ARPA in 1963
determined that mangosteen was an effective repellent against both aquatic and terrestrial leeches. The
US Environmental Protection Agency states that mangosteen extract has little or no toxicity when used
as a topical insect repellent, with no reports of adverse effects of concern over a 60 year period.
Because some products are applied to human skin, EPA requires proper precautionary labeling to help
assure safe use. If used according to label instructions in the US, citronella is not expected to pose health
risks to people, including children and other sensitive populations.




4 Mangosteens (360 grams)

1 chopping board

1 glass container

1 mortar and pestle

16 oz. of cornstarch

1 strainer

1 knife

1 cheese grater

The Procedure

1.) Place the Mangosteen under direct sunlight and let it dry for a few days.

2.) Grate the mangosteen skin using the cheese grater.

3.) Add water and cornstarch to the grated mangosteen skin and mix them together.

4.) Take a handful of the mixture and squeeze the water out after.

5.) Put the mixture on a plate and shape it into a coil. Let it dry.
How I Did It

I bought 360 grams mangosteens from the market. After preparing my materials to be needed, I
removed the skin of the fruit by using the knife and get the food inside. After grating it using the greater,
I crushed it. After it’s been chopped, I added some water, so the mangosteen now is wet and then I
added some starch.

After the process, I molded it in spiral shaped like a coil. I dried the coil under the sun and left it
for exactly two days. After two days, I tried the coil and it became effective and it killed so many flies
than I expected so this became really successful.
Mangosteen peeling dried under direct sunlight.

Cheese grater. Grated Mangosteen peeling.

Cornstarch added to the grated
Mangosteen peeling.

Grate… Grate… Grate…

Here it is the Final Product…

Mangosteen Mosquito Coil!!!



Presentation of Data

Bar Graph: Mangosteen Coil


Kitchen Dirty place Clean Area Bedroom

Katol (original) Mangosteen

Blue graph: Katol

Red graph: Mangosteen

Interpretation of Data

In our bar graph, it shows that the Mangosteen coil I made is effective. First, I placed the coil on the
kitchen. After 2 hours, I saw three dead mosquito. Next is on a dirty place and after a couple hours, I
saw four dead mosquito. And next is on a clean are and not so numerous was found dead. Lastly, was on
a bedroom which I had found a couple mosquito dead. Based on what I observed after putting the coil, it
is really more effective when the place is kind of dirty than a clean area.

My study is about creating a mosquito coil product made out of Mangosteen peeling. A French
researcher said that organic products have high nutritional quality and safety and so there have been a
lot of studies regarding the use and benefits of organic products such as mosquito coil. Research has
shown the significant improvements in health care industries that involve the aid of organic products.

The mangosteen peeling mixed with the ingredients that I formulated was successful because it
solidified and it somewhat turned into a mosquito coil/ katol. But it took us quite time to dry the
product. After mixing all the ingredients I saw that my product will be a successful one. Through the help
of the stickiness of the starch that formed it in a spiral shape/katol like shape.

When I used the product, it’s really effective especially in a dirty place like kitchen. It kills
mosquitoes and even flies. And it is very safe by its smoke because its smoke smells naurally, by the
smell of a mangosteen fruit.




The researcher concluded that the product turned out to be effective as a mosquito repellent
and not a mosquito exterminator. And the finished product turned out to be presentable and
comparable to other commercial mosquito coils. It can also last in a long period of time and retains its
effectiveness to repel mosquitos and function as a mosquito coil.

The ingredients of this experiment is made out of water, starch, and the fruit. Then I can make a
coil that can be proven as an effective coil.

The fruit with water and the starch grated together can be used as a “katol”. However, it is not
effective as a regular coil because a regular chalk can kill more than what flies we had killed. We
conclude that I can make coil out of a Mangosteen stalks however, the coil can only be used on a place
where are only flies die around. And also, this organic mosquito coil is more safe than the commercial


I would recommend the experiment to those who want to try and to those who are curious...

1.) Use a Mangosteen stalks to make coil with starch and water.

2.) Instead of oil, just add water to be more effective and not to waste oil at the same time.

3.) You can also use Santol to make this experiment more effective.

4.) Never forget to double check the following needs and procedures to make this experiment be
successful and worth to make.



An Investigatory Project


Submitted by:
Kristine Joy P. Pilien
VII - St. Anne

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